gprmax out文件批量输出dzt文件


这是因为在MATLAB中,当你使用[HDR.pname infile]这样的语句来连接两个字符串时,MATLAB并不会自动在它们之间添加路径分隔符(在Windows中是\)。所以,你得到的infile是 'D:\gprmax_code\test\test_1\model0_cavity_water_merged.out',而不是 'D:\gprmax_code\test\test_1\model\0_cavity_water_merged.out'。


infile = fullfile(HDR.pname, infile);

这样,infile就会是 'D:\gprmax_code\test\test_1\model\0_cavity_water_merged.out'。


% outputfile_converter.m - converts gprMax merged output HDF5 file to 
%   * RD3  16bit (Mala GeoScience),
%   * DZT  16bit (Geophysical Survey Systems Inc.),
%   * DT1  16bit (Sensors & Software Inc.)
%   * IPRB 16bit (Impulse Radar)
% Author: Dimitrios Angelis
% Copyright: 2017-2020
% Last modified: 28/05/2020

clear, clc, close all;

% Select file =============================================================
folder_path = 'D:\gprmax_code\test\test_1\model\'; % 请将 'your_folder_path' 替换为您的文件夹路径
files = dir(fullfile(folder_path, '*.out'));
if isempty(files)
    disp('No .out files found in the specified folder.');

% Loop through all .out files in the folder
for file = files'
    infile =;
    path = file.folder;

    % File name, path name and file extension =================================
    HDR.fname = strrep(lower(infile), '.out', '');
    HDR.pname = path;
    HDR.fext  = 'out';

    % Additional information ==================================================
    % The HDF5 file does not contain information about the centre frequency of
    % the waveform, the Tx-Rx separation distance and the trace step. The user
    % needs to provide this information.

    % 请将下面的值替换为您需要的值
    answer = {'Ez', '200', '0.1', '0.02'}; % 请将 'Ex', '300', '1', '0.5' 替换为您需要的值

    answers = str2double(answer);
    if isempty(answer)
        HDR  = [];
        data = [];
    elseif strcmp(answer(1), 'EX') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'Ex') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'ex') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'EY') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'Ey') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'ey') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'EZ') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'Ez') == 0 & ...
           strcmp(answer(1), 'ez') == 0 || ...
           isnan(answers(2)) || answers(2) <= 0 || ...
           isnan(answers(3)) || answers(3) <  0 || ...
           isnan(answers(4)) || answers(4) <= 0

    % Read data from HDF5 file ================================================
    infile = fullfile(HDR.pname, infile);

