Instructions for Sugar CRM

Instructions for Sugar CRM


Table of Contents:

A. Starting Sugar CRM
B. Inserting a Custom Field
C. How to Import
D. Adding Custom Fields to the Search Form
E. Edit the SubPanels on Detail Pages
F. Adding a JavaScript Calendar to a Date Field
G. Quick Changes
    -> Add a Value to a Drop-Down List
    -> Map a Probability to a Sales Stage
    -> Making a Read-Only Field Not Read-Only
    -> Change Date Format from YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD/YYYY
    -> Change the Name of a Variable
H. Troubleshooting and FAQs
I. Unsolved Changes




A. Starting Sugar CRM:

    1. Open up a terminal to execute shell commands (terminal is located on bottom
       left, near the L button).
            /cd Opt
        The terminal will print out the following:
        Then Type:
            lampp/lampp start
        The terminal will print out the following:
            Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.4.14...
            XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP4)...
            XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
            XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
            XAMPP for Linux started.
    2. Open up Firefox (shortcut located on the desktop, top right).
        Go to:
   Sugar CRM is now started and ready to go.

B. Inserting a new custom field:
   There are at least 6 files you will need to edit in order to have a custom
   field work. These files can be found in /opt/lampp/htdocs/sugarsuite/modules/modulename,
   and it is easiest if you right-click on one of the PHP files, choose "Advanced Text
   Editor", and then open the rest of the files so you can view them all at once.
    1. ModuleName.php (ex: Accounts.php, Opportunities.php, etc.)
        There are three places you need to put in the new info, search for lines
        that are like these:
            var $variablename;
        And type in:
            var $yourvariable;
        Now find a line that either looks like
        And, following whichever syntax it uses, type in your variable.
        Finally, find the list_fields array and add in your variable to it. It looks
        like this:
            var $list_fields = Array(
        Here is what you would enter:
            'someothervariable', 'yourvariable'
       ModuleName.php is now done.
    2. language/en_us.lang.php controls the labels for your module.
        To make a new label for your variable, go to the end of the array:
        Before that line, type in:
            'LBL_YOURVARIABLE' => 'Variable:',
        An example of this is:
            'LBL_NAME' => 'Name:',
        Which is used to designate the name of the account, opportunity, etc.
    3. EditView.php
        First, you must assign the variable to mean something, and to focus it
        on the variable's name.:
            $xtpl->assign("VARIABLENAME", $focus->variablename);
        On a new line, do this with your own variable.
            $xtpl->assign("YOURVARIABLE", $focus->yourvariable);
        Note that the first part of the assign is in all-quotes, and that the
        $focus-> is in lowercase letters.
        If your variable is a drop-down list ("picklist"), you have to do another
        assign, for the options:
            $xtpl->assign("YOURVARIABLE_OPTIONS", get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['yourvariable_dom'], $focus->yourvariable));
        yourvariable_dom is defined in sugarsuite/includes/language/en_us.lang.php
        file, but I will specify more about that later in step 7.

