EF Level 8, Unit2 Describing jobs

I find being a designer very engaging

John has a very challenging job. He's a firefighter.

Marta is the CEO of a large corporation, a very demanding job

Helping others learn is really rewarding.

Completing that project was extremely satisfying.

For me, sales is an enjoyable job.

Teaching is a rewarding career. 

It was satisfying to complete the project early.

It's a challenging job.

He has an enjoyable and engaging job.

Her clients are very demanding.

Review: adverb clauses of time
Adverb clauses often add information about time. Use adverbs such as beforeafterwhen and while to put events in order.
Use before + past simple to talk about the period of time preceding an event.

Before I got this job, I worked as a sales assistant.

Chris had a really demanding job before he quit.

Use after + past simple to talk about the period of time following an event.

After she sold electric cars, she went back to school.

What did you do after you graduated?

Use when + past simple to talk about a certain period of time.

When I was younger, I thought I should study law.

What did you do when you worked at XCCX?

Use while + past continuous to describe an event happening during a period of time.

I was making a lot of money while I was living in Korea.

While I was studying to be a lawyer, I worked for six months in a restaurant.

Verbs to talk about 'hopes' and 'dreams'

Here are some ways to talk about 'hopes' and 'dreams'. Notice the verbs, and the words that go with the verbs, in each sentence.

She really wants to make a difference in the world.She really wants to make a difference in the world.

I want to get a job and support myself.I want to get a job and support myself.

He hopes to get a job recycling plastic.He hopes to get a job recycling plastic.

Mary dreams of building her own home.Mary dreams of building her own home.

I love to plant trees.I love to plant trees.

We want to change our lives.We want to change our lives.

She hopes to earn a lot of money after college.She hopes to earn a lot of money after college.

Adjectives for careers

Use these adjectives to describe careers.

simple - complicated

My job is so simple that I'm always bored.My job is so simple that I'm always bored.

Being an accountant must be complicated.Being an accountant must be complicated.

rich - poor

I want to get really rich before I retire.I want to get really rich before I retire.

Amanda is tired of being poor.Amanda is tired of being poor.

wise - foolish

My father is a very wise man.My father is a very wise man.

He was foolish to drop out of high school.He was foolish to drop out of high school.

critical - unimportant

It's critical to get a good education.It's critical to get a good education.

Don't worry about it. The cost is unimportant.Don't worry about it. The cost is unimportant.

normal - odd

It's normal to worry about getting a good job.It's normal to worry about getting a good job.

She's a very odd person.She's a very odd person.

talented - untalented

He's a talented salesperson.He's a talented salesperson.

She's great at chemistry, but untalented in accounting.She's great at chemistry, but untalented in accounting.

Job and industry terms

To avoid repetition in a personal statement, you can use these synonyms for the word job.
I am looking for a role in sales.I am looking for a role in sales.
We have a post open in management.We have a post open in management.
I am interested in a position in accounts.I am interested in a position in accounts.
When describing your goals, you can talk about them in terms of their time frame.
My long-term goal is to move into management.My long-term goal is to move into management.
My short-term goal is to gain more experience.My short-term goal is to gain more experience.

You might want to talk about the industry (industry) you're in or want to be in.
I find working in the science industry really engaging.I find working in the science industry really engaging.
The green sector is really growing, and that's where I want to be.The green sector is really growing, and that's where I want to be.
And you can use words like these to describe what you can do or want to improve.
I want to improve my proficiency in German.I want to improve my proficiency in German.
I have a large skill set in many different disciplines.I have a large skill set in many different disciplines.

What you need in industry today

by Olly Adams

Different industries, from technology to education, require different skill sets. But if you're good at computing, presentations, communication and management, you'll be able to find work in many disciplines. For example, sales, operations and marketing departments are often very happy to give posts to people who show high levels of proficiency in the areas mentioned above.

Of course, if your long-term goal is to move up in your company, then you'll need to gain experience in the industry and build knowledge of the sector you're working in.





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