Amazing!在线浏览 Stata Journal 单篇论文 (2001-2019)

作者:许梦洁 (中山大学)

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什么是 Stata Journal ? Stata Journal (SJ) 是 Stata 公司主办的期刊,聚集了全球最优秀、最勤奋的 Stata 用户,分享计量和统计方法的最新进展。其行文风格简洁明了,辅以 Stata 范例来解读复杂的计量模型背后的原理。多数 Stata Journal 上的论文都提供了新近发展的计量方法的 Stata 实现程序,是追踪和学习前沿方法的绝佳读物。

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哪些 SJ 论文可以免费浏览? 2001-2015 年各期论文都可以免费在线浏览;2016 年以后的论文只有购买了 SAGE 数据库版权的学校才可以浏览。由于 SAGE 已经提供了每篇论文的 DOI (如,因此,可以在 -这里- 贴入 DOI 号,浏览原文。

为何缺少 SJ 1-2,1-3 和 1-4 ? Stata Journal 的前身是 Stata Technical Bulletin (STB),始创于 1991 年 5 月,第一期为 STB-1。STB 虽然简洁明了,但以短文 (类似于通讯稿或随笔) 为主。为此,从 2001 年 11 月开始,由 Stata Journal 取而代之,第一期为 SJ 1-1。SJ 为季刊,SJ 3-1 表示 2003 年第一期。

如何获取 SJ 论文中的程序和数据? 只需在 Stata 命令窗口中输入 net sj 14-2 即可呈现 SJ 2014 年 第 2 期所有论文的的程序和数据,点击链接后即可按指引下载。更多详情参见 [Stata: 外部命令的搜索、安装与使用]

特别声明: 这些论文仅限于学术交流,请勿用于商业用途。


SJ 1-1

  • Patrick Royston, 2001, Flexible Parametric Alternatives to the Cox Model, and more, Stata Journal, 1(1): 1–28. [pdf]
  • William Gould, 2001, Statistical Software Certification, Stata Journal, 1(1): 29–50. [pdf]
  • J. Scott Long, Jeremy Freese, 2001, Predicted Probabilities for Count Models, Stata Journal, 1(1): 51–57. [pdf]
  • A. P. Mander, 2001, Haplotype Analysis in Population-based Association Studies, Stata Journal, 1(1): 58–75. [pdf]
  • Allen McDowell, 2001, From the Help Desk, Stata Journal, 1(1): 76–85. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2001, Speaking Stata: How to Repeat Yourself without going Mad, Stata Journal, 1(1): 86–97. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, 2001, Review of Generalized Linear Models and Extensions by Hardin and Hilbe, Stata Journal, 1(1): 98–100. [pdf]
  • Christopher F. Baum, 2001, Residual Diagnostics for Cross-section Time Series Regression Models, Stata Journal, 1(1): 101–104. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, 2001, Sort a List of Items, Stata Journal, 1(1): 105–106. [pdf]
  • Philippe Van Kerm, Stephen P. Jenkins, 2001, Generalized Lorenz Curves and Related Graphs: An Update for Stata 7, Stata Journal, 1(1): 107–112. [pdf]


SJ 2-1

  • Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, Anders Skrondal, Andrew Pickles, 2002, Reliable Estimation of Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Adaptive Quadrature, Stata Journal, 2(1): 1–21.[pdf]
  • Roberto G. Gutierrez, 2002, Parametric Frailty and Shared Frailty Survival Models, Stata Journal, 2(1): 22–44. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, 2002, Parameters behind “Nonparametric” Statistics: Kendall’s tau, Somers’ D and Median Differences, Stata Journal, 2(1): 45–64. [pdf]
  • A. P. Mander, 2002, Analysis of Quantitative Traits using Regression and Log-linear Modeling when Phase is unknown, Stata Journal, 2(1): 65–70. [pdf]
  • Allen McDowell, 2002, From the Help Desk: Transfer Functions, Stata Journal, 2(1): 71–85. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, Speaking Stata: How to Move Step By: Step, Stata Journal, 2(1): 86–102. [pdf]
  • John Hendrickx, 2002, Review of Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata by Long and Freese, Stata Journal, 2(1): 103–105. [pdf]

