Office 2010 Beta初体验

补记:明明把Office 2010 Beta装在E盘,为了避免和C盘的2007冲突,结果。。。 的确多数的组件都在E盘,但是——Outlook 2010从菜单上竟然覆盖了我之前的Outlook 2007。也就是说,Outlook 2007还在,就是没快捷方式了。待我反安装2010后,Outlook 2007的快捷方式也不出来。我只有重新修复Office 2007才看到Outlook 2007的图标再现。。。这真是~~~无语。。。




想把Excel里的图弄的漂亮点,于是就想装个Office 2010 Beta来试试。结果发现:



1. 基本上图表没怎么变的更漂亮,网上搜索了一下,重点是在协作、网络化等方面有提高。

2. 数据量处理能力也维持不变,除非用Gemini Add-on,不过它还未发布,发布后值得玩玩。

因为Gemini和SQL Server结合,自然大规模数据处理能力会增强。

3. Word启动出现0xc0000005错误,重启word错误依旧。

4. 自动删掉了我的Google拼音,替换成了Simplefast和Experence啥的两个微软输入法。

5. 自动上载中心,点开后发现关闭就退到右下角,无exit按钮。

6. 用个啥Java的P2P下载Office 2010 Beta。。。界面和性能都很烂。







1. 没改观也没办法,继续使用。

2. 等着Gemini出来,好好研究一下怎么玩。

3. 网上很多处理方法( ),对我自己适用的是:



0xC0000005 - Resolution Suggestion Two:

In Windows XP Service Pack 2 Microsoft introduced Data execution prevention (DEP) , a set of hardware and software technologies that perform additional checks on memory to help protect against malicious code exploits. In Windows XP SP2, DEP is enforced by both hardware and software.

Some software/application behaviours are incompatible with DEP - data execution prevention. Applications which perform dynamic code generation (such as Just-In-Time code generation) and that do not explicitly mark generated code with Execute permission might have compatibility issues with data execution prevention. Applications which are not built with SafeSEH must have their exception handlers located in executable memory regions.

Applications that attempt to violate DEP will receive an exception with status code STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005).
If an application requires executable memory, it must explicitly set this attribute on the appropriate memory by specifying PAGE_EXECUTE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE or PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY in the memory protection argument of the Virtual* memory allocation functions.

If you are having issues with 0xC0000005 errors in DEP and a particular piece of software is causing the offence, contact the vendor for a resolution...

Note: It is possible to "Turn Off" DEP in the boot.ini file but this really would be a last step!


This option is only available on 32-bit versions of Windows when running on processors supporting no-execute protection. It enables no-execute protection (also known as Data Execution Protection - DEP), which results in the Memory Manager marking pages containing data as no-execute so that they cannot be executed as code. This can be useful for preventing malicious code from exploiting buffer overflow bugs with unexpected program input in order to execute arbitrary code. No-execute protection is always enabled on 64-bit versions of Windows on processors that support no-execute protection.

There are several options you can specify with this switch:

/NOEXECUTE=OPTIN Enables DEP for core system images and those specified in the DEP configuration dialog.

/NOEXECUTE=OPTOUT Enables DEP for all images except those specified in the DEP configuration dialog.

/NOEXECUTE=ALWAYSON Enables DEP on all images.

/NOEXECUTE=ALWAYSOFF Disables DEP. (This setting doesn't provide any DEP coverage for any part of the system, regardless of hardware DEP support. The processor doesn't run in Physical Address Extension (PAE) mode unless the /PAE option is present in the boot.ini file.)

You can read more about DEP at:  


4. 重新安装Google拼音。

5. 在任务管理器中结束任务。。。

6. 这,只有:等。。。







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