

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:aop=""
    xmlns:context="" xmlns:tx=""

    <!-- c3p0数据库连接池 -->
    <bean id="dataSource" class=""
        <!-- 数据库基本信息配置 -->
        <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" />
        <property name="username" value="LS" />
        <property name="password" value="LS" />
        <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />
    <bean id="jdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate">
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"></property>
    <bean id="pathWayDmDaoImp" class="">
        <property name="jdbcTemplate" ref="jdbcTemplate"></property>
    <bean id="pathWayService" class="">
        <property name="pathWayDmDaoImp" ref="pathWayDmDaoImp"></property>
    <!-- <context:annotation-config></context:annotation-config>
    <context:component-scan base-package="com.winning"></context:component-scan>



import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;

import com.winning.entity.bzfx.FxLjYzMx;

public class PathWayDmDaoImp extends JdbcDaoSupport implements IPathWayDmDao {

    // 使用中
    public List<Long> findGhdjidList(String sql) {
        List<Long> resultlist = new ArrayList<Long>();
        String insertsql = " select id from (" + sql + ") where rownum<500";

        resultlist = this.getJdbcTemplate().query(insertsql, new RowMapper() {

            public Long mapRow(ResultSet arg0, int arg1) throws SQLException {

                return arg0.getLong(1);
        return resultlist;

    // 使用中
    public List<FxLjYzMx> findcfmx(String sql) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        List<FxLjYzMx> fxljyzmxvolist = new ArrayList<FxLjYzMx>();
        String findsql = "select ghdjijd,xmmc,rq,je from (select ghdjid,xmmc,"
                + "dense_rank() over(partition by ghdjid order by rq) rq,"
                + "je"
                + "from (select ghdjid, xmmc, floor((cfrq - min) + 1) rq, je"
                + "from (select s.ghdjid, xmmc, cfrq, je, min"
                + "from (select ghdjid, xmmc, cfrq, je"
                + "from ck10_cfmx"
                + "where ghdjid in ("
                + sql
                + ")) s,"
                + "(select ghdjid, min(cfrq) min"
                + "from ck10_cfmx"
                + "where ghdjid in ("
                + sql
                + ")"
                + "group by ghdjid) h"
                + " where s.ghdjid = h.ghdjid(+)))) group by ghdjid,xmmc,rq,je;";
        fxljyzmxvolist = this.getJdbcTemplate().query(findsql, new RowMapper() {

            public FxLjYzMx mapRow(ResultSet arg0, int arg1)
                    throws SQLException {
                FxLjYzMx fxljyzmxvo = new FxLjYzMx();

                return fxljyzmxvo;
        return fxljyzmxvolist;




import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;


public class PathWayDmDaoImpTest {
    PathWayDmDaoImp pwd;

    public void newPathWayDmDaoImp() {
        // pwd = new PathWayDmDaoImp();
        ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
        pwd = (PathWayDmDaoImp) context.getBean("pathWayDmDaoImp");

    public void testFindGhdjidList() {
        pwd.findGhdjidList("select id from ghdjid_lwy");