SJ 2-2

  • A. H. Feiveson, 2002, Power by Simulation, Stata Journal, 2(2): 107–124. [pdf]
  • David M. Drukker, 2002, Bootstrapping a Conditional Moments Test for Normality after Tobit Estimation, Stata Journal, 2(2): 125–139. [pdf]
  • Ian R. White, Sarah Walker, Abdel Babiker, 2002, strbee: Randomization-based Efficacy Estimator, Stata Journal, 2(2): 140–150. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, Abdel Babiker, 2002, A Menu-driven Facility for Complex Sample Size Calculation in Randomized Controlled Trials with a Survival or a Binary Outcome, Stata Journal, 2(2): 151–163. [pdf]
  • Jonathan A. C. Sterne, Kate Tilling, 2002, G-estimation of Causal Effects, Allowing for Time-varying Confounding, Stata Journal, 2(2): 164–182. [pdf]
  • Thomas J. Steichen, Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, A Note on the Concordance Correlation Coefficient, Stata Journal, 2(2): 183–189. [pdf]
  • Allen McDowell, Jeff Pitblado, 2002, From the Help Desk: It’s all about the Sampling, Stata Journal, 2(2): 190–201. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, Speaking Stata: How to Face Lists with Fortitude, Stata Journal, 2(2): 202–222. [pdf]
  • Jeremy Freese, 2002, Review of Statistics with Stata (Updated for Version 7), Stata Journal, 2(2): 223–225. [pdf]

SJ 2-3

  • Florian Heiss, 2002, Structural Choice Analysis with Nested Logit Models, Stata Journal, 2(3): 227–252. [pdf]
  • James W. Hardin, 2002, The Robust Variance Estimator for Two-stage Models, Stata Journal, 2(3): 253–266. [pdf]
  • Michael E. Reichenheim, Antônio Ponce de Leon, 2002, Estimation of Sensitivity and Specificity Arising from Validity Studies with Incomplete Designs, Stata Journal, 2(3): 267–279. [pdf]
  • Mario A. Cleves, 2002, Comparative Assessment of Three Common Algorithms for Estimating the Variance of the Area under the Nonparametric Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve, Stata Journal, 2(3): 280–289. [pdf]
  • Ronán M. Conroy, 2002, Choosing an Appropriate Real-Life Measure of Effect Size: The Case of a Continuous Predictor and a Binary Outcome, Stata Journal, 2(3): 290–295. [pdf]
  • Jeremy Freese, 2002, Least Likely Observations in Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes, Stata Journal, 2(3): 296–300. [pdf]
  • Mario A. Cleves, 2002, From the Help Desk: Comparing Areas under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves from Two or more Probit or Logit Models, Stata Journal, 2(3): 301–313. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, Speaking Stata: On Numbers and Strings, Stata Journal, 2(3): 314–329. [pdf]

SJ 2-4

  • David W. Hosmer, Patrick Royston, 2002, Using Aalen’s Linear Hazards Model to Investigate Time-varying Effects in the Proportional Hazards Regression Model, Stata Journal, 2(4): 331–350. [pdf]
  • Michael E. Reichenheim, 2002, Two-graph Receiver Operating Characteristic, Stata Journal, 2(4): 351–357. [pdf]
  • Sascha O. Becker, Andrea Ichino, 2002, Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Based on Propensity Scores, Stata Journal, 2(4): 358–377. [pdf]
  • Weihua Guan, Roberto G. Gutierrez, 2002, Programmable GLM: Two User-defined Links, Stata Journal, 2(4): 378–390. [pdf]
  • Matthias Schonlau, 2002, The Clustergram: A Graph for Visualizing Hierarchical and Nonhierarchical Cluster Analyses, Stata Journal, 2(4): 391–402. [pdf]
  • Brian P. Poi, 2002, From the Help Desk: Demand System Estimation, Stata Journal, 2(4): 403–410. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, Speaking Stata: On Getting Functions to do the Work, Stata Journal, 2(4): 411–427. [pdf]
  • David W. Hosmer, 2002, Review of an Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata, Stata Journal, 2(4): 428–431. [pdf]


