ssh 的参数 -o + 检查是否是无密码访问




写脚本想检查服务器之间是否建立了 公钥实现了无密码访问
查找过程中找到了ssh 的一些参数,贴出来,怕下次找不到了

这些参数可用在 ssh -o 后面 ,每个参数前面都必须有 -o 

ssh -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes "echo OK"

这个是 ssh_config(5) 的配置,也就是 -o 后面可以跟的参数
SSH_CONFIG(5)		  FreeBSD File Formats Manual		 SSH_CONFIG(5)

     ssh_config	-- OpenSSH SSH client configuration files


     ssh(1) obtains configuration data from the	following sources in the fol-
     lowing order:

	   1.	command-line options
	   2.	user's configuration file (~/.ssh/config)
	   3.	system-wide configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config)

     For each parameter, the first obtained value will be used.	 The configu-
     ration files contain sections separated by	``Host'' specifications, and
     that section is only applied for hosts that match one of the patterns
     given in the specification.  The matched host name	is the one given on
     the command line.

     Since the first obtained value for	each parameter is used,	more host-spe-
     cific declarations	should be given	near the beginning of the file,	and
     general defaults at the end.

     The configuration file has	the following format:

     Empty lines and lines starting with `#' are comments.  Otherwise a	line
     is	of the format ``keyword	arguments''.  Configuration options may	be
     separated by whitespace or	optional whitespace and	exactly	one `='; the
     latter format is useful to	avoid the need to quote	whitespace when	speci-
     fying configuration options using the ssh,	scp, and sftp -o option.
     Arguments may optionally be enclosed in double quotes (") in order	to
     represent arguments containing spaces.

     The possible keywords and their meanings are as follows (note that	key-
     words are case-insensitive	and arguments are case-sensitive):

     Host    Restricts the following declarations (up to the next Host or
	     Match keyword) to be only for those hosts that match one of the
	     patterns given after the keyword.	If more	than one pattern is
	     provided, they should be separated	by whitespace.	A single `*'
	     as	a pattern can be used to provide global	defaults for all
	     hosts.  The host is the hostname argument given on	the command
	     line (i.e.	the name is not	converted to a canonicalized host name
	     before matching).

	     A pattern entry may be negated by prefixing it with an exclama-
	     tion mark (`!').  If a negated entry is matched, then the Host
	     entry is ignored, regardless of whether any other patterns	on the
	     line match.  Negated matches are therefore	useful to provide
	     exceptions	for wildcard matches.

	     See PATTERNS for more information on patterns.

     Match   Restricts the following declarations (up to the next Host or
	     Match keyword) to be used only when the conditions	following the
	     Match keyword are satisfied.  Match conditions are	specified
	     using one or more keyword/criteria	pairs or the single token all
	     which matches all criteria.  The available	keywords are: exec,
	     host, originalhost, user, and localuser.

	     The exec keyword executes the specified command under the user's
	     shell.  If	the command returns a zero exit	status then the	condi-
	     tion is considered	true.  Commands	containing whitespace charac-
	     ters must be quoted.  The following character sequences in	the
	     command will be expanded prior to execution: `%L' will be substi-
	     tuted by the first	component of the local host name, `%l' will be
	     substituted by the	local host name	(including any domain name),
	     `%h' will be substituted by the target host name, `%n' will be
	     substituted by the	original target	host name specified on the
	     command-line, `%p'	the destination	port, `%r' by the remote login
	     username, and `%u'	by the username	of the user running ssh(1).

	     The other keywords' criteria must be single entries or comma-sep-
	     arated lists and may use the wildcard and negation	operators
	     described in the PATTERNS section.	 The criteria for the host
	     keyword are matched against the target hostname, after any	sub-
	     stitution by the Hostname option.	The originalhost keyword
	     matches against the hostname as it	was specified on the command-
	     line.  The	user keyword matches against the target	username on
	     the remote	host.  The localuser keyword matches against the name
	     of	the local user running ssh(1) (this keyword may	be useful in
	     system-wide ssh_config files).

	     Specifies which address family to use when	connecting.  Valid
	     arguments are ``any'', ``inet'' (use IPv4 only), or ``inet6''
	     (use IPv6 only).

	     If	set to ``yes'',	passphrase/password querying will be disabled.
	     This option is useful in scripts and other	batch jobs where no
	     user is present to	supply the password.  The argument must	be
	     ``yes'' or	``no''.	 The default is	``no''.

	     Use the specified address on the local machine as the source
	     address of	the connection.	 Only useful on	systems	with more than
	     one address.  Note	that this option does not work if
	     UsePrivilegedPort is set to ``yes''.

	     When CanonicalizeHostname is enabled, this	option specifies the
	     list of domain suffixes in	which to search	for the	specified des-
	     tination host.

	     Specifies whether to fail with an error when hostname canonical-
	     ization fails.  The default, ``yes'', will	attempt	to look	up the
	     unqualified hostname using	the system resolver's search rules.  A
	     value of ``no'' will cause	ssh(1) to fail instantly if
	     CanonicalizeHostname is enabled and the target hostname cannot be
	     found in any of the domains specified by CanonicalDomains.

	     Controls whether explicit hostname	canonicalization is performed.
	     The default, ``no'', is not to perform any	name rewriting and let
	     the system	resolver handle	all hostname lookups.  If set to
	     ``yes'' then, for connections that	do not use a ProxyCommand,
	     ssh(1) will attempt to canonicalize the hostname specified	on the
	     command line using	the CanonicalDomains suffixes and
	     CanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs rules.	 If CanonicalizeHostname is
	     set to ``always'',	then canonicalization is applied to proxied
	     connections too.

	     If	this option is enabled and canonicalisation results in the
	     target hostname changing, then the	configuration files are	pro-
	     cessed again using	the new	target name to pick up any new config-
	     uration in	matching Host stanzas.

	     Specifies the maximum number of dot characters in a hostname
	     before canonicalization is	disabled.  The default,	``1'', allows
	     a single dot (i.e.	hostname.subdomain).

	     Specifies rules to	determine whether CNAMEs should	be followed
	     when canonicalizing hostnames.  The rules consist of one or more
	     arguments of source_domain_list:target_domain_list, where
	     source_domain_list	is a pattern-list of domains that may follow
	     CNAMEs in canonicalization, and target_domain_list	is a pattern-
	     list of domains that they may resolve to.

	     For example, ``**,*''
	     will allow	hostnames matching ``*'' to be canoni-
	     calized to	names in the ``*'' or
	     ``*'' domains.

	     Specifies whether to use challenge-response authentication.  The
	     argument to this keyword must be ``yes'' or ``no''.  The default
	     is	``yes''.

	     If	this flag is set to ``yes'', ssh(1) will additionally check
	     the host IP address in the	known_hosts file.  This	allows ssh to
	     detect if a host key changed due to DNS spoofing.	If the option
	     is	set to ``no'', the check will not be executed.	The default is

     Cipher  Specifies the cipher to use for encrypting	the session in proto-
	     col version 1.  Currently,	``blowfish'', ``3des'',	and ``des''
	     are supported.  des is only supported in the ssh(1) client	for
	     interoperability with legacy protocol 1 implementations that do
	     not support the 3des cipher.  Its use is strongly discouraged due
	     to	cryptographic weaknesses.  The default is ``3des''.

	     Specifies the ciphers allowed for protocol	version	2 in order of
	     preference.  Multiple ciphers must	be comma-sep




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