操作系統恐龍書第十版課後答案 ch6

6.1 In Section 6.4, we mentioned that disabling interrupts frequently can affect the system’s clock. Explain why this can occur and how such effects can be minimized.


6.2 What is the meaning of the term busy waiting? What other kinds of waiting are there in an operating system? Can busy waiting be avoided altogether? Explain your answer.

忙碌等待(Busy waiting)意味著一個進程在一個緊密的迴圈中等待條件滿足,而不釋放處理器。避免忙碌等待的一種策略是將等待中的進程暫時置於睡眠狀態,當達到適當的程式狀態時再喚醒它,但這種解決方案需要處理將進程置於睡眠狀態和稍後喚醒的開銷。

6.3 Explain why spinlocks are not appropriate for single-processor systems yet are often used in multiprocessor systems.


6.4 Show that, if the wait() and signal() semaphore operations are not executed atomically, then mutual exclusion may be violated.


6.5 Illustrate how a binary semaphore can be used to implement mutual exclusion among n processes.

這 n 個進程共享一個初始值為 1 的信號量 mutex。每個進程 Pi 的組織如下:

do {


            /* critical section */


           /* remainder section */

       } while (true);

6.6 Race conditions are possible in many computer systems. Consider a banking system that maintains an account balance with two functions: deposit(amount) and withdraw(amount). These two functions are passed the amount that is to be deposited or withdrawn from the bank account balance. Assume that a husband and wife share a bank account. Concurrently, the husband calls the withdraw() function, and the wife calls deposit(). Describe how a race condition is possible and what might be done to prevent the race condition from occurring.


6.7 The pseudocode of Figure 6.15 illustrates the basic push() and pop() operations of an array-based stack. Assuming that this algorithm could be used in a concurrent environment, answer the following questions:
a. What data have a race condition?
b. How could the race condition be fixed?

a. 變數top存在競爭條件。假設push()和pop()函數被同時調用。在stack[top] = item語句執行之前,pop()中的top--語句已經執行。這將導致被推送的項目替換了當前位於stack[top]位置的項目。

b. 這個競爭條件可以使用互斥鎖來解決。使用互斥鎖可以確保同一時間只有一個線程可以訪問共享資源,這樣可以避免競爭條件的出現。這樣,將在push()和pop()函數中使用互斥鎖,可以確保它們不會同時運行,從而解決競爭條件的問題。

6.8 The following program example can be used to sum the array values of size N elements in parallel on a system containing N computing cores (there is a separate processor for each array element):
for j = 1 to log 2(N) {
    for k = 1 to N {
           if ((k + 1) % pow(2,j) == 0) {
               values[k] += values[k - pow(2,(j-1))]
This has the effect of summing the elements in the array as a series of partial sums, as shown in Figure 6.16. After the code has executed, the sum of all elements in the array is stored in the last array location. Are there any race conditions in the above code example? If so, identify where they occur and illustrate with an example. If not, demonstrate why this algorithm is free from race conditions.


val[k] = val[k - pow(2,(j-1))] + val[k]

如果執行緒的執行變得交錯,則有可能一個執行緒在另一個執行緒完成之前已經完成了其分配的部分總和。以50為例,它包含了部分總和15和35(分別存儲在數組位置1和3)。如果15還沒有被計算,那麼部分總和50將變為10 + 35 = 45。


6.9 One approach for using compare and swap() for implementing a spinlock is as follows:
void lock spinlock(int *lock) {
while (compare and swap(lock, 0, 1) != 0)
; /* spin */
A suggested alternative approach is to use the “compare and compareand-swap” idiom, which checks the status of the lock before invoking the compare and swap() operation. (The rationale behind this approach is to invoke compare and swap()only if the lock is currently available.) This strategy is shown below:
void lock spinlock(int *lock) {
while (true) {
if (*lock == 0) {
/* lock appears to be available */
if (!compare and swap(lock, 0, 1))
Does this “compare and compare-and-swap” idiom work appropriately for implementing spinlocks? If so, explain. If not, illustrate how the integrity of the lock is compromised.

