外教课004_1_Algorithm design

Algorithm design

Overview of problems and algorithms

Algorithms on data structures

algorithm: a step-by-step set of operations to be performed in order to accomplish some task.

trees, queues, vectors/arrays

sorting, searching, adding elements, deleting elements

Optimization problems

Optimization problem: the problem of finding the best solution from the set of all feasible solutions in some real or imagined scenario.

Optimization model: a mathematical (quantitative) representation of (a real or an imagined) optimization problem.

Optimization method (optimization algorithm): an algorithm that is applied in order to solve an optimization problem.

Examples of optimization problems

  • Finding the shortest (or fastest) path between two places
  • Knapsack problem
  • Schedule the production in a factory so that the production capacity is
  • Finding the best location of a factory in order to minimize the costs for
    transportation of raw material and of finished products

Components of an optimization model


  • fixed values used in the optimization model
  • are known before applying an optimization method, and the method cannot change

Decision variables

  • represent the decisions that the model should determine
  • an optimization algorithm searches for the best values
  • optimization algorithms operate by systematically changing the values of the decision variables until an optimal (or good enough) solution is eventually found

Objective function

  • defines how to evaluate solutions to the optimization model


  • defines limitations/restrictions on the allowed solutions to the optimization model

The knapsack problem

Optimizing and heuristic(启发式) algorithms

Optimizing (algorithms): guarantees to find the optimal solution (if enough time and resources are available)


  • does not guarantee to find the optimal solution
  • usually generates a “good” solution within a reasonable amount of time
  • can be started as rules of thumb(经验法则) and they are often designed for a specific problem

Why heuristics?

  • optimizing consume too much resources (CPU time and memory)
  • input might be inaccurate, solution accurate enough
  • non-expert better understand heuristic

Greedy algorithms

Constructive heuristics

constructive heuristics: a method that iteratively “builds up” a solution

  • Assuming that a solution consists of a certain number of solution components (variables), it starts with nothing and adds (fixes) the value of exactly one variable (solution component) at the time (in iterations)

  • The algorithm ends when all variables have been assigned a value

  • often used to generate a feasible starting solution which later on can be improved by other algorithms



Greedy algorithms

a natural, and common type of constructive heuristics

  • each variable fixing is chosen as the variable that (locally) improves the objective most


A greedy, constructive, algorithm for text compression

Huffman’s algorithm: a greedy algorithm that identifies the optimal code for a particular character set and text to code.

before this, some basic concepts: text compression, graph definitions, Huffman coding

1 Text compression

only represent a specific text, we can compress the bit.

2 Human coding

  • a technique for data compression of a text
  • make use of the frequency of characters in order to derive an optimal code of a text
    • occur frequently, short
    • occur infrequently, long

3.1 Graph

  • a set of objects that are connected to each other through links
  • G = (V,E)
  • V vertices
  • E edges; e∈E where (v,w)∈V
  • v is adjacent to w
  • sometimes cost ce is associated with the edges

3.2 Tree


  • A tree is an undirected graph where each pair of vertices is connected by exactly one path.
  • A tree is a connected (undirected graph) with n vertices and n-1 edges.


3.3 Rooted tree

one vertex is considered to be the root of the tree


3.4 Binary tree

a (rooted) tree in which no node(vertices) have more than two children

3.5 Forest

a disjoint set of trees

4.1 Tree representation of codes

  • character codes can be represented using a special type of tree
  • often called a trie(or a prefix(前缀) tree)
  • a character code can be identified through its path from the root to a leaf
    • left means 0; right means 1

4.2 Tries

4.3 Prefix

a starting of a word(or a text) - 单词的前缀 h,ha,han,hang

4.4 Prefix code

  • Huffman coding allows character codes to be of different length
  • no character code is a prefix of another character code

5 Multiple codes for a character set

exist a huge number of possible codes

6 cost of a code

Cost = Total number of bits required to code the text

  • i: an index set of the characters

  • di: the depth of the character i in the code tree

  • fi: the frequency of character i in the text to encode

  • c o s t = ∑ i ∈ I d i ⋅ f i cost = \sum_{i \in I} d_i \cdot f_i cost=iIdifi

  • the cost (number of bits) depends on the code and the text to be coded

7 Equivalent codes

swapping children don’t change

Huffman’s algorithm

a greedy algorithm that can be used to identify the optimal code for a particular character set and text to code

  • at the start there is one tree (with a single node)

  • in each iteration, the two trees with smallest weight are merged by

    1. a new root node is created(合并成一棵树,加个树杈)
    2. the root nodes of the two trees to merge are added as children of the new root node(合并成新的树)
  • the algorithm terminates when there is only one tree

