Batch Commands

Batch Commands

%0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9 ... arguments to the batch file
%0 is the batch file itself
%variablename%  ... the name of the variable; the variable name is set by
the SET variablename=string command
Note the extra '%' at the end.
ECHO [ON|OFF|message]
"echo blank" will produce a blank line on screen in DOS2.1
"echo blank" will show ON/OFF on screen in DOS3.0
"echo ASCII-255" to get a blank line in DOS3.1
"echo." to get a blank line in DOS3.1
@echo off   ... even the "echo off" will not be echoed (DOS 3.3)
%@%echo off  ... good for various versions of DOS (set @=@ for DOS 3.3
set @=  for DOS 3.2)
CALL batchfile
set call=call          for DOS 3.3
set call=%comspec% /C  for DOS 3.2
%call%                 ... usage that is good for various version of DOS
FOR %%variable IN (set) DO command  {set is a list of filename; * or ? can be
Note that two %% are used in a batch file, because one % is striped off when
given to the command line; only one % is needed when given directly from the
command line.}
GOTO label               {%1 etc. can also be used for label; see example below}
If [NOT] condition command
|string1==string2         {upper & lower case letters matters}
|EXIST [d:][path]filename {path in DOS3.0}
|                         {path is not supported in DOS2.1}
|ERRORLEVEL number        {true if the previous program exit
with number or higher; See ask}
example of looping 7 times (i.e., 7 "-" signs)
set count=
set count=%count%-
command 1
command 2
if not "%count%"=="-------" %then% goto loop
%else% set count=
example of looping 27 times (i.e., 2 "+" signs and 7 "-" signs)
set count1=| set count2=   ... put two commands in one line with "|" redirection
set count1=%count1%-
command 1
command 2
if not "%count2%%count1%"=="+++-------" %then% goto end
%else% if not "%count1%"=="-------" %then% goto loop
%else% set count2=%count2%+| set count1=
goto loop
PAUSE [remark]
REM [remark]
Example: :label
.comments %1 %2
Command line parameters may be displayed on comment lines.
REM comments
echo         {bell}
goto label
Example: copy con: %1     {enter text to files within a batch environment}
Example: REM CTRL-H CTRL-H CTRL-H comments   {not to show "REM" in echo mode}
Example: SET abc=\fortran\fortran.lib
link %1,,,%abc%
Example: SET mouse=1      {set the environment in one batch file}
IF %mouse%=="1" copy abc.txt com1:
Example: IF dir {dots allow .BAT files to continue running when there
is no parameter passed.}
Example: IF dummy==dummy%1 GOTO label {test for nul parameter in a batch file}
{good for terminating SHIFT}
Example: IF ERRORLEVEL 1 IF x==%1 command           谀
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 IF EXIST filename command  滥{to nest IF statement}
Example: ECHO CTRL-H      {to output a blank line to the console}
Example: ECHO   A ... program1
ECHO   B ... program2
ECHO Press the letter of your selection
PAUSE > select.bat
Example: FOR %%f IN (*.*) DO program %%f {good for a program that cannot handle
global chars * and ?}
FOR %%f IN (*.*) DO type %%f
FOR %%f IN (abc.hlp,command.hlp,batch.hlp) DO type %%f
FOR %%f IN (*.g) DO ren %%f %%for    {ren all .g files to .gor}
FOR %%f IN (*.hlp) DO find "abc" %%f {find "abc" in all the .hlp files}
Example: rem print a number of files with the corresponding directories & with formfeed
echo off
echo ... PRINTING FILE %1
dir %1|find "-" > prn:
> prn:                   {line feed}
echo -------------------------------------------------------- > prn:
> prn:                   {line feed}
copy %1 prn:
echo  > prn:                   {form feed}
shift                          {handle the next argument}
if not dummy==dummy%1 goto loop
Example: GOTO f%1
echo the 1st argument was A
GOTO end
echo the 1st argument was B
GOTO end
echo the 1st argument was C
See BAT for a set of enhanced batch file commands.






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