Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, …, an, where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ai). n vertical lines are drawn such that the two endpoints of line i is at (i, ai) and (i, 0). Find two lines, which together with x-axis forms a container, such that the container contains the most water.
Note: You may not slant the container and n is at least 2.
题意:给定一组非负整数a1~an,代表二位坐标系中的点(i, ai),可以画出从(i,ai)到(i,0)的n条线,找到两条线,使其和x轴围成的木桶容积最大。
class Solution {
int maxArea(vector<int>& height) {
int water = 0;
int i = 0, j = height.size() - 1;
while (i < j) {
int h = min(height[i], height[j]);
water = max(water, (j - i) * h);
while (height[i] <= h && i < j) ++i;
while (height[j] <= h && i < j) --j;
return water;