


所谓粒子滤波就是指:通过寻找一组在状态空间中传播的随机样本来近似的表示概率密度函数,用样本均值代替积分运算,进而获得系统状态的最小方差估计的过程,这些样本被形象的称为“粒子”,故而叫粒子滤波。采用数学语言描述如下: 对于平稳的随机过程, 假定k - 1 时刻系统的后验概率密度为p ( xk-1 zk-1 ) , 依据一定原则选取n 个随机样本点, k 时刻获得测量信息后, 经过状态和时间更新过程, n 个粒子的后验概率密度可近似为p ( xk zk ) 。随着粒子数目的增加, 粒子的概率密度函数逐渐逼近状态的概率密度函数, 粒子滤波估计即达到了最优贝叶斯估计的效果。

粒子滤波算法摆脱了解决非线性滤波问题时随机量必须满足高斯分布的制约条件, 并在一定程度上解决了粒子数样本匮乏问题, 因此近年来该算法在许多领域得到成功应用。






(1) 预测过程,由p(xk-1|Yk-1)得到p(xk|Yk-1):





(2) 更新过程,由p(xk|Yk-1)得到p(xk|Yk):










贝叶斯滤波需要进行积分运算,除了一些特殊的系统模型(如线性高斯系统,有限状态的离散系统)之外,对于一般的非线性、非高斯系统,贝叶斯滤波很难得到后验概率的封闭解析式。因此,现有的非线性滤波器多采用近似的计算方法解决积分问题,以此来获取估计的次优解。在系统的非线性模型可由在当前状态展开的线性模型有限近似的前提下,基于一阶或二阶Taylor级数展开的扩展Kalman滤波得到广泛应用。在一般情况下,逼近概率密度函数比逼近非线性函数容易实现。据此,Julier与Uhlmann提出一种Unscented Kalman滤波器,通过选定的sigma点来精确估计随机变量经非线性变换后的均值和方差,从而更好的近似状态的概率密度函数,其理论估计精度优于扩展Kalman滤波。获取次优解的另外一中方案便是基于蒙特卡洛模拟的粒子滤波器。








重要性采样 (Importance Sampling)

这是一种蒙特卡洛方法(Monte Carlo)。在有限的采样次数内,尽量让采样点覆盖对积分贡献很大的点。该方法目的并不是用来产生一个样本的,而是求一个函数的定积分的,只是因为该定积分的求法是通过对另一个叫容易采集分布的随机采用得到的。

序贯重要性采样(Sequential Importance Sainpling,SIS)





k = 0,随机提取N个样本点
































  1. <span style= "font-size:18px;">function ParticleEx1
  2. % Particle filter example, adapted from Gordon, Salmond, and Smith paper.
  3. x = 0. 1; % initial state
  4. Q = 1; % process noise covariance
  5. R = 1; % measurement noise covariance
  6. tf = 50; % simulation length
  7. N = 100; % number of particles in the particle filter
  8. xhat = x;
  9. P = 2;
  10. xhatPart = x;
  11. % Initialize the particle filter.
  12. for i = 1 : N
  13. xpart(i) = x + sqrt(P) * randn;
  14. end
  15. xArr = [ x];
  16. yArr = [ x^ 2 / 20 + sqrt(R) * randn];
  17. xhatArr = [ x];
  18. PArr = [P];
  19. xhatPartArr = [xhatPart];
  20. close all;
  21. for k = 1 : tf
  22. % System simulation
  23. x = 0. 5 * x + 25 * x / ( 1 + x^ 2) + 8 * cos( 1.2*(k- 1)) + sqrt(Q) * randn;%状态方程
  24. y = x^ 2 / 20 + sqrt(R) * randn;%观测方程
  25. % Extended Kalman filter
  26. F = 0. 5 + 25 * ( 1 - xhat^ 2) / ( 1 + xhat^ 2)^ 2;
  27. P = F * P * F ' + Q;
  28. H = xhat / 10;
  29. K = P * H' * (H * P * H ' + R)^(-1);
  30. xhat = 0.5 * xhat + 25 * xhat / (1 + xhat^2) + 8 * cos(1.2*(k-1));%预测
  31. xhat = xhat + K * (y - xhat^2 / 20);%更新
  32. P = (1 - K * H) * P;
  33. % Particle filter
  34. for i = 1 : N
  35. xpartminus(i) = 0.5 * xpart(i) + 25 * xpart(i) / (1 + xpart(i)^2) + 8 * cos(1.2*(k-1)) + sqrt(Q) * randn;
  36. ypart = xpartminus(i)^2 / 20;
  37. vhat = y - ypart;%观测和预测的差
  38. q(i) = (1 / sqrt(R) / sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-vhat^2 / 2 / R);
  39. end
  40. % Normalize the likelihood of each a priori estimate.
