
Design Guidelines
Class Library Developers
Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers
The .NET Framework's managed environment allows developers to improve their programming
model to support a wide range of functionality. The goal of the .NET Framework design guidelines
is to encourage consistency and predictability in public APIs while enabling Web and crosslanguage
integration. It is strongly recommended that you follow these design guidelines when
developing classes and components that extend the .NET Framework. Inconsistent design adversely
affects developer productivity. Development tools and add-ins can turn some of these guidelines
into de facto prescriptive rules, and reduce the value of nonconforming components.
Nonconforming components will function, but not to their full potential.
These guidelines are intended to help class library designers understand the trade-offs between
different solutions. There might be situations where good library design requires that you violate
these design guidelines. Such cases should be rare, and it is important that you provide a solid
justification for your decision. The section provides naming and usage guidelines for types in the
.NET Framework as well as guidelines for implementing common design patterns.
Relationship to the Common Type System and the Common
Language Specification
The Common Type System is the model that defines the rules the common language runtime
follows when declaring, using, and managing types. The common type system establishes a
framework that enables cross-language integration, type safety, and high-performance code
execution. It is the raw material from which you can build class libraries.
The Common Language Specification (CLS) defines a set of programmatically verifiable rules that
governs the interoperation of types authored in different programming languages. Targeting the
CLS is an excellent way to ensure cross-language interoperation. Managed class library designers
can use the CLS to guarantee that their APIs are callable from a wide range of programming
languages. Note that although the CLS encourages good library design, it does not enforce it. For
more information on this topic, see Writing CLS-Compliant Code.
You should follow two guiding principles with respect to the CLS when determining which features
to include in your class library:
1. Determine whether the feature facilitates the type of API development appropriate to the
managed space.
The CLS should be rich enough to provide the ability to write any managed library.
However, if you provide multiple ways to perform the same task, you can confuse users of
your class library about correct design and usage. For example, providing both safe and
unsafe constructs forces users to decide which to use. Therefore, the CLS encourages the
correct usage by offering only type-safe constructs.
2. Determine whether it is difficult for a compiler to expose the feature.
All programming languages will require some modification in order to target the runtime
and the common type system. However, in order for developers to make a language CLScompliant,
they should not have to create a large amount of additional work. The goal of the
CLS is to be as small as possible while offering a rich set of data types and features.
Naming Guidelines
A consistent naming pattern is one of the most important elements of predictability and
discoverability in a managed class library. Widespread use and understanding of these naming
guidelines should eliminate many of the most common user questions. This topic provides naming
guidelines for the .NET Framework types. For each type, you should also take note of some general
rules with respect to capitalization styles, case sensitivity and word choice.
Capitalization Styles
Use the following three conventions for capitalizing identifiers.
Pascal case
The first letter in the identifier and the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word are
capitalized. You can use Pascal case for identifiers of three or more characters. For example:
Camel case
The first letter of an identifier is lowercase and the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word
is capitalized. For example:
All letters in the identifier are capitalized. Use this convention only for identifiers that consist of
two or fewer letters. For example:
You might also have to capitalize identifiers to maintain compatibility with existing, unmanaged
symbol schemes, where all uppercase characters are often used for enumerations and constant
values. In general, these symbols should not be visible outside of the assembly that uses them.
The following table summarizes the capitalization rules and provides examples for the different
types of identifiers.
Identifier Case Example
Class Pascal AppDomain
Enum type Pascal ErrorLevel
Enum values Pascal FatalError
Event Pascal ValueChange
Exception class Pascal WebException
Note Always ends with the suffix Exception.
Read-only Static
Pascal RedValue
Interface Pascal IDisposable
Note Always begins with the prefix I.
Method Pascal ToString
Namespace Pascal System.Drawing
Parameter Camel typeName
Property Pascal BackColor
Protected instance
Camel redValue
Note Rarely used. A property is preferable to using a
protected instance field.
Public instance
Pascal RedValue
Note Rarely used. A property is preferable to using a
public instance field.
Case Sensitivity
To avoid confusion and guarantee cross-language interoperation, follow these rules regarding the
use of case sensitivity:
· Do not use names that require case sensitivity. Components must be fully usable from both
case-sensitive and case-insensitive languages. Case-insensitive languages cannot distinguish
between two names within the same context that differ only by case. Therefore, you must
avoid this situation in the components or classes that you create.
· Do not create two namespaces with names that differ only by case. For example, a case
insensitive language cannot distinguish between the following two namespace declarations.
· namespace ee.cummings;
namespace Ee.Cummings;
· Do not create a function with parameter names that differ only by case. The following
example is incorrect.
void MyFunction(string a, string A)
· Do not create a namespace with type names that differ only by case. In the following
example, Point p and POINT p are inappropriate type names because they differ only by
· System.Windows.Forms.Point p
System.Windows.Forms.POINT p
· Do not create a type with property names that differ only by case. In the following example,
int Color and int COLOR are inappropriate property names because they differ only by
· int Color {get, set}
int COLOR {get, set}
· Do not create a type with method names that differ only by case. In the following example,
calculate and Calculate are inappropriate method names because they differ only by
· void calculate()
void Calculate()
To avoid confusion and guarantee cross-language interoperation, follow these rules regarding the
use of abbreviations:
· Do not use abbreviations or contractions as parts of identifier names. For example, use
GetWindow instead of GetWin.
· Do not use acronyms that are not generally accepted in the computing field.
· Where appropriate, use well-known acronyms to replace lengthy phrase names. For
example, use UI for User Interface and OLAP for On-line Analytical Processing.
· When using acronyms, use Pascal case or camel case for acronyms more than two characters
long. For example, use HtmlButton or HTMLButton. However, you should capitalize
acronyms that consist of only two characters, such as System.IO instead of System.Io.
· Do not use abbreviations in identifiers or parameter names. If you must use abbreviations,
use camel case for abbreviations that consist of more than two characters, even if this
contradicts the standard abbreviation of the word.
Word Choice
Avoid using class names that duplicate commonly used .NET Framework namespaces. For
example, do not use any of the following names as a class name: System, Collections, Forms, or
UI. See the Class Library for a list of .NET Framework namespaces.
In addition, avoid using identifiers that conflict with the following keywords.
AddHandler AddressOf Alias And Ansi
As Assembly Auto Base Boolean
ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case
Catch CBool CByte CChar CDate
CDec CDbl Char CInt Class
CLng CObj Const CShort CSng
CStr CType Date Decimal Declare
Default Delegate Dim Do Double
Each Else ElseIf End Enum
Erase Error Event Exit ExternalSource
False Finalize Finally Float For
Friend Function Get GetType Goto
Handles If Implements Imports In
Inherits Integer Interface Is Let
Lib Like Long Loop Me
Mod Module MustInherit MustOverride MyBase
MyClass Namespace New Next Not
Nothing NotInheritable NotOverridable Object On
Option Optional Or Overloads Overridable
Overrides ParamArray Preserve Private Property
Protected Public RaiseEvent ReadOnly ReDim
Region REM RemoveHandler Resume Return
Select Set Shadows Shared Short
Single Static Step Stop String
Structure Sub SyncLock Then Throw
To True Try TypeOf Unicode
Until volatile When While With
WithEvents WriteOnly Xor eval extends
instanceof package var
Avoiding Type Name Confusion
Different programming languages use different terms to identify the fundamental managed types.
Class library designers must avoid using language-specific terminology. Follow the rules described
in this section to avoid type name confusion.
Use names that describe a type's meaning rather than names that describe the type. In the rare case
that a parameter has no semantic meaning beyond its type, use a generic name. For example, a class
that supports writing a variety of data types into a stream might have the following methods.
void Write(double value);
void Write(float value);
void Write(long value);
void Write(int value);
void Write(short value);
Do not create language-specific method names, as in the following example.
void Write(double doubleValue);
void Write(float floatValue);
void Write(long longValue);
void Write(int intValue);
void Write(short shortValue);
In the extremely rare case that it is necessary to create a uniquely named method for each
fundamental data type, use a universal type name. The following table lists fundamental data type
names and their universal substitutions.
C# type
Visual Basic
type name
JScript type
Visual C++
type name
type name
sbyte SByte sByte char int8 SByte
byte Byte byte unsigned char unsigned int8 Byte
short Short short short int16 Int16
ushort UInt16 ushort unsigned short unsigned int16 UInt16
int Integer int int int32 Int32
uint UInt32 uint unsigned int unsigned int32 UInt32
long Long long __int64 int64 Int64
ulong UInt64 ulong unsigned
unsigned int64 UInt64
float Single float float float32 Single
double Double double double float64 Double
bool Boolean boolean bool bool Boolean
char Char char wchar_t char Char
string String string String string String
object Object object Object object Object
For example, a class that supports reading a variety of data types from a stream might have the
following methods.
double ReadDouble();
float ReadSingle();
long ReadInt64();
int ReadInt32();
short ReadInt16();
The preceding example is preferable to the following language-specific alternative.
double ReadDouble();
float ReadFloat();
long ReadLong();
int ReadInt();
short ReadShort();
Namespace Naming Guidelines
The general rule for naming namespaces is to use the company name followed by the technology
name and optionally the feature and design as follows.
For example:
Prefixing namespace names with a company name or other well-established brand avoids the
possibility of two published namespaces having the same name. For example, Microsoft.Office
is an appropriate prefix for the Office Automation Classes provided by Microsoft.
Use a stable, recognized technology name at the second level of a hierarchical name. Use
organizational hierarchies as the basis for namespace hierarchies. Name a namespace that contains
types that provide design-time functionality for a base namespace with the .Design suffix. For
example, the System.Windows.Forms.Design Namespace contains designers and related classes
used to design System.Windows.Forms based applications.