    % h5disp(infile);
    if strcmp(answer(1), 'EX') || strcmp(answer(1), 'Ex') || strcmp(answer(1), 'ex')
        dataex = h5read(infile, '/rxs/rx1/Ex');
        data = dataex';
    elseif strcmp(answer(1), 'EY') || strcmp(answer(1), 'Ey') || strcmp(answer(1), 'ey')
        dataey = h5read(infile, '/rxs/rx1/Ey');
        data = dataey';
    elseif strcmp(answer(1), 'EZ') || strcmp(answer(1), 'Ez') || strcmp(answer(1), 'ez')
        dataez = h5read(infile, '/rxs/rx1/Ez');
        data = dataez';
    % Sigle to double precision ===============================================
    data = double(data);
    % Create header ===========================================================
    HDR.centre_freq = answers(2);                                   % Centre frequency (MHz)
    HDR.ant_sep = answers(3);                                       % Antenna seperation / Tx-Rx distance (m)
    HDR.trac_int = answers(4);                                      % Trace interval / step (m)
    HDR.samp_int = h5readatt(infile, '/', 'dt') * 10^9;             % Sampling interval (ns)
    HDR.samp_freq = (1 / HDR.samp_int) * 10^3;                      % Sampling frequency (MHz)
    [HDR.num_samp, HDR.num_trac] = size(data);                      % Number of samples & traces
    HDR.time_window = HDR.num_samp * HDR.samp_int;                  % Time window (ns)
    HDR.antenna = ['gprMax ', num2str(HDR.centre_freq), 'MHz'];     % Antenna name
    % *************************************************************************
    % ******************************** Optional *******************************
    % Resample to 1024 samples ================================================
    % I perform this step for either 512 or 1024 samples because many GPR data
    % visulization/processing software cannot load files with more samples.
    tx1  = 1 : HDR.num_samp;
    fs1  = 1024 / HDR.num_samp;                                     % <------- 1024 samples
    data = resample(data, tx1, fs1, 'pchip');
    [HDR.num_samp, ~] = size(data);                                 % New number of samples after resampling
    HDR.samp_int      = HDR.time_window / HDR.num_samp;             % New sampling interval (ns) after resampling
    HDR.samp_freq     = (1 / HDR.samp_int) * 10^3;                  % New sampling frequency (MHz) after resampling
    % *************************************************************************
    % *************************************************************************
    % *************************************************************************
    % ******************************** Optional *******************************
    % Convert to 16 bit scale =================================================
    data = data * 32767.5 ./ max(max(abs(data)));                   % signal * ((1 - 1 / 2^bitrate) * 32768) / max(signal)
    data(data > 32767) = 32767;
    data(data < -32768) = -32768;
    data = round(data);
    % Plots ===================================================================
    pmin = min(data(:));                                            % Minimun plot scale
    pmax = max(data(:));                                            % Maximum plot scale
    x = 0 : HDR.trac_int : (HDR.num_trac - 1) * HDR.trac_int;       % Distance of each trace (m)
    t = HDR.samp_int : HDR.samp_int : HDR.num_samp * HDR.samp_int;  % Time of each sample (ns)
    % Bscan plot
    f1 = figure('Name', 'Bscan', ...
        'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
        'Menubar', 'None', ...
        'Toolbar', 'Figure');
    clims = [pmin pmax];
    colormap (bone(256));                                           % Black(negative) to white(positive)
    im1 = imagesc(x, t, data, clims);
    set(im1, 'cdatamapping', 'scaled');
    xlabel('Distance (m)');
    ylabel('Time (ns)');
    ax1 = gca;
    ax1.XAxisLocation = 'Top';
    ax1.FontSize = 12;
    box off;
    movegui(f1, 'northeast');
    % Frequency spectrum plot
    m = 2.^nextpow2(HDR.num_samp);
    amp = fft(data, m);
    amp = (abs(amp(1 : m / 2, :)) / m) * 2;
    amp = mean(amp, 2);
    freq = HDR.samp_freq .* (0 : (m / 2) - 1) / m;
    f2 = figure('Name', 'Frequency Spectrum', ...
        'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
        'Menubar', 'None', ...
        'Toolbar', 'Figure');
    area(freq, amp, 'FaceColor', 'black');
    xlabel('Frequency (MHz)');
    ax2 = gca;
    ax2.FontSize = 12;
    box off;
    movegui(f2, 'southeast');
    % Export option: RD3 or DZT or DT1 or IPRB ================================
    gpr_format = 2;  % 你可以更改这个值
    % 如果你想要保留输入对话框和验证过程,你可以注释掉上面的代码
    % 并取消注释下面的代码
    % while 1
    %     prompt = {'1 = RD3, 2 = DZT, 3 = DT1, 4 = IPRB'};
    %     dlg_title = 'Choose GPR Format';
    %     answer = inputdlg(prompt, dlg_title, [1 40]);
    %     answer = str2double(answer);
    %     if isempty(answer)
    %         return
    %     elseif ~isnumeric(answer) || answer ~= 1 && answer ~= 2 ...
    %             && answer ~= 3 && answer ~= 4
    %         continue
    %     else
    %         gpr_format = answer;
    %         break
    %     end
    % end
    wb = waitbar(0, 'Exporting...', 'Name', 'Exporting File');
    % =========================================================================
    % RAD / RD3, Mala GeoScience ==============================================