  41. qsum = sum(q);
  42. for i = 1 : N
  43. q(i) = q(i) / qsum;%归一化权重
  44. end
  45. % Resample.
  46. for i = 1 : N
  47. u = rand; % uniform random number between 0 and 1
  48. qtempsum = 0;
  49. for j = 1 : N
  50. qtempsum = qtempsum + q(j);
  51. if qtempsum >= u
  52. xpart(i) = xpartminus(j);
  53. break;
  54. end
  55. end
  56. end
  57. % The particle filter estimate is the mean of the particles.
  58. xhatPart = mean(xpart);
  59. % Plot the estimated pdf' s at a specific time.
  60. if k == 20
  61. % Particle filter pdf
  62. pdf = zeros( 81, 1);
  63. for m = - 40 : 40
  64. for i = 1 : N
  65. if ( m <= xpart(i)) && (xpart(i) < m+ 1)
  66. pdf( m+ 41) = pdf( m+ 41) + 1;
  67. end
  68. end
  69. end
  70. figure;
  71. m = - 40 : 40;
  72. plot( m, pdf / N, 'r');
  73. hold;
  74. title( 'Estimated pdf at k=20');
  75. disp([ 'min, max xpart(i) at k = 20: ', num2str(min(xpart)), ', ', num2str(max(xpart))]);
  76. % Kalman filter pdf
  77. pdf = ( 1 / sqrt(P) / sqrt( 2*pi)) .* exp(-( m - xhat).^ 2 / 2 / P);
  78. plot( m, pdf, 'b');
  79. legend( 'Particle filter', 'Kalman filter');
  80. end
  81. % Save data in arrays for later plotting
  82. xArr = [xArr x];
  83. yArr = [yArr y];
  84. xhatArr = [xhatArr xhat];
  85. PArr = [PArr P];
  86. xhatPartArr = [xhatPartArr xhatPart];
  87. end
  88. t = 0 : tf;
  89. %figure;
  90. %plot(t, xArr);
  91. %ylabel( 'true state');
  92. figure;
  93. plot(t, xArr, 'b.', t, xhatArr, 'k-', t, xhatArr- 2* sqrt(PArr), 'r:', t, xhatArr+ 2* sqrt(PArr), 'r:');
  94. axis([ 0 tf - 40 40]);
  95. set(gca, 'FontSize', 12); set(gcf, 'Color', 'White');
  96. xlabel( 'time step'); ylabel( 'state');
  97. legend( 'True state', 'EKF estimate', '95% confidence region');
  98. figure;
  99. plot(t, xArr, 'b.', t, xhatPartArr, 'k-');
  100. set(gca, 'FontSize', 12); set(gcf, 'Color', 'White');
  101. xlabel( 'time step'); ylabel( 'state');
  102. legend( 'True state', 'Particle filter estimate');
  103. xhatRMS = sqrt((norm(xArr - xhatArr))^ 2 / tf);
  104. xhatPartRMS = sqrt((norm(xArr - xhatPartArr))^ 2 / tf);
  105. disp([ 'Kalman filter RMS error = ', num2str(xhatRMS)]);
  106. disp([ 'Particle filter RMS error = ', num2str(xhatPartRMS)]); < /span>

  1. /** @file
  2. Definitions related to tracking with particle filtering
  3. @author Rob Hess
  4. @version 1.0.0-20060307
  5. */
  6. #ifndef PARTICLES_H
  7. #define PARTICLES_H
  8. /******************************* Definitions *********************************/
  9. /* standard deviations for gaussian sampling in transition model */
  10. #define TRANS_X_STD 5.0
  11. #define TRANS_Y_STD 5.0
  12. #define TRANS_S_STD 0.001
  13. /* autoregressive dynamics parameters for transition model */
  14. #define A1 2.0
  15. #define A2 -1.0
  16. #define B0 1.0000
  17. /* number of bins of HSV in histogram */
  18. #define NH 10
  19. #define NS 10
  20. #define NV 10
  21. /* max HSV values */
  22. #define H_MAX 360.0
  23. #define S_MAX 1.0
  24. #define V_MAX 1.0
  25. /* low thresholds on saturation and value for histogramming */
  26. #define S_THRESH 0.1
  27. #define V_THRESH 0.2
  28. /* distribution parameter */
  29. #define LAMBDA 20
  30. #ifndef MIN
  31. # define MIN(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
  32. #endif
  33. #ifndef MAX
  34. # define MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
  35. #endif
  36. //typedef unsigned char BYTE;
  37. class particle_filter
  38. {
  39. private:
  40. typedef struct Rect
  41. {
  42. int leftupx;
  43. int leftupy;
  44. int width;
  45. int height;
  46. Rect(){}
  47. Rect( int X, int Y, int W, int H)
  48. :leftupx(X), leftupy(Y), width(W), height(H)
  49. {}
  50. }
  51. Rect;
  52. struct Hsv
  53. {
  54. double H; //0-360
  55. double s; //0-1
  56. double v; //0-1
  57. };
  58. /**
  59. An HSV histogram represented by NH * NS + NV bins. Pixels with saturation
  60. and value greater than S_THRESH and V_THRESH fill the first NH * NS bins.
