大数据学习之Hive——08Hive SQL练习之影评案例

转载至: https://www.cnblogs.com/qingyunzong/p/8727264.html#_label2_1

1. 案例说明

1. 现有如此三份数据:
  1. users.dat

    1. 数据格式为: 2::M::56::16::70072,
    2. 共有6040条数据
    3. 对应字段为:UserID BigInt, Gender String, Age Int, Occupation String, Zipcode String
    4. 对应字段中文解释:用户id,性别,年龄,职业,邮政编码
  2. movies.dat

    1. 数据格式为: 2::Jumanji (1995)::Adventure|Children’s|Fantasy,
    2. 共有3883条数据
    3. 对应字段为:MovieID BigInt, Title String, Genres String
    4. 对应字段中文解释:电影ID,电影名字,电影类型
  3. ratings.dat 数据格式为: 1::1193::5::978300760,

    1. 共有1000209条数据
    2. 对应字段为:UserID BigInt, MovieID BigInt, Rating Double, Timestamped String
    3. 对应字段中文解释:用户ID,电影ID,评分,评分时间戳
2. 题目要求
  1. 数据要求:

    1. 写shell脚本清洗数据。(hive不支持解析多字节的分隔符,也就是说hive只能解析’:’, 不支持解析’::’,所以用普通方式建表来使用是行不通的,要求对数据做一次简单清洗)
    2. 使用Hive能解析的方式进行
  2. Hive要求:

    1. 正确建表,导入数据(三张表,三份数据),并验证是否正确
    2. 求被评分次数最多的10部电影,并给出评分次数(电影名,评分次数)
    3. 分别求男性,女性当中评分最高的10部电影(性别,电影名,影评分)
    4. 求movieid = 2116这部电影各年龄段(因为年龄就只有7个,就按这个7个分就好了)的平均影评(年龄段,影评分)
    5. 求最喜欢看电影(影评次数最多)的那位女性评最高分的10部电影的平均影评分(观影者,电影名,影评分)
    6. 求好片(评分>=4.0)最多的那个年份的最好看的10部电影
    7. 求1997年上映的电影中,评分最高的10部Comedy类电影
    8. 该影评库中各种类型电影中评价最高的5部电影(类型,电影名,平均影评分)
    9. 各年评分最高的电影类型(年份,类型,影评分)
    10. 每个地区最高评分的电影名,把结果存入HDFS(地区,电影名,影评分)

2. 数据下载


3. 前提准备

1. 正确建表,导入数据(三张表,三份数据),并验证是否正确
  1. 分析需求

    t_user: userid bigint, sex string, age int, occupation string, zipcode string
    t_movie: movieid bigint, moviename string, movietype string
    t_rating: userid bigint, movieid bigint, rate double, times string


    使用RegexSerde, 需要两个参数:

    input.regex = "(.*)::(.*)::(.*)"
    output.format.string = "%1$s %2$s %3$s"
  2. 创建数据库

    drop database if exists movie;
    create database if not exists movie;
    use movie;
  3. 创建t_user表

    create table t_user(
    userid bigint,
    sex string,
    age int,
    occupation string,
    zipcode string) 
    row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe' 
    with serdeproperties('input.regex'='(.*)::(.*)::(.*)::(.*)::(.*)','output.format.string'='%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s')
    stored as textfile;
  4. 创建t_movie表

    create table t_movie(
    movieid bigint,
    moviename string,
    movietype string) 
    row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe' 
    with serdeproperties('input.regex'='(.*)::(.*)::(.*)','output.format.string'='%1$s %2$s %3$s')
    stored as textfile;
  5. 创建t_rating表

    create table t_rating(
    userid bigint,
    movieid bigint,
    rate double,
    times string) 
    row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe' 
    with serdeproperties('input.regex'='(.*)::(.*)::(.*)::(.*)','output.format.string'='%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s')
    stored as textfile;
  6. 导入数据

2. 求被评分次数最多的10部电影,并给出评分次数(电影名,评分次数)
hive> select t1.moviename, count(t1.moviename) as total 
	> from t_movie t1 join t_rating t2 on t1.movieid=t2.movieid 
	> group by t1.moviename 
	> order by total desc 
	> limit 10;