    % RAD is the header file. 
    % In this file is all the important information such as number of samples, 
    % traces, etc.
    % RD3 is the data file.
    % This file contains only the data (amplitude values) in a 16 bit binary 
    % form.
    if gpr_format == 1
        % Header structure
        HDR.fname                 = HDR.fname;                      % File name
        HDR.num_samp              = HDR.num_samp;                   % Number of samples
        HDR.samp_freq             = HDR.samp_freq;                  % Sampling frequency (MHz)
        HDR.frequency_steps       = 1;                              % Frequency steps
        HDR.signal_pos            = 0;                              % Signal position
        HDR.raw_signal_pos        = 0;                              % Raw signal position
        HDR.distance_flag         = 1;                              % Distance flag: 0 time interval, 1 distance interval
        HDR.time_flag             = 0;                              % Time flag    : 0 distance interval, 1 time interval
        HDR.program_flag          = 0;                              % Program flag
        HDR.external_flag         = 0;                              % External flag
        HDR.trac_int_sec          = 0;                              % Trace interval in seconds(only if Time flag = 1)
        HDR.trac_int              = HDR.trac_int;                   % Trace interval in meters (only if Distance flag = 1)
        HDR.operator              = 'Unknown';                      % Operator
        HDR.customer              = 'Unknown';                      % Customer                  = 'gprMax';                       % Site
        HDR.antenna               = HDR.antenna;                    % Antenna name
        HDR.antenna_orientation   = 'NOT VALID FIELD';              % Antenna orientation
        HDR.ant_sep               = HDR.ant_sep;                    % Antenna seperation / Tx-Rx distance (m)
        HDR.comment               = '----';                         % Comment
        HDR.time_window           = HDR.time_window;                % Time window (ns)
        HDR.stacks                = 1;                              % Stacks
        HDR.stack_exponent        = 0;                              % Stack exponent
        HDR.stacking_time         = 0;                              % Stacking Time
        HDR.num_trac              = HDR.num_trac;                   % Number of traces
        HDR.stop_pos              = HDR.num_trac * HDR.trac_int;    % Stop position (m)
        HDR.system_calibration    = 0;
        HDR.start_pos             = 0;                              % Start position (m)
        HDR.short_flag            = 1;
        HDR.intermediate_flag     = 0;
        HDR.long_flag             = 0;
        HDR.preprocessing         = 0;
        HDR.high                  = 0;
        HDR.low                   = 0;
        HDR.fixed_increment       = 0;
        HDR.fixed_moves_up        = 0;
        HDR.fixed_moves_down      = 1;
        HDR.fixed_position        = 0;
        HDR.wheel_calibration     = 0;
        HDR.positive_direction    = 1;
        % RAD file
        fid = fopen([HDR.fname '.rad'], 'w');
        fprintf(fid, 'SAMPLES:%i\r\n', HDR.num_samp);
        fprintf(fid, 'FREQUENCY:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.samp_freq);
        fprintf(fid, 'FREQUENCY STEPS:%i\r\n', HDR.frequency_steps);
        fprintf(fid, 'SIGNAL POSITION:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.signal_pos);
        fprintf(fid, 'RAW SIGNAL POSITION:%i\r\n', HDR.raw_signal_pos);
        fprintf(fid, 'DISTANCE FLAG:%i\r\n', HDR.distance_flag);
        fprintf(fid, 'TIME FLAG:%i\r\n', HDR.time_flag);
        fprintf(fid, 'PROGRAM FLAG:%i\r\n', HDR.program_flag);
        fprintf(fid, 'EXTERNAL FLAG:%i\r\n', HDR.external_flag);
        fprintf(fid, 'TIME INTERVAL:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.trac_int_sec);
        fprintf(fid, 'DISTANCE INTERVAL:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.trac_int);
        fprintf(fid, 'OPERATOR:%s\r\n', HDR.operator);
        fprintf(fid, 'CUSTOMER:%s\r\n', HDR.customer);
        fprintf(fid, 'SITE:%s\r\n',;
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNAS:%s\r\n', HDR.antenna);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA ORIENTATION:%s\r\n', HDR.antenna_orientation);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA SEPARATION:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.ant_sep);
        fprintf(fid, 'COMMENT:%s\r\n', HDR.comment);
        fprintf(fid, 'TIMEWINDOW:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.time_window);
        fprintf(fid, 'STACKS:%i\r\n', HDR.stacks);
        fprintf(fid, 'STACK EXPONENT:%i\r\n', HDR.stack_exponent);
        fprintf(fid, 'STACKING TIME:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.stacking_time);
        fprintf(fid, 'LAST TRACE:%i\r\n', HDR.num_trac);
        fprintf(fid, 'STOP POSITION:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.stop_pos);
        fprintf(fid, 'SYSTEM CALIBRATION:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.system_calibration);
        fprintf(fid, 'START POSITION:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.start_pos);
        fprintf(fid, 'SHORT FLAG:%i\r\n', HDR.short_flag);
        fprintf(fid, 'INTERMEDIATE FLAG:%i\r\n', HDR.intermediate_flag);
