import psutil import sys import os def get_pid_list(): pid_list = [] for i in psutil.pids(): # 用PID遍历本机应用 try: # 跳过无name进程的报错 pro = psutil.Process(i) if exe_name in pid_list.append(pro) except: pass return pid_list def get_men(): list1 = [] for i in get_pid_list(): list1.append(i.memory_full_info().uss/1024/1024) return list1 def get_cpu(): list1 = [] for i in get_pid_list(): list1.append(i.cpu_percent()) return list1 def get_threads(): list1 = [] for i in get_pid_list(): list1.append(i.num_threads()) return list1 def get_rows(): a = len(get_pid_list()) men = '' cpu = '' threads = '' for i in range(1,a+1): men += f' men{str(i)}' cpu += f' cpu{str(i)}' threads += f' threads{str(i)}' return 'time' + men + ' men_total' + cpu + 'cpu_tatol '+ threads + ' threads_total' def get_timestamp(): import time return str(time.time()) def list_to_str(l): ll = '' for i in l: ll += (' ' + str(i)) return ll def write_to_txt(file): # os.chdir(r'D:\adb') if not os.path.exists(file): # 文件不存在就新建,并写入标签 with open(file,mode='w') as op: op.write(get_rows()) with open(file, 'a+') as op: # 逐行写入性能数据 # time.sleep(1) op.write('\n' + get_timestamp() + list_to_str(get_men()) + ' ' + str(sum(get_men())) + list_to_str(get_cpu()) + ' ' + str(sum(get_cpu())) + list_to_str(get_threads()) + ' ' +str(sum(get_threads()))) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: exe_name = sys.argv[2] # sys.argv 接受外部参数 write_to_txt(sys.argv[1])
import datetime import subprocess import sys import time from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy def get_timestamp(): return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) def test_name(file_name): exe_name = 'chrome.exe' p = subprocess.Popen( r'python C:\Users\86181\PycharmProjects\zidong\ ' + file_name + ' ' + exe_name) # cmd命令执行 return p def plot_1(file_name): data1 = numpy.loadtxt(file_name, skiprows=1, unpack=1) # 逐行读取TXT为多维列表,跳过第一行,行列倒置 with open(file_name, 'r') as op: # 读取第一行 label = op.readline().strip().split(' ') for i in range(1, len(label)): plt.plot(data1[0], data1[i]) [a, b] = numpy.polyfit(data1[0], data1[i], 1) # 数据拟合 new_y = [] for k in data1[0]: new_y.append(a * k + b) plt.plot(data1[0], new_y) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel(label[i]) plt.title(label[i]) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(label[i] + '.png') if __name__ == "__main__": file_name = get_timestamp() + '.txt' # 时间戳 + 方法名 sys._getframe().f_code.co_name p = test_name(file_name) # ????? time.sleep(10) p.kill() plot_1(file_name)