Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (十三) Convolutional Neural Network Exercise

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基于 Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (十二) Convolutional Neural Network Theory 理论分析,对 Exercise: Convolutional Neural Network进行了MatLab实现,同时也是CNN练习模块的最后一作:



则会在此文中发现 cnnPool.m 与 cnnConvolve.m 前的练习有所不同,在此blog中已经进行了更新。


function pooledFeatures = cnnPool(poolDim, convolvedFeatures)
%cnnPool Pools the given convolved features
% Parameters:
%  poolDim - dimension of pooling region
%  convolvedFeatures - convolved features to pool (as given by cnnConvolve)
%                      convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol, featureNum, imageNum)
% Returns:
%  pooledFeatures - matrix of pooled features in the form
%                   pooledFeatures(poolRow, poolCol, featureNum, imageNum)

numImages = size(convolvedFeatures, 4);
numFilters = size(convolvedFeatures, 3);
convolvedDim = size(convolvedFeatures, 1);

pooledFeatures = zeros(convolvedDim / poolDim, convolvedDim / poolDim, numFilters, numImages);

% Instructions:
%   Now pool the convolved features in regions of poolDim x poolDim,
%   to obtain the 
%   (convolvedDim/poolDim) x (convolvedDim/poolDim) x numFeatures x numImages 
%   matrix pooledFeatures, such that
%   pooledFeatures(poolRow, poolCol, featureNum, imageNum) is the 
%   value of the featureNum feature for the imageNum image pooled over the
%   corresponding (poolRow, poolCol) pooling region. 
%   Use mean pooling here.

for iterFeature = 1:numFilters
    for iterImage = 1:numImages
%         for iterDim_col = 1:floor(convolvedDim / poolDim)
%             for iterDim_row = 1:floor(convolvedDim / poolDim)
%                 tmp = convolvedFeatures( ...
%                         1+(iterDim_row-1)*poolDim:iterDim_row*poolDim,...
%                             1+(iterDim_col-1)*poolDim:iterDim_col*poolDim, ...
%                                 iterFeature, ...
%                                     iterImage );
%                 pooledFeatures(iterDim_row, iterDim_col, iterFeature, iterImage) = mean(tmp(:));
                tmp = conv2(convolvedFeatures(:,:,iterFeature,iterImage), ones(poolDim),'valid'); 
                pooledFeatures(:,:,iterFeature,iterImage) = 1./(poolDim^2)*tmp(1:poolDim:end,1:poolDim:end);
%             end
%         end

function convolvedFeatures = cnnConvolve(filterDim, numFilters, images, W, b)
%cnnConvolve Returns the convolution of the features given by W and b with
%the given images
% Parameters:
%  filterDim - filter (feature) dimension
%  numFilters - number of feature maps
%  images - large images to convolve with, matrix in the form
%           images(r, c, image number)
%  W, b - W, b for features from the sparse autoencoder
%         W is of shape (filterDim,filterDim,numFilters)
%         b is of shape (numFilters,1)
% Returns:
%  convolvedFeatures - matrix of convolved features in the form
%                      convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol, featureNum, imageNum)

numImages = size(images, 3);
imageDim = size(images, 1);
convDim = imageDim - filterDim + 1;

convolvedFeatures = zeros(convDim, convDim, numFilters, numImages);

% Instructions:
%   Convolve every filter with every image here to produce the 
%   (imageDim - filterDim + 1) x (imageDim - filterDim + 1) x numFeatures x numImages
%   matrix convolvedFeatures, such that 
%   convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol, featureNum, imageNum) is the
%   value of the convolved featureNum feature for the imageNum image over
%   the region (imageRow, imageCol) to (imageRow + filterDim - 1, imageCol + filterDim - 1)
% Expected running times: 
%   Convolving with 100 images should take less than 30 seconds 
%   Convolving with 5000 images should take around 2 minutes
%   (So to save time when testing, you should convolve with less images, as
%   described earlier)

for imageNum = 1:numImages
  for filterNum = 1:numFilters

    % convolution of image with feature matrix
    % convolvedImage = zeros(convDim, convDim);

    % Obtain the feature (filterDim x filterDim) needed during the convolution

    %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%%
    filter = W(:, :, filterNum);
    % Flip the feature matrix because of the definition of convolution, as explained later
    filter = rot90(squeeze(filter),2);
    % Obtain the image
    im = squeeze(images(:, :, imageNum));