  • this happens after C-1 iterations, where the number of different characters is C

  • ppt有图解

Improving search heuristics

a method that iteratively improves a feasible solution by performing different types of modifications

requires that a feasible starting solution is provided as input to the algorithm

Neighborhood search

  • to iteratively search for improving solutions among the solutions that are close (in some sense) to the current solution

  • improving solutions in a neighborhood of a current solution

  • choose neighborhood is problem specific and a trade-off between solution quality and solving time

local optima

  • Neighborhood search algorithms guarantee local optima
  • To reduce the risk of getting stuck in a “bad” local optima, a neighborhood search algorithm can be restarted with different starting solutions

Algorithm description

  • ppt

The knapsack problem

  • n
  • I = {1,…,n}
  • pi
  • wi
  • W
  • xi ∈ {0,1}

Objective function:

Maximize ∑ i ∈ I p i x i \sum_{i\in I} p_ix_i iIpixi


∑ i ∈ I w i x i ≤ W \sum_{i\in I} w_ix_i \leq W iIwixiW

x i ∈ { 0 , 1 } , ∀ i ∈ I x_i \in \{0,1\} ,\forall i \in I xi{0,1},iI


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Meta heuristics

be started as refined improving search heuristics

purpose: to guide an improving search heuristic systematically in order to avoid getting stuck in local optima

example: Tabu search; Simulated annealing(模拟退火)

Tabu search

combines neighborhood search with the possibility to move to solutions with worse objective function value, but it may be cycling.

tabu-list (or forbidden-list)

  • a list of the k most recent previous solutions
  • is updated after every iteration
  • we can change k to tune the algorithm

Algorithm description



  • 第二个在ipad
Simulated annealing
  • analogy to the annealing process of slowly cooling down metals
  • defines a temperature that slowly decreases
  • with a probability that decreases with the temperature, the algorithm allows moving to solutions with worse objective function value
  • If chosen neighbor is better, always used as the next solution
  • if chosen neighbor is worse, used with a decreasing probability

Algorithm description




A function that is defined in terms of itself

Recursive require at least one base case

  • A base case is an (input) value for which the function can be calculated without recursion
  • without it, it will not terminate


Fundamental rules of recursion

  • at least one base case
  • progress towards a base case


  • based on recursion
  • recursively dividing a problem into subproblems (two or more) of the same or related type, until the subproblems are small enough to be solved without recursion
  • the solutions to the subproblems are then combined (typically in several steps)

two parts

  • divide: smaller problems are solved recursively
  • conquer: the solutions to the original problem is found by combining the solutions to the (smaller) subproblems

Merge sort

a sorting algorithm that uses the principles of divide-and-conquer

Based on the idea of repeatedly merging sorted lists into sorted lists of larger size until the initial list is sorted

Divide, Conquer图解


  • the fundamental operation of the merge sort
  • “merges” two sorted lists into one sorted list
  • used repeatedly in the “conquer”-part


Dynamic programming

The Shortest Path Problem

  • find the shortest (shortest or cheapest) path between a start node ns and an end node ne in a network
  • basic problems in network optimization
  • often appear as subproblems
  • assumptions
    • all arcs directed
    • end can be reached
    • no cycles with negative cost

Bellman’s Equations

  • ys = 0

  • y j = min ⁡ i : ( i , j ) ∈ B { y i + c i j } y_j = \min_{i:(i,j)\in B} \{y_i + c_{ij}\} yj=mini:(i,j)B{yi+cij}

  • B the set of arcs(边)

  • cij the cost of arc(i,j) ∈ B

  • yj the cost for the shortest path from ns (the start node) to nj

  • all solving SSP try to fufill the Bellman equations

Dynamic Programming

  • solve some types of structured optimization problems

  • solved with DynP can be described as a SPP in an acyclic network

  • fulfill the Bellman equations

  • General idea is to break down the problem into overlapping subproblems, solve the subproblems and then combine the solutions of the subproblems (utilizing on the relations between subproblems) to reach an overall solution

  • The problem need to have a structure that allows it to be divided into a number
    of sequential stages

  • in each stage, the optimal solutions of a number of subproblems, each having
    one(control) variable, are determined.

  • one subproblem for each possible state in each stage

  • Given a particular state in one stage, a decision (control)determines how it is best to reach that state from the previous stage

  • Hence a connection (or recursion)between stages is achieved, which allows to find the optimal solution when the final stage is reached


  1. Divide the problem in stages.
  2. For one stage at the time, decide the best way to achieve each state in that stage. Record the optimal decision (control) and the optimal cost for reaching each state.
  3. Go to next stage
  4. When the final stage has been reached, unravel the optimal solution using the optimal decision that has been recorded.



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