SJ 3-1

  • Christopher F. Baum, Mark E. Schaffer, Steven Stillman, 2003, Instrumental Variables and GMM: Estimation and Testing, Stata Journal, 3(1): 1–31. [pdf]
  • Germán Rodríguez, Irma Elo, 2003, Intra-class Correlation in Random-effects Models for Binary Data, Stata Journal, 3(1): 32–46. [pdf]
  • Catherine L. Saunders, D. Timothy Bishop, Jennifer H. Barrett, 2003, Sample Size Calculations for Main Effects and Interactions in Case–control Studies using Stata’s nchi2 and npnchi2 Functions, Stata Journal, 3(1): 47–56. [pdf]
  • Marcelo J. Moreira, Brian P. Poi, 2003, Implementing Tests with Correct Size in the Simultaneous Equations Model, Stata Journal, 3(1): 57–70. [pdf]
  • Weihua Guan, 2003, From the Help Desk: Bootstrapped Standard Errors, Stata Journal, 3(1): 71–80. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, Ulrich Kohler, 2003, Speaking Stata: On Structure and Shape: The Case of Multiple Responses, Stata Journal, 3(1): 81–99. [pdf]
  • John McGready, 2003, Review of a Short Introduction to Stata for Biostatistics by Hills and De Stavola, Stata Journal, 3(1): 100–104. [pdf]

SJ 3-2

  • H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, The Stata Journal so Far: Editors’ Report, Stata Journal, 3(2): 105–108. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, The ALSPAC Study Team, 2003, Multiple—test Procedures and Smile Plots, Stata Journal, 3(2): 109–132. [pdf]
  • Isaías H. Salgado-Ugarte, Marco A. Pérez-Hernández, 2003, Exploring the Use of Variable Bandwidth Kernel Density Estimators, Stata Journal, 3(2): 133–147. [pdf]
  • Philippe Van Kerm, 2003, Adaptive Kernel Density Estimation, Stata Journal, 3(2): 148–156. [pdf]
  • Omar M. G. Keshk, 2003, CDSIMEQ: A Program to Implement Two-stage Probit Least Squares, Stata Journal, 3(2): 157–167. [pdf]
  • David M. Drukker, 2003, Testing for Serial Correlation in Linear Panel-data Models, Stata Journal, 3(2): 168–177. [pdf]
  • Allen McDowell, 2003, From the Help Desk: Hurdle Models, Stata Journal, 3(2): 178–184. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, Speaking Stata: Problems with Lists, Stata Journal, 3(2): 185–202. [pdf]
  • Joanne M. Garrett, 2003, Review of Statistical Modeling for Biomedical Researchers by Dupont, Stata Journal, 3(2): 203–207. [pdf]
  • Steven Stillman, 2003, Review of Generalized Estimating Equations by Hardin and Hilbe, Stata Journal, 3(2): 208–210. [pdf]

SJ 3-3

  • Susan M. Hailpern, Paul F. Visintainer, 2003, Odds Ratios and Logistic Regression: Further Examples of their use and Interpretation, Stata Journal, 3(3): 213–225. [pdf]
  • John B. Carlin, Ning Li, Philip Greenwood, Carolyn Coffey, 2003, Tools for Analyzing Multiple Imputed Datasets, Stata Journal, 3(3): 226–244. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, 2003, Confidence Intervals and p-values for Delivery to the End User, Stata Journal, 3(3): 245–269. [pdf]
  • Nigel Smeeton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, Do-it-yourself Shuffling and the Number of Runs under Randomness, Stata Journal, 3(3): 270–277. [pdf]
  • Lorenzo Cappellari, Stephen P. Jenkins, 2003, Multivariate Probit Regression using Simulated Maximum Likelihood, Stata Journal, 3(3): 278–294. [pdf]
  • Svend Juul, 2003, Lean Mainstream Schemes for Stata 8 Graphics, Stata Journal, 3(3): 295–301. [pdf]
  • Brian P. Poi, 2003, From the Help Desk: Swamy’s Random-coefficients Model, Stata Journal, 3(3): 302–308. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, Speaking Stata: Problems with Tables, Part I, Stata Journal, 3(3): 309–324. [pdf]