    4. EditView.html
        There are two areas to worry about for EditView.html: DataLabels and
        DataFields. These are two classes for the columns in the table which
        displays the information.
            DataLabel columns:
                 <td class="dataLabel"><slot>{MOD.LBL_YOURVARIABLE}</slot></td>
            The MOD denotes that this label is from the current module, and
            LBL_YOURVARIABLE is the label you designated in step 2.
            DataField columns:
                 <td class="dataField"><slot><input type='text' name='yourvariable' tabindex='1' size='25' value='{YOURVARIABLE}'></slot></td>
            The <slot></slot> tags let Sugar know that this is a valid place
            for information to be. You can also add in maxlength='#' to control
            how many characters a user can enter.
            Also available are drop-down lists, which should follow this format:
                 <td class="dataField"><slot><select name='yourvariable' tabindex='1'>{YOURVARIABLE_OPTIONS}</select></slot></td>
            The {YOURVARIABLE_OPTIONS} was assigned in EditView.php, so we don't
            have to worry about setting the options each time your variable
            comes up.
        Now your Edit page should work.
    5. DetailView.php
        As with EditView.php, you must assign and focus your variable.
            $xtpl->assign("YOURVARIABLE", $focus->yourvariable);
        However, if your variable is a drop-down list, you do not need to do a
        special assign for it. It uses the same format as above.
    6. DetailView.html
        Also similar to EditView.html, there are two areas that are affected:
        tabDetailViewDL and tabDetailViewDF (DL=DataLabel, DF=DataField).
            tabDetailViewDL columns:
                 <td class="tabDetailViewDL"><slot>{MOD.LBL_YOURVARIABLE}</slot></td>
            The MOD denotes that this label is from the current module, and
            LBL_YOURVARIABLE is the label you designated in step 2. 
            tabDetailViewDF columns:
                 <td class="tabDetailViewDF"><slot>{YOURVARIABLE}</slot></td>
            This is much simpler than EditView.html's DataField slot, since
            all that is needed is for Sugar to print out your variable's
            value, and not have a place for you to type/select it.
        Your Detail page should now reflect the new data you enter from the
        Edit page.
    7. sugarsuite/include/language/en_us.lang.php
        =>This file should be editted only if you wish to create a custom drop-down
            To create your own drop-down list, find a space after any array,
            which is designated by an end parenthesis and comma:
            Now, define the name of your drop-down list, like so:
                 'yourvariable_dom' =>
            After doing that, you define the values in your drop-down list:
                 'Option 1' => 'Option 1',
                 'Option 2' => 'Option 2',
            To end your array, repeat the same end parenthesis and comma:
            Altogether, it should look something like this:
                 'yourvariable_dom' =>
                   'Option 1' => 'Option 1',
                   'Option 2' => 'Option 2',
                   'Option 3' => 'Option 3',
            Be sure not to use any single quotes (') in your options, because
            it will break the drop-down list (and possibly other drop-down
            A blank option can be created at the top of an array by doing the
                   '' => '',
            This is useful for drop-downs that are not required.
    8. Putting the field into MySQL:
        This is the most important step; if not done, your field will not show up
        and you will get a MySQL error when trying to save/edit.
            Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
            Select "sugarcrm (61)" from the drop-down list in the left-hand
            Choose the module you wish to add to from the list of tables.
            Scroll to the bottom of the structure, but above the SQL query
               box. You will see the following field:
                   Add ___ field(s) () At End of Table () At Beginning of Table () After [picklist] [GO]
               Choose 1 field, at the end of the table (unless you want to put
               the new field in between already existing fields). Hit "Go".
             In the field textbox, type yourvariable. Choose "VARCHAR", and set
               the field max length. If your variable is a date, you may wish to
               choose "date" as the type.
        Now your custom field is in the database and ready!
    9. Making your custom field importable:
        Go to sugarsuite/modules/Import/ImportModule.php, where "Module" is the
        module that yourvariable is located.
            Under the "var $importable_fields = Array(" array, enter
            yourvariable so that it may be importable.
        Go to sugarsuite/modules/Import/language/en_us.lang.php
            Add your label to the array for your module.
       You don't need to worry about having a custom field exportable, since Sugar
       will dump the whole database table on export.
   If you need to remove a field, just do these steps backwards. However, certain Sugar
   pre-defined fields should not be removed, because they will cause errors (account_id,
   etc.). It should be noted that using the WYSIWYG custom field editor (under Admin panel)
   will cause Sugar to have errors and fail in the long run.
C. Importing a file:

