Marine Creatures 海洋生物

aquarium n. 水族馆
coral n. 珊瑚
crocodile n. 鳄鱼
display fish tank 巨型展示鱼缸
diver n. 潜水员
escalator n. 手扶电梯
exhibition area 展示区
feeding show 喂食表演
fossil n. 化石
marine life 海底生物
freshwater life 淡水生物
penguin n. 企鹅
polar region 极地
projection room 放映室
sea horse 海马
seal n 海豹
shark n. 鲨鱼
touch pool 触摸池
tropical waters 热带水域
turtle n. 海龟
undersea tunnel 海底隧道

中华鲟 Chinese sturgeon
海马 sea horse
银鼓鱼 silver drum fish
狮子鱼 lionfish
大白鲨 great white shark
巨鳐 giant ray
魟鱼 stingray
鲼 eagle ray
柠檬鲨 lemon shark
鲸鲨 whale shark
神仙鱼 angelfish
鲈鱼 perch
蝙蝠鲳鱼 bat pomfret
红尾鲶鱼 red-tailed catfish
黄尾鲶鱼 yellow-tailed catfish
巨骨舌鱼 pirarucu [pɪ’rɑʊˌku]
小丑鱼 clownfish
射水鱼 archer fish
锦鲤 golden fish
黑鳍袋唇鱼 silver shark
雀鳝鱼 garfish
食人鱼 piranha
长吻鼻鱼 unicornfish
石斑鱼 grouper
石头鱼 stonefish
医生鱼 doctor fish
六斑刺鲀 balloonfish
多带蝴蝶鱼 multiband butterflyfish
月光蝶鱼 saddle butterflyfish
黄尾副刺尾鱼 Regal Blue Tang
牛角鱼 horn fish
蓝吊鱼 Blue crane
黄高鳍刺尾鱼 yellow tang
蓝绿光鳃 blue green damselfish
鞭蝴蝶鱼 saddle butterflyfish
心斑刺尾鱼 Achilles Tang
蓝纹蝴蝶 bluestriped butterflyfish
镰蝴蝶 scythemarked butterflyfish
熊猫龙 panda gold fish
黄鹂无齿鲹(领航灯) golden trevally
鳗鱼 eel
电鳗 electric eel
墨鱼 inkfish
章鱼 octopus
鱿鱼 squid

水母 jellyfish
海参 sea cucumber
海星 starfish
海蛇 sea snake
龙虾 lobster
蟹 crab
三文鱼 salmon
海带 kelp
虾 shrimp
贝类 shell
海豚 dolphin
海螺 conch
海绵 sponge
海豹 seal
蚌 clam
蚝 oyster
海鸥 seagull

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To solve this problem, we can iterate over all possible center points of the protective field and calculate the minimum radius required to cover at least half of the creatures. Here's a step-by-step approach to solve the problem: 1. Read the input values: the number of creatures, n, and the coordinates of each creature. 2. Initialize variables to store the optimal position and radius of the field. Let's call them `optimal_x`, `optimal_y`, and `optimal_radius`. Set `optimal_radius` to a large value initially. 3. Iterate over all possible center points of the field. You can use nested loops to iterate over x and y coordinates within a reasonable range. 4. For each center point, calculate the distance from that point to all creatures. You can use the distance formula: `distance = sqrt((x - xi)^2 + (y - yi)^2)`. 5. Sort the distances in ascending order. 6. Calculate the radius required to cover at least half of the creatures. This can be done by taking the distance at index `ceil(n/2)` - 1, where `ceil()` is the ceiling function. 7. If the calculated radius is smaller than the current `optimal_radius`, update `optimal_x`, `optimal_y`, and `optimal_radius` with the current center point and radius. 8. After iterating over all possible center points, print the values of `optimal_x`, `optimal_y`, and `optimal_radius` as the output. Here's a Python implementation of the above approach: ```python import math n = int(input()) creatures = [] for _ in range(n): x, y = map(float, input().split()) creatures.append((x, y)) optimal_x = 0 optimal_y = 0 optimal_radius = float('inf') for x in range(-100, 101): for y in range(-100, 101): distances = [] for creature in creatures: xi, yi = creature distance = math.sqrt((x - xi)**2 + (y - yi)**2) distances.append(distance) distances.sort() radius = distances[math.ceil(n/2) - 1] if radius < optimal_radius: optimal_x = x optimal_y = y optimal_radius = radius print(optimal_x, optimal_y, optimal_radius) ``` This implementation has a time complexity of O(n^3) since it iterates over all possible center points and calculates the distances for each point. However, since the maximum value of n is 400, the solution should run efficiently within the given constraints.




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