MATTHEW LIU:价值创造需要时间,区块链最佳增长是复合增长


MATTHEW LIU:Origin Protocol 起源协议的创始人之一。

YouTube 的早期产品经理,硅谷创业多年的连续创业者,和联合创始人 Josh Fraser 在 Origin 之前就共同成功地建立了多家公司,产生年过百万美金的收入。

Higgs百佬荟是Higgs Capital推出的区块链百人超级访谈节目,节目定向邀请100位圈内知名研究专家、项目发起人,针对行业发展趋势、标准规则、投资趋势、应用趋势等,展开解读和研究。

以下是Higgs Capital 记者采访内容:

Higgs百佬荟:可以请您先简单介绍一下Origin Protocol吗?我想很多人都对这个平台感兴趣。

MATTHEW LIU:Origin Protocol 是一个建立在区块链上的中间协议层技术平台。我们开发的功能可以为共享的经济市场的应用服务,也可以用于市场上大部分去中心化应用。我们致力于构建一个大规模的商务网络,我们的愿景是促进分布式网络上开放、免费服务的交换。Origin Protocol可以看作是为分布式共享经济版本的优步、滴滴打车或爱彼迎 (Airbnb)提供技术和网络相应的基础。

对比中心化平台,分布式交易平台会带来许多好处,主要体现在两大层面,一是财务,二是平台入口。首先,没有中间商以后,向用户收取的佣金也随之取消,收益也将全部返给买家和卖家;其次,通过token经济模型的设计让所有对平台发展做出贡献的参与者都获得利益。我们知道,传统风险投资领域,公司创始人、团队能在IPO并购中赚一大笔钱,但真正的平台参与者却没有。所以,我们希望通过Origin Protocol重新分配买卖方、市场运营人员、平台方等多方的财务价值,构建一个真正开放公平、可以进行点对点交易的平台。


Higgs百佬荟:那么Origin Protocol的价值和意义是什么?







技术层面上,我们通过开发可以被广泛集成的去中心化的功能为Dapps甚至传统(中心化)互联网应用提供价值,这样所有Dapps和传统应用可以将他们的全部精力集中在产品设计和服务上。我们的技术是开源的,这些技术可以被视为新的标准并广泛推广使用,比如说, 目前我们也在推广ERC 725的验证机制和其它技术创新,与此同时,我们还开发了即时短讯去中心化应用。


MATTHEW LIU:人们对于中心化平台过于信任,滴滴打车没有积极调查驾驶员基础信息,并营造了一种虚假的安全感,当然,去中心化的世界中也会存在身份和声誉的问题,需要一些时间来构建强大而全面的系统。




MATTHEW LIU:这个问题需具体情况,具体分析。




MATTHEW LIU:共享经济有着巨大的机会,我们看到,全世界越来越多的人加入到了共享经济当中,人们有更多灵活流动的工作,更多的人成为了供应商。市场正在快速增长,并将继续发展下去,与过去相比,消费者的租赁和分享不断增加。


还有一点是这种高度中心化的企业容易受到审查,许多共享经济服务在其他国家被禁止。去中心化的市场的政策风险更小, 更能保证自由和公开的交易。


MATTHEW LIU:我们其实并没有专注的去看市场每天的变化情况。但是,熊市对我们也是有影响的,这种影响有利有弊。





MATTHEW LIU:我认为在layer 1是有创新很重要,因为它会给竞争带来更多进步,虽然很多人只想建立自己的区块链而不并不关注应用,但最终,在这些公共区块链上建立开发是必要的。


MATTHEW LIU:我认为区块链的长期前景是非常乐观的,就像互联网Web 1.0,Web 2.0的发展一样,它创建了很多我们意想不到的产品和服务,并因此改变了我们的生活。区块链的一些最佳应用落地目前还没有出现,我觉得至少需要10年的时间去创新、发展,因为大部分的价值创造都需要时间。

区块链的最佳增长是复合增长,时间越久影响越远,包括财务回报。目前大多数的区块链设计面临巨大的技术挑战,可伸缩性是条件之一,用户体验也急需改善。当前Dapps的用户体验是不可接受的,在修复之前,主流用户不会使用基于区块链构建的Dapps。在Origin Protocol,我们也正在努力创新一些用户体验,因为我们觉得这是非常必要的。



MATTHEW LIU:中国和美国都是创业创新的领导者。



  1. 美国和中国的投资者情况也不同。例如,美国风险资本家主要关注基础设施,并且时间跨度更长。中国和亚洲其他国家虽然仍然专注于第1层,但更容易接受应用层。

  2. 相同的一点是,中国和美国的监管环境都很严峻。


Higgs百佬荟:First of all, could you give a brief introduction of OriginProtocol? I guess many people are very curious about it.

MATTHEW LIU:Origin protocal is a platform for merging many decentralised marketplaces all over world. We are initially focuing on the sharing economy, and we believe there’s future where should be a decentrazlied version of DIDI or Uber, or Airbnb.