SJ 3-4

  • H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, A Special Issue of the Stata Journal, Stata Journal, 3(4): 327–327. [pdf]
  • H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, Introducing Stata Tips, Stata Journal, 3(4): 328–328. [pdf]
  • James W. Hardin, Raymond J. Carroll, 2003, Measurement Error, GLMs, and Notational Conventions, Stata Journal, 3(4): 329–341. [pdf]
  • James W. Hardin, Raymond J. Carroll, 2003, Variance Estimation for the Instrumental Variables Approach to Measurement Error in Generalized Linear Models, Stata Journal, 3(4): 342–350. [pdf]
  • James W. Hardin, Henrik Schmiediche, Raymond J. Carroll, 2003, Instrumental Variables, Bootstrapping, and Generalized Linear Models, Stata Journal, 3(4): 351–360. [pdf]
  • James W. Hardin, Henrik Schmiediche, Raymond J. Carroll, 2003, The Regression-calibration Method for Fitting Generalized Linear Models with Additive Measurement Error, Stata Journal, 3(4): 361–372. [pdf]
  • James W. Hardin, Henrik Schmiediche, Raymond J. Carroll, 2003, The Simulation Extrapolation Method for Fitting Generalized Linear Models with Additive Measurement Error, Stata Journal, 3(4): 373–385. [pdf]
  • Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, Anders Skrondal, Andrew Pickles, 2003, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Generalized Linear Models with Covariate Measurement Error, Stata Journal, 3(4): 386–411. [pdf]
  • Roberto G. Gutierrez, Jean Marie Linhart, Jeffrey S. Pitblado, 2003, From the Help Desk: Local Polynomial Regression and Stata Plugins, Stata Journal, 3(4): 412–419. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, Speaking Stata: Problems with Tables, Part II, Stata Journal, 3(4): 420–439. [pdf]
  • Stephen P. Jenkins, 2003, Review of Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata by Gould, Pitblado, and Sribney, Stata Journal, 3(4): 440–444. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, 2003, Stata Tip 1: The Eform() Option of Regress, Stata Journal, 3(4): 445–445. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, Stata Tip 2: Building with Floors and Ceilings, Stata Journal, 3(4): 446–447. [pdf]
  • William Gould, 2003, Stata Tip 3: How to be Assertive, Stata Journal, 3(4): 448–448. [pdf]



SJ 4-1

  • Justin Fenty, 2004, Analyzing Distances, Stata Journal, 4(1): 1–26. [pdf]

  • Mark B. Stewart, 2004, Semi-nonparametric Estimation of Extended Ordered Probit Models, Stata Journal, 4(1): 27–39. [pdf]

  • Alfonso Miranda, 2004, FIML Estimation of an Endogenous Switching Model for Count Data, Stata Journal, 4(1): 40–49. [pdf]

  • Suzanna Vidmar, John Carlin, Kylie Hesketh, Tim Cole, 2004, Standardizing Anthropometric Measures in Children and Adolescents with New Functions for Egen, Stata Journal, 4(1): 50–55. [pdf]

  • Jean Marie Linhart, Jeffrey S. Pitblado, James Hassell, 2004, From the Help Desk: Kaplan–Meier Plots with Stsatrisk, Stata Journal, 4(1): 56–65. [pdf]

  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Speaking Stata: Graphing Distributions, Stata Journal, 4(1): 66–88. [pdf]

