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Hubinbin 的博客

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原创 [Linux] 启动matlab2018

建立链接sudo ln -s /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin/matlab添加 .desktop 文件sudo vim /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktopmatlab.desktop 内容[Desktop Entry]Encoding=UTF-8Name = matlabIcon=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/toolbox/shared/dastu.

2020-07-30 12:30:13 415

原创 vscode绘图不显示问题

shell 中检查echo $DISPLAY如果显示为空,说明当前窗口没有获得 $DISPLAY 环境变量 导致无法画图。解决方案:给变量复制即可。export $DISPLAY=:0.0一般情况下不会报错,所以难以排查问题所在。实际上,之前使用vscode开发python时,一直遇到matplotlib模块不画图现象。编译器并不报错,debug完全通过,就是不显示图像。然而,在shell中直接运行py脚本却可以画图!一直没有搞清原因。直到尝试用vscode写python-tkinter时,又

2020-06-16 18:39:33 15096 15

原创 python爬取静态网页历史天气数据

python 爬取静态网页内容利用python库 requests 和 BeautifulSoup ,对静态网页内容爬取;这里给出的例子是对一个天气网站的历史天气进行爬取;''' python 爬虫'''import requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport reimport pandas as pdimport osimport sys...

2020-06-10 09:52:39 997

原创 Tensorflow2.x 模型保存和加载(ValueError: No model found in config file.)

Tensorflow2.x 模型保存和加载Tensorflow官网教程给出了两种保存整个模型的方法:SavedModel formatHDF5 format在自定义模型时遇到了一个问题:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/projects/sysml/resNetAll/main.py", line 100, in <module> 'learning_rate':learning_rate,'decay_rat

2020-06-09 09:59:38 7015 2

原创 Tensorflow2.1 keras 自定义网络层

Tensorflow 2.1 自定义网络层的方法及其注意事项具体定义方法在tensorflow官网 tf2.1 API 中定义的很清楚,但其中有需要注意的事项,是官方API没有写清楚的定义方法官网给出的定义方式:class MyDenseLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, num_outputs): super(MyDenseLayer, self).__init__() self.num_outputs = nu

2020-05-18 18:59:49 1330 4

原创 [python] logging 模块 (解决控制台多重输入的问题)

[python] logging 模块logging 模块用于便捷地输出程序日志,包括输出到控制台和文件例子import logging# logging modulelogger = logging.getLogger()# clear default handlers for avioding the mutiple output infoslogger.handlers = []# logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Log等级总开关formatte

2020-05-10 16:51:40 296

原创 cMake + MinGW on windows 10

using cmake with MinGW g++ on win10FILE DIRECTORY+ helloworld- CMakeFiles.txt- helloworld.cpp:+ buildFILECMakeFIles.txtproject(helloWorld)add_executable(hello helloworld.cpp)helloworld.cpp...

2019-07-18 15:19:25 742

翻译 SMART准则-科学,高效的目标制定准则,规范管理方法

SMART GoalsOnce you have planned your project, turn your attention to developing several goals that will enable you to be successful. Goals should be SMART - specific, measurable, agreed upon, reali...

2018-11-28 17:09:21 711

原创 [Ubuntu].desktop文件错误信息调试

[Ubuntu].desktop file. “There was an error lunching the application”设置Eclipse启动图标时,编写**.desktop** 文件,在启动栏找不到图标,并且在目录下也无法启动,显示信息:“There was an error lunching the application”解决办法:运行desktop-file-va...

2018-11-28 13:40:06 3724 2

翻译 Global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film/compliant substrate system

Global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film/compliant substrate systemWang, C. G., Y. P. Liu, and H. F. Tan. “Global and Local Interactive Buckling Behavior of a Stiff Film/Compli...

2018-07-21 18:13:44 223

翻译 微分方程中的自洽系统(Autonomous system)

微分方程中的自洽系统(Autonomous System)微分方程中,自洽系统(Autonomous System)表示隐含独立变量的常微分方程系统。特别地,当独立变量是时间 ttt 时,这时的自洽系统称为不含时系统(TIV, time-invariant systems). In mathematics, an autonomous system or autonomous diff...

2018-07-21 16:52:58 10338

原创 [c++]coding on Linux(1)compile through makefile with g++

[c++]OOP — compile on Linux with g++This paper records the process of compiling c++ files on Linux with g++. Through write the makefile, successfully compiling a group of simple coding files in c++....

2018-06-14 19:10:20 222

原创 [YCM] Python.h: No such file or directory

Error“fatal error” when compiling YCM: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directorySolution 如果使用 Python3.5: sudo apt-get install python3.5-dev 如果使用 Python2.7: sudo apt-get in...

2018-06-13 18:42:15 779

原创 [YCM] youcompleteme unavailable: no module named "future"

[YCM] youcompleteme unavailable: no module named “future”Erroryoucompleteme 无法正常工作,进入vim 调试后发现报错:vim :YcmDebugInfo youcompleteme unavailable: no module named "future"Solution安装future文件...

2018-06-13 17:32:21 3438

原创 [C++]面向对象以及面向过程编程 --- C++ 实例

Procedure-Oriented and Object-Oriented Programming— A Tiny Example in c++Here are two tiny program based on c++ for distinguishing the procedure oriented programming and objected oriented programmin...

2018-03-26 19:45:20 595



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