  61. Other, "colorless" pixels fill the last NV value-only bins.
  62. */
  63. typedef struct histogram {
  64. float histo[NH*NS + NV]; /**< histogram array */
  65. int n; /**< length of histogram array */
  66. ~histogram()
  67. {
  68. //if (this)
  69. // delete this;
  70. }
  71. } histogram;
  72. /******************************* Structures **********************************/
  73. /**
  74. A particle is an instantiation of the state variables of the system
  75. being monitored. A collection of particles is essentially a
  76. discretization of the posterior probability of the system.
  77. */
  78. typedef struct particle {
  79. float x; /**< current x coordinate */
  80. float y; /**< current y coordinate */
  81. float s; /**< scale */
  82. float xp; /**< previous x coordinate */
  83. float yp; /**< previous y coordinate */
  84. float sp; /**< previous scale */
  85. float x0; /**< original x coordinate */
  86. float y0; /**< original y coordinate */
  87. int width; /**< original width of region described by particle */
  88. int height; /**< original height of region described by particle */
  89. histogram* histo; /**< reference histogram describing region being tracked */
  90. double w; /**< weight */
  91. particle()
  92. {
  93. s = 1;
  94. w = 0;
  95. }
  96. } particle;
  97. histogram** ref_histos; //
  98. unsigned int num_objects;
  99. Rect*target_rect_array; //
  100. unsigned int num_particles_for_each_object;
  101. particle** particles;
  102. Hsv*hsvimg;
  103. BYTE*RGBdata;
  104. unsigned int img_height;
  105. unsigned int img_width;
  106. bool isini;
  107. int current_frame;
  108. private:
  109. void draw_point(BYTE*rgbdata, int centerX, int centerY, COLORREF color,int linewidth);
  110. void copy_partile(const particle &src, particle&dst)
  111. {
  112. dst.height = src.height;
  113. dst.histo = src.histo; //can be a problem memory leakage
  114. dst.s = src.s;
  115. dst.sp = src.sp;
  116. dst.w = src.w;
  117. dst.width = src.width;
  118. dst.x = src.x;
  119. dst.xp = src.xp;
  120. dst.x0 = src.x0;
  121. dst.y = src.y;
  122. dst.y0 = src.y0;
  123. dst.yp = src.yp;
  124. }
  125. /**************************** Function Prototypes ****************************/
  126. /**
  127. Creates an initial distribution of particles by sampling from a Gaussian
  128. window around each of a set of specified locations
  129. @param regions an array of regions describing player locations around
  130. which particles are to be sampled
  131. @param histos array of histograms describing regions in \a regions
  132. @param n the number of regions in \a regions
  133. @param p the total number of particles to be assigned
  134. @return Returns an array of \a p particles sampled from around regions in
  135. \a regions
  136. */
  137. particle**& init_distribution(Rect* regions, histogram** histos);
  138. /**
  139. Samples a transition model for a given particle
  140. @param p a particle to be transitioned
  141. @param w video frame width
  142. @param h video frame height
  143. @param rng a random number generator from which to sample
  144. @return Returns a new particle sampled based on <EM>p</EM>'s transition
  145. model
  146. */
  147. particle transition(particle p, int w, int h);
  148. /**
  149. Normalizes particle weights so they sum to 1
  150. @param particles an array of particles whose weights are to be normalized
  151. @param n the number of particles in \a particles
  152. */
  153. void normalize_weights(particle* particles, int n);
  154. /**
  155. Re-samples a set of weighted particles to produce a new set of unweighted
  156. particles
  157. @param particles an old set of weighted particles whose weights have been
  158. normalized with normalize_weights()
  159. @param n the number of particles in \a particles
  160. @return Returns a new set of unweighted particles sampled from \a particles
  161. */
  162. particle* resample(particle* particles, int n);
  163. /**
  164. Compare two particles based on weight. For use in qsort.
  165. @param p1 pointer to a particle
  166. @param p2 pointer to a particle
  167. @return Returns -1 if the \a p1 has lower weight than \a p2, 1 if \a p1
  168. has higher weight than \a p2, and 0 if their weights are equal.