    % Convolve "filter" with "im", adding the result to convolvedImage
    % be sure to do a 'valid' convolution

    %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%%
    convolvedImage = conv2(im, filter, 'valid');
    % Add the bias unit
    % Then, apply the sigmoid function to get the hidden activation

    %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%%
    convolvedImage = sigmoid(convolvedImage + b(filterNum));
    convolvedFeatures(:, :, filterNum, imageNum) = convolvedImage;


%% Convolution Neural Network Exercise

%  Instructions
%  ------------
%  This file contains code that helps you get started in building a single.
%  layer convolutional nerual network. In this exercise, you will only
%  need to modify cnnCost.m and cnnminFuncSGD.m. You will not need to 
%  modify this file.

%% STEP 0: Initialize Parameters and Load Data
%  Here we initialize some parameters used for the exercise.

% Configuration
imageDim = 28;
numClasses = 10;  % Number of classes (MNIST images fall into 10 classes)
filterDim = 9;    % Filter size for conv layer
numFilters = 20;   % Number of filters for conv layer
poolDim = 2;      % Pooling dimension, (should divide imageDim-filterDim+1)

% Load MNIST Train
addpath common/;
images = loadMNISTImages('common/train-images.idx3-ubyte');
images = reshape(images,imageDim,imageDim,[]);
labels = loadMNISTLabels('common/train-labels.idx1-ubyte');
labels(labels==0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10

% Initialize Parameters
theta = cnnInitParams(imageDim,filterDim,numFilters,poolDim,numClasses);

%% STEP 1: Implement convNet Objective
%  Implement the function cnnCost.m.

%% STEP 2: Gradient Check
%  Use the file computeNumericalGradient.m to check the gradient
%  calculation for your cnnCost.m function.  You may need to add the
%  appropriate path or copy the file to this directory.

DEBUG=false;  % set this to true to check gradient
    % To speed up gradient checking, we will use a reduced network and
    % a debugging data set
    db_numFilters = 2;
    db_filterDim = 9;
    db_poolDim = 5;
    db_images = images(:,:,1:10);
    db_labels = labels(1:10);
    db_theta = cnnInitParams(imageDim,db_filterDim,db_numFilters,...
    [cost grad] = cnnCost(db_theta,db_images,db_labels,numClasses,...
    % Check gradients
    numGrad = computeNumericalGradient( @(x) cnnCost(x,db_images,...
                                db_numFilters,db_poolDim), db_theta);
    % Use this to visually compare the gradients side by side
    disp([numGrad grad]);
    diff = norm(numGrad-grad)/norm(numGrad+grad);
    % Should be small. In our implementation, these values are usually 
    % less than 1e-9.
    assert(diff < 1e-9,...
        'Difference too large. Check your gradient computation again');
    % reach here @ 2.0024e-10

%% STEP 3: Learn Parameters
%  Implement minFuncSGD.m, then train the model.

options.epochs = 5;
% options.minibatch = 256;
options.minibatch = 256;
options.alpha = 1e-1;
options.momentum = .95;

opttheta = minFuncSGD(@(x,y,z) cnnCost(x,y,z,numClasses,filterDim,...

%% STEP 4: Test
%  Test the performance of the trained model using the MNIST test set. Your
%  accuracy should be above 97% after 3 epochs of training

testImages = loadMNISTImages('common/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte');
testImages = reshape(testImages,imageDim,imageDim,[]);
testLabels = loadMNISTLabels('common/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte');
testLabels(testLabels==0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10


acc = sum(preds==testLabels)/length(preds);

% Accuracy should be around 97.4% after 3 epochs
fprintf('Accuracy is %f\n',acc);
function [cost, grad, preds] = cnnCost(theta,images,labels,numClasses,...
% Calcualte cost and gradient for a single layer convolutional
% neural network followed by a softmax layer with cross entropy
% objective.
% Parameters:
%  theta      -  unrolled parameter vector
%  images     -  stores images in imageDim x imageDim x numImges
%                array
%  numClasses -  number of classes to predict
%  filterDim  -  dimension of convolutional filter                            
%  numFilters -  number of convolutional filters
%  poolDim    -  dimension of pooling area
%  pred       -  boolean only forward propagate and return
%                predictions
% Returns:
%  cost       -  cross entropy cost
%  grad       -  gradient with respect to theta (if pred==False)
%  preds      -  list of predictions for each example (if pred==True)

if ~exist('pred','var')
    pred = false;

imageDim = size(images,1); % height/width of image
numImages = size(images,3); % number of images