A nested namespace should have a dependency on types in the containing namespace. For example,
the classes in the System.Web.UI.Design depend on the classes in System.Web.UI. However, the
classes in System.Web.UI do not depend on the classes in System.UI.Design.
You should use Pascal case for namespaces, and separate logical components with periods, as in
Microsoft.Office.PowerPoint. If your brand employs nontraditional casing, follow the casing
defined by your brand, even if it deviates from the prescribed Pascal case. For example, the
namespaces NeXT.WebObjects and ee.cummings illustrate appropriate deviations from the Pascal
case rule.
Use plural namespace names if it is semantically appropriate. For example, use
System.Collections rather than System.Collection. Exceptions to this rule are brand names
and abbreviations. For example, use System.IO rather than System.IOs.
Do not use the same name for a namespace and a class. For example, do not provide both a Debug
namespace and a Debug class.
Finally, note that a namespace name does not have to parallel an assembly name. For example, if
you name an assembly MyCompany.MyTechnology.dll, it does not have to contain a
MyCompany.MyTechnology namespace.
Class Naming Guidelines
The following rules outline the guidelines for naming classes:
· Use a noun or noun phrase to name a class.
· Use Pascal case.
· Use abbreviations sparingly.
· Do not use a type prefix, such as C for class, on a class name. For example, use the class
name FileStream rather than CFileStream.
· Do not use the underscore character (_).
· Occasionally, it is necessary to provide a class name that begins with the letter I, even
though the class is not an interface. This is appropriate as long as I is the first letter of an
entire word that is a part of the class name. For example, the class name IdentityStore is
· Where appropriate, use a compound word to name a derived class. The second part of the
derived class's name should be the name of the base class. For example,
ApplicationException is an appropriate name for a class derived from a class named
Exception, because ApplicationException is a kind of Exception. Use reasonable
judgment in applying this rule. For example, Button is an appropriate name for a class
derived from Control. Although a button is a kind of control, making Control a part of the
class name would lengthen the name unnecessarily.
The following are examples of correctly named classes.
public class FileStream
public class Button
public class String
Interface Naming Guidelines
The following rules outline the naming guidelines for interfaces:
· Name interfaces with nouns or noun phrases, or adjectives that describe behavior. For
example, the interface name IComponent uses a descriptive noun. The interface name
ICustomAttributeProvider uses a noun phrase. The name IPersistable uses an adjective.
· Use Pascal case.
· Use abbreviations sparingly.
· Prefix interface names with the letter I, to indicate that the type is an interface.
· Use similar names when you define a class/interface pair where the class is a standard
implementation of the interface. The names should differ only by the letter I prefix on the
interface name.
· Do not use the underscore character (_).
The following are examples of correctly named interfaces.
public interface IServiceProvider
public interface IFormatable
The following code example illustrates how to define the interface IComponent and its standard
implementation, the class Component.
public interface IComponent
// Implementation code goes here.
public class Component: IComponent
// Implementation code goes here.
Attribute Naming Guidelines
You should always add the suffix Attribute to custom attribute classes. The following is an
example of a correctly named attribute class.
public class ObsoleteAttribute{}
Enumeration Type Naming Guidelines
The enumeration (Enum) value type inherits from the Enum Class. The following rules outline the
naming guidelines for enumerations:
· Use Pascal case for Enum types and value names.
· Use abbreviations sparingly.
· Do not use an Enum suffix on Enum type names.
· Use a singular name for most Enum types, but use a plural name for Enum types that are
bit fields.
· Always add the FlagsAttribute to a bit field Enum type.
Static Field Naming Guidelines
The following rules outline the naming guidelines for static fields:
· Use nouns, noun phrases, or abbreviations of nouns to name static fields.
· Use Pascal case.
· Use a Hungarian notation prefix on static field names.
· It is recommended that you use static properties instead of public static fields whenever
Parameter Naming Guidelines
The following rules outline the naming guidelines for parameters:
· Use descriptive parameter names. Parameter names should be descriptive enough that the
name of the parameter and its type can be used to determine its meaning in most scenarios.
· Use camel case for parameter names.
· Use names that describe a parameter's meaning rather than names that describe a parameter's
type. Development tools should provide meaningful information about a parameter's type.
Therefore, a parameter's name can be put to better use by describing meaning. Use typebased
parameter names sparingly and only where it is appropriate.
· Do not use reserved parameters. Reserved parameters are private parameters that might be
exposed in a future version if they are needed. Instead, if more data is needed in a future
version of your class library, add a new overload for a method.
· Do not prefix parameter names with Hungarian type notation.
The following are examples of correctly named parameters.
Type GetType(string typeName)
string Format(string format, args() As object)
Method Naming Guidelines
The following rules outline the naming guidelines for methods:
· Use verbs or verb phrases to name methods.
· Use Pascal case.
The following are examples of correctly named methods.
Property Naming Guidelines
The following rules outline the naming guidelines for properties:
· Use a noun or noun phrase to name properties.
· Use Pascal case.
· Do not use Hungarian notation.
· Consider creating a property with the same name as its underlying type. For example, if you
declare a property named Color, the type of the property should likewise be Color. See the
example later in this topic.
The following code example illustrates correct property naming.
public class SampleClass
public Color BackColor
// Code for Get and Set accessors goes here.
The following code example illustrates providing a property with the same name as a type.
public enum Color
// Insert code for Enum here.
public class Control
public Color Color
get {// Insert code here.}
set {// Insert code here.}
The following code example is incorrect because the property Color is of type Integer.
public enum Color {// Insert code for Enum here.}
public class Control
public int Color
get {// Insert code here.}
set {// Insert code here.}
In the incorrect example, it is not possible to refer to the members of the Color enumeration.
Color.Xxx will be interpreted as accessing a member that first gets the value of the Color property
(type Integer in Visual Basic or type int in C#) and then accesses a member of that value (which
would have to be an instance member of System.Int32).
Event Naming Guidelines
The following rules outline the naming guidelines for events:
· Use an EventHandler suffix on event handler names.
· Specify two parameters named sender and e. The sender parameter represents the object that
raised the event. The sender parameter is always of type object, even if it is possible to use a
more specific type. The state associated with the event is encapsulated in an instance of an
event class named e. Use an appropriate and specific event class for the e parameter type.
· Name an event argument class with the EventArgs suffix.
· Consider naming events with a verb.
· Use a gerund (the "ing" form of a verb) to create an event name that expresses the concept
of pre-event, and a past-tense verb to represent post-event. For example, a Close event that
can be canceled should have a Closing event and a Closed event. Do not use the
BeforeXxx/AfterXxx naming pattern.
· Do not use a prefix or suffix on the event declaration on the type. For example, use Close
instead of OnClose.
· In general, you should provide a protected method called OnXxx on types with events that
can be overridden in a derived class. This method should only have the event parameter e,
because the sender is always the instance of the type.
The following example illustrates an event handler with an appropriate name and parameters.
public delegate void MouseEventHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);
The following example illustrates a correctly named event argument class.
public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs
int x;
int y;
public MouseEventArgs(int x, int y)
{ this.x = x; this.y = y; }
public int X { get { return x; } }
public int Y { get { return y; } }
Class Member Usage Guidelines
This topic provides guidelines for using class members in class libraries.
Property Usage Guidelines
Determine whether a property or a method is more appropriate for your needs. For details on
choosing between properties and methods, see Properties vs. Methods.
Choose a name for your property based on the recommended Property Naming Guidelines. Avoid
creating a property with the same name as an existing type. Defining a property with the same name
as a type causes ambiguity in some programming languages. For example,
System.Windows.Forms.Control has a color property. Since a Color Structure also exists, the
System.Windows.Forms.Control color property is named BackColor. It is a more meaningful
name for the property and it does not conflict with the Color Structure name.
There might be situations where you have to violate this rule. For example, the
System.Windows.Forms.Form Class contains an Icon property even though an Icon class also
exists in the .NET Framework. This is because Form.Icon is a more straightforward and
understandable name for the property than Form.FormIcon or Form.DisplayIcon.
When accessing a property using the set accessor, preserve the value of the property before you
change it. This will ensure that data is not lost if the set accessor throws an exception.
Property State Issues
Allow properties to be set in any order. Properties should be stateless with respect to other
properties. It is often the case that a particular feature of an object will not take effect until the
developer specifies a particular set of properties, or until an object has a particular state. Until the
object is in the correct state, the feature is not active. When the object is in the correct state, the
feature automatically activates itself without requiring an explicit call. The semantics are the same
regardless of the order in which the developer sets the property values or how the developer gets the
object into the active state.
For example, a TextBox control might have two related properties: DataSource and DataField.
DataSource specifies the table name, and DataField specifies the column name. Once both
properties are specified, the control can automatically bind data from the table into the Text
property of the control. The following code example illustrates properties that can be set in any
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.DataSource = "Publishers";
t.DataField = "AuthorID";
// The data-binding feature is now active.
You can set the DataSource and DataField properties in any order. Therefore, the preceding code
is equivalent to the following.
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.DataField = "AuthorID";
t.DataSource = "Publishers";
// The data-binding feature is now active.
You can also set a property to null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to indicate that the value is not
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.DataField = "AuthorID";
t.DataSource = "Publishers";
// The data-binding feature is now active.
t.DataSource = null;
// The data-binding feature is now inactive.
The following code example illustrates how to track the state of the data binding feature and
automatically activate or deactivate it at the appropriate times.
public class TextBox
string dataSource;
string dataField;
bool active;
public string DataSource
return dataSource;
if (value != dataSource)
// Set the property value first, in case activate fails.
dataSource = value;
// Update active state.
SetActive(dataSource != null && dataField != null);
public string DataField
return dataField;
if (value != dataField)
// Set the property value first, in case activate fails.
dataField = value;
// Update active state.
