N1632 Digital Banking and Fintech 2023/2024R

Java Python Digital Banking and Fintech N1632


Media- Video


This video presentation is to help you to write your report and create a blog post at the end of this term.

This presentation can be the first step towards learning about digital innovation in the banking industry and Fintech. You will want to work for a company that is expanding and uses the latest financial technology. You might have an interview lined up with a potential employer or plan to pursue a career in FinTech and Banking. It allows you to open your vision and form. an idea about the kinds of job opportunities and types of digital banking that interest and fit your skillsets. In this way, you can build up your candidate profile through your future studies towards your job hunting.

The requirements for the video

This project is individual, allowing you to be suitably prepared for future work in a team in a real-world working environment. A video project, accounting for 30% of the final grade, will be based on the three tasks linked to each part of this module. This video should be about 3-5 minutes.Attend lectures and seminars: These sessions will provide essential details about each task and expected outcomes. Actively participate to ensure a comprehensive understanding and ask clarifying questions if needed.

This video must be your own work: Maintain your unique voice and perspective throughout the script. and presentation, you must submit Excell files including all data and relevant figures for  your bank and competitor, also you must submit the video script.

Video content.

There are main parts (20/30/30/20).

Students must address the following problems in the context of this video:

     Define the bank and its competitors: 

· Start with a brief overview of the bank, including its size, location, and target market.

· Identify the bank's main competitors and briefly compare their business models, financial performance, and competitive advantages.

· You can use visuals like charts or tables to present this information concisely and effectively.

     Trend analysis of key components of the Balance Sheet: 

· Focus on key metrics that reflect the bank's financial position, such as total assets, liabilities, equity, loans, deposits.

· Use charts or graphs to show trends in these metrics over time, and highlight any significant changes or areas of concern.

· Be sure to explain the reasons behind the trends you observe, and link them to broader economic or industry factors.

Trend analysis of income statement: 

· Analyse the bank's revenue, expenses, and profitability over time.

· Identify key drivers of revenue growth, such as net interest income, fee income, and trading income.

· Explain how changes in expenses, such as provisions for loan losses or administrative costs, have impacted profitability.

· Use ratios like return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) to assess the bank's overall profitability and efficiency.

  Explain how regulation such as Basel IV and Ring-Fence has impacted the bank: 

· Briefly explain the Basel IV and Ring-Fence regulations and their key objectives.

· Discuss how these regulations have impacted the bank's capital requirements, liquidity ratios, and risk management practices.

· Analyse the potential impact of these regulations on the bank's future profitability and competitiveness.

A video creation

Creating your video submissions via two main ways:

i). Using Adobe Spark Video to create animation style. videos 

ii). Using Zoom to create screencast presentations.

The video can also contain PowerPoint slides and be delivered as an oral presentation and recorded. After consulting with the lecturer, it is possible to use other presentation software to complete the presentation. You can use one or more of the video-making tools that have been presented to you (ScreenCastify, Adobe Spark, VideoScribe), or you can also use a more complex one (Adobe creative cloud).

The sophistication of the tool you use is one of the assessment criteria.

If you only use your mobile phone to upload a talking-head video, you are unlikely to achieve the highest passing grade.

It is recommended that you do a trial presentation in advance to check and see if you can deliver the display within the time limit allocated (max 5 minutes). The presentation should include the company name and the name of the student.

Useful tips

Can two students research on the same bank?

-No. Therefore, pick the bank you want to work on as soon as possible and let me know when you are sure of it. I will update the list of banks/companies that have been chosen, so please remember to check whether there is any choice clash. If somebody else has announced the company you plan to work on ahead of you, you will need to change your target bank.

Attend lectures and seminars: These sessions will provide essential details about each task and expected outcomes. Actively participate to ensure a comprehensive understanding and ask clarifying questions if needed.

Choose wisely: Select a bank operating in the designated country of origin (e.g., UK). Crucial: Provide documented proof of registration from the relevant authority (e.g., Companies House for UK banks). Ensure your chosen bank remains the same throughout this project and blog project, as lecturer approval is required.

Captivate with narrative: Craft a compelling video presentation (3-5 minutes) that weaves a strategic narrative and showcases your storytelling skills. Remember, dry facts and figures alone won't suffice. Engage your audience with a captivating story that brings financial concepts to life. Offer tips on speaking clearly, maintaining good pacing, and effectively conveying your points through voice and tone.

Student participation during the seminar is important to finish this task and it is the considerable factor for final mark (seminar active participation, submission to Canvas)

IV. Assessment Criteria


Assessment Criteria



Start with a brief overview of the bank, including its size, location, and target market.

Identify the bank's main competitors and briefly compare their business models.

Use visuals like charts or tables to present this information concisely and effectively.



Focus on key metrics that reflect the bank's financial position, such as total assets, liabilities, equity, loans, deposits.

Use charts or graphs to show trends in these metrics over time, and highlight any significant changes or areas of concern.

Be sure to explain the reasons behind the trends you observe and link them to broader economic or industry factors such as Brexit, Covid-19 etc..

Implement knowledge from seminar/lecture/lab

The period of analysis is 5 years



Analyse the bank's revenue, expenses, and profitability over time

Identify key drivers of revenue growth, such as net interest income, fee income, and trading income.

Explain how changes in expenses, such as provisions for loan losses or administrative costs, have impacted profitability.

Use ratios like return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) to assess the bank's overall profitability and efficiency.

Implement knowledge from seminar/lecture/lab

The period of analysis is 5 years



Briefly explain the Basel IV and Ring-Fence regulations and their key objectives.

Analyze the potential impact of these regulations on the bank's future profitability and competitiveness         





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