session dialog in the SIP

    session, dialog 两个基本的概念在SIP 中一直见到。 但也是经常有人区分不了。


    先看下session ,dialog 的基本解释。


    dialog 翻译成 对话: 



 : 对 (對) duì 答,答话,回答:对答如流。无言以对。 朝着:对酒当歌。 处于相反方向的:对面。跟  详细>>
话 : 话 (話) huà 说出来的能表达思想感情的声音,亦指把这种声音记录下来的文字:说话。会话。对话。�  详细>>



session 翻译成会话:


 : 会 (會) huì 聚合,合拢,合在一起:会合。会审。会话。 多数人的集合或组成的团体:会议。开会。 详细>>
话 : 话 (話) huà 说出来的能表达思想感情的声音,亦指把这种声音记录下来的文字:说话。会话。对话。�  详细>>


dialog ,session 的英文解释, 从牛津上的索引:


 ·           a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film:the book consisted of a series of dialogues[massnoun]:passages of dialogue

·       a discussion between two or more people or groups, especially one directed towards exploration of a particular subject or resolution of aproblem:the USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam[massnoun]:interfaith dialogue


看来还得对Conversation 作个解释。



·         a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people,in which news and ideas are exchanged:she picked up the phone and helda conversation in French



·        a meeting of an officialbody, especially a legislature, council, or court of law, to conduct itsbusiness:the governor called this week’s special session to reconsider thedecision

·        a period during which an official body meets regularly toconduct its business:legislation to curb wildcat strikes will be introducedduring the coming parliamentary session

·         the part of a year or of a day during which teaching takes placein a school or college.

·        2 [often withmodifier] a period devoted to a particular activity:gym isfollowed by a training session

·        a period of recording music in a studio, especially by a sessionmusician:he did the sessions for a Great Country Hits album

·        informal a period of heavyor sustained drinking:it was one hell of a session— we must have drunk about12 cocktails each

dialog  解释1:剧本中或者电影中,是作为一个conversion 出现在两个或多个人之间的对白或者谈话。 

              而conversion 解释为双方之间为了idea,news 的一个exchange(这样的一个exchange 并没有事先约定的议题 ,因为新闻和idea 感觉都是突发性质)。 (感觉有点像中文 对话的这个对, 作介词时候,是一个面朝对方的感觉)

            解释2: 作为discussion出现, 特别用在一方对另外的考察对于一个方面的考察。

(另外,中文对于对话 有个解释为, 指对立或无联系的国家、集团等之间所进行的接触或谈判。也指政府机构负责人士等与群众就某些问题交换意见的谈话, 那还是相互之间的交换)

无论从中文还是从英文角度, 首先session 都放在会议的场景中出现。一般有会议的地方,都有明确的议题,明确的会议启示,持续,结束时间 (当然,中国的会议例外)。所以在session 的英文解释 中, session 还被解释成  a period during which an official body meets ...... 

因此 session 使用的场景是: 是双方已经通过前期的接触,协商,从而确定明确的议题,然后双方坐定而开始的会议讨论。。

SIP 3261 中的 dialog 和session:

Dialog: A dialog is a peer-to-peer SIP relationship between two
         UAs that persists for some time.  A dialog is established by
         SIP messages, such as a 2xx response to an INVITE request.  A
         dialog is identified by a call identifier, local tag, and a
         remote tag.  A dialog was formerly known as a call leg in RFC
 Session: From the SDP specification: "A multimedia session is a
         set of multimedia senders and receivers and the data streams
         flowing from senders to receivers.  A multimedia conference is
         an example of a multimedia session." (RFC 2327 [1]) (A session
         as defined for SDP can comprise one or more RTP sessions.)  As
         defined, a callee can be invited several times, by different
         calls, to the same session.  If SDP is used, a session is
         defined by the concatenation of the SDP user name, session id,
         network type, address type, and address elements in the origin

当两个peers 之间 有了relationship ,双方就建立了dialog。 A于B 维持着这个relationship, 至于这个relationship随后用来做什么事情,(比如要voice call,要share photo,要video call ,那是之后的事情,那个A和B 得先维持这个relationship)。现实生活中, 约人吃饭: 

A : hi, 周五有空不? 

B:  ,干什么?

A: 一起吃饭。

B:  OK,周五见。

那么双方为周五吃饭这个事情,需要双方展开协商,已经建立relationship。当然你说可以不约,但可能到时候人家没空,直接486 Busy回应给你。直接invite就决绝了,dialog都没建立起来。连随后交换去哪个餐馆的机会也没有(等于相互交换SDP协商)。

sip 3261 开篇第一句话:

   There are many applications of the Internet that require the creation and management of a session, where a session is considered a  exchange of data between an association of participants.

session 是作为 exchange 的data, 但是这里有个association of participants,  联合起来一个过程。。这边双方是提前已经联系好了,共同参与的一个过程。

双方在建立的dialog 之后,相互交换了下面要做的事情, 是为了video call ,共享文件,还是为了其他multimedia( 可能因为SIP 常用作call, session 而被局限于用作call 的建立),但是session 的定义中是为了multimedia 所服务的。多媒体除了语音,还有视频流,文件流。那么为了能够双方传输后面一个特定的multimedia的服务,得预先双方建立起对话,在对话的过程中将随后要发生的议题,和议题所要持续的时间给定义好。

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