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原创 SAP的ABAP简单介绍


2020-08-31 17:11:57 28896

原创 ABAP下查询某个表在哪些视图中用到


2020-08-31 10:02:22 406

原创 ABAP下的open SQL中的join (inner join , left outer join,right outer join,all entries in )


2020-08-28 20:52:33 7085

原创 SaaS的解释

SaaS(software as a service)以下是来自维基白科的解释。称为“按需即用软件”(即“一经要求,即可使用”),它是一种软件交付模式。 在这种交付模式中,软件仅需通过网络,不须经过传统的安裝步骤即可使用,软件及其相关的数据集中托管于云端服务.源文档...

2020-08-28 11:57:53 230

原创 ABAP下的OPEN SQL操作(增,删,插,改)

本文将对数据库表下的增,删,插入,改,以及举例子来说明。以下是数据库的插入操作。1.先建一张数据库表;通过以下方法查数据到数据表(先查数据到内表,从内到插到数据库表).DATA ITAB1 TYPE TABLE OF ZJGL1.DATA WA_ITAB1 TYPE ZJGL1.WA_ITAB1-FILED1 = '小明'.WA_ITAB1-FILED2 = 0001.insert WA_ITAB1 into itab1 index 1.WA_ITAB1-FILED1 = '小张'.

2020-08-28 11:17:25 3413

原创 “ITAB1“ are not unicode convertible

问题截图改成以下就没有错误了TYPES:BEGIN OF TY_itab2, " 结构类型 field1 type char10, field3 type int2, END OF ty_itab2.DATA ITAB1 TYPE TABLE OF ZJGL1.DATA WA_ITAB1 TYPE ZJGL1.DATA ITAB2 TYPE TABLE OF TY_itab2.DATA WA_ITAB2 TYPE TY_itab2.DATA ITAB3 TY

2020-08-28 11:01:56 731

原创 ABAP中tables的用法和替换用法

由于tables的用法已经很旧了,这里定义了一个全局变量。但实际可以定义了一个局部变量就可以,还是在alv展示中一个用法 。tables的用法TABLES ZZLD.SELECT-OPTIONS: S_ZPSDH FOR ZLLD-ZPSDH, " 单据号码替代用法DATA DUMMY_ZLLD TYPE ZLLD.SELECT-OPTIONS: S_ZPSDH FOR DUMMY_ZLLD-ZPSDH, " 单据号码

2020-08-25 15:24:26 3360

原创 OO_alv中的cl_salv_table类

背景,在alv展示中,以前用的是REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY这个函数,现在用cl_salv_table更好。最大的优势就是不需要字段累。REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY的用法 CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING "显示界面可编辑字段上修改了数据,回车后就会立即将内表的数据也修改 i_grid_settings = i_grid_settin

2020-08-25 15:11:07 744

原创 创建用户的事物代码(SE93)


2020-08-25 10:11:30 725

原创 ABAP的内表操作(初始化,增,删,改 ,读取)

内表的增加,删除,修改,查找,在ABAP编程中同样用的很多。由于工作区和内表是变量,以下是清量工作区和内表的方法clear[] refresh(变量内表)clear (清空工作区).如果有工作区和内表,又要clear和refresh.1.内表的行的增加数据库表增加的方法:insert内表的增加的方法: insert, append ,collect以下是插入单行insert wa into | initial(空行) line into tab index idx(行).insert

2020-08-25 09:08:16 10456

原创 Field symbol has not been assigned yet.


2020-08-24 16:58:44 1830

原创 Dynpros(屏幕)

Dynpro (sometimes also known as a screen) is an abbreviation for “dynamic program”. A dynpro is a repository object and is always a component of an ABAP program. It consists of the screen with its screen elements and the dynpro flow logic. Dynpro fields ar

2020-08-24 16:36:22 204

原创 Internal Tables with Header Line(内表的header line)

Definition : Outside classes and if an internal table is not a component of a structure or a row in another internal table, it is still possible to create an internal table with a header line.ExampleThe following example shows a typical instance of handl

2020-08-24 16:09:14 249


EffectReads a single row from an internal table itab(从一个内表中读取一行).… INTO wa [transport_options]Alternative 1EffectThe content of the found row is assigned to the work area waAlternative 2… ASSIGNING [CASTING]EffectThe found table row is assigned t

2020-08-21 13:37:16 1937

原创 The database field or the result type of the aggregate function


2020-08-21 10:35:53 579

原创 connecting to dev please wait ... (Click+esc for cancel)

问题解决方案一:先切换到devadm这个帐号。应该是stopsap all然后再是startsap all解决方案二:(方案一不行的情况下再进行第二个)先切换到devadm这个帐号。应该是stopsap all再rebootDEV 服务启动su – oradevlsnrctl startexitsu – devadmstartsap all...