    1. Open warboard/file in Excel and save as a comma delimited file (.CSV). If you're
    using the Linux box, right-click on the warboard, choose "Open With->
    1.1.4 Calc". Continue as you would in Excel.
    2. Open Sugar CRM, go to the module you want to import to, and choose "Import" from
    the right-hand menu.
        - Choose 'Custom Comma Delimited File' and then click 'Next'.
        - Click 'browse' and find the .csv file you just created. Click 'Next'.
        - Map the fields to your columns. Now, this may seem slightly confusing,
          but it isn't. The names of the variables should correspond with the
          columns in your file. Make sure that none of the variables are used more
          than once, and that each of the required variables are used.
    3. Click 'Import now'.
    4. Review the list to make sure that all of your file was imported (Sugar will print
    out successful, unsuccessful, and other problems with your file).
    5. If you're unsatisfied with the import, click the 'Undo Last Import' button. If you
    are satisfied with the import, you don't need to click anything else.
D. Adding Custom Fields to the Search Form:
   Now that you have a custom field and can import it, you'll probably want to be able to
   search for it.
       1. Open modules/YourModule/SearchForm.html
        - If you want your variable to show up on the Basic Search, edit lines 29-51
          (this number may grow depending on how many variables are added to Basic
          Search, but is defined by <!-- BEGIN: main --> and <!-- END: main -->).
              <td class="dataLabel" noWrap><slot>{MOD.LBL_YOURVARIABLE}</slot>
            <slot><input type=text size="20" name="yourvariable" class=dataField value="{YOURVARIABLE}" /></slot></td>
          Add that in wherever you want your field to show up. Do the same for the
          Advanced Search section, denoted by <!-- BEGIN: advanced --> and
          <!-- END: advanced -->.
   =>Note that the variable must be defined in the fields_list array in
   modules/YourModule/YourModule.php for it to be included in the search without problems.
E. Edit the SubPanels on Detail Pages:
   For these instructions, I will use the Activities Module (which encompasses Calls, Notes,
   Meetings, and Tasks) as an example. To edit a SubPanel for, say, Opportunities, if is for
   an Activity, the SubPanelView.php/.html file that must be changed is the one for
   Activities, since the Opportunities page links to that file, not its own.
    1. modules/Activities/SubPanelView.php
       To add a new button (such as "Create Completed Task"), scroll down to either
       the Open Activities section or History section, depending on where you want to
       change. I have added in comments to show the beginning and end of the Open
       Activities and History sections. Find the code that looks like this:
           $button .= "<input title='".$current_module_strings['LBL_NEW_TASK_BUTTON_TITLE']."' accessKey='".$current_module_strings['LBL_NEW_TASK_BUTTON_KEY']."'class='button' οnclick=/"this.form.action.value='EditView';this.form.module.value='Tasks'/" type='submit' name='button' value='".$current_module_strings['LBL_NEW_TASK_BUTTON_LABEL']."'>/n";
       Put in yourvariable, and define what you want the button to do in the onclick
       function. If you want to simply create a new task, then EditView and Tasks are
       the correct values to have in the form.action.value and form.module.value. You
       may change the Action and Module value accordingly.
    2. modules/Activities/language/en_us.lang.php
       You must define the BUTTON_TITLE, BUTTON_KEY, and BUTTON_LABEL values in here.
       BUTTON_TITLE should be the Alt text, BUTTON_KEY should be a letter not already
       used by Sugar to create a shortcut to the button, and BUTTON_LABEL should be the
       text that shows up on the button.
   You can also change the categories that show up underneath each category, such as Account
   Name and Assigned User.
       1. modules/Activities/SubPanelView.html
       I will use the Open Activities section for example purposes. To add in or take
       out a category that you do not need, find it first in the header section (before
       <!-- BEGIN: row -->):
        <!-- BEGIN: open_activity -->
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0" class="listView">
        <tr height="20" class="listViewThS1">
        <td scope="col"width="2%" class="listViewThS1"><img src="include/images/blank.gif" widht="1" height="1" alt=""></td>
        <td scope="col" width="6%" class="listViewThS1">{MOD.LBL_LIST_CLOSE}</td>
        <td scope="col" width="30%" class="listViewThS1">{MOD.LBL_LIST_SUBJECT}</td>
        <td scope="col" width="15%" class="listViewThS1">{MOD.LBL_LIST_STATUS}</td>
        <td scope="col" width="10%" class="listViewThS1">{MOD.LBL_LIST_CONTACT}</td>
        <td scope="col" width="22%" class="listViewThS1">{MOD.LBL_LIST_RELATED_TO}</td>
        <td scope="col" width="10%" class="listViewThS1">{MOD.LBL_LIST_DUE_DATE}</td>
        <td scope="col" width="5%" class="listViewThS1"><img src="include/images/blank.gif" widht="1" height="1" alt=""></td>
       Taken out whichever category you do not need, and add in the variable of one you
       do need, like this:
           <td scope="col" width="15%" class="listViewThS1">{MOD.LBL_LIST_YOURVARIABLE}</td>
       Make sure that the width percentages do not add up to more than 100%.
       Next, find the variable that you entered your new variable after, and add in
        <!-- BEGIN: row -->
