UARs for CSDN(SSD4-Exercise 1)


CSDN is the short of “China Software Developer Network”. it is a community for Chinese software developer and is the biggest community of IT technology in china. It provides most widely information and service for the IT professional technical personnel. The chart 1 is the LOGO of the community.



Chart 1. the logo of CSDN

I have been a member of it for more than two years, during using the web page of the community; I found some shortcomings in its web page. I will give my own opinions next as follows.

1.         Shortages about login and land

a)         There isn’t a clear interface for login and land among the homepage.

If you are a stranger of the community, when you first land its homepage, you will find difficult to find the interface for login and land. In order to economize the space of the homepage, it uses a link to another page which provides login and land for user. (Shown in chart 2) Although this action can give a better use of the homepage and use a Special page can provide more information and Introduction for people who want to login and land. But it doesn’t consider that many users will find difficult to find the link and will give up login. In my opinion, the link can be set in a striking place such as under the logo of the community. (Shown in chart 3)

Chart 2. part of the homepage

Chart 3. opinion about the place to set the link.

b)        It is hard to land to the user page

Because the page provides many items for users, such as personal space, Blog, BBS and so on(shown in chart 4), so it offers the user a choice to choose which page to land in after the user entered the information. As a result, the user always can’t land to any page, but need to land again, so they always need to load many times. In my suggestion, the page can offer users a form to choose which item to land while the users enter the personal information. (Shown in chart 5)

Chart 4. the items users choose to load

Chart 5. the form can be set there

2.         The Permissions for the user should be enlarged.

As has been said upon, the community provides many items for users, but while the user switch from one to another, they always need to land again, this made many users feel very sad. For example, every time after I look a posts or essay and I want to give comment on it, I need to land to my accounts. Mostly, after few times, I will give up To express my views. Such a situation can be seen in many cases. I think that the site should allow users to switch freely between the various interfaces, or at least to provide a transition to the other interface can be the general background.

3.         The page couldn’t have a individually designed

Like other web pages, the main style of the homepage is simple, white background, black words and many blocks. The user can’t give personal settings about. Everyone will have a aesthetic fatigue when look it too long.

Now more and more people's lifestyles, their demands for higher and higher, in the use of the network while also must be enjoyed, they want to give some more personalized element in the site.

For web pages, I think at list we can allow the users exchange the skins and main styles of the page, such as its background and color of words, even can admit users use a picture he or she loved as the background of the web page.

For the content, the web page can provide much more blocks and the blocks can be setted and moved .Users can use their own habits and hobbies to change the home page content, according to their own love for its presentation of a new, they can chooses the blocks they liked and put them in the place no matter where they like among the page.


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