%% Reshape parameters and setup gradient matrices

% Wc is filterDim x filterDim x numFilters parameter matrix
% bc is the corresponding bias

% Wd is numClasses x hiddenSize parameter matrix where hiddenSize
% is the number of output units from the convolutional layer
% bd is corresponding bias
[Wc, Wd, bc, bd] = cnnParamsToStack(theta,imageDim,filterDim,numFilters,...

% Same sizes as Wc,Wd,bc,bd. Used to hold gradient w.r.t above params.
Wc_grad = zeros(size(Wc));
% Wd_grad = zeros(size(Wd));
bc_grad = zeros(size(bc));
% bd_grad = zeros(size(bd));

%% STEP 1a: Forward Propagation
%  In this step you will forward propagate the input through the
%  convolutional and subsampling (mean pooling) layers.  You will then use
%  the responses from the convolution and pooling layer as the input to a
%  standard softmax layer.

%% Convolutional Layer
%  For each image and each filter, convolve the image with the filter, add
%  the bias and apply the sigmoid nonlinearity.  Then subsample the 
%  convolved activations with mean pooling.  Store the results of the
%  convolution in activations and the results of the pooling in
%  activationsPooled.  You will need to save the convolved activations for
%  backpropagation.
convDim = imageDim-filterDim+1; % dimension of convolved output
outputDim = (convDim)/poolDim; % dimension of subsampled output

% convDim x convDim x numFilters x numImages tensor for storing activations
% activations = zeros(convDim,convDim,numFilters,numImages);

% outputDim x outputDim x numFilters x numImages tensor for storing
% subsampled activations
% activationsPooled = zeros(outputDim,outputDim,numFilters,numImages);

activations = cnnConvolve(filterDim, numFilters, images, Wc, bc);
activationsPooled = cnnPool(poolDim, activations);

% Reshape activations into 2-d matrix, hiddenSize x numImages,
% for Softmax layer
activationsPooled = reshape(activationsPooled,[],numImages);

%% Softmax Layer
%  Forward propagate the pooled activations calculated above into a
%  standard softmax layer. For your convenience we have reshaped
%  activationPooled into a hiddenSize x numImages matrix.  Store the
%  results in probs.

% numClasses x numImages for storing probability that each image belongs to
% each class.
% probs = zeros(numClasses,numImages);

M = Wd*activationsPooled + repmat(bd, [1,numImages]); 
M = bsxfun(@minus, M, max(M,[],1));
M = exp(M);
probs = bsxfun(@rdivide, M, sum(M));

%% STEP 1b: Calculate Cost
%  In this step you will use the labels given as input and the probs
%  calculate above to evaluate the cross entropy objective.  Store your
%  results in cost.

%  cost = 0; % save objective into cost
lambda_c = 3e-3;
lambda_d = 1e-4;
numChannel = 1; % MNIST Data Set has only 1 input channel

numCases = size(images, 3);

groundTruth = full(sparse(labels, 1:numCases, 1));

J_theta = sum(sum(log(probs).*groundTruth));
J_theta = -J_theta / numCases;

WeightDecay_c = lambda_c * sum(Wc(:).^2) / 2;
WeightDecay_d = lambda_d * sum(Wd(:).^2) / 2;
WeightDecay = WeightDecay_c + WeightDecay_d;
cost = J_theta + WeightDecay;

% Makes predictions given probs and returns without backproagating errors.
if pred
    [~,preds] = max(probs,[],1);
    preds = preds';
    grad = 0;

%% STEP 1c: Backpropagation
%  Backpropagate errors through the softmax and convolutional/subsampling
%  layers.  Store the errors for the next step to calculate the gradient.
%  Backpropagating the error w.r.t the softmax layer is as usual.  To
%  backpropagate through the pooling layer, you will need to upsample the
%  error with respect to the pooling layer for each filter and each image.  
%  Use the kron function and a matrix of ones to do this upsampling 
%  quickly.