        <tr height="20"  οnmοuseοver="setPointer(this, '{ACTIVITY.ID}', 'over', '{BG_COLOR}', '{BG_HILITE}', '{BG_CLICK}');" οnmοuseοut="setPointer(this, '{ACTIVITY.ID}', 'out', '{BG_COLOR}', '{BG_HILITE}', '{BG_CLICK}');" οnmοusedοwn="setPointer(this, '{ACTIVITY.ID}', 'click', '{BG_COLOR}', '{BG_HILITE}', '{BG_CLICK}');">
        <td nowrap valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1">{ACTIVITY_MODULE_PNG}</td>
        <td nowrap valign=TOP align='center' bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1">{ACTIVITY.SET_COMPLETE}</td>
            <td scope='row' valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1"><a href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=DetailView&module={ACTIVITY.MODULE}&record={ACTIVITY.ID}{RETURN_URL}" class="listViewTdLinkS1">{ACTIVITY.NAME}</a></td>
        <td nowrap valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1">{ACTIVITY.TYPE} {ACTIVITY.STATUS}</td>
        <td valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1"><a href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=DetailView&module=Contacts&record={ACTIVITY.CONTACT_ID}{RETURN_URL}" class="listViewTdLinkS1">{ACTIVITY.CONTACT_NAME}</a></td>
        <td valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1"><a href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=DetailView&module={ACTIVITY.PARENT_MODULE}&record={ACTIVITY.PARENT_ID}{RETURN_URL}" class="listViewTdLinkS1">{ACTIVITY.PARENT_NAME}</a></td>
         <td nowrap valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1">{ACTIVITY.DATE}</td>
            <td nowrap align="center" valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1"><a class="listViewTdToolsS1" href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=EditView&module={ACTIVITY.MODULE}&record={ACTIVITY.ID}{RETURN_URL}">{EDIT_INLINE_PNG}</a>&nbsp;<a class="listViewTdToolsS1" href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=EditView&module={ACTIVITY.MODULE}&record={ACTIVITY.ID}{RETURN_URL}">{APP.LNK_EDIT}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="listViewTdToolsS1" οnclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this activity?')" href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=Delete&module={ACTIVITY.MODULE}&record={ACTIVITY.ID}{RETURN_URL}">{DELETE_INLINE_PNG}</a>&nbsp;<a class="listViewTdToolsS1" οnclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this activity?')" href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=Delete&module={ACTIVITY.MODULE}&record={ACTIVITY.ID}{RETURN_URL}">{APP.LNK_DELETE}</a></td>
       If you have taken out a row, also make sure to remove its column.
           <td valign=TOP bgcolor="{BG_COLOR}" class="{ROW_COLOR}S1"><a href="{URL_PREFIX}index.php?action=DetailView&module=Accounts&record={ACTIVITY.YOURVARIABLE}{RETURN_URL}" class="listViewTdLinkS1">{ACTIVITY.YOURVARIABLE}</a></td>
       Be sure to focus your variable to the correct Module and Page.   
F. Adding a JavaScript Calendar to a Date Field:
    1. modules/YourModule/EditView.php
        Add in these assigns:
            $xtpl->assign("CALENDAR_LANG", "en");$xtpl->assign("CALENDAR_DATEFORMAT", parse_calendardate($app_strings['NTC_DATE_FORMAT']));
            $xtpl->assign("TIME_MERIDIEM", $timedate->AMPMMenu('', $focus->time_due));
            $xtpl->assign("TIME_FORMAT", '('. $timedate->get_user_time_format().')');
            $xtpl->assign("USER_DATEFORMAT", '('. $timedate->get_user_date_format().')');
            $xtpl->assign("CALENDAR_DATEFORMAT", $timedate->get_cal_date_format());
    2. modules/YourModule/EditView.html
        Paste the following where you want your date field to show up:
            <td class="dataField"><slot><input name='yourvariable' id='yourvariable_field' type="text" tabindex='9' size='11' maxlength='10' value="{YOURVARIABLE}"> <img src="themes/{THEME}/images/jscalendar.gif" alt="{APP.LBL_ENTER_DATE}"  id="yourvariable_trigger" align="absmiddle"> <span class="dateFormat">{USER_DATEFORMAT}</span></slot></td>
        Go to the bottom of the document, before {JAVASCRIPT} and after </form>,
        and paste this:
            <script type="text/javascript">
            Calendar.setup ({
            inputField : "yourvariable_field", ifFormat : "{CALENDAR_DATEFORMAT}", showsTime : false, button : "yourvariable_trigger", singleClick : true, step : 1
G. Quick Changes:
   The following mini-tutorials will show how to make a quick change to something that's
   already existing.
    1. Add a value to a drop-down list:
        - Go to include/language/en_us.lang.php.
        - Find the array that defines the drop-down list that you wish to add to.
        - Add your new value in: "Your Value" => "Your Value",
        - Save and close.
    2. Map a probability to a sales stage:
        - Open modules/opportunities/OpportunitiesFormBase.php, find $focus->save
          and use this:
            mysql_query("UPDATE opportunities SET probability='xx'");
    3. Making a read only field not read only:
        - Open the EditView.html file that has the field that is readonly.
        - Find the field, and remove the {READONLY} variable, or 'readonly'.
    4. Change the date format from YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD/YYYY:
        - Under My Account, click on 'Edit'.
        - Change your date format to whichever one you like.
        - You can also change your time format to military or 12-hour time.
    5. Changing the name of a variable:
        - Open modules/YourModule/language/en_us.lang.php
        - Find the variable that needs its label changed.
        - Change to 'MOD.LBL_YOURVARIABLE' => 'New Name',

