7.4 GRASP原则四:控制器 Controller

4、GRASP原则四:控制器 Controller
   What first object beyond the UI layer receives and co-ordinates (controls) a system operation?

4.1 Mini Exercise 4

   For Monopoly game, Which object starts the game?
   Understanding the Problem

     SSD — boundary between the User and SUD (system under development)

     UI layer “catches” the request

     The request is a system operation — public interface

     Model-View Separation principle says UI must not contain business logic

     Problem: UI应该把捕捉到的系统操作,发给领域层的哪个对象呢?
4.2 GRASP rule4: Controller

   Name: Controller 控制器

   Problem:

     What first object beyond the UI layer receives and co-ordinates (controls) a system operation

   Solution:

     Assign the responsibility to a class representing one of the following choices:

     1. Facade(外观) Controller:

       represents the overall system, a root object, a device that the object is running within, or a major sub-system

     2. Use Case or Session Controller(用例控制器、会话控制器):

       represents a use case scenario within which the system event occurs
4.5 Controller — Observations 观察

   委托模式 Delegation pattern

   外部输入事件可以来自参与者(人)或者(其他系统)

   Facade — 相当于领域层对外部世界的“脸”

     Ex: Register

   Handler —处理系统某个明确的功能集,比如相关的一组系统事件

     Ex: ProcessSale
4.5 Controller — Facade

   外观控制器 Facade

     为子系统中的一组接口提供一个一致的界面

      Provide a consistent interface for a set of interfaces in subsystem“cover” over the other layers of the application

     Abstraction of an overall physical unit

       — Register, PizzaShop

     The entire software system

       — POSSystem

     Abstraction of some other overall system or sub-system concept

       — MonopolyGame

   适用于

     相对较小的系统 relatively small systems

     有限数量的系统操作 and/or system with limited number of system operations

     在消息处理系统中,不能转发消息到可选的控制器时

      in message handling system when can’t direct messages to alternative controllers

       — Internet application servers
4.5 Controller -- Session

   会话控制器

     一种纯虚构出来的概念 Pure Fabrication,即领域模型中没有的概念

     如, ProcessSaleHandler is not a domain concept in Domain Model

   会话控制器的应用场合

     当采用外观控制器会导致高耦合、低内聚时 When assigning to facade may lead to high coupling or low cohesion (“Bloat”)

     很多系统事件跨越多个不同的处理过程 Many system operations across different processes

     概念上容易理解和构建 Conceptually easier to understand and build

       一个会话控制器负责一类系统事件

   会话控制器的命名习惯 Session Controllers Naming conventions

       <UseCaseName> Handler or

       <UseCaseName> CoOrdinator or

       <UseCaseName>Session

     Use same controller class for all system operations in the use case scenario

     Session is a type of conversation between the actor and the SUD 新系统
4.7 Discuss: Controller — Benefits

   控制器模式的优点

     容易适应UI层的变化 Allows for easy change of UI and/or alternative UI

     领域层代码易于重用(因为UI层一般与应用关系密切)Allows for reuse of domain layer code (UI is usually application specific)

     有助于保证应用所需要的操作顺序 Helps ensure sequence of operation which may differ from UI input

     可以对系统的状态进行推理(UI层不保存系统状态)Can reason about system state — UI does not preserve state
4.8 Bloated(臃肿的) Controllers

   臃肿控制器的问题

     当一个外观控制器处理了大部分系统事件时 When have a facade controller handling all of many system events

     当一个控制器做了太多的事情,而不是委托给其他的对象去处理

      When the controller performs many of the system operations instead of delegating

     当控制器掌握了太多的系统信息 When the controller has many attributes (much information) about the system

       which should be distributed to or duplicates from elsewhere

     导致:低内聚 Low cohesion — 做事不专注,做了太多的事

   臃肿控制器的解决方法

     增加更多的控制器 Add more controllers

     采用会话控制器替换外观控制器 “session controller” instead of facade

     控制器委托任务给别的对象,而不是自己做 Design the controller so that it delegates operations to other objects

     高内聚的理念 High Cohesion is itself a GRASP principle






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