SetActive(dataSource != null && dataField != null);
void SetActive(Boolean value)
if (value != active)
if (value)
Text = dataBase.Value(dataField);
Text = "";
// Set active only if successful.
active = value;
void Activate()
// Open database.
void Deactivate()
// Close database.
In the preceding example, the following expression determines whether the object is in a state in
which the data-binding feature can activate itself.
dataSource != null && dataField != null
You make activation automatic by creating a method that determines whether the object can be
activated given its current state, and then activates it as necessary.
void UpdateActive()
SetActive(dataSource != null && dataField != null);
If you do have related properties, such as DataSource and DataMember, you should consider
implementing the ISupportInitialize Interface. This will allow the designer (or user) to call the
ISupportInitialize.BeginInit and ISupportInitialize.EndInit methods when setting multiple properties
to allow the component to provide optimizations. In the above example, ISupportInitialize could
prevent unnecessary attempts to access the database until setup is correctly completed.
The expression that appears in this method indicates the parts of the object model that need to be
examined in order to enforce these state transitions. In this case, the DataSource and DataField
properties are affected. For more information on choosing between properties and methods, see
Properties vs. Methods.
Raising Property-Changed Events
Components should raise property-changed events if they want to notify consumers when the
component's property changes programmatically. The naming convention for a property-changed
event is to add the Changed suffix to the property name, such as TextChanged. For example, a
control might raise a TextChanged event when its text property changes. You can use a protected
helper routine Raise<Property>Changed, to raise this event. However, it is probably not worth the
overhead to raise a property-changed event for a hash table item addition. The following code
example illustrates the implementation of a helper routine on a property-changed event.
class Control: Component
string text;
public string Text
return text;
if (!text.Equals(value))
text = value;
Data binding uses this pattern to allow two-way binding of the property. Without
<Property>Changed and Raise<Property>Changed events, data binding works in one direction;
if the database changes, the property is updated. Each property that raises the <Property>Changed
event should provide metadata to indicate that the property supports data binding.
It is recommended that you raise changing/changed events if the value of a property changes as a
result of external forces. These events indicate to the developer that the value of a property is
changing or has changed as a result of an operation, rather than by calling methods on the object.
A good example is the Text property of an Edit control. As a user types information into the
control, the property value automatically changes. An event is raised before the value of the
property has changed. It does not pass the old or new value, and the developer can cancel the event
by throwing an exception. The name of the event is the name of the property followed by the suffix
Changing. The following code example illustrates a changing event.
class Edit : Control
public string Text
return text;
if (text != value)
text = value;
An event is also raised after the value of the property has changed. This event cannot be canceled.
The name of the event is the name of the property followed by the suffix Changed. The generic
PropertyChanged event should also be raised. The pattern for raising both of these events is to
raise the specific event from the OnPropertyChanged method. The following example illustrates
the use of the OnPropertyChanged method.
class Edit : Control
public string Text
return text;
if (text != value)
text = value;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEvent e)
if (e.PropertyChanged.Equals(Edit.ClassInfo.text))
if (onPropertyChangedHandler != null)
onPropertyChangedHandler(this, e);
There are cases when the underlying value of a property is not stored as a field, making it difficult
to track changes to the value. When raising the changing event, find all the places that the property
value can change and provide the ability to cancel the event. For example, the previous Edit control
example is not entirely accurate because the Text value is actually stored in the window handle
(HWND). In order to raise the TextChanging event, you must examine Windows messages to
determine when the text might change, and allow for an exception thrown in OnTextChanging to
cancel the event. If it is too difficult to provide a changing event, it is reasonable to support only the
changed event.
Properties vs. Methods
Class library designers often must decide between implementing a class member as a property or a
method. Use the following guidelines to help you choose between these options.
· Use a property when the member is a logical data member. In the following member
declarations, Name is a property because it is a logical member of the class.
public string Name
return Name;
Name = value;
· Use a method when:
· The operation is a conversion, such as Object.ToString.
· The operation is expensive enough that you want to communicate to the user that
they should consider caching the result.
· Obtaining a property value using the get accessor would have an observable side
· Calling the member twice in succession produces different results.
· The order of execution is important. Note that a type's properties should be able to be
set and retrieved in any order.
· The member is static but returns a value that can be changed.
· The member returns an array. Properties that return arrays can be very misleading.
Usually it is necessary to return a copy of the internal array so that the user cannot
change internal state. This, coupled with the fact that a user can easily assume it is an
indexed property, leads to inefficient code. In the following code example, each call
to the Methods property creates a copy of the array. As a result, 2n+1 copies of the
array will be created in the following loop.
Type type = // Get a type.
for (int i = 0; i < type.Methods.Length; i++)
if (type.Methods[i].Name.Equals ("text"))
// Perform some operation.
The following example illustrates the correct use of properties and methods.
class Connection
// The following three members should be properties
// because they can be set in any order.
string DNSName {get{};set{};}
string UserName {get{};set{};}
string Password {get{};set{};}
// The following member should be a method
// because the order of execution is important.
// This method cannot be executed until after the
// properties have been set.
bool Execute ();
Read-Only and Write-Only Properties
You should use a read-only property when the user cannot change the property's logical data
member. Do not use write-only properties.
Indexed Property Usage
The following rules outline guidelines for using indexed properties:
· Use only one indexed property per class, and make it the default indexed property for that
· Do not use nondefault indexed properties.
· Name an indexed property Item. For example, see the DataGrid.Item Property. Follow this
rule, unless there is a name that is more obvious to users, such as the Chars property on the
String class.
· Use an indexed property when the property's logical data member is an array.
· Do not provide an indexed property and a method that are semantically equivalent to two or
more overloaded methods. In the following code example, the Method property should be
changed to GetMethod(string) method.
// Change the MethodInfo Type.Method property to a method.
MethodInfo Type.Method[string name]
MethodInfo Type.GetMethod (string name, Boolean ignoreCase)
// The MethodInfo Type.Method property is changed to
// the MethodInfo Type.GetMethod method.
MethodInfo Type.GetMethod(string name)
MethodInfo Type.GetMethod (string name, Boolean ignoreCase)
Event Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for events:
· Choose a name for your event based on the recommended Event Naming Guidelines.
· Do not use Hungarian notation.
· When you refer to events in documentation, use the phrase, "an event was raised" instead of
"an event was fired" or "an event was triggered."
· In languages that support the void keyword, use a return type of void for event handlers, as
shown in the following C# code example.
public delegate void MouseEventHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);
Event classes should extend the System.EventArgs Class, as shown in the following example.
public class MouseEvent: EventArgs {}
· Implement an event handler using the public EventHandler Click syntax. Provide an
add and a remove accessor to add and remove event handlers. If your programming
language does not support this syntax, name methods add_Click and remove_Click.
· If a class raises multiple events, the compiler generates one field per event delegate instance.
If the number of events is large, the storage cost of one field per delegate might not be
acceptable. For those situations, the .NET Framework provides a construct called event
properties that you can use together with another data structure (of your choice) to store
event delegates. The following code example illustrates how the Component class
implements this space-efficient technique for storing handlers.
public class MyComponent : Component
static readonly object EventClick = new object();
static readonly object EventMouseDown = new object();
static readonly object EventMouseUp = new object();
static readonly object EventMouseMove = new object();
public event MouseEventHandler Click
Events.AddHandler(EventClick, value);
Events.RemoveHandler(EventClick, value);
// Code for the EventMouseDown, EventMouseUp, and
// EventMouseMove events goes here.
// Define a private data structure to store the event delegates
· Use a protected (Protected in Visual Basic) virtual method to raise each event. This
technique is not appropriate for sealed classes, because classes cannot be derived from them.
The purpose of the method is to provide a way for a derived class to handle the event using
an override. This is more natural than using delegates in situations where the developer is
creating a derived class. The name of the method takes the form OnEventName, where
EventName is the name of the event being raised. For example:
public class Button
ButtonClickHandler onClickHandler;
protected virtual void OnClick(ClickEvent e)
// Call the delegate if non-null.
if (onClickHandler != null)
onClickHandler(this, e);
The derived class can choose not to call the base class during the processing of
OnEventName. Be prepared for this by not including any processing in the OnEventName
method that is required for the base class to work correctly.
· You should assume that an event handler could contain any code. Classes should be ready
for the event handler to perform almost any operation, and in all cases the object should be
left in an appropriate state after the event has been raised. Consider using a try/finally block
at the point in code where the event is raised. Since the developer can perform a callback
function on the object to perform other actions, do not assume anything about the object
state when control returns to the point at which the event was raised. For example:
public class Button
ButtonClickHandler onClickHandler;
protected void DoClick()
// Paint button in indented state.
// Call event handler.
// Window might be deleted in event handler.
if (windowHandle != null)
// Paint button in normal state.
protected virtual void OnClick(ClickEvent e)
if (onClickHandler != null)
onClickHandler(this, e);
· Use or extend the System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs Class to allow the
developer to control the default behavior of an object. For example, the TreeView
control raises a CancelEvent when the user is about to edit a node label. The following
code example illustrates how a developer can use this event to prevent a node from
being edited.
public class Form1: Form
TreeView treeView1 = new TreeView();
void treeView1_BeforeLabelEdit(object source,
NodeLabelEditEvent e)
e.cancel = true;
Note that in this case, no error is generated to the user. The label is read-only.
The CancelEvent is not appropriate in cases where the developer would cancel the
operation and return an exception. In these cases, the event does not derive from
CancelEvent. You should raise an exception inside of the event handler in order to cancel.
For example, the user might want to write validation logic in an edit control as shown.
public class Form1: Form
Edit edit1 = new Edit();
void edit1_TextChanging(object source, Event e)
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid edit");
Method Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for methods:
· Choose a name for your event based on the recommended Method Naming Guidelines.
· Do not use Hungarian notation.
· By default, methods are nonvirtual. Maintain this default in situations where it is not
necessary to provide virtual methods. For more information about implementing inheritance,
see Base Class Usage Guidelines.