For example, we believe there’re two large category of benefits. The first one is financial incentive, the second one is access and services. So let’s talk about the financial incentive first.

By removing the middleman, we also able to remove fees that middleman charge. We want to give the values back to buyers and sellers. Secondly. we want to use crypto economy incentives to allow all stakeholders in the platform to benefit from it. In the tradional world, venture capital、foudner and its empolyee benefit, but the people actually got into the network do not. In this world, today we want to redistribute the values back to the buyers and sellers, its partner, as well as the marketplaces operators.

We want to open up opportunities for many of the less fortunate people. There’re 2 millions people that currently are unbanked. They don’t have credit cards, saving accounts and checking accounts. They don’t have wechatpay, alipay and applepay. So when they do business is very very difficult. However, right now there’re many these 2 million people have cheap android phone and with cryptocurrency they can actually transact one another without commissions from the banks or the government. Origin we believe can enable many centralized marketplaces all over the world again. So In some of the less fortunate areas, we hope to see for the first time these buyers and sellers can transact one another online.

Higgs百佬荟:What’s the key value of origin protocol?


  1. Remove fees;

  2. Redistribute values of the network to users;

  3. Open and fair commerce;

  4. Serving the unbanked to access digital goods and services;

  5. Essentially-removing the intermediary.

In terms of technology, we add value by building coredecentralization functionalities that all dapps and even centralize dapp lications can integrate, So dapps and apps can focus on building theirproducts and services. Our technology is open source and much of what weare building can serve as New open standards that can be widelyadopted. We have built our own decentralized messaging service. Arepushing forward on an identity standard called ERC 725, And several other technical innovations.

Higgs百佬荟:What kindofsharing economy project do you think are most suitable forblockchain? Could yougive an example?

MATTHEW LIU:Most marketplaces that are designedto be peer to peer can do well on the blockchain. These are individual buyersand sellers, Not large corporations selling goods and services to individualbuyers. We think many categories can be successful, Home sharing, contractor services,home services, outsourcing, car sharing, rideshareinf, But also just productmarketplaces as well . In terms of priority order,It is better to focus on categories with high transaction value that do notneed real time transactions. Because blockchains are not highly scalable yet, Sobuilding adecentralized DiDi is much harder than a decentralized Airbnb.

Higgs百佬荟:Car sharingindeed needs improvement actually, recently Didi’s running into serious problem,especially for its safety. The driver can be criminal since the platform didn’tset up strict rule on it. What problems can be solved if Didi adopts this new technology?

MATTHEW LIU:Int his case people put too muchtrust in the centralized platform

But Didi did not actively moderate its driver base, Thereis a false sense of safety,

In a decentralized world there are still identity and reputationissues of course. It will take some time to build robust and comprehensive systemshere.

  1. At the very least to start, not havinga false sense of security and safety means that buyers and sellers will bettervet the counterparty. They will use more caution.

  2. In the long term, if we enable selfsovereign identity, we allow users to transfer the identities and reputationsthey have earned over time (across many apps)from one app to another, Thisshould lead to a more comprehensive reputation system. Versus right noweach centralized business is building their own record of a user stransactionhistory and reviews, In the decentralized world with self sovereignidentity a user can build their reputation across many services. Then they canbe more trustworthy to the other side as well.

Higgs百佬荟:Do youthink Token is a necessity of the blockchain ecosystem? And why?

MATTHEW LIU:I think it depends on a caseto case basis

The big innovation of tokens is it creates incentives forparties that don’t trust each other to cooperate, The best example isstill bitcoin and ethereum mining, Incentives drive the way peopleact, And are hugely important to align decentralized parties, Of courseconstructing the right incentive structure, As well as token utility

And usability, Are all very challenging to get right.

There are many broken token systems, And many token based projectsthat don’t deserve to exist, So it’s a really case by case basis.

Higgs百佬荟:What’s the opportunityand challenge of the sharing economy?

MATTHEW LIU:There are huge opportunitieswith the sharing economy, We’ve seen all over the world that more and more peopleare participating in the sharing economy, People have more fluid jobs, Somany more end up as suppliers. The market is growing fast and it will continue.

Also consumers are renting and sharing much more than they arein the past, It’s just a cheaper and more convenient alternative to owning, Nowthere are many challenges, The centralized players are all regionalmonopolies, This allows them to own user data and spend a ton of venture capitalmoney to destroy the competition, Once they do they then treat suppliers morepoorly. For example uber has increased its transaction rates many times;Didi’scustomer service has fallen,Ofo users are negatively ratingthem. The companies have grown too quickly and become too dominant but now theuser experiences are worse, And the pricing is unfair.

Als othey are prone to censorship. Many sharing economy usecases are banned in other countries.

With decentralized marketplaces it is much harder to prevent peoplefrom buying and selling with each other freely.