H. Troubleshooting and FAQs:

    1. My individual pipeline is not showing any of my opportunities.
        - Go to "Edit" (upper right-hand corner of the pipeline) and change
          the dates that are displayed. Opportunities being out of the date
          range often cause this problem. Also try refreshing the graph.
    2. I cannot view a task/opportunity/account/etc.
        - If you've searched in that module recently, try hitting the "clear" button,
          since Sugar may think you're still searching for the previous term.
        - If you haven't searched recently, make sure that the item you're trying
           to view is assigned to you; Certain users cannot see other users' items,
          and certain ones can.
    3. The first opportunity that I imported was not inserted into the database.
        - Make sure "Has Header" is not checked when importing, because it will strip
          the first line from the CSV file.
    4. The "Top Opportunities" section of my homepage is out of order, showing
       opportunities that are worth less than others.
           - This is a former bug caused by a mis-code: The code was ordering
          opportunities by the number of digits in the amount. The amount is
          originally entered in either Yen (? or USD ($), and since there are
          approximately 108?to $1, Sugar was reading this as two more digits. The
          bug was fixed, so this shouldn't happen again.
    5. How do I change the conversion rate of ?to USD?
        - Go to the Admin panel (logged in under the admin account), and go to the
          currency page (link in the "System" table). To edit ? click on it, then
          press 'Save' when you are done.
        - You can also create a new currency or conversion rate here.

I. Unsolved Changes:

    1. Selecting a Project from the Opportunity page:
        What is known:
            - Problem probably lies in the Project module, under any of these
              files: SubPanelView.php, Popup.php, Popup_picker.html
            - If you copy Popup.php from another module, Projects has errors with
        What is not known:
            - Why it won't select a Project and close the window, even though
              that function is clearly defined in Popup.php.
            - What the missing link is, and/or how to make the errors from
              includes/listview/ListView.php go away.
    2. On "Create Completed Task" button, set date and time to today's date and noon:
        The probable reason for this not working is that in order for a variable
        to be set to a certain value, it must be a drop-down list or "hidden".





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