Method Overloading Guidelines
Method overloading occurs when a class contains two methods with the same name, but different
signatures. This section provides some guidelines for the use of overloaded methods.
Use method overloading to provide different methods that do semantically the same thing.
Use method overloading instead of allowing default arguments. Default arguments do not
version well and therefore are not allowed in the Common Language Specification (CLS). The
following code example illustrates an overloaded String.IndexOf method.
int String.IndexOf (String name);
int String.IndexOf (String name, int startIndex);
Use default values correctly. In a family of overloaded methods, the complex method should use
parameter names that indicate a change from the default state assumed in the simple method.
For example, in the following code, the first method assumes the search will not be casesensitive.
The second method uses the name ignoreCase rather than caseSensitive to
indicate how the default behavior is being changed.
// Method #1: ignoreCase = false.
MethodInfo Type.GetMethod(String name);
// Method #2: Indicates how the default behavior of method #1 is being //
MethodInfo Type.GetMethod (String name, Boolean ignoreCase);
Use a consistent ordering and naming pattern for method parameters. It is common to provide a
set of overloaded methods with an increasing number of parameters to allow the developer to
specify a desired level of information. The more parameters that you specify, the more detail the
developer can specify. In the following code example, the overloaded Execute method has a
consistent parameter order and naming pattern variation. Each of the Execute method variations
uses the same semantics for the shared set of parameters.
public class SampleClass
readonly string defaultForA = "default value for a";
readonly string defaultForB = "default value for b";
readonly string defaultForC = "default value for c";
public void Execute()
Execute(defaultForA, defaultForB, defaultForC);
public void Execute (string a)
Execute(a, defaultForB, defaultForC);
public void Execute (string a, string b)
Execute (a, b, defaultForC);
public virtual void Execute (string a, string b, string c)
This consistent pattern applies if the parameters have different types. Note that the only
method in the group that should be virtual is the one that has the most parameters.
· Use method overloading for variable numbers of parameters. Where it is appropriate to
specify a variable number of parameters to a method, use the convention of declaring n
methods with increasing numbers of parameters. Provide a method that takes an array of
values for numbers greater than n. For example, n=3 or n=4 is appropriate in most cases.
The following example illustrates this pattern.
public class SampleClass
public void Execute(string a)
Execute(new string[] {a});
public void Execute(string a, string b)
Execute(new string[] {a, b});
public void Execute(string a, string b, string c)
Execute(new string[] {a, b, c});
public virtual void Execute(string[] args)
foreach (string s in args)
· If you must provide the ability to override a method, make only the most complete
overload virtual and define the other operations in terms of it. The following example
illustrates this pattern.
public class SampleClass
private string myString;
public MyClass(string str)
this.myString = str;
public int IndexOf(string s)
return IndexOf (s, 0);
public int IndexOf(string s, int startIndex)
return IndexOf(s, startIndex, myString.Length - startIndex );
public virtual int IndexOf(string s, int startIndex, int count)
return myString.IndexOf(s, startIndex, count);
Methods With Variable Numbers of Arguments
You might want to expose a method that takes a variable number of arguments. A classic example
is the printf method in the C programming language. For managed class libraries, use the params
(ParamArray in Visual Basic) keyword for this construct. For example, use the following code
instead of several overloaded methods.
void Format(string formatString, params object [] args)
You should not use the VarArgs calling convention exclusively because the Common Language
Specification does not support it.
For extremely performance-sensitive code, you might want to provide special code paths for a small
number of elements. You should only do this if you are going to special case the entire code path
(not just create an array and call the more general method). In such cases, the following pattern is
recommended as a balance between performance and the cost of specially cased code.
void Format(string formatString, object arg1)
void Format(string formatString, object arg1, object arg2)
void Format(string formatString, params object [] args)
Constructor Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for constructors:
· Provide a default private constructor if there are only static methods and properties on a
class. In the following example, the private constructor prevents the class from being
public sealed class Environment
// Private constructor prevents the class from being created.
private Environment()
// Code for the constructor goes here.
· Minimize the amount of work done in the constructor. Constructors should not do more
than capture the constructor parameter or parameters. This delays the cost of performing
further operations until the user uses a specific feature of the instance.
· Provide a protected (Protected in Visual Basic) constructor that can be used by types in
a derived class.
· It is recommended that you not provide an empty constructor for a value type struct. If
you do not supply a constructor, the runtime initializes all the fields of the struct to zero.
This makes array and static field creation faster.
· Use parameters in constructors as shortcuts for setting properties. There should be no
difference in semantics between using an empty constructor followed by property set
accessors, and using a constructor with multiple arguments. The following three code
examples are equivalent
// Example #1.
Class SampleClass = new Class();
SampleClass.A = "a";
SampleClass.B = "b";
// Example #2.
Class SampleClass = new Class("a");
SampleClass.B = "b";
// Example #3.
Class SampleClass = new Class ("a", "b");
· Use a consistent ordering and naming pattern for constructor parameters. A common
pattern for constructor parameters is to provide an increasing number of parameters to
allow the developer to specify a desired level of information. The more parameters that
you specify, the more detail the developer can specify. In the following code example,
there is a consistent order and naming of the parameters for all the SampleClass
public class SampleClass
private const string defaultForA = "default value for a";
private const string defaultForB = "default value for b";
private const string defaultForC = "default value for c";
private string a;
private string b;
private string c;
public MyClass():this(defaultForA, defaultForB, defaultForC) {}
public MyClass (string a) : this(a, defaultForB, defaultForC) {}
public MyClass (string a, string b) : this(a, b, defaultForC) {}
public MyClass (string a, string b, string c)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
Field Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for fields:
· Do not use instance fields that are public or protected (Public or Protected in Visual
Basic). If you avoid exposing fields directly to the developer, classes can be versioned
more easily because a field cannot be changed to a property while maintaining binary
compatibility. Consider providing get and set property accessors for fields instead of
making them public. The presence of executable code in get and set property accessors
allows later improvements, such as creation of an object on demand, upon usage of the
property, or upon a property change notification. The following code example illustrates
the correct use of private instance fields with get and set property accessors.
public struct Point
private int xValue;
private int yValue;
public Point(int x, int y)
this.xValue = x;
this.yValue = y;
public int X
return xValue;
xValue = value;
public int Y
return yValue;
yValue = value;
· Expose a field to a derived class by using a protected property that returns the value of
the field. This is illustrated in the following code example.
public class Control: Component
private int handle;
protected int Handle
return handle;
· It is recommended that you use read-only static fields instead of properties where the
value is a global constant. This pattern is illustrated in the following code example.
public struct Int32
public static readonly int MaxValue = 2147483647;
public static readonly int MinValue = -2147483648;
// Insert other members here.
· Spell out all words used in a field name. Use abbreviations only if developers generally
understand them. Do not use uppercase letters for field names. The following is an
example of correctly named fields.
class SampleClass
string url;
string destinationUrl;
· Do not use Hungarian notation for field names. Good names describe semantics, not
· Do not apply a prefix to field names or static field names. Specifically, do not apply a
prefix to a field name to distinguish between static and nonstatic fields. For example,
applying a g_ or s_ prefix is incorrect.
· Use public static read-only fields for predefined object instances. If there are predefined
instances of an object, declare them as public static read-only fields of the object itself.
Use Pascal case because the fields are public. The following code example illustrates the
correct use of public static read-only fields.
public struct Color
public static readonly Color Red = new Color(0x0000FF);
public static readonly Color Green = new Color(0x00FF00);
public static readonly Color Blue = new Color(0xFF0000);
public static readonly Color Black = new Color(0x000000);
public static readonly Color White = new Color(0xFFFFFF);
public Color(int rgb)
{ // Insert code here.}
public Color(byte r, byte g, byte b)
{ // Insert code here.}
public byte RedValue
return Color;
public byte GreenValue
return Color;
public byte BlueValue
return Color;
Parameter Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for parameters:
· Check for valid parameter arguments. Perform argument validation for every public or
protected method and property set accessor. Throw meaningful exceptions to the
developer for invalid parameter arguments. Use the System.ArgumentException Class,
or a class derived from System.ArgumentException. The following example checks for
valid parameter arguments and throws meaningful exceptions.
class SampleClass
public int Count
return count;
// Check for valid parameter.
if (count < 0 || count >= MaxValue)
throw newArgumentOutOfRangeException(
public void Select(int start, int end)
// Check for valid parameter.
if (start < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
// Check for valid parameter.
if (end < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
Note that the actual checking does not necessarily have to happen in the public or protected
method itself. It could happen at a lower level in private routines. The main point is that the
entire surface area that is exposed to the developer checks for valid arguments.
Type Usage Guidelines
Types are the units of encapsulation in the common language runtime. For a detailed description of
the complete list of data types supported by the runtime, see the Common Type System. This
section provides usage guidelines for the basic kinds of types.
Base Class Usage Guidelines
A class is the most common kind of type. A class can be abstract or sealed. An abstract class
requires a derived class to provide an implementation. A sealed class does not allow a derived class.
It is recommended that you use classes over other types.
Base classes are a useful way to group objects that share a common set of functionality. Base
classes can provide a default set of functionality, while allowing customization though extension.
You should add extensibility or polymorphism to your design only if you have a clear customer
scenario for it. For example, providing an interface for data adapters is difficult and serves no real
benefit. Developers will still have to program against each adapter specifically, so there is only
marginal benefit from providing an interface. However, you do need to support consistency
between all adapters. Although an interface or abstract class is not appropriate in this situation,
providing a consistent pattern is very important. You can provide consistent patterns for developers
in base classes. Follow these guidelines for creating base classes.