  169. */
  170. static int __ cdecl particle_cmp(const void* p1,const void* p2);
  171. /**
  172. Displays a particle on an image as a rectangle around the region specified
  173. by the particle
  174. @param img the image on which to display the particle
  175. @param p the particle to be displayed
  176. @param color the color in which \a p is to be displayed
  177. */
  178. //void display_particle(IplImage* img, particle p, CvScalar color);
  179. /**
  180. Calculates the histogram bin into which an HSV entry falls
  181. @param h Hue
  182. @param s Saturation
  183. @param v Value
  184. @return Returns the bin index corresponding to the HSV color defined by
  185. \a h, \a s, and \a v.
  186. */
  187. int histo_bin(float h, float s, float v);
  188. /**
  189. Calculates a cumulative histogram as defined above for a given array
  190. of images
  191. @param imgs an array of images over which to compute a cumulative histogram;
  192. each must have been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()
  193. @param n the number of images in imgs
  194. @return Returns an un-normalized HSV histogram for \a imgs
  195. */
  196. histogram* calc_histogram(Hsv*img, Rect rec);
  197. /**
  198. Normalizes a histogram so all bins sum to 1.0
  199. @param histo a histogram
  200. */
  201. void normalize_histogram(histogram* histo);
  202. /**
  203. Computes squared distance metric based on the Battacharyya similarity
  204. coefficient between histograms.
  205. @param h1 first histogram; should be normalized
  206. @param h2 second histogram; should be normalized
  207. @return Rerns a squared distance based on the Battacharyya similarity
  208. coefficient between \a h1 and \a h2
  209. */
  210. double histo_dist_sq(histogram* h1, histogram* h2);
  211. /**
  212. Computes the likelihood of there being a player at a given location in
  213. an image
  214. @param img image that has been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()
  215. @param r row location of center of window around which to compute likelihood
  216. @param c col location of center of window around which to compute likelihood
  217. @param w width of region over which to compute likelihood
  218. @param h height of region over which to compute likelihood
  219. @param ref_histo reference histogram for a player; must have been
  220. normalized with normalize_histogram()
  221. @return Returns the likelihood of there being a player at location
  222. (\a r, \a c) in \a img
  223. */
  224. double likelihood(Hsv* img, int r, int c,
  225. int w, int h, histogram* ref_histo);
  226. /**
  227. Returns an image containing the likelihood of there being a player at
  228. each pixel location in an image
  229. @param img the image for which likelihood is to be computed; should have
  230. been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()
  231. @param w width of region over which to compute likelihood
  232. @param h height of region over which to compute likelihood
  233. @param ref_histo reference histogram for a player; must have been
  234. normalized with normalize_histogram()
  235. @return Returns a single-channel, 32-bit floating point image containing
  236. the likelihood of every pixel location in \a img normalized so that the
  237. sum of likelihoods is 1.
  238. */
  239. double* likelihood_image(Hsv* img, int w, int h, histogram* ref_histo);
  240. /**
  241. Exports histogram data to a specified file. The file is formatted as
  242. follows (intended for use with gnuplot:
  243. Where n is the number of histogram bins and h_i, i = 1..n are
  244. floating point bin values
  245. @param histo histogram to be exported
  246. @param filename name of file to which histogram is to be exported
  247. @return Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
  248. */
  249. int export_histogram(histogram* histo, char* filename);
  250. /*
  251. Computes a reference histogram for each of the object regions defined by
  252. the user
  253. @param frame video frame in which to compute histograms; should have been
  254. converted to hsv using bgr2hsv in observation.h
  255. @param regions regions of \a frame over which histograms should be computed
  256. @param n number of regions in \a regions
  257. @param export if TRUE, object region images are exported
  258. @return Returns an \a n element array of normalized histograms corresponding
  259. to regions of \a frame specified in \a regions.