log4j:WARN [debug] should be System.out or System.err.
log4j:WARN Using previously set target, System.out by default.
2016-12-29 09:31:45 -0    [main] INFO    - Refreshing startup date [Thu Dec 29 09:31:45 CST 2016]; root of context hierarchy
2016-12-29 09:31:45 -82   [main] INFO    - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [applicationContext.xml]
2016-12-29 09:31:45 -136  [main] DEBUG   - Using JAXP provider []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -218  [main] DEBUG   - Trying to resolve XML entity with public id [null] and system id []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -218  [main] DEBUG   - Loading schema mappings from [META-INF/spring.schemas]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -220  [main] DEBUG   - Loaded schema mappings: {,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,}
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -221  [main] DEBUG   - Found XML schema [] in classpath: org/springframework/beans/factory/xml/spring-beans-3.0.xsd
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -245  [main] DEBUG   - Loading bean definitions
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -263  [main] DEBUG   - Loaded 4 bean definitions from location pattern [applicationContext.xml]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -263  [main] DEBUG   - Bean factory for defining beans [dataSource,jdbcTemplate,pathWayDmDaoImp,pathWayService]; root of factory hierarchy
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -320  [main] DEBUG   - Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -321  [main] DEBUG   - Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using default [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@b8c8e6]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -321  [main] INFO    - Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [dataSource,jdbcTemplate,pathWayDmDaoImp,pathWayService]; root of factory hierarchy
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -322  [main] DEBUG   - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'dataSource'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -322  [main] DEBUG   - Creating instance of bean 'dataSource'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -427  [main] DEBUG   - Eagerly caching bean 'dataSource' to allow for resolving potential circular references
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -458  [main] DEBUG   - Getting BeanInfo for class []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -499  [main] DEBUG   - Caching PropertyDescriptors for class []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -499  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'ID' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -500  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -500  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'activeConnectionStackTrace' of type [java.util.List]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -500  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'activeConnections' of type [java.util.Set]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -501  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'activeCount' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -501  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'activePeak' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -501  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'activePeakTime' of type [java.util.Date]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -501  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'asyncCloseConnectionEnable' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -501  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'breakAfterAcquireFailure' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -501  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'cachedPreparedStatementAccessCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -501  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'cachedPreparedStatementCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -502  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'cachedPreparedStatementDeleteCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -502  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'cachedPreparedStatementHitCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -502  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'cachedPreparedStatementMissCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -502  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'class' of type [java.lang.Class]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -502  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'clearFiltersEnable' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -502  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'closeCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -502  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'closedPreparedStatementCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -503  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'commitCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -503  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'compositeData' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -503  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'connectCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -503  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'connectErrorCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -503  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'connectProperties' of type [java.util.Properties]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -503  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'connection' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -503  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'connectionErrorRetryAttempts' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -504  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'connectionInitSqls' of type [java.util.Collection]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -504  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'connectionProperties' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -505  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'createCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -505  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'createErrorCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -505  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'createScheduler' of type [java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'createTimespanMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'createTimespanNano' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'createdTime' of type [java.util.Date]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'dataSourceStat' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'dbType' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'defaultAutoCommit' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'defaultCatalog' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -506  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'defaultReadOnly' of type [java.lang.Boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'defaultTransactionIsolation' of type [java.lang.Integer]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'destroyCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'destroyScheduler' of type [java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'discardCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'driver' of type [java.sql.Driver]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'driverClassLoader' of type [java.lang.ClassLoader]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'driverClassName' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -507  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'driverMajorVersion' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'driverMinorVersion' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'dupCloseCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'dupCloseLogEnable' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'enable' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'errorCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'exceptionSorter' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'exceptionSorterClassName' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'executeCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -508  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'filterClassNames' of type [java.util.List]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -509  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'filterClasses' of type [[Ljava.lang.String;]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -509  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'filters' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -509  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'full' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -509  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'initStackTrace' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -509  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'inited' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -509  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'initialSize' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -509  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lastCreateError' of type [java.lang.Throwable]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lastCreateErrorTime' of type [java.util.Date]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lastCreateErrorTimeMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lastError' of type [java.lang.Throwable]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lastErrorTime' of type [java.util.Date]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lastErrorTimeMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lock' of type [java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lockQueueLength' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -510  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'logAbandoned' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'logDifferentThread' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'logWriter' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'loginTimeout' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxActive' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxCreateTaskCount' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxIdle' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxOpenPreparedStatements' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -511  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxWait' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxWaitThreadCount' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'mbeanRegistered' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'minEvictableIdleTimeMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'minIdle' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'name' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'notEmptySignalCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'notEmptyWaitCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'notEmptyWaitMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -512  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'notEmptyWaitNanos' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'notEmptyWaitThreadCount' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'notEmptyWaitThreadPeak' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'notFullTimeoutRetryCount' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'numTestsPerEvictionRun' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'objectName' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'oracle' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'parentLogger' of