Base Classes vs. Interfaces
An interface type is a partial description of a value, potentially supported by many object types. Use
base classes instead of interfaces whenever possible. From a versioning perspective, classes are
more flexible than interfaces. With a class, you can ship Version 1.0 and then in Version 2.0 add a
new method to the class. As long as the method is not abstract, any existing derived classes
continue to function unchanged.
Because interfaces do not support implementation inheritance, the pattern that applies to classes
does not apply to interfaces. Adding a method to an interface is equivalent to adding an abstract
method to a base class; any class that implements the interface will break because the class does not
implement the new method.
Interfaces are appropriate in the following situations:
· Several unrelated classes want to support the protocol.
· These classes already have established base classes (for example, some are user interface
(UI) controls, and some are XML Web services).
· Aggregation is not appropriate or practical.
In all other situations, class inheritance is a better model.
Protected Methods and Constructors
Provide class customization through protected methods. The public interface of a base class should
provide a rich set of functionality for the consumer of the class. However, users of the class often
want to implement the fewest number of methods possible to provide that rich set of functionality to
the consumer. To meet this goal, provide a set of nonvirtual or final public methods that call
through to a single protected method that provides implementations for the methods. This method
should be marked with the Impl suffix. Using this pattern is also referred to as providing a
Template method. The following code example demonstrates this process.
public class MyClass
private int x;
private int y;
private int width;
private int height;
BoundsSpecified specified;
public void SetBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height)
SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, this.specified);
public void SetBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height,
BoundsSpecified specified)
SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified);
protected virtual void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int
height, BoundsSpecified specified)
// Add code to perform meaningful opertions here.
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.specified = specified;
Many compilers will insert a public or protected constructor if you do not. Therefore, for better
documentation and readability of your source code, you should explicitly define a protected
constructor on all abstract classes.
Sealed Class Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for sealed classes:
· Use sealed classes if it will not be necessary to create derived classes. A class cannot be
derived from a sealed class.
· Use sealed classes if there are only static methods and properties on a class. The following
code example shows a correctly defined sealed class.
public sealed class Runtime
// Private constructor prevents the class from being created.
private Runtime();
// Static method.
public static string GetCommandLine()
// Implementation code goes here.
Value Type Usage Guidelines
A value type describes a value that is represented as a sequence of bits stored on the stack. For a
description of all the .NET Framework's built-in data types, see Value Types. This section provides
guidelines for using the structure (struct) and enumeration (enum) value types.
Struct Usage Guidelines
It is recommended that you use a struct for types that meet any of the following criteria:
· Act like primitive types.
· Have an instance size under 16 bytes.
· Are immutable.
· Value semantics are desirable.
The following example shows a correctly defined structure.
public struct Int32: IComparable, IFormattable
public const int MinValue = -2147483648;
public const int MaxValue = 2147483647;
public static string ToString(int i)
// Insert code here.
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
// Insert code here.
public override string ToString()
// Insert code here.
public static int Parse(string s)
// Insert code here.
return 0;
public override int GetHashCode()
// Insert code here.
return 0;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
// Insert code here.
return false;
public int CompareTo(object obj)
// Insert code here.
return 0;
When using a struct, do not provide a default constructor. The runtime will insert a constructor that
initializes all the values to a zero state. This allows arrays of structs to be created more efficiently.
You should also allow a state where all instance data is set to zero, false, or null (as appropriate) to
be valid without running the constructor.
Enum Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for enumerations:
· Use an enum to strongly type parameters, properties, and return types. Always define
enumerated values using an enum if they are used in a parameter or property. This allows
development tools to know the possible values for a property or parameter. The following
example shows how to define an enum type.
public enum FileMode
The following example shows the constructor for a FileStream object that uses the
FileMode enum.
public FileStream(string path, FileMode mode);
· Use the System.FlagsAttribute Class to create custom attribute for an enum if a bitwise OR
operation is to be performed on the numeric values. This attribute is applied in the following
code example.
public enum Bindings
IgnoreCase = 0x01,
NonPublic = 0x02,
Static = 0x04,
InvokeMethod = 0x0100,
CreateInstance = 0x0200,
GetField = 0x0400,
SetField = 0x0800,
GetProperty = 0x1000,
SetProperty = 0x2000,
DefaultBinding = 0x010000,
DefaultChangeType = 0x020000,
Default = DefaultBinding | DefaultChangeType,
ExactBinding = 0x040000,
ExactChangeType = 0x080000,
BinderBinding = 0x100000,
BinderChangeType = 0x200000
Note An exception to this rule is when encapsulating a Win32 API. It is common to have
internal definitions that come from a Win32 header. You can leave these with the Win32
casing, which is usually all capital letters.
· Use an enum with the flags attribute only if the value can be completely expressed as a set
of bit flags. Do not use an enum for open sets (such as the operating system version).
· Do not assume that enum arguments will be in the defined range. Perform argument
validation as illustrated in the following code example.
public void SetColor (Color color)
if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof(Color), color)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
· Use an enum instead of static final constants.
· Use type Int32 as the underlying type of an enum unless either of the following is true:
· The enum represents flags and there are currently more than 32 flags, or the enum
might grow to many flags in the future.
· The type needs to be different from int for backward compatibility.
· Do not use a nonintegral enum type. Use only Byte, Int16, Int32, or Int64.
· Do not define methods, properties, or events on an enum.
· Do not use an Enum suffix on enum types.
Delegate Usage Guidelines
A delegate is a powerful tool that allows the managed code object model designer to encapsulate
method calls. Delegates are useful for event notifications and callback functions.
Event notifications
Use the appropriate event design pattern for events even if the event is not user interface-related.
For more information on using events, see the Event Usage Guidelines.
Callback functions
Callback functions are passed to a method so that user code can be called multiple times during
execution to provide customization. Passing a Compare callback function to a sort routine is a
classic example of using a callback function. These methods should use the callback function
conventions described in Callback Function Usage.
Name end callback functions with the suffix Callback.
Attribute Usage Guidelines
The .NET Framework enables developers to invent new kinds of declarative information, to specify
declarative information for various program entities, and to retrieve attribute information in a runtime
environment. For example, a framework might define a HelpAttribute attribute that can be
placed on program elements such as classes and methods to provide a mapping from program
elements to their documentation. New kinds of declarative information are defined through the
declaration of attribute classes, which might have positional and named parameters. For more
information about attributes, see Writing Custom Attributes.
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for attribute classes:
· Add the Attribute suffix to custom attribute classes, as shown in the following example.
public class ObsoleteAttribute{}
· Specify AttributeUsage on your attributes to define their usage precisely, as shown in the
following example.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple =
public class ObsoleteAttribute: Attribute {}
· Seal attribute classes whenever possible, so that classes cannot be derived from them.
· Use positional arguments for required parameters.
· Use named arguments for optional parameters.
· Do not name a parameter with both named and positional arguments.
· Provide a read-only property with the same name as each positional argument, but change
the case to differentiate between them.
· Provide a read/write property with the same name as each named argument, but change the
case to differentiate between them.
public class NameAttribute: Attribute
public NameAttribute (string username)
// Implement code here.
public string UserName
return UserName;
public int Age
return Age;
Age = value;
// Positional argument.
Nested Type Usage Guidelines
A nested type is a type defined within the scope of another type. Nested types are very useful for
encapsulating implementation details of a type, such as an enumerator over a collection, because
they can have access to private state.
Public nested types should be used rarely. Use them only in situations where both of the following
are true:
· The nested type logically belongs to the containing type.
· The nested type is not used often, or at least not directly.
The following examples illustrates how to define types with and without nested types:
// With nested types.
// Without nested types.
// With nested types.
// Without nested types.
Do not use nested types if the following are true:
· The type is used in many different methods in different classes. The FileMode Enumeration
is a good example of this kind of type.
· The type is commonly used in different APIs. The StringCollection Class is a good example
of this kind of type.
Guidelines for Exposing Functionality to COM
The common language runtime provides rich support for interoperating with COM components. A
COM component can be used from within a managed type and a managed instance can be used by a
COM component. This support is the key to moving unmanaged code to managed code one piece at
a time; however, it does present some issues for class library designers. In order to fully expose a
managed type to COM clients, the type must expose functionality in a way that is supported by
COM and abides by the COM versioning contract.
Mark managed class libraries with the ComVisibleAttribute attribute to indicate whether COM
clients can use the library directly or whether they must use a wrapper that shapes the functionality
so that they can use it.
Types and interfaces that must be used directly by COM clients, such as to host in an unmanaged
container, should be marked with the ComVisible(true) attribute. The transitive closure of all types
referenced by exposed types should be explicitly marked as ComVisible(true); if not, they will be
exposed as IUnknown.
Note Members of a type can also be marked as ComVisible(false); this reduces exposure to COM
and therefore reduces the restrictions on what a managed type can use.
Types marked with the ComVisible(true) attribute cannot expose functionality exclusively in a
way that is not usable from COM. Specifically, COM does not support static methods or
parameterized constructors. Test the type's functionality from COM clients to ensure correct
behavior. Make sure that you understand the registry impact for making all types cocreateable.
Marshal By Reference
Marshal-by-reference objects are Remotable Objects. Object remoting applies to three kinds of
· Types whose instances are copied when they are marshaled across an AppDomain boundary
(on the same computer or a different computer). These types must be marked with the
Serializable attribute.
· Types for which the runtime creates a transparent proxy when they are marshaled across an
AppDomain boundary (on the same computer or a different computer). These types must
ultimately be derived from System.MarshalByRefObject Class.
· Types that are not marshaled across AppDomains at all. This is the default.
Follow these guidelines when using marshal by reference:
· By default, instances should be marshal-by-value objects. This means that their types should
be marked as Serializable.
· Component types should be marshal-by-reference objects. This should already be the case
for most components, because the common base class, System.Component Class, is a
marshal-by-reference class.
