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原创 View Programming Guide for iOS

About Windows and ViewsWindows do not have any visible content themselves but provide a basic container for your application’s views. Views define a portion of a window that you want to fill with so

2014-01-16 00:40:32 794

原创 !!!Chapter 7 The Application Layer

7.1 DNS --- The Domain Name SystemTheoretically, programs could refer to web pages, mailboxes by using the network(IP) addresses of the computer which they are stored.Back in the ARPANET days, the

2014-01-14 04:45:44 791

原创 !!!Chapter 6 The Transport Layer

6.1 The Transport Service传输服务类型:(1)面向连接, 三个阶段:建立连接、数据传输和释放连接(2)无连接OSI模型划分为2大部分:(1)1-4层:传输服务提供者(Transport service provider)(2)5-7层:传输服务用户(Transport service user)The internet transport p

2014-01-14 04:08:53 535

原创 iOS App Programming Guide => Advanced Tricks

Configuring Your App to Support iPhone 5To support the larger screen in your code properly, always retrieve the size of a screen, window, or view dynamically and use that size information to confi

2014-01-13 09:53:35 920

原创 iOS App Programming Guide => State Preserve/Restore & Resources

State Preservation and RestorationThere are three places where you have to think about state preservation in your app:Your app delegate object, which manages the app’s top-level stateYou

2014-01-12 04:48:10 1295

原创 iOS App Programming Guide => App States

App States and MultitaskingAs you implement your app, follow these guidelines:(Required) Respond appropriately to the state transitions that occur. Not handling these transitions properly ca

2014-01-10 09:53:54 1223

原创 Apple Documentation List

For more information about the standard container view controllers provided by UIKit, seeView Controller Catalog for iOS.For guidance on how to manipulate views in your view controller, see View

2014-01-08 04:49:39 506

原创 Start Developing iOS Apps Today

Start Developing iOS Apps Today

2014-01-08 04:49:04 837

原创 iOS App Programming Guide => Design Basic & Core Objects

iOS App Programming Guide

2014-01-08 04:33:51 938

原创 !!!Chapter 5 The Network Layer

网络层涉及分组从源端-〉目的端处理端到端数据传输的最低层数据链路层涉及数据帧从导线的一端到另一端5.1 Network Layer Design IssuesServices the network layer provides to the transport layer:The services should be independent of th

2014-01-07 23:31:02 906

原创 Xcode Overview

Xcode OverviewWrite Code in the Source EditorPerform Static Code AnalysisUse the static analyzer to find bugs in your code before you even run your app. The static analyzer tries out thousands

2014-01-07 03:59:48 596

原创 Xcode Concepts

Xcode ConceptsXcode ConceptsXcode TargetA target specifies a product to build and contains the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a project or workspace. A target d

2014-01-05 02:36:01 529

原创 Xcode => Symbols in Symbol Navigator

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662395/xcode-intellisense-meaning-of-letters-in-colored-boxes-like-f-t-c-m-p-c-k-etcIn Xcode this is called "Code Sense". And these icons also exist in Xcod

2014-01-04 10:51:27 1081

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 17 NSPredicate

You can create NSPredicate objects that describe exactly what you think is the truth and run each of your objects through the predicate to see if they match.Creating a PredicateOne way to create p

2014-01-03 10:24:51 721



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