這種編程慣用法適當地工作。假設Thread 1正在該函數中,並且鎖(lock)的值等於0。發生上下文切換到Thread 2,Thread 2同樣進入函數。Thread 2仍然將鎖(lock)視為值為0,進入compare and swap()函數,將鎖(lock)設置為1,並返回0,這使Thread 2跳出while循環。當控制切換回Thread 1時(Thread 1仍然認為鎖(lock)等於0),它也調用compare and swap(),現在返回1(鎖的值),並繼續自旋。


6.10 The first known correct software solution to the critical-section problem for two processes was developed by Dekker. The two processes, P0 and P1, share the following variables:
while (true) {
flag[i] = true;
while (flag[j]) {
if (turn == j) {
flag[i] = false;
while (turn == j)
; /* do nothing */
flag[i] = true;
/* critical section */
turn = j;
flag[i] = false;
/* remainder section */
The structure of process Pi (i == 0 or 1) is shown in Figure 6.18. The other process is Pj (j == 1 or 0). Prove that the algorithm satisfies all three requirements for the critical-section problem.


  1. 互斥性:通過使用flag和turn變數來確保互斥性。如果兩個進程都將它們的flag設為true,只有一個進程能成功,即輪到哪個進程。等待的進程只有在另一個進程更新turn的值時才能進入其臨界區域。

  2. 進展性:同樣通過flag和turn變數來提供進展性。該算法不提供嚴格的輪流進入。相反,如果一個進程希望訪問其臨界區域,它可以將其flag變數設為true並進入臨界區域。它只在退出臨界區域時才將turn設置為另一個進程的值。如果該進程希望再次進入其臨界區域(在另一個進程之前),它將重複進入其臨界區域並在退出時將turn設置為另一個進程。

  3. 有界等待:通過使用TTturn變數來保持有界等待。假設兩個進程希望進入其臨界區域。它們都將它們的flag值設為true;然而,只有輪到哪個進程能繼續;另一個進程等待。如果不保持有界等待,等待的進程可能必須無限等待,而第一個進程一再進入和退出其臨界區域。然而,Dekker算法有一個過程來設置turn的值為另一個進程,從而確保另一個進程將下一個進入其臨界區域。

6.11 Consider how to implement a mutex lock using the compare and swap() instruction. Assume that the following structure defining the mutex lock is available:
typedef struct {
int available;
} lock;
The value (available == 0) indicates that the lock is available, and a value of 1 indicates that the lock is unavailable. Using this struct, illustrate how the following functions can be implemented using the compare and swap() instruction:
• void acquire(lock *mutex)
• void release(lock *mutex)
Be sure to include any initialization that may be necessary.

ANS:Figure 6.101.

6.12 Assume that a system has multiple processing cores. For each of the following scenarios, describe which is a better locking mechanism—a spinlock or a mutex lock where waiting processes sleep while waiting for the lock to become available:
• The lock is to be held for a short duration.
• The lock is to be held for a long duration.
• A thread may be put to sleep while holding the lock.

• Spinlock

• Mutex lock

• Mutex lock

6.13 A multithreaded web server wishes to keep track of the number of requests it services (known as hits). Consider the two following strategies to prevent a race condition on the variable hits. The first strategy is to use a basic mutex lock when updating hits:
int hits;
mutex lock hit lock;
hit lock.acquire();
hit lock.release();
// initialization
mutex->available = 0;
// acquire using compare and swap()
void acquire(lock *mutex) {
while (compare and swap(&mutex->available, 0, 1) != 0)
// acquire using test and set()
void acquire(lock *mutex) {
while (test and set(&mutex->available) != 0)
void release(lock *mutex) {
mutex->available = 0;
A second strategy is to use an atomic integer:
atomic t hits;
atomic inc(&hits);
Explain which of these two strategies is more efficient.


6.14 Servers can be designed to limit the number of open connections. For example, a server may wish to have only N socket connections at any point in time. As soon as N connections are made, the server will not accept another incoming connection until an existing connection is released. Illustrate how semaphores can be used by a server to limit the number of concurrent connections.


6.15 Describe how the signal() operation associated with monitors differs from the corresponding operation defined for semaphores.


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