· If the type encapsulates an operating system resource, it should be a marshal-by-reference
object. If the type implements the IDisposable Interface it will very likely have to be
marshaled by reference. System.IO.Stream derives from MarshalByRefObject. Most
streams, such as FileStreams and NetworkStreams, encapsulate external resources, so they
should be marshal-by-reference objects.
· Instances that simply hold state should be marshal-by-value objects (such as a DataSet).
· Special types that cannot be called across an AppDomain (such as a holder of static utility
methods) should not be marked as Serializable.
Error Raising and Handling Guidelines
The following rules outline the guidelines for raising and handling errors:
· All code paths that result in an exception should provide a method to check for success
without throwing an exception. For example, to avoid a FileNotFoundException you can
call File.Exists. This might not always be possible, but the goal is that under normal
execution no exceptions should be thrown.
· End Exception class names with the Exception suffix as in the following code example.
public class FileNotFoundException : Exception
// Implementation code goes here.
· Use the three common constructors shown in the following code example when creating
exception classes in C# and the Managed Extensions for C++.
public class XxxException : ApplicationException
XxxException() {... }
XxxException(string message) {... }
XxxException(string message, Exception inner) {... }
· In most cases, use the predefined exception types. Only define new exception types for
programmatic scenarios, where you expect users of your class library to catch exceptions of
this new type and perform a programmatic action based on the exception type itself. This is
in lieu of parsing the exception string, which would negatively impact performance and
For example, it makes sense to define a FileNotFoundException because the developer
might decide to create the missing file. However, a FileIOException is not something that
would typically be handled specifically in code.
· Do not derive new exceptions directly from the base class Exception.
· Group new exceptions derived from the base class Exception by namespace. For example,
there will be derived classes for XML, IO, Collections, and so on. Each of these areas will
have their own derived classes of exceptions as appropriate. Any exceptions that other
library or application writers want to add will extend the Exception class directly. You
should create a single name for all related exceptions, and extend all exceptions related to
that application or library from that group.
· Use a localized description string in every exception. When the user sees an error message,
it will be derived from the description string of the exception that was thrown, and never
from the exception class.
· Create grammatically correct error messages with punctuation. Each sentence in the
description string of an exception should end in a period. Code that generically displays an
exception message to the user does not have to handle the case where a developer forgot the
final period.
· Provide exception properties for programmatic access. Include extra information (other than
the description string) in an exception only when there is a programmatic scenario where
that additional information is useful. You should rarely need to include additional
information in an exception.
· Do not use exceptions for normal or expected errors, or for normal flow of control.
· You should return null for extremely common error cases. For example, a File.Open
command returns a null reference if the file is not found, but throws an exception if the file
is locked.
· Design classes so that in the normal course of use an exception will never be thrown. In the
following code example, a FileStream class exposes another way of determining if the end
of the file has been reached to avoid the exception that will be thrown if the developer reads
past the end of the file.
class FileRead
void Open()
FileStream stream = File.Open("myfile.txt", FileMode.Open);
byte b;
// ReadByte returns -1 at end of file.
while ((b = stream.ReadByte()) != true)
// Do something.
· Throw the InvalidOperationException exception if a call to a property set accessor or
method is not appropriate given the object's current state.
· Throw an ArgumentException or create an exception derived from this class if invalid
parameters are passed or detected.
· Be aware that the stack trace starts at the point where an exception is thrown, not where it is
created with the new operator. Consider this when deciding where to throw an exception.
· Use the exception builder methods. It is common for a class to throw the same exception
from different places in its implementation. To avoid repetitive code, use helper methods
that create the exception using the new operator and return it. The following code example
shows how to implement a helper method.
class File
string fileName;
public byte[] Read(int bytes)
if (!ReadFile(handle, bytes))
throw NewFileIOException();
FileException NewFileIOException()
string description =
// Build localized string, include fileName.
return new FileException(description);
· Throw exceptions instead of returning an error code or HRESULT.
· Throw the most specific exception possible.
· Create meaningful message text for exceptions, targeted at the developer.
· Set all fields on the exception you use.
· Use Inner exceptions (chained exceptions). However, do not catch and re-throw exceptions
unless you are adding additional information and/or changing the type of the exception.
· Do not create methods that throw NullReferenceException or IndexOutOfRangeException.
· Perform argument checking on protected (Family) and internal (Assembly) members.
Clearly state in the documentation if the protected method does not do argument checking.
Unless otherwise stated, assume that argument checking is performed. There might,
however, be performance gains in not performing argument checking.
· Clean up any side effects when throwing an exception. Callers should be able to assume that
there are no side effects when an exception is thrown from a function. For example, if a
Hashtable.Insert method throws an exception, the caller can assume that the specified item
was not added to the Hashtable.
Standard Exception Types
The following table lists the standard exceptions provided by the runtime and the conditions for
which you should create a derived class.
Exception type Base type Description Example
Exception Object Base class for
all exceptions.
None (use a derived
class of this exception).
SystemException Exception Base class for
all runtimegenerated
None (use a derived
class of this exception).
IndexOutOfRangeException SystemException Thrown by the
runtime only
when an array
is indexed
Indexing an array
outside of its valid
NullReferenceException SystemException Thrown by the
runtime only
when a null
object is
object o = null;
InvalidOperationException SystemException Thrown by
methods when
in an invalid
after removing an Item
from the underlying
ArgumentException SystemException Base class for
all argument
None (use a derived
class of this exception).
ArgumentNullException ArgumentException Thrown by
methods that
do not allow an
argument to be
String s = null;
ArgumentOutOfRangeException ArgumentException Thrown by
methods that
verify that
arguments are
in a given
String s = "string";
ExternalException SystemException Base class for
exceptions that
occur or are
targeted at
None (use a derived
class of this exception).
outside of the
COMException ExternalException Exception
COM Hresult
Used in COM interop.
SEHException ExternalException Exception
Used in unmanaged
code Interop.
Wrapping Exceptions
Errors that occur at the same layer as a component should throw an exception that is meaningful to
target users. In the following code example, the error message is targeted at users of the TextReader
class, attempting to read from a stream.
public class TextReader
public string ReadLine()
// Read a line from the stream.
catch (Exception e)
throw new IOException ("Could not read from stream", e);
Array Usage Guidelines
For a general description of arrays and array usage see Arrays, and System.Array Class.
Arrays vs. Collections
Class library designers might need to make difficult decisions about when to use an array and when
to return a collection. Although these types have similar usage models, they have different
performance characteristics. You should use a collection in the following situations:
· When Add, Remove, or other methods for manipulating the collection are supported.
· To add read-only wrappers around internal arrays.
For more information on using collections, see Grouping Data in Collections.
Using Indexed Properties in Collections
You should use an indexed property only as a default member of a collection class or interface. Do
not create families of functions in noncollection types. A pattern of methods, such as Add, Item,
and Count, signal that the type should be a collection.
Array Valued Properties
You should use collections to avoid code inefficiencies. In the following code example, each call to
the myObj property creates a copy of the array. As a result, 2n+1 copies of the array will be created
in the following loop.
for (int i = 0; i < obj.myObj.Count; i++)
For more information, see the Properties vs. Methods topic.
Returning Empty Arrays
String and Array properties should never return a null reference. Null can be difficult to
understand in this context. For example, a user might assume that the following code will work.
public void DoSomething()
string s = SomeOtherFunc();
if (s.Length > 0)
// Do something else.
The general rule is that null, empty string (""), and empty (0 item) arrays should be treated the same
way. Return an empty array instead of a null reference.
Operator Overloading Usage Guidelines
The following rules outline the guidelines for operator overloading:
· Define operators on value types that are logical built-in language types, such as the
System.Decimal Structure.
· Provide operator-overloading methods only in the class in which the methods are defined.
· Use the names and signature conventions described in the Common Language Specification
· Use operator overloading in cases where it is immediately obvious what the result of the
operation will be. For example, it makes sense to be able to subtract one Time value from
another Time value and get a TimeSpan. However, it is not appropriate to use the or
operator to create the union of two database queries, or to use shift to write to a stream.
· Overload operators in a symmetric manner. For example, if you overload the equality
operator (==), you should also overload the not equal operator(!=).
· Provide alternate signatures. Most languages do not support operator overloading. For this
reason, always include a secondary method with an appropriate domain-specific name that
has the equivalent functionality. It is a Common Language Specification (CLS) requirement
to provide this secondary method. The following example is CLS-compliant.
class Time
TimeSpan operator -(Time t1, Time t2) { }
TimeSpan Difference(Time t1, Time t2) { }
The following table contains a list of operator symbols and the corresponding alternative methods
and operator names.
C++ operator
Name of alternative method Name of operator
Not defined ToXxx or FromXxx op_Implicit
Not defined ToXxx or FromXxx op_Explicit
+ (binary) Add op_Addition
- (binary) Subtract op_Subtraction
* (binary) Multiply op_Multiply
/ Divide op_Division
% Mod op_Modulus
^ Xor op_ExclusiveOr
& (binary) BitwiseAnd op_BitwiseAnd
| BitwiseOr op_BitwiseOr
&& And op_LogicalAnd
|| Or op_LogicalOr
= Assign op_Assign
<< LeftShift op_LeftShift
>> RightShift op_RightShift
Not defined LeftShift op_SignedRightShift
Not defined RightShift op_UnsignedRightShift
== Equals op_Equality
> Compare op_GreaterThan
< Compare op_LessThan
!= Compare op_Inequality
>= Compare op_GreaterThanOrEqual
<= Compare op_LessThanOrEqual
*= Multiply op_MultiplicationAssignment
-= Subtract op_SubtractionAssignment
^= Xor op_ExclusiveOrAssignment
<<= LeftShift op_LeftShiftAssignment
%= Mod op_ModulusAssignment
+= Add op_AdditionAssignment
&= BitwiseAnd op_BitwiseAndAssignment
|= BitwiseOr op_BitwiseOrAssignment
, None assigned op_Comma
/= Divide op_DivisionAssignment
-- Decrement op_Decrement
++ Increment op_Increment
- (unary) Negate op_UnaryNegation
+ (unary) Plus op_UnaryPlus
Guidelines for Implementing Equals and the Equality Operator (==)
The following rules outline the guidelines for implementing the Equals method and the equality
operator (==):
· Implement the GetHashCode method whenever you implement the Equals method. This
keeps Equals and GetHashCode synchronized.