  • Laurent Audigé, 2004, Review of Veterinary Epidemiologic Research by Dohoo, Martin, and Stryhn, Stata Journal, 4(1): 89–92. [pdf]

  • Philip Ryan, 2004, Stata Tip 4: Using Display as an Online Calculator, Stata Journal, 4(1): 93–93. [pdf]

  • Roger Newson, 2004, Stata Tip 5: Ensuring Programs Preserve Dataset Sort Order, Stata Journal, 4(1): 94–94. [pdf]

  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Stata Tip 6: Inserting Awkward Characters in the Plot, Stata Journal, 4(1): 95–96. [pdf]

  • ——, 2004, Flexible Parametric Alternatives to the Cox Model: Update, Stata Journal, 4(1): 98–101. [pdf]

SJ 4-2

  • Vincenzo Coviello, May Boggess, 2004, Cumulative Incidence Estimation in the Presence of Competing Risks, Stata Journal, 4(2): 103–112. [pdf]
  • Amil Petrin, Brian P. Poi, James Levinsohn, 2004, Production Function Estimation in Stata using Inputs to Control for Unobservables, Stata Journal, 4(2): 113–123. [pdf]
  • Thomas J. Steichen, 2004, Submenu and Dialogs for Meta-analysis Commands, Stata Journal, 4(2): 124–126. [pdf]
  • Jonathan A. C. Sterne, Roger M. Harbord, 2004, Funnel Plots in Meta-analysis, Stata Journal, 4(2): 127–141. [pdf]
  • David A. Harrison, Anthony R. Brady, 2004, Sample Size and Power Calculations using the Noncentral t-distribution, Stata Journal, 4(2): 142–153. [pdf]
  • Edward C. Norton, Hua Wang, Chunrong Ai, 2004, Computing Interaction Effects and Standard Errors in Logit and Probit Models, Stata Journal, 4(2): 154–167. [pdf]
  • Carlo V. Fiorio, 2004, Confidence Intervals for Kernel Density Estimation, Stata Journal, 4(2): 168–179. [pdf]
  • Allen McDowell, 2004, From the Help Desk: Polynomial Distributed Lag Models, Stata Journal, 4(2): 180–189. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Speaking Stata: Graphing Categorical and Compositional Data, Stata Journal, 4(2): 190–215. [pdf]
  • Richard Williams, 2004, Review of Statistics with Stata (Updated for Version 8) by Hamilton, Stata Journal, 4(2): 216–219. [pdf]
  • Shannon Driver, Patrick Royston, 2004, Stata Tip 7: Copying and Pasting under Windows, Stata Journal, 4(2): 220–220. [pdf]
  • Ben Jann, 2004, Stata Tip 8: Splitting Time-span Records with Categorical Time-varying Covariates, Stata Journal, 4(2): 221–222. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Stata Tip 9: Following Special Sequences, Stata Journal, 4(2): 223–223. [pdf]

SJ 4-3

  • Patrick Royston, 2004, Multiple Imputation of Missing Values, Stata Journal, 4(3): 227–241. [pdf]
  • Anders Alexandersson, 2004, Graphing Confidence Ellipses: An Update of Ellip for Stata 8, Stata Journal, 4(3): 242–256. [pdf]
  • Lois G. Kim, Ian R. White, 2004, Compliance-adjusted Intervention Effects in Survival Data, Stata Journal, 4(3): 257–264. [pdf]
  • Paulo Guimarães, 2004, Understanding the Multinomial-Poisson Transformation, Stata Journal, 4(3): 265–273. [pdf]
  • Peter Cummings, Barbara McKnight, 2004, Analysis of Matched Cohort Data, Stata Journal, 4(3): 274–281. [pdf]
  • Michael Lokshin, Zurab Sajaia, 2004, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Endogenous Switching Regression Models, Stata Journal, 4(3): 282–289. [pdf]
  • Alberto Abadie, David Drukker, Jane Leber Herr, Guido W. Imbens, 2004, Implementing Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects in Stata, Stata Journal, 4(3): 290–311. [pdf]
  • Brian P. Poi, 2004, From the Help Desk: Some Bootstrapping Techniques, Stata Journal, 4(3): 312–328. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Speaking Stata: Graphing Agreement and Disagreement, Stata Journal, 4(3): 329–349. [pdf]
  • Nicholas Winter, 2004, Review of a Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata by Rabe-Hesketh and Everitt, Stata Journal, 4(3): 350–353. [pdf]
  • Philip Ryan, Nicholas Winter, 2004, Stata Tip 10: Fine Control of Axis Title Positions, Stata Journal, 4(3): 354–355. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, 2004, Stata Tip 11: The Nolog Option with Maximum-likelihood Modeling Commands, Stata Journal, 4(3): 356–356. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Stata Tip 12: Tuning the Plot Region Aspect Ratio, Stata Journal, 4(3): 357–358. [pdf]