  260. */
  261. histogram** compute_ref_histos(Hsv* frame, Rect* regions, int n);
  262. public:
  263. particle_filter();
  264. ~particle_filter();
  265. void getHsvformRGBimg(BYTE*rgbdata, unsigned int W, unsigned int H);
  266. void get_target(RECT*target,int n);
  267. void track();
  268. void init();
  269. void track_single_frame();
  270. };
  271. #endif

  1. #include "particle_filter.h"
  2. #include<cstdlib>
  3. #include<time.h>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. particle_filter::particle_filter()
  6. {
  7. ref_histos = NULL;
  8. time_t t;
  9. srand(time(&t));
  10. isini = true;
  11. current_frame = 0;
  12. }
  13. particle_filter::~particle_filter()
  14. {
  15. for ( int i = 0; i < num_objects; i++)
  16. {
  17. free(particles[i]);
  18. free(ref_histos[i]);
  19. }
  20. free(particles);
  21. free(ref_histos);
  22. if (hsvimg)
  23. delete[]hsvimg;
  24. if (target_rect_array)
  25. delete[]target_rect_array;
  26. }
  27. double gaussrand()
  28. {
  29. static double V1, V2, S;
  30. static int phase = 0;
  31. double X;
  32. if (phase == 0) {
  33. do {
  34. double U1 = ( double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
  35. double U2 = ( double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
  36. V1 = 2 * U1 - 1;
  37. V2 = 2 * U2 - 1;
  38. S = V1 * V1 + V2 * V2;
  39. } while (S >= 1 || S == 0);
  40. X = V1 * sqrt( -2 * log(S) / S);
  41. }
  42. else
  43. X = V2 * sqrt( -2 * log(S) / S);
  44. phase = 1 - phase;
  45. return X;
  46. }
  47. /*************************** Function Definitions ****************************/
  48. /*
  49. Creates an initial distribution of particles at specified locations
  50. @param regions an array of regions describing player locations around
  51. which particles are to be sampled
  52. @param histos array of histograms describing regions in \a regions
  53. @param n the number of regions in \a regions
  54. @param p the total number of particles to be assigned
  55. @return Returns an array of \a p particles sampled from around regions in
  56. \a regions
  57. */
  58. particle_filter::particle**&particle_filter::init_distribution(Rect* regions, histogram** histos)
  59. {
  60. //particle** particles;
  61. float x, y;
  62. int i, j, width, height;
  63. particles = (particle**) malloc( sizeof(particle*)*num_objects);
  64. for ( int i = 0; i < num_objects; i++)
  65. particles[i] = (particle*) malloc(num_particles_for_each_object* sizeof(particle));
  66. /* create particles at the centers of each of n regions */
  67. for (i = 0; i < num_objects; i++)
  68. {
  69. width = regions[i].width;
  70. height = regions[i].height;
  71. x = regions[i].leftupx + width / 2;
  72. y = regions[i].leftupy + height / 2;
  73. for (j = 0; j < num_particles_for_each_object; j++)
  74. {
  75. int xx = target_rect_array[i].leftupx + target_rect_array[i].width / 2 + target_rect_array[i].width* gaussrand();; //x;
  76. if (xx < 0)
  77. xx = 0;
  78. if (xx >= img_width)
  79. xx = img_width - 1;
  80. particles[i][j].x0 = particles[i][j].xp = particles[i][j].x = xx;
  81. int yy = target_rect_array[i].leftupy + target_rect_array[i].height / 2 +target_rect_array[i].height* gaussrand(); //y;
  82. if (yy < 0)
  83. yy = 0;
  84. if (yy >= img_height)
  85. yy = img_height - 1;
  86. particles[i][j].y0 = particles[i][j].yp = particles[i][j].y = yy;
  87. particles[i][j].sp = particles[i][j].s = 1.0;
  88. particles[i][j].width = width;
  89. particles[i][j].height = height;
  90. particles[i][j].histo = calc_histogram(hsvimg, Rect(particles[i][j].x - width / 2,
  91. particles[i][j].y - height / 2, width, height)); //histos[i];
  92. normalize_histogram(particles[i][j].histo);
  93. particles[i][j].w = 0;
  94. }
  95. }
  96. return particles;
  97. }
  98. /*
  99. Samples a transition model for a given particle
  100. @param p a particle to be transitioned
  101. @param w video frame width
  102. @param h video frame height
  103. @param rng a random number generator from which to sample
  104. @return Returns a new particle sampled based on <EM>p</EM>'s transition