        fprintf(fid, 'LONG FLAG:%i\r\n', HDR.long_flag);
        fprintf(fid, 'PREPROCESSING:%i\r\n', HDR.preprocessing);
        fprintf(fid, 'HIGH:%i\r\n', HDR.high);
        fprintf(fid, 'LOW:%i\r\n', HDR.low);
        fprintf(fid, 'FIXED INCREMENT:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.fixed_increment);
        fprintf(fid, 'FIXED MOVES UP:%i\r\n', HDR.fixed_moves_up);
        fprintf(fid, 'FIXED MOVES DOWN:%i\r\n', 1);
        fprintf(fid, 'FIXED POSITION:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.fixed_moves_down);
        fprintf(fid, 'WHEEL CALIBRATION:%0.6f\r\n', HDR.wheel_calibration);
        fprintf(fid, 'POSITIVE DIRECTION:%i\r\n', HDR.positive_direction);
        % RD3 file
        fid = fopen([HDR.fname '.rd3'], 'w');
        fwrite(fid, data, 'short');
    % =========================================================================
    % DZT, Geophysical Survey Systems Inc. (GSSI) =============================
    % DZT is a binary file that conists of the file header with all the
    % important inforation such as number of samples, traces, channels, etc.,
    % followed by the data section.
    % All the information is contained in this file except the Tx-Rx separation
    % distance. It is possible that the official GSSI software has stored this
    % information and uses the antenna name to detect it. All the other GPR
    % data visualization/processing software do not detect the Tx-Rx separation
    % distance.
    % DZT file can be either 8/16/32 bit. Since I have rescaled gprMax output 
    % data into a 16bit scale, this file will also be 16bit.
    elseif gpr_format == 2
        % Header structure
        HDR.fname                 = HDR.fname;                      % File name
        HDR.tag                   = 255;                            % Header = 255
        HDR.data_offset           = 1024;                           % Offset to data from the beginning of file
        HDR.num_samp              = HDR.num_samp;                   % Number of samples
        HDR.data_format           = 16;                             % Bits per data word (8, 16, 32)
        HDR.binary_offset         = 32768;                          % Binary offset, 8 bit = 128, 16 bit = 32768
        HDR.scans_per_second      = 0;                              % Scans per second
        HDR.scans_per_meter       = 1 / HDR.trac_int;               % Scans per meter
        HDR.meters_per_mark       = 0;                              % Meters per mark
        HDR.zero_time_adjustment  = 0;                              % Time zero adjustment (ns)
        HDR.time_window           = HDR.time_window;                % Time window (with no corrections i.e zero time)
        HDR.scans_per_pass        = 0;                              % Scan per pass for 2D files
        HDR.createdate.sec        = 0 / 2;                          % Structure, date created
        HDR.createdate.min        = 0;
        HDR.createdate.hour       = 0;        = 0;
        HDR.createdate.month      = 0;
        HDR.createdate.year       = 0 - 1980;
        date_time                 = clock;
        HDR.modifydate.sec        = date_time(6) / 2;               % Structure, date modified
        HDR.modifydate.min        = date_time(5);
        HDR.modifydate.hour       = date_time(4);        = date_time(3);
        HDR.modifydate.month      = date_time(2);
        HDR.modifydate.year       = date_time(1) - 1980;
        HDR.offset_to_range_gain  = 0;                              % Offset to range gain
        HDR.size_of_range_gain    = 0;                              % Size of range gain
        HDR.offset_to_text        = 0;                              % Offset to text
        HDR.size_of_text          = 0;                              % Size of text
        HDR.offset_to_proc_his    = 0;                              % Offset to processing history
        HDR.size_of_proc_his      = 0;                              % Size of processing history
        HDR.num_channels          = 1;                              % Number of channels
        HDR.dielectric_constant   = 8;                              % Dielectric constant (8 is a random number)
        HDR.top_position          = 0;                              % Top position
        c = 299792458;
        v = (c / sqrt(HDR.dielectric_constant)) * 10^-9;
        HDR.range_depth           = v * (HDR.time_window / 2);      % Range depth (m)
        HDR.reserved              = zeros(31, 1);                   % Reserved
        HDR.data_type             = 0;                              % Data type
        if length(HDR.antenna) == 14                                % Antenna name
            HDR.antenna           = HDR.antenna;
        elseif length(HDR.antenna) < 14
            if verLessThan('matlab', '9.1')
                HDR.antenna       = [HDR.antenna repmat(' ', ...
                                        1, 14 - length(HDR.antenna))];
                HDR.antenna       = pad(HDR.antenna, 14, 'right');
        elseif length(HDR.antenna) > 14
            HDR.antenna           = HDR.antenna(1 : 14);
        HDR.channel_mask          = 0;                              % Channel mask
        if length(HDR.fname) == 12                                  % Raw file name (File name during survey)
            HDR.raw_file_name     = HDR.fname;