Higgs百佬荟:As we know,crypto currency market in the midst of a bear market, so how does the bearmarket influence Origin protocol project? How do you deal with those problems?

MATTHEW LIU:To be honest we are not focusedvery much on the day to day market conditions. There are pros and cons to abear market of course, On the one hand itmeans conditions are tougher whenthe general public is more pessimistic about blockchain companies and products. Onthe other hand, This also means many scam my projects will disappear, Therewill be less noise. Because the quick opportunities to make money are gone, Thismeans that long term focused projects like ours, Will be able to stand outmore, As long as we keep delivering on our product and building out ourtech.

The greatest companies in the first wave of the Internet went throughyears of growth under bear market conditions, Before delivering so muchvalue that they created the new bull market, Amazon google are great examples, Facebookalso went through amazing growth after the financealcris is in 2018. We lookto these examples of startups that became generationally impactful companiesthat thrived in a bear market, Easier to attract talent.

Less competition, Ability to focus on building rather than obsessingabout prices.

We believe the bull market will come back, Not sure when. But in the meantime, We are focused onbuilding as quickly as possible to get real adoption, Then we will beexcellently positioned for the bull market.

Higgs百佬荟:Could youpleaseshare something about the current development stage of originprotocol?Forexample, product strategy, roadmap and vision.

MATTHEW LIU:We are going to release our v1 before the year is out, Ontoethereum mainnet, This will be our mainnetbeta, We will then continue to test and improve the platform, We willthen have v2 and v3 features in the coming months.

We expect our first partner applications to be built early 2019, Our long term vision is to enable many different use cases inmany countries allover the world, We are very excited about the asian market China, korea, Singapore etc. Since there is much more adoption here, For apreview of what’s to come, You can check out our testnet demo.

Higgs百佬荟:Asamatterof fact, there’re a number of public blockchain projects on the market now.What’s your opinion on that?

MATTHEW LIU:I think that it’s important that there is in novation in layer 1,Competition will breed advance ments. So that is good, In general though I do think too many people want to build their own blockchain without focusing on adoption Ultimately developers building ontop of these public blockchains is necessary To have real impact.

We chose to build on ethereum because it is actually out there and working. And the developer community is very strong. Many other public blockchains have not launched, Or have very little usage, Over time ones with no adoption will probably go away, And there will be a few dominantones, And there will probably be interoperability between the best chains. Obviously one of the big issues with many public chains isscal ability, So that needs to be solved, And the ones that are more scalable May not be secure or decent ralized, Vitalik calls if the blockchain trilemma. It is very very difficult to have decent ralization, security, and scalability all simultaneously.

Higgs百佬荟:Thankyou.We come to the last question. Could you please share your view onthe trendofthe blockchain industry?

MATTHEW LIU:I am very optimistic and excited about the long term prospects of blockchain, Just as the first wave of the internet evolved Web1.0,Then Web 2.0.There are so many unexpected unpredictable products and services that were created, That changed people’s lives for the better. I think some of the best use cases for blockchain have not been even imagined yet, AndI think there will be at least 10 years of innovation and growth, Much ofthat value creation will take time though.

The best growth is compounded growth, And the later years will have the most impact, As well as financial returns, And most usage. There are many many short term challenges, And the technology challenges are very difficult, Scalability being one of the first prerequisites. After that Therewill be a need to improve user experiences too . Right now the user experience of DApps is unacceptable, No main stream users will use DApps built on top of blockchain until these are fixed. At Origin we are trying to pioneer some of these user experience in novations, Because we feellike that is extremely necessary.

I think this current bear market is painful, But it is a necessary period, To allow the technology to catch up. All in all I feel very blessedto be working in the industry

There are so many exciting opportunities in the future. I also see blockchain Continuing to be a global phenomenon .There will be much more collaboration And decent ralization or organizations, Value PowerEtc. Blockchain will be a world technology , And many of the benefitsit promises to deliver will be world benefits That’s it.

Higgs百佬荟:What’s the difference between blockchain projects in China and the US?

MATTHEW LIU:China and the US are boththe leaders in startup innovation.

  1. China has a huge market, Matureeco system of VCs, Amazing tech companies, Same with Silicon Valley and SF, Lots of great tech. Differences, There are multiple, I do not ice that US blockchain projects tend to have more open source contributions. Chinese blockchain projects are not as used to thisdevelopment culture, More seem to be private teams.

  2. Also many companies in China are attempting reverse ICOs. Companies with large established user bases going to wards token ization, We don’t see many mature tech companies in the US trying to do reverse ICOs. It’s mostly startups that are working on token ization.

  3. The investor profile for US and China also seem to be different, US venture capitalists for example are mostly focused on in frast ructure and have longer time horizon.

  4. China and rest of Asia, while still heavily focused on layer 1, is more receptive to the application layer,Regulatory environment in both China and US is tough.

采访记者: Eva


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