· Override the Equals method whenever you implement ==, and make them do the same
thing. This allows infrastructure code such as Hashtable and ArrayList, which use the
Equals method, to behave the same way as user code written using ==.
· Override the Equals method any time you implement the IComparable Interface.
· You should consider implementing operator overloading for the equality (==), not equal
(!=), less than (<), and greater than (>) operators when you implement IComparable.
· Do not throw exceptions from the Equals or GetHashCode methods or the equality
operator (==).
For related information on the Equals method, see Implementing the Equals Method.
Implementing the Equality Operator (==) on Value Types
In most programming languages there is no default implementation of the equality operator (==) for
value types. Therefore, you should overload == any time equality is meaningful.
You should consider implementing the Equals method on value types because the default
implementation on System.ValueType will not perform as well as your custom implementation.
Implement == any time you override the Equals method.
Implementing the Equality Operator (==) on Reference Types
Most languages do provide a default implementation of the equality operator (==) for reference
types. Therefore, you should use care when implementing == on reference types. Most reference
types, even those that implement the Equals method, should not override ==.
Override == if your type is a base type such as a Point, String, BigNumber, and so on. Any time
you consider overloading the addition (+) and subtraction (-) operators, you also should consider
overloading ==.
Guidelines for Casting Types
The following rules outline the usage guidelines for casts:
· Do not allow implicit casts that will result in a loss of precision. For example, there should
not be an implicit cast from Double to Int32, but there might be one from Int32 to Int64.
· Do not throw exceptions from implicit casts because it is very difficult for the developer to
understand what is happening.
· Provide casts that operate on an entire object. The value that is cast should represent the
entire object, not a member of an object. For example, it is not appropriate for a Button to
cast to a string by returning its caption.
· Do not generate a semantically different value. For example, it is appropriate to convert a
Time or TimeSpan into an Int32. The Int32 still represents the time or duration. It does not,
however, make sense to convert a file name string such as "c:/mybitmap.gif" into a Bitmap
· Do not cast values from different domains. Casts operate within a particular domain of
values. For example, numbers and strings are different domains. It makes sense that an
Int32 can cast to a Double. However, it does not make sense for an Int32 to cast to a
String, because they are in different domains.
Common Design Patterns
This topic provides guidelines for implementing common design patterns in class libraries.
Security in Class Libraries
Class library designers must understand code access security in order to write secure class libraries.
When writing a class library, be aware of two security principles: protect objects with permissions,
and write fully trusted code. The degree to which these principles apply will depend upon the class
you are writing. Some classes, such as the System.IO.FileStream Class, represent objects that need
protection with permissions. The implementation of these classes is responsible for checking the
permissions of callers and allowing only authorized callers to perform operations for which they
have permission. The System.Security Namespace contains classes that can help you perform these
checks in the class libraries that you write. Class library code often is fully trusted or at least highly
trusted code. Because class library code often accesses protected resources and unmanaged code,
any flaws in the code represent a serious threat to the integrity of the entire security system. To
minimize security threats, follow the guidelines described in this topic when writing class library
code. For more information, see Writing Secure Class Libraries.
Protecting Objects with Permissions
Permissions are defined to protect specific resources. A class library that performs operations on
protected resources must be responsible for enforcing this protection. Before acting on any request
on a protected resource, such as deleting a file, class library code first must check that the caller
(and usually all callers, by means of a stack walk) has the appropriate delete permission for the
resource. If the caller has the permission, the action should be allowed to complete. If the caller
does not have the permission, the action should not be allowed to complete and a security exception
should be raised. Protection is typically implemented in code with either a declarative or an
imperative check of the appropriate permissions.
It is important that classes protect resources, not only from direct access, but from all possible kinds
of exposure. For example, a cached file object is responsible for checking for file read permissions,
even if the actual data is retrieved from a cache in memory and no actual file operation occurs. This
is because the effect of handing the data to the caller is the same as if the caller had performed an
actual read operation.
Fully Trusted Class Library Code
Many class libraries are implemented as fully trusted code that encapsulates platform-specific
functionality as managed objects, such as COM or system APIs. Fully trusted code can expose a
weakness to the security of the entire system. However, if class libraries are written correctly with
respect to security, placing a heavy security burden on a relatively small set of class libraries and
the core runtime security allows the larger body of managed code to acquire the security benefits of
these core class libraries.
In a common class library security scenario, a fully trusted class exposes a resource that is protected
by a permission; the resource is accessed by a native code API. A typical example of this type of
resource is a file. The File class uses a native API to perform file operations, such as a deletion. The
following steps are taken to protect the resource.
1. A caller requests the deletion of file c:/test.txt by calling the File.Delete Method.
2. The Delete method creates a permission object representing the delete c:/test.txt
3. The File class's code checks all callers on the stack to see if they have been granted the
demanded permission; if not, a security exception is raised.
4. The File class asserts FullTrust in order to call native code, because its callers might not
have this permission.
5. The File class uses a native API to perform the file delete operation.
6. The File class returns to its caller, and the file delete request is completed successfully.
Precautions for Highly Trusted Code
Code in a trusted class library is granted permissions that are not available to most application code.
In addition, an assembly might contain classes that do not need special permissions but are granted
these permissions because the assembly contains other classes that do require them. These situations
can expose a security weakness to the system. Therefore, you must be take special care when
writing highly or fully trusted code.
Design trusted code so that it can be called by any semi-trusted code on the system without
exposing security holes. Resources are normally protected by a stack walk of all callers. If a caller
has insufficient permissions, attempted access is blocked. However, any time trusted code asserts a
permission, the code takes responsibility for checking for required permissions. Normally, an assert
should follow a permission check of the caller as described earlier in this topic. In addition, the
number of higher permission asserts should be minimized to reduce the risk of unintended
Fully trusted code is implicitly granted all other permissions. In addition, it is allowed to violate
rules of type safety and object usage. Independent of the protection of resources, any aspect of the
programmatic interface that might break type safety or allow access to data not normally available
to the caller can lead to a security problem.
Security checks involve checking the stack for the permissions of all callers. Depending upon the
depth of the stack, these operations have the potential to be very expensive. If one operation
actually consists of a number of actions at a lower level that require security checks, it might greatly
improve performance to check caller permissions once and then assert the necessary permission
before performing the actions. The assert will stop the stack walk from propagating further up the
stack so that the check will stop there and succeed. This technique typically results in a performance
improvement if three or more permission checks can be covered at once.
Summary of Class Library Security Issues
· Any class library that uses protected resources must ensure that it does so only within the
permissions of its callers.
· Assertion of permissions should be done only when necessary, and should be preceded by
the necessary permission checks.
· To improve performance, aggregate operations that will involve security checks and
consider the use of assert to limit stack walks without compromising security.
· Be aware of how a semi-trusted malicious caller might potentially use a class to bypass
· Do not assume that code will be called only by callers with certain permissions.
· Do not define non-type-safe interfaces that might be used to bypass security elsewhere.
· Do not expose functionality in a class that allows a semi-trusted caller to take advantage of
the higher trust of the class.
Threading Design Guidelines
The following rules outline the design guidelines for implementing threading:
· Avoid providing static methods that alter static state. In common server scenarios, static
state is shared across requests, which means multiple threads can execute that code at the
same time. This opens up the possibility for threading bugs. Consider using a design pattern
that encapsulates data into instances that are not shared across requests.
· Static state must be thread safe.
· Instance state does not need to be thread safe. By default, a library is not thread safe. Adding
locks to create thread-safe code decreases performance, increases lock contention, and
creates the possibility for deadlock bugs to occur. In common application models, only one
thread at a time executes user code, which minimizes the need for thread safety. For this
reason, the .NET Framework is not thread safe by default. In cases where you want to
provide a thread-safe version, use a GetSynchronized method to return a thread-safe
instance of a type. For examples, see the System.Collections Namespace.
· Design your library with consideration for the stress of running in a server scenario. Avoid
taking locks whenever possible.
· Be aware of method calls in locked sections. Deadlocks can result when a static method in
class A calls static methods in class B and vice versa. If A and B both synchronize their
static methods, this will cause a deadlock. You might discover this deadlock only under
heavy threading stress.
Performance issues can result when a static method in class A calls a static method in class
A. If these methods are not factored correctly, performance will suffer because there will be
a large amount of redundant synchronization. Excessive use of fine-grained synchronization
might negatively impact performance. In addition, it might have a significant negative
impact on scalability.
Be aware of issues with the lock statement (SyncLock in Visual Basic). It is tempting to use
the lock statement to solve all threading problems. However, the
System.Threading.Interlocked Class is superior for updates that must be made
automatically. It executes a single lock prefix if there is no contention. In a code review, you
should watch out for instances like the one shown in the following example.
Alternatively, it might be better to use more elaborate code to create rhs outside of the lock,
as in the following example. Then, you can use an interlocked compare exchange to update
x only if it is still null. This assumes that creation of duplicate rhs values does not cause
negative side effects.
if (x == null)
lock (this)
if (x == null)
// Perform some elaborate code to create rhs.
x = rhs;
· Avoid the need for synchronization if possible. For high traffic pathways, it is best to avoid
synchronization. Sometimes the algorithm can be adjusted to tolerate race conditions rather
than eliminate them.