3. 分别求男性,女性当中评分最高的10部电影(性别,电影名,影评分)

hive> select "F" as sex, moviename as name, avg(rate) as average, count(t2.movieid) as total 
	> from t_user t1 
	> join t_rating t2 on t1.userid=t2.userid 
	> join t_movie t3 on t2.movieid=t3.movieid 
	> where sex="F" 
	> group by moviename 
	> having total >= 50 
	> order by average desc 
	> limit 10;


hive> select "M" as sex, moviename as name, avg(rate) as average, count(t2.movieid) as total 
	> from t_user t1 
	> join t_rating t2 on t1.userid=t2.userid 
	> join t_movie t3 on t2.movieid=t3.movieid 
	> where sex="M" 
	> group by moviename 
	> having total >= 50 
	> order by average desc 
	> limit 10;


4. 求movieid = 2116这部电影各年龄段(因为年龄就只有7个,就按这个7个分就好了)的平均影评
hive> select age, avg(rate) as avg_rate 
	> from t_user t1 join t_rating t2 on t1.userid=t2.userid 
	> where movieid=2116 
	> group by age;


5. 求最喜欢看电影(影评次数最多)的那位女性评最高分的10部电影的平均影评分(观影者,电影名,影评分)
  1. 先求出观影次数最多的女用户的userid

    hive> select userid, count(t2.movieid) as total 
    	> from t_user t1 join t_rating t2 on t1.userid=t2.userid 
    	> where sex="F" 
    	> group by t2.userid 
    	> order by total desc 
    	> limit 1;


  2. 再求出该用户评分最高的10部电影的movieid

    hive> create table tmp1 as 
    	> select t1.movieid,moviename, rate 
    	> from t_movie t1 join t_rating t2 on t1.movieid=t2.movieid 
    	> where t2.userid=1150 
    	> order by rate desc 
    	> limit 10;


  3. 求出这10部电影的平均评分

    hive> select t2.movieid, moviename, avg(t2.rate) as average 
    	> from tmp1 t1 
    	> join t_rating t2 on t1.movieid=t2.movieid 
    	> join t_movie t3 on t2.movieid=t3.movieid 
    	> group by t2.movieid, t3.moviename;


6. 求好片(评分>=4.0)最多的那个年份的最好看的10部电影
  1. 截取出年份, 并计算出每部电影的平均分, 并将结果写入之间表中:

    hive> create table answer6_1 as 
    	> select t1.movieid, moviename, substr(moviename, -5, 4) as years, avg(rate) as avgrate 
    	> from t_movie t1 join t_rating t2 on t1.movieid=t2.movieid 
    	> group by t1.movieid, moviename;


  2. 求出好片(评分>=4.0)最多的那个年份

    hive> create table answer6_2 as 
    	> select years, count(movieid) as total 
    	> from answer6_1 t1 
    	> where avgrate >=4 
    	> group by years 
    	> order by total desc 
    	> limit 1;


  3. 求出1998年评分最高的10部电影

    hive> select movieid, moviename, avgrate 
    	> from answer6_1 
    	> where years=1998 
    	> order by avgrate desc 
    	> limit 10;


7. 求1997年上映的电影中,评分最高的10部Comedy类电影

instr(string str, string substr): 查找字符串str中子字符串substr出现的位置,如果查找失败将返回0
lcase/lower: 字符串转小写函数
ucase/upper: 字符串转大写函数

  1. 需要电影类型,所有可以将第六步中求出answer6_1表和t_movie表进行联合查询

    hive> create table answer7_1 as 
    	> select b.movieid as id, b.moviename as name, b.years as years, b.avgrate as rate, a.movietype as type 
    	> from t_movie a join answer6_1 b on a.movieid=b.movieid;
  2. 从answer7_1按照电影类型中是否包含Comedy和按照评分>=4.0作为where过滤条件,按照评分作为排序条件进行查询,将结果保存到answer7_2中

    hive> create table answer7_2 as 
    	> select t.id as id, t.name as name, t.rate as rate 
    	> from answer7_1 t 
    	> where t.years=1997 and instr(lcase(t.type),'comedy') >0 
    	> order by rate desc
    	> limit 10;
  3. 综合SQL

    hive> create table answer7_3 as
    	> select t1.movieid as id, t2.moviename, t2.movietype, avgrate 
    	> from answer6_1 t1 join t_movie t2 on t1.movieid=t2.movieid 
    	> where years=1997 and instr(lcase(t2.movietype),'comedy') > 0 
    	> order by avgrate desc 
    	> limit 10;


8. 该影评库中各种类型电影中评价最高的5部电影(类型,电影名,平均影评分)
  1. 需要电影类型,所有需要将answer7_1中的type字段进行裂变,将结果保存到answer8_2中

    hive> create table answer8_1 as 
        > select a.id as id, a.name as name, a.years as years, a.rate as rate, tv.type as type 
        > from answer7_1 a 
        > lateral view explode(split(a.type,"\\|")) tv as type;