  105. model
  106. */
  107. particle_filter::particle particle_filter::transition(particle p, int w, int h)
  108. {
  109. float x, y, s;
  110. particle pn;
  111. #define PI 3.1415926
  112. //double tt = 3;
  113. // sample new state using second-order autoregressive dynamics
  114. int sign = rand() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1;
  115. x = A1 * (p.x - p.x0) + A2 * (p.xp - p.x0) +
  116. sign* 0.05*( double(rand()) / RAND_MAX)*p.width*p.s + p.x0; //B0 * 1.0 / sqrt(2 * PI) / TRANS_X_STD*exp(-pow(double(rand()) / RAND_MAX / TRANS_X_STD, 2)) + p.x0;
  117. pn.x = MAX( 0.0, MIN(( float)w - 1.0, x));
  118. sign = rand() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1;
  119. y = A1 * (p.y - p.y0) + A2 * (p.yp - p.y0) +
  120. sign* 0.05*( double(rand()) / RAND_MAX)*p.height*p.s + p.y0; //B0 * 1.0 / sqrt(2 * PI) / TRANS_Y_STD*exp(-pow(double(rand()) / RAND_MAX / TRANS_Y_STD, 2)) + p.y0;
  121. pn.y = MAX( 0.0, MIN(( float)h - 1.0, y));
  122. //s = A1 * (p.s - 1.0) + A2 * (p.sp - 1.0) +
  123. // B0 * 1.0 / sqrt(2 * PI) / TRANS_S_STD*exp(-pow(double(rand()) / RAND_MAX / TRANS_S_STD, 2)) + 1.0;
  124. //pn.s = MAX(0.1, s);
  125. pn.s = 1;
  126. pn.xp = p.x;
  127. pn.yp = p.y;
  128. pn.sp = p.s;
  129. pn.x0 = p.x0;
  130. pn.y0 = p.y0;
  131. pn.width = p.width;
  132. pn.height = p.height;
  133. pn.histo = p.histo;
  134. pn.w = 0;
  135. //assert(p.width == target_rect_array[0].width);
  136. return pn;
  137. }
  138. /*
  139. Normalizes particle weights so they sum to 1
  140. @param particles an array of particles whose weights are to be normalized
  141. @param n the number of particles in \a particles
  142. */
  143. void particle_filter::normalize_weights(particle* particles, int n)
  144. {
  145. double sum = 0;
  146. int i;
  147. double maxweight = 0;
  148. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  149. sum += particles[i].w;
  150. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  151. {
  152. particles[i].w /= sum;
  153. if (particles[i].w>maxweight)
  154. maxweight = particles[i].w;
  155. }
  156. }
  157. /*
  158. Compare two particles based on weight. For use in qsort.
  159. @param p1 pointer to a particle
  160. @param p2 pointer to a particle
  161. @return Returns -1 if the \a p1 has lower weight than \a p2, 1 if \a p1
  162. has higher weight than \a p2, and 0 if their weights are equal.
  163. */
  164. int __cdecl particle_filter::particle_cmp( const void* p1, const void* p2)
  165. {
  166. particle* _p1 = (particle*)p1;
  167. particle* _p2 = (particle*)p2;
  168. if (_p1->w > _p2->w)
  169. return -1;
  170. if (_p1->w < _p2->w)
  171. return 1;
  172. return 0;
  173. }
  174. /*
  175. Re-samples a set of particles according to their weights to produce a
  176. new set of unweighted particles
  177. @param particles an old set of weighted particles whose weights have been
  178. normalized with normalize_weights()
  179. @param n the number of particles in \a particles
  180. @return Returns a new set of unweighted particles sampled from \a particles
  181. */
  182. particle_filter::particle*particle_filter::resample(particle* particles, int n)
  183. {
  184. particle* new_particles;
  185. int i, j, np, k = 0;
  186. qsort(particles, n, sizeof(particle), &particle_cmp);
  187. int nnn = 0.03*num_particles_for_each_object;
  188. int kk = 0;
  189. new_particles = (particle*) malloc( sizeof(particle)*n);
  190. int count = 0;
  191. int max_dis = (particles[ 0].height + particles[ 0].width);
  192. int cnt = 0;
  193. int maxnum = 0;
  194. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  195. {
  196. np = round(particles[i].w * n);
  197. //if (np <= 0)
  198. // np = 1;
  199. if (i == 0 && np < 30)
  200. np = 30;
  201. for (j = 0; j < np; j++)
  202. {
  203. //new_particles[k++] = particles[i];
  204. double dis = abs(particles[i].x - particles[ 0].x) + abs(particles[i].y - particles[ 0].y);
  205. if ( dis> max_dis/ 3)
  206. {
  207. copy_partile(particles[kk++%nnn], new_particles[k]);
  208. cnt++;
  209. }
  210. else
  211. copy_partile(particles[i], new_particles[k]);