        elseif length(HDR.fname) < 12
            if verLessThan('matlab', '9.1')
                HDR.raw_file_name = [HDR.raw_file_name repmat(' ', ...
                                        1, 12 - length(HDR.raw_file_name))];
                HDR.raw_file_name = pad(HDR.fname, 12, 'right');
        elseif length(HDR.fname) > 12
            HDR.raw_file_name     = HDR.fname(1 : 12);
        HDR.checksum              = 0;                              % Checksum
        HDR.num_gain_points       = 0;                              % Number of gain points
        HDR.range_gain_db         = [];                             % Range gain in db
        HDR.variable              = zeros(896, 1);
        % DZT file
        folder = 'D:\gprmax_code\test\DZT\';  % 你可以更改这个值
        filename = [folder, HDR.fname, '.dzt'];
        fid = fopen(filename, 'w');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.tag, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.data_offset, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.num_samp, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.data_format, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.binary_offset, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.scans_per_second, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.scans_per_meter, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.meters_per_mark, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.zero_time_adjustment, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.time_window, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.scans_per_pass, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.createdate.sec, 'ubit5');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.createdate.min, 'ubit6');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.createdate.hour, 'ubit5');
        fwrite(fid,, 'ubit5');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.createdate.month, 'ubit4');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.createdate.year, 'ubit7');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.modifydate.sec, 'ubit5');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.modifydate.min, 'ubit6');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.modifydate.hour, 'ubit5');
        fwrite(fid,, 'ubit5');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.modifydate.month, 'ubit4');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.modifydate.year, 'ubit7');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.offset_to_range_gain, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.size_of_range_gain, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.offset_to_text, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.size_of_text, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.offset_to_proc_his, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.size_of_proc_his, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.num_channels, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.dielectric_constant, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.top_position, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.range_depth, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.reserved, 'char');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.data_type, 'char');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.antenna, 'char');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.channel_mask, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.raw_file_name, 'char');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.checksum, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.num_gain_points, 'ushort');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.range_gain_db, 'float');
        fwrite(fid, HDR.variable, 'char');
        fseek(fid, HDR.data_offset, 'bof');
        data = data + 2^15;
        fwrite(fid, data, 'ushort');
    % =========================================================================
    % HD / DT1, Sensors & Software Inc. =======================================
    % HD is the header file.
    % In this file all the important information such as number of samples,
    % traces, stacks, etc. can be found.
    % DT1 is the data file.
    % This file is written in a 16 bit binary form and contains as many records
    % as there are traces. Each record consists of a header and a data section.
    % This means that in this file there are also stored information such as 
    % the number of samples, traces, etc.
    elseif gpr_format == 3
        %Header structure of HD
        HDR.fname                 = HDR.fname;                      % File name
        HDR.file_tag              = 1234;                           % File tag = 1234
        HDR.system                = HDR.antenna;                    % The system the data collected with
        date_time                 = clock;                  = ([num2str(date_time(1)), '-' ...
                                      num2str(date_time(2)), '-' ...
                                      num2str(date_time(3))]);      % Date
        HDR.num_trac              = HDR.num_trac;                   % Number of traces
        HDR.num_samp              = HDR.num_samp;                   % Number of samples
        HDR.time_zero_point       = 0;                              % Time zero point