  2. 求TopN,按照type分组,需要添加一列来记录每组的顺序,将结果保存到answer8_2中

    hive> create table answer8_2 as 
        > select id,name,years,rate,type,row_number() 
        > over(distribute by type sort by rate desc ) as num
        > from answer8_1;
    	select * from answer8_2 where num <= 5;


9. 各年评分最高的电影类型(年份,类型,影评分)
  1. 需要按照电影类型和上映年份进行分组,按照影评分进行排序,将结果保存到answer9_A中

    hive> create table answer9_1 as 
        > select a.years as years, a.type as type, avg(a.rate) as rate 
        > from answer8_1 a 
        > group by a.years,a.type 
        > order by rate desc;


  2. 求TopN,按照years分组,需要添加一列来记录每组的顺序,将结果保存到answer9_2中

    hive> create table answer9_2 as 
        > select years,type,rate,row_number() 
        > over (distribute by years sort by rate) as num
        > from answer9_1;


  3. 按照num=1作为where过滤条件取出结果数据

    hive> select * from answer9_2 where num=1;


10. 每个地区最高评分的电影名(地区,电影名,影评分)
  1. 需要把三张表进行联合查询,取出电影id、电影名称、影评分、地区,将结果保存到answer10_1表中

    hive> create table answer10_1 as
        > select c.movieid, c.moviename, avg(b.rate) as avgrate, a.zipcode
        > from t_user a 
        > join t_rating b on a.userid=b.userid 
        > join t_movie c on b.movieid=c.movieid 
        > group by a.zipcode,c.movieid, c.moviename;


  2. 求TopN,按照地区分组,按照平均排序,添加一列num用来记录地区排名,将结果保存到answer10_2表中

    hive> create table answer10_2 as
        > select movieid,moviename,avgrate,zipcode, row_number() 
        > over (distribute by zipcode sort by avgrate) as num     
        > from answer10_1;


  3. 按照num=1作为where过滤条件取出结果数据

    hive> select t.* from answer10_2 t where t.num=1;


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抱歉,作为AI语言模型,我无法执行爬虫操作和访问本地文件系统。但您可以参考以下步骤来完成该任务: 1. 安装Python的爬虫框架Scrapy和MySQL数据库连接库pymysql: ``` pip install scrapy pip install pymysql ``` 2. 创建一个Scrapy项目: ``` scrapy startproject douban_movie ``` 3. 编写爬虫代码。在douban_movie/spiders目录下创建一个名为douban_spider.py的文件,实现对豆瓣电影top250页面的爬取,并将结果保存至本地csv文件: ```python import scrapy import csv class DoubanSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'douban' start_urls = ['https://movie.douban.com/top250'] def parse(self, response): for movie in response.css('.item'): yield { 'title': movie.css('.title::text').get(), 'rating': movie.css('.rating_num::text').get(), 'comment': movie.css('.quote span::text').get() } next_page = response.css('.next a::attr(href)').get() if next_page is not None: yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse) # 保存至本地csv文件 with open('douban_movie.csv', mode='a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) for movie in response.css('.item'): writer.writerow([ movie.css('.title::text').get(), movie.css('.rating_num::text').get(), movie.css('.quote span::text').get() ]) ``` 4. 运行爬虫并将结果导入MySQL数据库。在douban_movie目录下创建一个名为mysql_pipeline.py的文件,实现将csv文件中的数据导入MySQL数据库: ```python import csv import pymysql class MysqlPipeline: def __init__(self): self.conn = pymysql.connect( host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', password='password', db='douban_movie', charset='utf8mb4' ) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() def process_item(self, item, spider): self.cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO movie(title, rating, comment) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (item['title'], item['rating'], item['comment']) ) self.conn.commit() return item def close_spider(self, spider): self.cursor.close() self.conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': with open('douban_movie.csv', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file: reader = csv.reader(file) next(reader) # 跳过表头 for row in reader: pipeline = MysqlPipeline() pipeline.process_item({ 'title': row[0], 'rating': row[1], 'comment': row[2] }, None) ``` 5. 运行爬虫并导入数据: ``` scrapy crawl douban python mysql_pipeline.py ``` 注意:在运行mysql_pipeline.py文件之前,需要先创建MySQL数据库和movie表。可以使用以下SQL语句: ``` CREATE DATABASE douban_movie CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; USE douban_movie; CREATE TABLE movie ( id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rating FLOAT NOT NULL, comment VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; ```


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