SJ 4-4

  • Maurizio Pisati, 2004, Simple Thematic Mapping, Stata Journal, 4(4): 361–378. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, 2004, Generalized Power Calculations for Generalized Linear Models and more, Stata Journal, 4(4): 379–401. [pdf]
  • Zoe Fewell, Miguel A. Hernán, Frederick Wolfe, Kate Tilling, Hyon Choi, Jonathan A. C. Sterne, 2004, Controlling for Time-dependent Confounding using Marginal Structural Models, Stata Journal, 4(4): 402–420. [pdf]
  • Michael E. Reichenheim, 2004, Confidence Intervals for the Kappa Statistic, Stata Journal, 4(4): 421–428. [pdf]
  • Matteo Bottai, Nicola Orsini, 2004, Confidence Intervals for the Variance Component of Random-effects Linear Models, Stata Journal, 4(4): 429–435. [pdf]
  • Bear F. Braumoeller, 2004, Boolean Logit and Probit in Stata, Stata Journal, 4(4): 436–441. [pdf]
  • Allen McDowell, 2004, From the Help Desk: Seemingly Unrelated Regression with Unbalanced Equations, Stata Journal, 4(4): 442–448. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Speaking Stata: Graphing Model Diagnostics, Stata Journal, 4(4): 449–475. [pdf]
  • Ulrich Kohler, 2004, Review of a Visual Guide to Stata Graphics by Mitchell, Stata Journal, 4(4): 476–479. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Review of Statistical Evaluation of Measurement Errors by Dunn, Stata Journal, 4(4): 480–483. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, 2004, Stata Tip 13: Generate and Replace use the Current Sort Order, Stata Journal, 4(4): 484–485. [pdf]
  • Kenneth Higbee, 2004, Stata Tip 14: Using Value Labels in Expressions, Stata Journal, 4(4): 486–487. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2004, Stata Tip 15: Function Graphs on the Fly, Stata Journal, 4(4): 488–489. [pdf]
  • ——, 2004, Cumulative Index for SJ1-1–SJ4-4, Stata Journal, 4(4): 492–498. [pdf]