        HDR.time_window           = HDR.time_window;                % Total time window (ns)
        HDR.start_position        = 0;                              % Start position (m)
        HDR.final_position        = (HDR.num_trac - 1) * HDR.trac_int;        % Stop position (m)
        HDR.trac_int              = HDR.trac_int;                   % Trace interval (m)
        HDR.pos_units             = 'm';                            % Position units
        HDR.nominal_freq          = HDR.centre_freq;                % Nominal freq. / Centre freq. (MHz)
        HDR.ant_sep               = HDR.ant_sep;                    % Antenna seperation / Tx-Rx distance (m)
        HDR.pulser_voltage        = 0;                              % Pulser voltage (V)
        HDR.stacks                = 1;                              % Number of stacks
        HDR.survey_mode           = 'Reflection';                   % Survey mode
    %     HDR.odometer              = 0;                              % Odometer Cal (t/m)
    %     HDR.stacking_type         = 'F1';                           % Stacking type
    %     HDR.dvl_serial            = '0000-0000-0000';               % DVL serial
    %     HDR.console_serial        = '000000000000';                 % Console serial
    %     HDR.tx_serial             = '0000-0000-0000';               % Transmitter serial
    %     HDR.rx_serial             = '0000-0000-0000';               % Receiver Serial
        % Header structure of DT1
        HDR.num_each_trac         = 1 : 1 : HDR.num_trac;           % Number of each trace 1, 2, 3, ... num_trac
        HDR.position              = 0 : HDR.trac_int : ...
                                        (HDR.num_trac - 1) * HDR.trac_int;    % Position of each trace (m)
        HDR.num_samp_each_trac    = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac) + HDR.num_samp;    % Number of samples of each trace
        HDR.elevation             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Elevation / topography of each trace
        HDR.not_used1             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Not used
        HDR.bytes                 = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac) + 2;     % Always 2 for Rev 3 firmware
        HDR.time_window_each_trac = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac) + HDR.time_window; % Time window of each trace (ns)
        HDR.stacks_each_trac      = ones(1, HDR.num_trac);          % Number of stacks each trace
        HDR.rsv_gps_x             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for GPS X position (double*8 number)
        HDR.rsv_gps_y             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for GPS Y position (double*8 number)
        HDR.rsv_gps_z             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for GPS Z position (double*8 number)
        HDR.rsv_rx_x              = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for receiver x position
        HDR.rsv_rx_y              = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for receiver y position
        HDR.rsv_rx_z              = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for receiver z position
        HDR.rsv_tx_x              = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for transmitter x position
        HDR.rsv_tx_y              = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for transmitter y position
        HDR.rsv_tx_z              = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Reserved for transmitter z position
        HDR.time_zero             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Time zero adjustment where: point(x) = point(x + adjustment)
        HDR.zero_flag             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % 0 = data ok, 1 = zero data
        HDR.not_used2             = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Not used 2
        HDR.time                  = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Time of day data collected in seconds past midnight
        HDR.comment_flag          = zeros(1, HDR.num_trac);         % Comment flag
        HDR.comment               = zeros(1, 28);                   % Comment
        % HD file
        fid = fopen([HDR.fname '.hd'], 'w');
        fprintf(fid, '%i\r\n', HDR.file_tag);
        fprintf(fid, 'Data Collected with %s\r\n', HDR.system);
        fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n',;
        fprintf(fid, 'NUMBER OF TRACES   = %i\r\n', HDR.num_trac);
        fprintf(fid, 'NUMBER OF PTS/TRC  = %i\r\n', HDR.num_samp);
        fprintf(fid, 'TIMEZERO AT POINT  = %i\r\n', HDR.time_zero_point);
        fprintf(fid, 'TOTAL TIME WINDOW  = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.time_window);
        fprintf(fid, 'STARTING POSITION  = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.start_position);
        fprintf(fid, 'FINAL POSITION     = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.final_position);
        fprintf(fid, 'STEP SIZE USED     = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.trac_int);
        fprintf(fid, 'POSITION UNITS     = %s\r\n', HDR.pos_units);
        fprintf(fid, 'NOMINAL FREQUENCY  = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.nominal_freq);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA SEPARATION = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.ant_sep);
