ANSYS 的使用说明




export PATH=/export/app/ansys11/v110/ansys/bin:$PATH


source .bashrc






ansys110 -p [ansys 产品名] –b –i [输入的命令流文件] –o [输出的log文件]

详细的命令行参数参考附录1以及ANSYS的help文档里面的Operations Guide。





ansys110 –g

即可打开ANSYS Classic



来选择要使用的ANSYS产品,以及工作目录等。(ps. 将工作目录设置在自己家目录下,否则会因为权限问题而出错。)









附录1. ANSYS 命令行参数

-ansexeIn the ANSYS Workbench environment, activates a custom ANSYS executable.
-b list or nolistActivates the ANSYS program in batch mode. The options -blist or -b by itself cause the input listing to be included in the output. The -bnolist option causes the input listing not to be included. For more information about running ANSYS in batch mode, see Batch Mode.
-customCalls a custom ANSYS executable. See Running Your Custom Executable in the Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features for more information.
-d deviceSpecifies the type of graphics device. This option applies only to interactive mode. For UNIX systems, graphics device choices are X11, X11C, or 3D. For Windows systems, graphics device options are WIN32 or WIN32C, or 3D.
-db valueDefines the portion of workspace (memory) to be used for the database. The default is 256 MB.
-dirDefines the initial working directory. Using the -dir option overrides the ANSYS100_WORKING_DIRECTORY environment variable.
-disEnables Distributed ANSYS. See the Distributed ANSYS Guide for more information.
-dtmEnables the Drop Test Module (DTM) advanced task (add-on). The DTM is an optional add-on feature to the ANSYS LS-DYNA product which simplifies the procedure for simulating a drop test. This option is only valid if you have a license for the DTM. See Chapter 17: "Drop Test Module" in the ANSYS LS-DYNA User's Guide for more information.
-f optionSets ANSYS to run in fixed-memory mode. The no or off options set ANSYS to use dynamic memory allocation for scratch memory as needed (default setting). If you do not set any arguments, ANSYS uses fixed-mode memory allocation for scratch memory, but allows other sections of the ANSYS work space to grow as required.
-fsEnables the ANSYS Frequency Sweep VT advanced task (add-on).
-fxsEnables ANSYS DesignXplorer VT advanced task (add-on).
-gLaunches the ANSYS program with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) on. If you select this option, an X11 graphics device is assumed for UNIX unless the -d option specifies a different device. This option is not used on Windows systems. To activate the GUI once ANSYS has started, you need to enter two commands in the ANSYS input window: /SHOW to define the graphics device, and /MENU,ON to activate the GUI. The -g option is valid only for interactive mode.


If you start ANSYS via the -g option, the program ignores any /SHOW command in the start100.ans file and displays a splash screen briefly before opening the GUI windows.

-iinputnameSpecifies the name of the file to read input into ANSYS for batch processing. On UNIX, the preferred method to indicate an input file is <.
-j JobnameSpecifies the initial jobname, a name assigned to all files generated by the program for a specific model. If you omit the -j option, the jobname is assumed to be file.
-l languageSpecifies a language file to use other than US English. This option is valid only if you have a translated message file in an appropriately named subdirectory in /ansys_inc/v100/ansys/docu (or Program Files\Ansys Inc\V100\ANSYS\docu on Windows systems).
-lmEnables an ANSYS executable that supports unlimited memory size for the sparse solver.
-m workspaceSpecifies the total size of the workspace (memory) in megabytes. If you omit the -m option, the default is 512 MB.
-mpiSpecifies the type of MPI to use. Only valid with the -pp option. See Chapter 15: "Improving ANSYS Performance and Parallel Performance for ANSYS" in the ANSYS Advanced Analysis Techniques Guide for more information.
-name valueDefines ANSYS parameters at program start-up. The parameter name must be at least two characters long. For details about parameters, see the ANSYS APDL Programmer's Guide.
-npSpecifies the number of processors to use when running Distributed ANSYS. See the Distributed ANSYS Guide for more information.
-ooutputnameSpecifies the name of the file to store the output from a batch execution of ANSYS. On UNIX, the preferred method to indicate an output file is >.
-p productnameDefines which ANSYS product will run during the session (ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Structural, etc.). For more detailed information about the -p option, see Choosing an ANSYS Product.
-ppEnables the Parallel Performance for ANSYS advanced task (add-on). A Parallel Performance for ANSYS license is required for Distributed ANSYS or to use the Algebraic Multigrid solver (AMG) in shared-memory ANSYS. The -pp option is valid only if you have a license for Parallel Performance for ANSYS. See the Distributed ANSYS Guide for more information about using Parallel Performance for ANSYS.
-s read or noreadSpecifies whether the program reads the start100.ans file at start-up. If you omit the -s option, ANSYS reads the start100.ans file in interactive mode and not in batch mode.
-vReturns the ANSYS release number, update number, copyright date, customer number, and license manager version number.






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