  212. k++;
  213. if (k == n)
  214. goto exit;
  215. count++;
  216. }
  217. }
  218. for ( int i = k; i < n; i++)
  219. copy_partile(particles[kk++%nnn], new_particles[i]);
  220. ///while (k < n)
  221. // new_particles[k++] = particles[0];
  222. exit:
  223. return new_particles;
  224. }
  225. /*
  226. Displays a particle on an image as a rectangle around the region specified
  227. by the particle
  228. @param img the image on which to display the particle
  229. @param p the particle to be displayed
  230. @param color the color in which \a p is to be displayed
  231. */
  232. /*void particle_filter::display_particle(IplImage* img, particle p, CvScalar color)
  233. {
  234. int x0, y0, x1, y1;
  235. x0 = round(p.x - 0.5 * p.s * p.width);
  236. y0 = round(p.y - 0.5 * p.s * p.height);
  237. x1 = x0 + round(p.s * p.width);
  238. y1 = y0 + round(p.s * p.height);
  239. //Rectangle(img, cvPoint(x0, y0), cvPoint(x1, y1), color, 1, 8, 0);
  240. }*/
  241. /*
  242. Calculates the histogram bin into which an HSV entry falls
  243. @param h Hue
  244. @param s Saturation
  245. @param v Value
  246. @return Returns the bin index corresponding to the HSV color defined by
  247. \a h, \a s, and \a v.
  248. */
  249. int particle_filter::histo_bin( float h, float s, float v)
  250. {
  251. int hd, sd, vd;
  252. /* if S or V is less than its threshold, return a "colorless" bin */
  253. vd = MIN(( int)(v * NV / V_MAX), NV - 1);
  254. if (s < S_THRESH || v < V_THRESH)
  255. return NH * NS + vd;
  256. /* otherwise determine "colorful" bin */
  257. hd = MIN(( int)(h * NH / H_MAX), NH - 1);
  258. sd = MIN(( int)(s * NS / S_MAX), NS - 1);
  259. return sd * NH + hd;
  260. }
  261. /*
  262. Calculates a cumulative histogram as defined above for a given array
  263. of images
  264. @param img an array of images over which to compute a cumulative histogram;
  265. each must have been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()
  266. @param n the number of images in imgs
  267. @return Returns an un-normalized HSV histogram for \a imgs
  268. */
  269. particle_filter::histogram* particle_filter::calc_histogram(Hsv*img, Rect rec)
  270. {
  271. //IplImage* img;
  272. histogram* histo;
  273. //correct window
  274. int leftup_X = rec.leftupx;
  275. int leftup_Y =rec.leftupy;
  276. if (leftup_X < 0)
  277. leftup_X = 0;
  278. if (leftup_X >= img_width - rec.width)
  279. leftup_X = img_width - rec.width - 1;
  280. if (leftup_Y < 0)
  281. leftup_Y = 0;
  282. if (leftup_Y >= img_height - rec.height)
  283. leftup_Y = img_height - rec.height - 1;
  284. Rect rect(leftup_X, leftup_Y, rec.width, rec.height);
  285. float* hist;
  286. int i, r, c, bin;
  287. int size = sizeof(histogram);
  288. histo = (histogram*) malloc( sizeof(histogram));
  289. histo->n = NH*NS + NV;
  290. hist = histo->histo;
  291. memset(hist, 0, histo->n * sizeof( float));
  292. /* extract individual HSV planes from image */
  293. /* increment appropriate histogram bin for each pixel */
  294. for (r = 0; r < rect.height; r++)
  295. for (c = 0; c < rect.width; c++)
  296. {
  297. bin = histo_bin( /*pixval32f( h, r, c )*/img[img_width*(rect.leftupy + r) + rect.leftupx + c].H,
  298. img[img_width*(rect.leftupy + r) + rect.leftupx + c].s,
  299. img[img_width*(rect.leftupy + r) + rect.leftupx + c].v);
  300. hist[bin] += 1;
  301. }
  302. return histo;
  303. }
  304. /*
  305. Normalizes a histogram so all bins sum to 1.0
  306. @param histo a histogram
  307. */
  308. void particle_filter::normalize_histogram(histogram* histo)
  309. {
  310. float* hist;
  311. float sum = 0, inv_sum;
  312. int i, n;
  313. hist = histo->histo;
  314. n = histo->n;
  315. /* compute sum of all bins and multiply each bin by the sum's inverse */
  316. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  317. sum += hist[i];
  318. inv_sum = 1.0 / sum;
  319. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  320. hist[i] *= inv_sum;
  321. }
  322. /*
  323. Computes squared distance metric based on the Battacharyya similarity
  324. coefficient between histograms.