        fprintf(fid, 'PULSER VOLTAGE (V) = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.pulser_voltage);
        fprintf(fid, 'NUMBER OF STACKS   = %i\r\n', HDR.stacks);
        fprintf(fid, 'SURVEY MODE        = %s\r\n', HDR.survey_mode);
    %     fprintf(fid, 'ODOMETER CAL (t/m) = %0.6f\r\n', HDR.odometer);
    %     fprintf(fid, 'STACKING TYPE      = %s\r\n', HDR.stacking_type);
    %     fprintf(fid, 'DVL Serial#        = %s\r\n', HDR.dvl_serial);
    %     fprintf(fid, 'Console Serial#    = %s\r\n', HDR.console_serial);
    %     fprintf(fid, 'Transmitter Serial#= %s\r\n', HDR.tx_serial);
    %     fprintf(fid, 'Receiver Serial#   = %s\r\n', HDR.rx_serial);
        % DT1 file
        fid = fopen([HDR.fname '.dt1'], 'w');
        for i = 1 : HDR.num_trac
            fwrite(fid, HDR.num_each_trac(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.position(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.num_samp_each_trac(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.elevation(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.not_used1(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.bytes(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.time_window_each_trac(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.stacks_each_trac(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_gps_x(i), 'double');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_gps_y(i), 'double');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_gps_z(i), 'double');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_rx_x(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_rx_y(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_rx_z(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_tx_x(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_tx_y(i), 'real*4');  
            fwrite(fid, HDR.rsv_tx_z(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.time_zero(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.zero_flag(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.not_used2(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.time(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.comment_flag(i), 'real*4');
            fwrite(fid, HDR.comment, 'char*1');
            fwrite(fid, data(:, i), 'short');
            if mod(i, 100) == 0
                waitbar(i / HDR.num_trac, wb, sprintf('Exporting... %.f%%', ...
                    i / HDR.num_trac * 100))
    % =========================================================================
    % IPRH / IPRB, Impulse Radar ==============================================
    % IPRH is the header file. 
    % In this file is all the important information such as the number of 
    % samples, traces, measurement intervals can be found.
    % IPRB is the data file.
    % This file contains only the data (amplitude values) in a 16 or 32 bit
    % binary form. Since I have rescaled gprMax output data into a 16bit scale,
    % this file will also be 16bit.
    elseif gpr_format == 4
    % Header structure
        HDR.fname                 = HDR.fname;                      % File name
        HDR.hdr_version           = 20;                             % Header version
        HDR.data_format           = 16;                             % Data format 16 or 32 bit
        date_time                 = clock;                  = ([num2str(date_time(1)), '-' ...
                                        num2str(date_time(2)), '-' ...
                                            num2str(date_time(3))]);% Date
        HDR.start_time            = '00:00:00';                     % Measurement start time
        HDR.stop_time             = '00:00:00';                     % Measurement end time
        HDR.antenna               = [num2str(HDR.centre_freq) ' MHz'];        % Antenna frequency (MHz)
        HDR.ant_sep               = HDR.ant_sep;                    % Antenna seperation / Tx-Rx distance (m)
        HDR.num_samp              = HDR.num_samp;                   % Number of samples
        HDR.signal_pos            = 0;                              % Signal position
        HDR.clipped_samps         = 0;                              % Clipped samples
        HDR.runs                  = 0;                              % Number of runs
        HDR.stacks                = 1;                              % Maximum number of stacks
        HDR.auto_stacks           = 1;                              % Autostacks (1 = On)
        HDR.samp_freq             = HDR.samp_freq;                  % Sampling frequency (MHz)
        HDR.time_window           = HDR.time_window;                % Total time window (ns)
        HDR.num_trac              = HDR.num_trac;                   % Number of traces
        HDR.trig_source           = 'wheel';                        % Trig source (wheel or time)
        HDR.trac_int_sec          = 0;                              % Trace interval if trig source is time (sec)
        HDR.trac_int_met          = HDR.trac_int;                   % Trace interval if trig source is wheel (m)
        HDR.user_trac_int         = HDR.trac_int;                   % User defined trace interval if trig source is wheel (m)
        HDR.stop_pos              = HDR.num_trac * HDR.trac_int;    % Stop position (meters or seconds) -> num_trac * trac_int
