Visual Studio代码中的多个游标[关闭]

本文翻译自:Multiple cursors in Visual Studio Code [closed]

How can you create multiple cursors when editing in VS Code? 在VS Code中编辑时如何创建多个游标? I'm interested in both macOS and Windows. 我对macOS和Windows都很感兴趣。




Press Alt and click. Alt并单击。 This works on Windows and Linux*, and it should work on Mac, too. 这适用于Windows和Linux *,它也适用于Mac。

More multi-cursor features are now available in Visual Studio Code 0.2: Visual Studio Code 0.2现在提供了更多的多光标功能:

Multi cursor improvements 多光标改进
Ctrl+D ( Cmd+D on Mac) selects next occurrence of word under cursor or of the current selection Ctrl + D (Mac上的Cmd + D )选择光标下或当前选择下的下一个字
Ctrl+K Ctrl+D moves last added cursor to next occurrence of word under cursor or of the current selection Ctrl + K Ctrl + D将最后添加的光标移动到光标或当前选择下的下一个字
The commands use matchCase by default. 默认情况下,这些命令使用matchCase。 If the find widget is open, then the find widget settings (matchCase / matchWholeWord) will be used for determining the next occurrence 如果查找窗口小部件已打开,则查找窗口小部件设置(matchCase / matchWholeWord)将用于确定下一次出现
Ctrl+U ( Cmd+U on Mac) undoes the last cursor action, so if you added a cursor too many or made a mistake, you can press Ctrl+U ( Cmd+U on Mac) to go back to the previous cursor state. Ctrl + U (Mac上为Cmd + U )撤消上一个光标操作,因此如果添加了太多光标或出错,可以按Ctrl + U (Mac上为Cmd + U )返回上一个光标状态。 Adding cursor up or down ( Ctrl+Alt+Up / Ctrl+Alt+Down ) ( Cmd+Alt+Up / Cmd+Alt+Down on Mac) now reveals the last added cursor to make it easier to work with multiple cursors on more than 1 viewport height at a time (ie select 300 lines and only 80 fit in the viewport). 向上或向下添加光标( Ctrl + Alt +向上 / Ctrl + Alt +向下 )(Mac 上的Cmd + Alt +向上 / Cmd + Alt +向下 )现在显示最后添加的光标,以便更容易使用多个游标一次超过1个视口高度(即选择300行,只有80个适合视口)。

This makes it a lot easier to introduce multiple cursors 这使得引入多个游标变得更加容易

* Linux drag-window conflict: * Linux拖窗冲突:

Some distros (eg Ubuntu) assign window dragging to Alt+LeftMouse , which will conflict with VSCode. 一些发行版(例如Ubuntu)将窗口拖动分配给Alt + LeftMouse ,这将与VSCode冲突。

So, recent versions of VSCode let you toggle between Alt+LeftMouse and Ctrl+LeftMouse under the Selection menu, as detailed in another answer . 因此,最新版本的VSCode允许您在“选择”菜单下的Alt + LeftMouseCtrl + LeftMouse之间切换,详见另一个答案

Alternately, you could change your OS key bindings using gsettings as mentioned in another answer . 或者,您可以使用另一个答案中提到的gsettings更改操作系统键绑定。


Ctrl + Alt + ⬇ / ⬆ add cursors above and below the current line. Ctrl + Alt + ⬇/⬆在当前行的上方和下方添加光标。 Still nowhere near as good as sublime or brackets though. 尽管如此,仍然远不如崇高或括号那么好。 I can't see anything equivalent to Ctrl + D in sublime in the keyboard shortcuts file. 在键盘快捷方式文件中,我无法在sublime中看到与Ctrl + D等效的内容。


There is no binding for exactly what you want. 对于你想要的东西没有任何约束力。

The only thing that comes close is Ctrl + F2 which will select all of them at once. 唯一接近的是Ctrl + F2 ,它将立即选择所有这些。

You can bind it to Ctrl + D doing the following: 您可以将其绑定到Ctrl + D,执行以下操作:

  • Click on File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts 单击File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
    You should see a pane full of the current bindings and on the right a list of custom bindings 您应该看到一个窗格,其中包含当前绑定,右侧是自定义绑定列表
  • In the current bindings, search for Ctrl + F2 and copy that whole line and paste it into the right pane. 在当前绑定中,搜索Ctrl + F2并复制整行并将其粘贴到右窗​​格中。
  • You might have to remove the comma at the end and then change Ctrl + F2 to Ctrl + D and then save the file. 您可能必须删除末尾的逗号,然后将Ctrl + F2更改为Ctrl + D ,然后保存文件。

It should look something like this: 它应该看起来像这样:

// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
{ "key": "ctrl+d",               "command": "editor.action.changeAll",
                                    "when": "editorTextFocus" }


I had problem with ALT key, fix is to change alt+click as a Gnome hotkey which clobbers multi-cursor select in VSCode, to super+click by running: 我有ALT键的问题,修复是更改alt+click作为Gnome热键,在VSCode中使用多个光标选择,通过运行来super+click

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier "<Super>"   

Source: 资料来源: http//


New version (Visual Studio 0.3.0) support more multi cursor feature. 新版本(Visual Studio 0.3.0)支持更多的多光标功能。

Here's multi-cursor improvements that we've made.

⌘D selects the word at the cursor, or the next occurrence of the current selection.
⌘K ⌘D moves the last added cursor to next occurrence of the current selection.
The two actions pick up the matchCase and matchWholeWord settings of the find widget.
⌘U undoes the last cursor action, so if you added one cursor too many or made a mistake, press ⌘U to return to the previous cursor state.
Insert cursor above (⌥⌘↑) and insert cursor below (⌥⌘↓) now reveals the last added cursor, making it easier to work with multi-cursors spanning more than one screen height (i.e., working with 300 lines while only 80 fit in the screen).

And short cut of select multi cursor change into cmd + d(it's same as Sublime Text. lol) 选择多光标的快捷方式改为cmd + d(与Sublime Text相同。大声笑)

We can expect that next version supports more convenient feature about multi cursor ;) 我们可以期待下一版本支持更多关于多光标的方便功能;)

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