  325. @param h1 first histogram; should be normalized
  326. @param h2 second histogram; should be normalized
  327. @return Returns a squared distance based on the Battacharyya similarity
  328. coefficient between \a h1 and \a h2
  329. */
  330. double particle_filter::histo_dist_sq(histogram* h1, histogram* h2)
  331. {
  332. float* hist1, *hist2;
  333. double sum = 0;
  334. int i, n;
  335. n = h1->n;
  336. hist1 = h1->histo;
  337. hist2 = h2->histo;
  338. /*
  339. According the the Battacharyya similarity coefficient,
  340. D = \sqrt{ 1 - \sum_1^n{ \sqrt{ h_1(i) * h_2(i) } } }
  341. */
  342. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  343. sum += sqrt(hist1[i] * hist2[i]);
  344. return 1.0 - sum;
  345. }
  346. /*
  347. Computes the likelihood of there being a player at a given location in
  348. an image
  349. @param img image that has been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()
  350. @param r row location of center of window around which to compute likelihood
  351. @param c col location of center of window around which to compute likelihood
  352. @param w width of region over which to compute likelihood
  353. @param h height of region over which to compute likelihood
  354. @param ref_histo reference histogram for a player; must have been
  355. normalized with normalize_histogram()
  356. @return Returns the likelihood of there being a player at location
  357. (\a r, \a c) in \a img
  358. */
  359. double particle_filter::likelihood(Hsv* img, int r, int c,
  360. int w, int h, histogram* ref_histo)
  361. {
  362. //IplImage* tmp;
  363. histogram* histo;
  364. float d_sq;
  365. //correct window
  366. int leftup_X = c - w / 2;
  367. int leftup_Y = r - h / 2;
  368. if (leftup_X < 0)
  369. leftup_X = 0;
  370. if (leftup_X >= img_width - w)
  371. leftup_X = img_width - w - 1;
  372. if (leftup_Y < 0)
  373. leftup_Y = 0;
  374. if (leftup_Y >= img_height - h)
  375. leftup_Y = img_height - h - 1;
  376. Rect rec(leftup_X, leftup_Y, w, h);
  377. histo = calc_histogram(img, rec);
  378. normalize_histogram(histo);
  379. /* compute likelihood as e^{\lambda D^2(h, h^*)} */
  380. d_sq = histo_dist_sq(histo, ref_histo);
  381. free(histo);
  382. double re = exp(-LAMBDA * d_sq);
  383. return re;
  384. }
  385. /*
  386. Returns an image containing the likelihood of there being a player at
  387. each pixel location in an image
  388. @param img the image for which likelihood is to be computed; should have
  389. been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()
  390. @param w width of region over which to compute likelihood
  391. @param h height of region over which to compute likelihood
  392. @param ref_histo reference histogram for a player; must have been
  393. normalized with normalize_histogram()
  394. @return Returns a single-channel, 32-bit floating point image containing
  395. the likelihood of every pixel location in \a img normalized so that the
  396. sum of likelihoods is 1.
  397. */
  398. double* particle_filter::likelihood_image(Hsv* img, int w, int h, histogram* ref_histo)
  399. {
  400. double* l, *l2;
  401. double sum = 0;
  402. int i, j;
  403. l = new double[img_height*img_width];
  404. for (i = 0; i < img_height; i++)
  405. for (j = 0; j < img_width; j++)
  406. { //setpix32f( l, i, j, likelihood( img, i, j, w, h, ref_histo ) );
  407. l[i*img_width + j] = likelihood(img, i, j, w, h, ref_histo);
  408. sum += l[i*img_width + j];
  409. }
  410. for (i = 0; i < img_height; i++)
  411. for (j = 0; j < img_width; j++)
  412. {
  413. l[i*img_width + j] /= sum;
  414. }
  415. return l;
  416. }
  417. /*
  418. Exports histogram data to a specified file. The file is formatted as
  419. follows (intended for use with gnuplot:
  420. Where n is the number of histogram bins and h_i, i = 1..n are
  421. floating point bin values
  422. @param histo histogram to be exported
  423. @param filename name of file to which histogram is to be exported
  424. @return Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
  425. */
  426. int particle_filter::export_histogram(histogram* histo, char* filename)
  427. {
  428. int i, n;
  429. float* h;
  430. FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w");
  431. if (!file)
  432. return 0;
  433. n = histo->n;
  434. h = histo->histo;
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