SJ 5-1

  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, A Special 20th Stata Anniversary Issue of the Stata Journal, Stata Journal, 5(1): 1–1. [pdf]
  • H. Joseph Newton, 2005, A Brief History of Stata on its 20th Anniversary, Stata Journal, 5(1): 2–18. [pdf]
  • Sean Becketti, 2005, A Conversation with William Gould, Stata Journal, 5(1): 19–31. [pdf]
  • Lawrence Hamilton, 2005, In at the Creation, Stata Journal, 5(1): 32–34. [pdf]
  • Tony Lachenbruch, 2005, A Short History of Statistics with Stata, Stata Journal, 5(1): 35–37. [pdf]
  • Joseph M. Hilbe, 2005, Memories of Stata, Stata Journal, 5(1): 38–38. [pdf]
  • J. Theodore Anagnoson, 2005, The Birth of the Bulletin, Stata Journal, 5(1): 39–40. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, 2005, The History of StataQuest, Stata Journal, 5(1): 41–42. [pdf]
  • Christopher F. Baum, 2005, Stata at 20: A Personal View, Stata Journal, 5(1): 43–45. [pdf]
  • Michael N. Mitchell, Xiao Chen, 2005, Stata: The Language of Choice for Time-Series Analysis?, Stata Journal, 5(1): 46–63. [pdf]
  • Ian Watson, 2005, Visualizing Main Effects and Interactions for Binary Logit Models, Stata Journal, 5(1): 64–82. [pdf]
  • Ben Jann, 2005, Further Processing of Estimation Results: Basic Programming with Matrices, Stata Journal, 5(1): 83–91. [pdf]
  • Friederike M.-S. Barthel, Patrick Royston, Abdel Babiker, 2005, Tabulation of Multiple Responses, Stata Journal, 5(1): 92–122. [pdf]
  • Roger Newson, 2005, A Menu-driven Facility for Complex Sample Size Calculation in Randomized Controlled Trials with a Survival or a Binary Outcome: Update, Stata Journal, 5(1): 123–129. [pdf]
  • Ulrich Kohler, 2005, Review of Generalized Latent Variable Modeling by Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh, Stata Journal, 5(1): 130–133. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Stata Tip 16: Using Input to Generate Variables, Stata Journal, 5(1): 134–134. [pdf]
  • Shannon Driver, 2005, Stata Tip 17: Filling in the Gaps, Stata Journal, 5(1): 135–136. [pdf]
  • ——, 2005, Stata Tip 18: Making Keys Functional, Stata Journal, 5(1): 137–138. [pdf]

SJ 5-2

  • Mario A. Cleves, 2005, Exploratory Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) for Quantitative Traits, Stata Journal, 5(2): 141–153. [pdf]
  • Jeroen Weesie, 2005, Value Label Utilities: Labeldup and Labelrename, Stata Journal, 5(2): 154–161. [pdf]
  • Jeroen Weesie, 2005, Multilingual Datasets, Stata Journal, 5(2): 162–187. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, 2005, Multiple Imputation of Missing Values: Update, Stata Journal, 5(2): 188–201. [pdf]
  • J. Lloyd Blackwell, III, 2005, Estimation and Testing of Fixed-effect Panel-data Systems, Stata Journal, 5(2): 202–207. [pdf]
  • Ulrich Kohler, Magdalena Luniak, 2005, Data Inspection using Biplots, Stata Journal, 5(2): 208–223. [pdf]
  • Daniel Müller, 2005, Stata in Space: Econometric Analysis of Spatially Explicit Raster Data, Stata Journal, 5(2): 224–238. [pdf]
  • Emma Slaymaker, 2005, Using the File Command to Produce Formatted Output for other Applications, Stata Journal, 5(2): 239–247. [pdf]
  • Susan M. Hailpern, 2005, Teaching Statistics to Physicians using Stata, Stata Journal, 5(2): 248–258. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Speaking Stata: Density Probability Plots, Stata Journal, 5(2): 259–273. [pdf]
  • Stanley Lemeshow, Melvin L. Moeschberger, 2005, Review of Regression Methods in Biostatistics: Linear, Logistic, Survival, and Repeated Measures Models by Vittinghoff, Glidden, Shiboski, and McCulloch, Stata Journal, 5(2): 274–278. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, 2005, Stata Tip 19: A Way to Leaner, Faster Graphs, Stata Journal, 5(2): 279–279. [pdf]
  • David A. Harrison, 2005, Stata Tip 20: Generating Histogram Bin Variables, Stata Journal, 5(2): 280–281. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Stata Tip 21: The Arrows of Outrageous Fortune, Stata Journal, 5(2): 282–284. [pdf]

