Real Time Messaging Protocol

Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Adobe Systems for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server.

The RTMP protocol has three variations:

  1. The "plain" protocol which works on top of TCP and uses port number 1935
  2. RTMPT which is encapsulated within HTTP requests to traverse firewalls
  3. RTMPS which works just like RTMPT, but over a secure HTTPS connection.

While the primary motivation for RTMP was a persistent protocol for Flash, it is also used in some other applications, such as the Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES.


The raw TCP-based RTMP protocol maintains a single persistent connection and allows real-time communication. To guarantee smooth delivery of video and audio streams, while still maintaining the ability to transmit bigger chunks of information, the protocol may split video and data into fragments. The size of the fragments used can be negotiated dynamically between the client and server, and even disabled completely if desired, although the default fragment sizes are 128 bytes for video and most other data types, and 64-bytes for audio data. Fragments from different streams may then be interleaved and multiplexed over a single connection. With longer data chunks, the protocol would then only carry a one-byte header per fragment, thus incurring very little overhead. In practice however, individual fragments are not typically interleaved. Instead, the interleaving and multiplexing is done at the packet level, with RTMP packets across several different active channels being interleaved in such a way to ensure that each channel meets its bandwidth, latency, and other quality of service requirements. Packets interleaved in this fashion are treated as indivisible, and are not interleaved on the fragment level.

The RTMP protocol defines several channels on which packets may be sent/received, and which operate independently of each other. For example, there is a channel dedicated for handling RPC requests and responses, a channel for video stream data, a channel for audio stream data, a channel for out-of-band control messages (fragment size negotiation, etc.), and so on. During a typical RTMP session, several channels may be active simultaneously at any given time. When RTMP data is packetized, a packet header is generated. The packet header specifies, among other things, the id of the channel that it is to be sent on, the timestamp at which is was generated (if necessary), and the size of the packet payload. This is then followed by the packet payload, which is fragmented according to the currently agreed-upon fragment size before it is serialized over the connection. The packet header itself is never fragmented, and its size does not count towards the data in the packet's first fragment. In other words, only the actual packet payload data is subject to fragmentation.

At a higher level, the RTMP protocol encapsulates MP3 and Flash Video multimedia streams, and can make remote procedure calls (RPCs) using the Action Message Format.

Other RPC services are made asynchronously with a single client/server request/response model, so real-time communication is not necessary.[clarification needed][1]

HTTP tunneling

RTMP packets can be exchanged via two HTTP tunneling protocols:

  • In RTMP Tunneled (RTMPT), RTMP data is encapsulated and exchanged via HTTP, and messages from the client (the media player, in this case) are addressed to port 80 (the default for HTTP) on the server.
  • In RTMP Secure (RTMPS), RTMP data is encapsulated and exchanged via HTTPS, and messages from the client are addressed to port 443 (the default for HTTPS) on the server.

While the messages in RTMPT and RTMPS are larger than the equivalent non-tunneled RTMP messages due to HTTP and HTTPS headers, RTMPT and RTMPS may facilitate the use of RTMP in scenarios where the use of non-tunneled RTMP would otherwise not be possible, such as when the client is behind a firewall that blocks non-HTTP and non-HTTPS outbound traffic.

RTMP client software

The most well-known RTMP client is Adobe's Flash player which can stream video and audio from RTMP servers. Recently, the open source media player XBMC has acquired preliminary support for playing RTMP streams in its SVN version (see the patch). Recent versions of the popular cross platform Free and Open Source media player Videolan (VLC) also support RTMP.

RTMP server software

Currently, the only full implementation RTMP servers are the Adobe Flash Media Server, Wowza Media Server and WebORB Integration Server (free and available for .NET, Java and ColdFusion) both commercial and closed source implementations.

There is a reverse engineered open source project called Red5 which aims to produce a feature-complete implementation written in Java. As of October 2007, the majority of the functionality is implemented, although the project is still in the beta stage. There are some other RTMP-servers with basic functionality available over at Google Code

See also

Real Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP) based on User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

原文出处 http://www.openred5.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=188&extra=page%3D1





var videoInstance:Video = your_video_instance;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var connected:Boolean = nc.connect("rtmp:/localhost/myapp");
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);



Client → Server :向服务器发出握手请求.这不属于协议包一部分,该握手请求第一个字节为(0×03),其后跟着1536个字节.经管看上去这部分的内容对于RTMP协议来说并不是至关重要的,但也不可随意对待.
Server → Client :服务器向客户端回应握手请求.这部分的数据仍然不属于RTMP协议的部分.该回应的其实字节仍然为(0x03),但是后边跟着个长度为1536个字节(一共为3072 )的包块.第一个1536块看上去似乎可以是任意内容,甚至好像可以是Null都没有关系.第二个1536的代码块,是上一步客户端向服务器端发送的握手请求的内容.


Client → Server :向服务器发送连接包.
Server → Client :服务器回应.
... .... 等等... ...

RTMP 数据类型

0×01Chunk Sizechanges the chunk size for packets
0×02Unknownanyone know this one?
0×03Bytes Readsend every x bytes read by both sides
0×04Pingping is a stream control message, has subtypes
0×05Server BWthe servers downstream bw
0×06Client BWthe clients upstream bw
0×07Unknownanyone know this one?
0×08Audio Datapacket containing audio
0×09Video Datapacket containing video data
0x0A - 0×11Unknownanyone know?
0×12Notifyan invoke which does not expect a reply
0×13Shared Objecthas subtypes
0×14Invokelike remoting call, used for stream actions too.

Shared Object 数据类型

0×03Set Attribute
0×04Update Data
0×05Update Attribute
0×06Send Message
0×08Clear Data
0×09Delete Data
0x0ADelete Attribute
0x0B          Initial Data


RTMP包 包含一个固定长度的包头和一个最长为128字节的包体.包头可以是下面4种长度的任意一种:12, 8, 4, or 1 byte(s).
BitsHeader Length
0012 bytes
018 bytes
104 bytes
111 byte

关于流的操作我们需要进一步研究,在论坛中的 http://www.openred5.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=175&extra=page%3D1这篇文章研究的还是不错的,大家可以参考.不过下面可以列一个关于客户端向服务器端发送流的流程:

Client→Server :发送一个创建流的请求.
Server→Client :返回一个表示流的索引号.
Client→Server :开始发送.
Client→Server :发送视音频数据包(这些包在同一个频道(channel)并用流的索引号来唯一标识).




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