Guidelines for Asynchronous Programming
Asynchronous programming is a feature supported by many areas of the common language runtime,
such as Remoting, ASP.NET, and Windows Forms. Asynchronous programming is a core concept
in the .NET Framework. This topic introduces the design pattern for asynchronous programming.
The philosophy behind these guidelines is as follows:
· The client should decide whether a particular call should be asynchronous.
· It is not necessary for a server to do additional programming in order to support its clients'
asynchronous behavior. The runtime should be able to manage the difference between the
client and server views. As a result, the situation where the server has to implement
IDispatch and do a large amount of work to support dynamic invocation by clients is
· The server can choose to explicitly support asynchronous behavior either because it can
implement asynchronous behavior more efficiently than a general architecture, or because it
wants to support only asynchronous behavior by its clients. It is recommended that such
servers follow the design pattern outlined in this document for exposing asynchronous
· Type safety must be enforced.
· The runtime provides the necessary services to support the asynchronous programming
model. These services include the following:
· Synchronization primitives, such as critical sections and ReaderWriterLock
· Synchronization constructs such as containers that support the
WaitForMultipleObjects method.
· Thread pools.
· Exposure to the underlying infrastructure, such as Message and ThreadPool objects.
Asynchronous Programming Design Pattern
The following code example demonstrates a server class that factorizes a number.
public class PrimeFactorizer
public bool Factorize(long factorizableNum,
ref long primefactor1,
ref long primefactor2)
primefactor1 = 1;
primefactor2 = factorizableNum;
// Factorize using a low-tech approach.
for (int i=2;i<factorizableNum;i++)
if (0 == (factorizableNum % i))
primefactor1 = i;
primefactor2 = factorizableNum / i;
if (1 == primefactor1 )
return false;
return true ;
The following code example shows a client defining a pattern for asynchronously invoking the
Factorize method from the PrimeFactorizer class in the previous example.
// Define the delegate.
public delegate bool FactorizingCallback(long factorizableNum,
ref long primefactor1,
ref long primefactor2);
// Create an instance of the Factorizer.
PrimeFactorizer pf = new PrimeFactorizer();
// Create a delegate on the Factorize method on the Factorizer.
FactorizingDelegate fd = new FactorizingDelegate(pf.Factorize);
The compiler will emit the following FactorizingCallback class after parsing its definition in the
first line of the previous example. It will generate the BeginInvoke and EndInvoke methods.
public class FactorizingCallback : Delegate
public bool Invoke(ulong factorizableNum,
ref ulong primefactor1, ref ulong primefactor2);
// Supplied by the compiler.
public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(ulong factorizableNum,
ref unsigned long primefactor1,
ref unsigned long primefactor2, AsyncCallback cb,
Object AsyncState);
// Supplied by the compiler.
public bool EndInvoke(ref ulong primefactor1,
ref ulong primefactor2, IAsyncResult ar);
The interface used as the delegate parameter in the following code example is defined in the .NET
Framework Class Library. For more information, see IAsyncResult Interface.
public delegate AsyncCallback (IAsyncResult ar);
public interface IAsyncResult
// Returns true if the asynchronous operation has completed.
bool IsCompleted { get; }
// Caller can use this to wait until operation is complete.
WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
// The delegate object for which the async call was invoked.
Object AsyncObject { get; }
// The state object passed in through BeginInvoke.
Object AsyncState { get; }
// Returns true if the call completed synchronously.
bool CompletedSynchronously { get; }
Note that the object that implements the IAsyncResult Interface must be a waitable object and its
underlying synchronization primitive should be signaled after the call is canceled or completed.
This enables the client to wait for the call to complete instead of polling. The runtime supplies a
number of waitable objects that mirror Win32 synchronization primitives, such as
ManualResetEvent, AutoResetEvent and Mutex. It also supplies methods that support waiting for
such synchronization objects to become signaled with "any" or "all" semantics. Such methods are
context-aware to avoid deadlocks.
The Cancel method is a request to cancel processing of the method after the desired time-out period
has expired. Note that it is only a request by the client and the server is recommended to honor it.
Further, the client should not assume that the server has stopped processing the request completely
after receiving notification that the method has been canceled. In other words, the client is
recommended to not destroy resources such as file objects, as the server might be actively using
them. The IsCanceled property will be set to true if the call was canceled and the IsCompleted
property will be set to true after the server has completed processing of the call. After the server
sets the IsCompleted property to true, the server cannot use any client-supplied resources outside
of the agreed-upon sharing semantics. Thus, it is safe for the client to destroy the resources after the
IsCompleted property returns true.
The Server property returns the server object that provided the IAsyncResult.
The following code example demonstrates the client-side programming model for invoking the
Factorize method asynchronously.
public class ProcessFactorizeNumber
private long _ulNumber;
public ProcessFactorizeNumber(long number)
_ulNumber = number;
public void FactorizedResults(IAsyncResult ar)
long factor1=0, factor2=0;
// Extract the delegate from the AsynchResult.
FactorizingCallback fd =
(FactorizingCallback) ((AsyncResult)ar).AsyncDelegate;
// Obtain the result.
fd.EndInvoke(ref factor1, ref factor2, ar);
// Output the results.
Console.Writeline("On CallBack: Factors of {0} : {1} {2}",
_ulNumber, factor1, factor2);
// Async Variation 1.
// The ProcessFactorizeNumber.FactorizedResults callback function
// is called when the call completes.
public void FactorizeNumber1()
// Client code.
PrimeFactorizer pf = new PrimeFactorizer();
FactorizingCallback fd = new FactorizingCallback(pf.Factorize);
long factorizableNum = 1000589023, temp=0;
// Create an instance of the class that
// will be called when the call completes.
ProcessFactorizedNumber fc =
new ProcessFactorizedNumber(factorizableNum);
// Define the AsyncCallback delegate.
AsyncCallbackDelegate cb = new AsyncCallback(fc.FactorizedResults);
// Any object can be the state object.
Object state = new Object();
// Asynchronously invoke the Factorize method on pf.
// Note: If you have pure out parameters, you do not need the
// temp variable.
IAsyncResult ar = fd.BeginInvoke(factorizableNum, ref temp, ref temp,
cb, state);
// Proceed to do other useful work.
// Async Variation 2.
// Waits for the result.
// Asynchronously invoke the Factorize method on pf.
// Note: If you have pure out parameters, you do not need
// the temp variable.
public void FactorizeNumber2()
// Client code.
PrimeFactorizer pf = new PrimeFactorizer();
FactorizingCallback fd = new FactorizingCallback(pf.Factorize);
long factorizableNum = 1000589023, temp=0;
// Create an instance of the class
// to be called when the call completes.
ProcessFactorizedNumber fc =
new ProcessFactorizedNumber(factorizableNum);
// Define the AsyncCallback delegate.
AsyncCallback cb = new AsyncCallback(fc.FactorizedRes0ults);
// Any object can be the state object.
Object state = new Object();
// Asynchronously invoke the Factorize method on pf.
IAsyncResult ar = fd.BeginInvoke(factorizableNum, ref temp, ref temp,
null, null);
ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(10000, false);
int factor1=0, factor2=0;
// Obtain the result.
fd.EndInvoke(ref factor1, ref factor2, ar);
// Output the results.
Console.Writeline("Sequential : Factors of {0} : {1} {2}",
factorizableNum, factor1, factor2);
Note that if FactorizeCallback is a context-bound class that requires synchronized or threadaffinity
context, the callback function is dispatched through the context dispatcher infrastructure. In
other words, the callback function itself might execute asynchronously with respect to its caller for
such contexts. These are the semantics of the one-way qualifier on method signatures. Any such
method call might execute synchronously or asynchronously with respect to caller, and the caller
cannot make any assumptions about completion of such a call when execution control returns to it.
Also, calling EndInvoke before the asynchronous operation is complete will block the caller.
Calling it a second time with the same AsyncResult is undefined.
Summary of Asynchronous Programming Design Pattern
The server splits an asynchronous operation into its two logical parts: the part that takes input from
the client and starts the asynchronous operation, and the part that supplies the results of the
asynchronous operation to the client. In addition to the input needed for the asynchronous operation,
the first part also takes an AsyncCallbackDelegate object to be called when the asynchronous
operation is completed. The first part returns a waitable object that implements the IAsyncResult
interface used by the client to determine the status of the asynchronous operation. The server
typically also uses the waitable object it returned to the client to maintain any state associated with
asynchronous operation. The client uses the second part to obtain the results of the asynchronous
operation by supplying the waitable object.
When initiating asynchronous operations, the client can either supply the callback function delegate
or not supply it.
The following options are available to the client for completing asynchronous operations:
· Poll the returned IAsyncResult object for completion.
· Attempt to complete the operation prematurely, thereby blocking until the operation
· Wait on the IAsyncResult object. The difference between this and the previous option is
that the client can use time-outs to periodically take back control.
· Complete the operation inside the callback function routine.
One scenario in which both synchronous and asynchronous read and write methods are desirable is
the use of file input/output. The following example illustrates the design pattern by showing how
the File object implements read and write operations.
public class File
// Other methods for this class go here.
// Synchronous read method.
long Read(Byte[] buffer, long NumToRead);
// Asynchronous read method.
IAsyncResult BeginRead(Byte[] buffer, long NumToRead,
AsyncCallbackDelegate cb);
long EndRead(IAsyncResult ar);
// Synchronous write method.
long Write(Byte[] buffer, long NumToWrite);
// Asynchrnous write method.
IAsyncResult BeginWrite(Byte[] buffer, long NumToWrite,
AsyncCallbackDelegate cb);
long EndWrite(IAsyncResult ar);
The client cannot easily associate state with a given asynchronous operation without defining a new
callback function delegate for each operation. This can be fixed by making Begin methods, such as
BeginWrite, take an extra object parameter that represents the state and which is captured in the
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