OSv—Optimizing the Operating System for Virtual Machines 5

shrinker: shrinker API允许app或者OS组件注册回调函数, 这些函数OSv在当系统内存过低的时候调用。这些回调函数会释放一些组件或者app的内存。
在大多数的OS, app, 包含动态cache的组件, 比如Memcached 或者 VFS 页缓存 ,这些必须静态限制他的尺寸,为了预先定义一些数量的内存或者一定数量cache大小。
这是重要的,但有时候却是矛盾的, 不消耗更多的内存在一个可变的OS中,在利用可变的内存时候又不去回收部分系统的内存。根据程序动态申请和回收内存这个变得很有挑战性。
shrinker API提供一个合适的解决方案运行app或者组件去处理压缩页是同时进行的,
我们已经证明shrinker API是非常有用的在两个case中(Memcached, JVM 请求最大内存堆尺寸), 如果手动设置这个值就浪费内存,于此相反动态调整cache或者heap的尺寸就可以了。
在section 4重新实现了Memcached使用shrinker API。

JVM balloon : The JVM balloon的实现机制就是我们开发的JVM堆栈大小自动调整变得可行。 Balloon已经用的很广在hypervisor中, JVM balloon的核心机制也是类似。

提供一个有效的动态内存的地方。 OSv JVM的设计与实现基于不改变JVM的基础上。

剩下JVM balloon没翻译,主要对JVM不太懂。


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Here are some possible ways to optimize the previous code: 1. Vectorize the calculations: Instead of using nested loops to compute the responsibility matrix, we can use vectorized operations to speed up the computation. For example, we can use broadcasting to compute the Euclidean distance between each pair of points in a matrix form. Similarly, we can use matrix multiplication to compute the weighted sums of the point clouds. ```python def em_for_alignment(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, num_iter: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ The em algorithm for aligning two point clouds based on affine transformation :param xs: a set of points with size (N, D), N is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param ys: a set of points with size (M, D), M is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param num_iter: the number of EM iterations :return: ys_new: the aligned points: ys_new = ys @ affine + translation responsibility: the responsibility matrix P=[p(y_m | x_n)] with size (N, M), whose elements indicating the correspondence between the points """ # initialize the affine matrix and translation vector affine = np.eye(xs.shape[1]) translation = np.zeros(xs.shape[1]) # initialize the responsibility matrix responsibility = np.zeros((xs.shape[0], ys.shape[0])) for i in range(num_iter): # E-step: compute the responsibility matrix diff = xs[:, np.newaxis, :] - ys[np.newaxis, :, :] sq_dist = np.sum(diff ** 2, axis=-1) responsibility = np.exp(-0.5 * sq_dist) / (2 * np.pi) ** (xs.shape[1] / 2) responsibility /= np.sum(responsibility, axis=1, keepdims=True) # M-step: update the affine matrix and translation vector xs_weighted = responsibility.T @ xs ys_weighted = responsibility.T @ ys affine, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(xs_weighted, ys_weighted, rcond=None) translation = np.mean(ys, axis=0) - np.mean(xs @ affine, axis=0) # compute the aligned points ys_new = ys @ affine + translation return ys_new, responsibility ``` 2. Use the Kabsch algorithm: Instead of using the weighted least squares solution to update the affine matrix, we can use the Kabsch algorithm, which is a more efficient and numerically stable method for finding the optimal rigid transformation between two point clouds. The Kabsch algorithm consists of three steps: centering the point clouds, computing the covariance matrix, and finding the optimal rotation matrix. ```python def em_for_alignment(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, num_iter: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ The em algorithm for aligning two point clouds based on affine transformation :param xs: a set of points with size (N, D), N is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param ys: a set of points with size (M, D), M is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param num_iter: the number of EM iterations :return: ys_new: the aligned points: ys_new = ys @ affine + translation responsibility: the responsibility matrix P=[p(y_m | x_n)] with size (N, M), whose elements indicating the correspondence between the points """ # center the point clouds xs_centered = xs - np.mean(xs, axis=0) ys_centered = ys - np.mean(ys, axis=0) # initialize the affine matrix and translation vector affine = np.eye(xs.shape[1]) translation = np.zeros(xs.shape[1]) # initialize the responsibility matrix responsibility = np.zeros((xs.shape[0], ys.shape[0])) for i in range(num_iter): # E-step: compute the responsibility matrix diff = xs_centered[:, np.newaxis, :] - ys_centered[np.newaxis, :, :] sq_dist = np.sum(diff ** 2, axis=-1) responsibility = np.exp(-0.5 * sq_dist) / (2 * np.pi) ** (xs.shape[1] / 2) responsibility /= np.sum(responsibility, axis=1, keepdims=True) # M-step: update the affine matrix and translation vector cov = xs_centered.T @ responsibility @ ys_centered u, _, vh = np.linalg.svd(cov) r = vh.T @ u.T t = np.mean(ys, axis=0) - np.mean(xs @ r, axis=0) affine = np.hstack((r, t[:, np.newaxis])) # compute the aligned points ys_new = ys @ affine[:, :-1] + affine[:, -1] return ys_new, responsibility ``` The Kabsch algorithm is more efficient than the weighted least squares solution, especially when the point clouds are high-dimensional or noisy. However, it only works for rigid transformations, i.e., rotations and translations. If the transformation between the point clouds is not rigid, we need to use a more general method, such as the Procrustes analysis or the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.


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