一 搜索帮助定义
以下是对于基本搜索帮助和集合搜索帮助的定义与区别, 对于开发人员来说创建基本搜索帮助就可以.
elementary search help is one where u used only one field in the search help and mostly from one table or view…say u want material & description u create search help with MARA and fields matnr & maktx.
collective search help is one where u use more than one field and also from various tables or view. say material from MARA & plant from T001W…u combine these 2 using collective search help.
二 创建搜索帮助过程
1. 通过S11进入,然后命名ZSHCOSTP001,自建搜索帮助一般以ZSH来命名。
3. 选择选择方法
三 搜索帮助的应用