SJ 5-3

  • H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Editorial Announcements, Stata Journal, 5(3): 287–287. [pdf]
  • Ben Jann, 2005, Making Regression Tables from Stored Estimates, Stata Journal, 5(3): 288–308. [pdf]
  • Tamás Bartus, 2005, Estimation of Marginal Effects using Margeff, Stata Journal, 5(3): 309–329. [pdf]
  • Matthias Schonlau, 2005, Boosted Regression (Boosting): An Introductory Tutorial and a Stata Plugin, Stata Journal, 5(3): 330–354. [pdf]
  • Nicola Orsini, Debora Rizzuto, Nicola Nante, 2005, Introduction to Game-theory Calculations, Stata Journal, 5(3): 355–370. [pdf]
  • William D. Dupont, W. Dale Plummer, Jr., 2005, Using Density-distribution Sunflower Plots to Explore Bivariate Relationships in Dense Data, Stata Journal, 5(3): 371–384. [pdf]
  • Paulo Guimarães, 2005, A Simple Approach to Fit the Beta-binomial Model, Stata Journal, 5(3): 385–394. [pdf]
  • Ronán M. Conroy, 2005, Stings in the Tails: Detecting and Dealing with Censored Data, Stata Journal, 5(3): 395–404. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, A Multivariable Scatterplot Smoother, Stata Journal, 5(3): 405–412. [pdf]
  • David Kantor, Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Depending on Conditions: A Tutorial on the Cond() Function, Stata Journal, 5(3): 413–420. [pdf]
  • William Gould, 2005, Mata Matters: Translating Fortran, Stata Journal, 5(3): 421–441. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Speaking Stata: The Protean Quantile Plot, Stata Journal, 5(3): 442–460. [pdf]
  • Rino Bellocco, 2005, Review of Statistics for Epidemiology by Jewell, Stata Journal, 5(3): 461–464. [pdf]
  • Philip Ryan, 2005, Stata Tip 22: Variable Name Abbreviation, Stata Journal, 5(3): 465–466. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. G. Winter, 2005, Stata Tip 23: Regaining Control over Axis Ranges, Stata Journal, 5(3): 467–468. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Stata Tip 24: Axis Labels on Two or more Levels, Stata Journal, 5(3): 469–469. [pdf]

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  • Giovanni S. F. Bruno, 2005, Estimation and Inference in Dynamic Unbalanced Panel-data Models with a Small Number of Individuals, Stata Journal, 5(4): 473–500. [pdf]
  • Anirban Basu, 2005, Extended Generalized Linear Models: Simultaneous Estimation of Flexible Link and Variance Functions, Stata Journal, 5(4): 501–516. [pdf]
  • James Cui, 2005, Buckley–James Method for Analyzing Censored Data, with an Application to a Cardiovascular Disease and an HIV/AIDS Study, Stata Journal, 5(4): 517–526. [pdf]
  • Patrick Royston, 2005, Multiple Imputation of Missing Values: Update of Ice, Stata Journal, 5(4): 527–536. [pdf]
  • Jun Xu, J. Scott Long, 2005, Confidence Intervals for Predicted Outcomes in Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes, Stata Journal, 5(4): 537–559. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Suggestions on Stata Programming Style, Stata Journal, 5(4): 560–566. [pdf]
  • William Gould, 2005, Mata Matters: Using Views onto the Data, Stata Journal, 5(4): 567–573. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Speaking Stata: Smoothing in Various Directions, Stata Journal, 5(4): 574–593. [pdf]
  • L. Philip Schumm, 2005, Review of Data Analysis Using Stata by Kohler and Kreuter, Stata Journal, 5(4): 594–600. [pdf]
  • Ulrich Kohler, Christian Brzinsky-Fay, 2005, Stata Tip 25: Sequence Index Plots, Stata Journal, 5(4): 601–602. [pdf]
  • Michael S. Hanson, 2005, Stata Tip 26: Maximizing Compatibility between Macintosh and Windows, Stata Journal, 5(4): 603–603. [pdf]
  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2005, Stata Tip 27: Classifying Data Points on Scatter Plots, Stata Journal, 5(4): 604–606. [pdf]


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  • Yulia V. Marchenko, 2006, Estimating Variance Components in Stata, Stata Journal, 6(1): 1–21.




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