        HDR.wheel_name            = 'Cart';                         % Wheel name
        HDR.wheel_calibration     = 0;                              % Wheel calibration
        HDR.zero_lvl              = 0;                              % Zero level
        HDR.vel                   = 100;                            % The soil velocity (Selected in field m/usec). 100 is a random number
        HDR.preprocessing         = 'Unknown Preprocessing';        % Not in use
        HDR.comment               = '----';                         % Not in use
        HDR.antenna_FW            = '----';                         % Receiver firmware version
        HDR.antenna_HW            = '----';                         % Not in use
        HDR.antenna_FPGA          = '----';                         % Receiver FPGA version
        HDR.antenna_serial        = '----';                         % Receiver serial number
        HDR.software_version      = '----';                         % Software version
        HDR.positioning           = 0;                              % Positioning: (0 = no, 1 = TS, 2 = GPS)
        HDR.num_channel           = 1;                              % Number of channels
        HDR.channel_config        = 1;                              % This channel configuration
        HDR.ch_x_offset           = 0;                              % Channel position relative to ext.positioning
        HDR.ch_y_offset           = 0;                              % Channel position relative to ext.positioning
        HDR.meas_direction        = 1;                              % Meas. direction forward or backward
        HDR.relative_direction    = 0;                              % Direction to RL start(clockwise 360)
        HDR.relative_distance     = 0;                              % Distance from RL start to cross section
        HDR.relative_start        = 0;                              % DIstance from profile start to cross section
        % IPRH file
        fid = fopen([HDR.fname '.iprh'], 'w');
        fprintf(fid, 'HEADER VERSION: %i\r\n', HDR.hdr_version);
        fprintf(fid, 'DATA VERSION: %i\r\n', HDR.data_format);
        fprintf(fid, 'DATE: %s\r\n',;
        fprintf(fid, 'START TIME: %s\r\n', HDR.start_time);
        fprintf(fid, 'STOP TIME: %s\r\n', HDR.stop_time);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA: %s\r\n', HDR.antenna);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA SEPARATION: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.ant_sep);
        fprintf(fid, 'SAMPLES: %i\r\n', HDR.num_samp);
        fprintf(fid, 'SIGNAL POSITION: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.signal_pos);
        fprintf(fid, 'CLIPPED SAMPLES: %i\r\n', HDR.clipped_samps);
        fprintf(fid, 'RUNS: %i\r\n', HDR.runs);
        fprintf(fid, 'MAX STACKS: %i\r\n', HDR.stacks);
        fprintf(fid, 'AUTOSTACKS: %i\r\n', HDR.auto_stacks);
        fprintf(fid, 'FREQUENCY: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.samp_freq);
        fprintf(fid, 'TIMEWINDOW: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.time_window);
        fprintf(fid, 'LAST TRACE: %i\r\n', HDR.num_trac);
        fprintf(fid, 'TRIG SOURCE: %s\r\n', HDR.trig_source);
        fprintf(fid, 'TIME INTERVAL: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.trac_int_sec);
        fprintf(fid, 'DISTANCE INTERVAL: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.trac_int_met);
        fprintf(fid, 'USER DISTANCE INTERVAL: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.user_trac_int);
        fprintf(fid, 'STOP POSITION: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.stop_pos);
        fprintf(fid, 'WHEEL NAME: %s\r\n', HDR.wheel_name);
        fprintf(fid, 'WHEEL CALIBRATION: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.wheel_calibration);
        fprintf(fid, 'ZERO LEVEL: %i\r\n', HDR.zero_lvl);
        fprintf(fid, 'SOIL VELOCITY: %i\r\n', HDR.vel);
        fprintf(fid, 'PREPROCESSING: %s\r\n', HDR.preprocessing);
        fprintf(fid, 'OPERATOR COMMENT: %s\r\n', HDR.comment);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA F/W: %s\r\n', HDR.antenna_FW);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA H/W: %s\r\n', HDR.antenna_HW);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA FPGA: %s\r\n', HDR.antenna_FPGA);
        fprintf(fid, 'ANTENNA SERIAL: %s\r\n', HDR.antenna_serial);
        fprintf(fid, 'SOFTWARE VERSION: %s\r\n', HDR.software_version);
        fprintf(fid, 'POSITIONING: %i\r\n', HDR.positioning);
        fprintf(fid, 'CHANNELS: %i\r\n', HDR.num_channel);
        fprintf(fid, 'CHANNEL CONFIGURATION: %i\r\n', HDR.channel_config);
        fprintf(fid, 'CH_X_OFFSET: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.ch_x_offset);
        fprintf(fid, 'CH_Y_OFFSET: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.ch_y_offset);
        fprintf(fid, 'MEASUREMENT DIRECTION: %i\r\n', HDR.meas_direction);
        fprintf(fid, 'RELATIVE DIRECTION: %i\r\n', HDR.relative_direction);
        fprintf(fid, 'RELATIVE DISTANCE: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.relative_distance);
        fprintf(fid, 'RELATIVE START: %0.6f\r\n', HDR.relative_start);
        % IPRB file
        fid = fopen([HDR.fname '.iprb'], 'w');
        fwrite(fid, data, 'short');
    waitbar(1, wb, 'Done!!!');

评论 1




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钱包余额 0