2020-08-21 09:41:08 848

原创 SAPLPD已停止工作

问题解决方法重新安装SAP760 gui版本(以前是740版本)就可以了。

2020-08-20 11:57:48 1217

原创 sap服务器启动和关闭(linux)

以下一共8台服务器。1.ASCS服务器主要检查项目(3个)2.以下是sap DB服务器主要检查(2个)以下是SAP各个服务器异常的启动命令。DB服务启动su - oraprdlsnrctl startstartdbASCS服务启动service nfs startsu - prdadmstartsap allPRD1、PRD2、PRD3服务启动mount ymprd:/sapmnt /sapmntmount ymprd:/usr/sap/trans /usr/sap/tr

2020-08-19 11:42:10 2901

原创 ABAP如何从数据表中取描述

以下是left outer join的用法 SELECT T1~ZDZNY AS A1, T1~BUKRS AS A2, T1~WERKS AS A3, T1~EKORG AS A4, T1~LIFNR AS A5, T1~MATNR AS A6, T1~MEINS AS A7, T1~QCSL AS A8, T1~HGSL AS A9, T1~THSL AS A10, T1~KPSL AS A11, T1~JCSL AS A12, T1~BHSL AS A13, T1~

2020-08-18 11:55:10 746

原创 How to creat Transaction code by resource program(源程序变成事务代码的方法)

1.Issue.(How to add Transaction code by resource program)Source program is following:The user can use transaction code.2.AnalyseIf you will do it , you can use SE93 .SolutionAddition: you must take care if your program is selection or

2020-08-17 13:43:10 112

原创 内表与数据库表连接查询FOR ALL ENTRIES IN

Syntax… FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @itab WHERE … col operator @itab-comp …If the addition FOR ALL ENTRIES is specified in front of the language element WHERE of the statement SELECT of a main query, the components comp of the internal table itab specified here c

2020-08-15 13:24:44 376

原创 pseudo component

table_line expression that can be specified in reads on internal tables instead of a component. The entire row of the internal table is then interpreted as a single component. The name table_line is a reserved name. In ABAP and in ABAP Dictionary, no struc

2020-08-15 13:15:33 258

原创 sql_cond - rel_exp for Statements

Syntax… { {operand1 {=|EQ|<>|NE|>|GT|<|LT|>=|GE|<=|LE}{ operand2| {[ALL|ANY|SOME] ( SELECT subquery_clauses [ UNION …] )} }}| {operand [NOT] BETWEEN operand1 AND operand2}| {operand1 [NOT] LIKE operand2 [ESCAPE esc]}| {operand [NOT

2020-08-15 11:49:04 174

原创 Logical Expressions

A logical expression determines whether a particular condition is true. There are two kinds of logical expressions, relational and Boolean. The entities to compare determine the kind of expression.Relational ExpressionsA relational expression returns TRU

2020-08-15 11:41:16 491

原创 ABAP中的heap

Also known as free or dynamic memory. Part of the program memory in which anonymous data objects and instances of classes created dynamically using CREATE DATA, CREATE OBJECT, or NEW are saved. The allocated memory can be released again by the garbage coll

2020-08-15 10:49:45 110

原创 Data References(数据参考)

Data references can point to any data objects or to their parts (components, rows of internal tables, or sections specified by offsets and lengths)大意:可以参考任意的数据部份。ExampleInline declaration of a data reference variable dref with the static type scarr on t

2020-08-15 10:43:20 563

原创 TYPES - BEGIN OF struct_type (结构申明)

SyntaxTYPES BEGIN OF struc_type.…TYPES comp …TYPES comp TYPE struc_type BOXED.INCLUDE TYPE|STRUCTURE ……TYPES END OF struc_type.EffectDefines a structured type struc_type. This is introduced using a TYPES statement with the addition BEGIN OF and mu

2020-08-15 10:35:11 1074

原创 DATA - Inline Declaration了(内联申明)

Syntax… DATA(var) …EffectA declaration expression with the declaration operator DATA declares a variable var used as an operand in the current writing position. The declared variable is visible statically in the program from the location DATA(var) and i

2020-08-15 10:15:45 221

原创 ABAP常规屏幕(dialag,对话屏幕)

以下就是一个FB60业务屏幕(关于发票方面)屏幕是ABAP设计最重要的工作,SAP的单据,主数据维护等业务功能都要使用屏幕,一个程序可以包含多个屏幕。屏幕设计中的dialog是用户和程序之间任意形式的交互,如:输入数据;选择菜单项;单击按钮;单击或双专列表条目。ABAP的程序类型(type1 type m type f , type j type k type i)type1:可执行程序;type m 模块池程序可以在上面能建立独立的屏幕type f 函数程序ty

2020-08-07 14:57:56 2946

原创 ALV统计出错解决方案


2020-08-07 12:00:12 417

原创 如何放大ABAP开发界面的字体


2020-08-07 10:15:54 918

原创 个人电脑设置登录组

找到windows目录,修改sapmsg.ini文件,没有的话新建一个,里面添加上如下[Message Server]PRD=找到windows/system32/drivers/etc目下的services文件,用记事本打开,在文件最后增加一行sapmsPRD 3600/tcp3.hosts文件里面添加4.以下这样设置好后就可以登录。...

2020-08-04 11:54:37 352

原创 SAP提示 IP ADDRESS cannot be converted to the host name


2020-08-04 11:24:00 796

ilo5 setup.rar



oracle ranking function.doc




本文档是PL/SQL的完整学习文档, 包含数据库概念,SQL的界面,数据库查询,数据库操作,表和视图,函数,格式查询结果,PL/SQL的基础;PL/SQL的控制语句,与ORCALE的交互,例外处理,子程序,包等章节。





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