delta_softmax = -(groundTruth - probs) / numImages;
% 1/numImage has been calculated in this step
% Gradeint param won't contain 1/m
delta_pooling = Wd' * delta_softmax;
delta_pooling = reshape(delta_pooling, outputDim, outputDim, numFilters, numImages);
activations = reshape(activations, convDim, convDim, numFilters, numImages);
delta_conv = zeros(convDim, convDim, numFilters, numImages);
for i = 1:numImages
    for j = 1:numFilters
        delta_conv(:, :, j, i) = (1/poolDim^2) * kron(delta_pooling(:, :, j, i),ones(poolDim));
        delta_conv(:, :, j, i) = delta_conv(:, :, j, i) .* activations(:, :, j, i) .* (1-activations(:, :, j, i));

%% STEP 1d: Gradient Calculation
%  After backpropagating the errors above, we can use them to calculate the
%  gradient with respect to all the parameters.  The gradient w.r.t the
%  softmax layer is calculated as usual.  To calculate the gradient w.r.t.
%  a filter in the convolutional layer, convolve the backpropagated error
%  for that filter with each image and aggregate over images.

Wd_grad = delta_softmax * activationsPooled' + lambda_d * Wd;
bd_grad = sum(delta_softmax, 2);

for i = 1:numFilters
    for j = 1:numChannel
        % Unused Loop
        for m = 1:numImages
            filter = rot90(squeeze(delta_conv(:,:,i,m)),2);
            Wc_grad(:, :, i) =  Wc_grad(:, :, i) + conv2(images(:,:,m), filter, 'valid');
    bc_tmp = delta_conv(:,:,i,:);
    bc_grad(i) = sum(bc_tmp(:));
Wc_grad = Wc_grad + lambda_c * Wc;

%% Unroll gradient into grad vector for minFunc
grad = [Wc_grad(:) ; Wd_grad(:) ; bc_grad(:) ; bd_grad(:)];


function [opttheta] = minFuncSGD(funObj,theta,data,labels,...
% Runs stochastic gradient descent with momentum to optimize the
% parameters for the given objective.
% Parameters:
%  funObj     -  function handle which accepts as input theta,
%                data, labels and returns cost and gradient w.r.t
%                to theta.
%  theta      -  unrolled parameter vector
%  data       -  stores data in m x n x numExamples tensor
%  labels     -  corresponding labels in numExamples x 1 vector
%  options    -  struct to store specific options for optimization
% Returns:
%  opttheta   -  optimized parameter vector
% Options (* required)
%  epochs*     - number of epochs through data
%  alpha*      - initial learning rate
%  minibatch*  - size of minibatch
%  momentum    - momentum constant, defualts to 0.9

%% Setup
        'Some options not defined');
if ~isfield(options,'momentum')
    options.momentum = 0.9;
epochs = options.epochs;
alpha = options.alpha;
minibatch = options.minibatch;
m = length(labels); % training set size
% Setup for momentum
mom = 0.5;
momIncrease = 20;
velocity = zeros(size(theta));

%% SGD loop
it = 0;
for e = 1:epochs
    % randomly permute indices of data for quick minibatch sampling
    rp = randperm(m);
    for s=1:minibatch:(m-minibatch+1)
        it = it + 1;

        % increase momentum after momIncrease iterations
        if it == momIncrease
            mom = options.momentum;

        % get next randomly selected minibatch
        mb_data = data(:,:,rp(s:s+minibatch-1));
        mb_labels = labels(rp(s:s+minibatch-1));

        % evaluate the objective function on the next minibatch
        [cost grad] = funObj(theta,mb_data,mb_labels);
        % Instructions: Add in the weighted velocity vector to the
        % gradient evaluated above scaled by the learning rate.
        % Then update the current weights theta according to the
        % sgd update rule
        %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%%
        velocity = velocity * mom + alpha * grad;
        theta = theta - velocity;
        fprintf('Epoch %d: Cost on iteration %d is %f\n',e,it,cost);

    % aneal learning rate by factor of two after each epoch
    alpha = alpha/2.0;


opttheta = theta;



5 epoch SGD-mom

batch-size = 256

time-consumption = 1171.324 / 60 = 19.52 mins

Epoch 5: Cost on iteration 1170 is 0.205146
Accuracy is 0.963500

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