type [java.util.logging.Logger]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'password' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -513  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'passwordCallback' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -514  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'passwordCallbackClassName' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -514  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'poolPreparedStatements' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -514  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'pooledConnection' of type [javax.sql.PooledConnection]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -514  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'poolingConnectionInfo' of type [java.util.List]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -514  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'poolingCount' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -514  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'poolingPeak' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -514  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'poolingPeakTime' of type [java.util.Date]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'preparedStatementCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'properties' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'proxyFilters' of type [java.util.List]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'queryTimeout' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'rawDriver' of type [java.sql.Driver]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'rawDriverMajorVersion' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'rawDriverMinorVersion' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -515  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'rawJdbcUrl' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'recycleCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'recycleErrorCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'reference' of type [javax.naming.Reference]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'removeAbandoned' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'removeAbandonedCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'removeAbandonedTimeout' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'removeAbandonedTimeoutMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'resetCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -516  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'resetStatEnable' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'rollbackCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'sharePreparedStatements' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'sqlStat'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'sqlStatMap' of type [java.util.Map]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'startTransactionCount' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'statData' of type [java.util.Map]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'statDataForMBean' of type [java.util.Map]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -517  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'statLogger' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'statLoggerClassName' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'statValueAndReset' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'testOnBorrow' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'testOnReturn' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'testWhileIdle' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'timeBetweenLogStatsMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -518  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'transactionHistogram' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'transactionHistogramRanges' of type [[J]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'transactionHistogramValues' of type [[J]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'transactionQueryTimeout' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'transactionThresholdMillis' of type [long]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'url' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'useGlobalDataSourceStat' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'useLocalSessionState' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'useOracleImplicitCache' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'useUnfairLock' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -519  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'userCallback' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'username' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'validConnectionChecker' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'validConnectionCheckerClassName' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'validationQuery' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'validationQueryTimeout' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'version' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'waitThreadCount' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -520  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'wallStatMap' of type [java.util.Map]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -523  [main] DEBUG   - Finished creating instance of bean 'dataSource'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -523  [main] DEBUG   - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jdbcTemplate'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -524  [main] DEBUG   - Creating instance of bean 'jdbcTemplate'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -527  [main] DEBUG   - Eagerly caching bean 'jdbcTemplate' to allow for resolving potential circular references
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -527  [main] DEBUG   - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'dataSource'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -528  [main] DEBUG   - Getting BeanInfo for class [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -532  [main] DEBUG   - Caching PropertyDescriptors for class [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -532  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'class' of type [java.lang.Class]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -532  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'dataSource' of type [javax.sql.DataSource]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -532  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'databaseProductName' of type [java.lang.String]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -532  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'exceptionTranslator' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -532  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'fetchSize' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'ignoreWarnings' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'lazyInit' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'maxRows' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'nativeJdbcExtractor' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'queryTimeout' of type [int]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'resultsMapCaseInsensitive' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'skipResultsProcessing' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'skipUndeclaredResults' of type [boolean]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Invoking afterPropertiesSet() on bean with name 'jdbcTemplate'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -533  [main] DEBUG   - Finished creating instance of bean 'jdbcTemplate'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -534  [main] DEBUG   - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'pathWayDmDaoImp'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -534  [main] DEBUG   - Creating instance of bean 'pathWayDmDaoImp'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -534  [main] DEBUG   - Eagerly caching bean 'pathWayDmDaoImp' to allow for resolving potential circular references
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -534  [main] DEBUG   - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'jdbcTemplate'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -534  [main] DEBUG   - Getting BeanInfo for class []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -537  [main] DEBUG   - Caching PropertyDescriptors for class []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -537  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'class' of type [java.lang.Class]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -537  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'dataSource' of type [javax.sql.DataSource]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -537  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'jdbcTemplate' of type [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -537  [main] DEBUG   - Invoking afterPropertiesSet() on bean with name 'pathWayDmDaoImp'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -537  [main] DEBUG   - Finished creating instance of bean 'pathWayDmDaoImp'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -538  [main] DEBUG   - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'pathWayService'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -538  [main] DEBUG   - Creating instance of bean 'pathWayService'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -538  [main] DEBUG   - Eagerly caching bean 'pathWayService' to allow for resolving potential circular references
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -538  [main] DEBUG   - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'pathWayDmDaoImp'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -538  [main] DEBUG   - Getting BeanInfo for class []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -540  [main] DEBUG   - Caching PropertyDescriptors for class []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -540  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'class' of type [java.lang.Class]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -541  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'pathWayDaoImp' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -541  [main] DEBUG   - Found bean property 'pathWayDmDaoImp' of type []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -541  [main] DEBUG   - Finished creating instance of bean 'pathWayService'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -542  [main] DEBUG   - Unable to locate LifecycleProcessor with name 'lifecycleProcessor': using default []
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -543  [main] DEBUG   - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'lifecycleProcessor'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -543  [main] DEBUG   - Publishing event in org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent[ startup date [Thu Dec 29 09:31:45 CST 2016]; root of context hierarchy]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -543  [main] DEBUG   - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'pathWayDmDaoImp'
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -544  [main] DEBUG   - Executing SQL query [ select id from (select id from ghdjid_lwy) where rownum<500]
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -582  [main] DEBUG   - Fetching JDBC Connection from DataSource
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -889  [main] INFO    - {dataSource-1} inited
2016-12-29 09:31:46 -1090 [main] DEBUG   - Returning JDBC Connection to DataSource


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