UDP 123

UDP 123

Looking for information on Protocol UDP 123? This page will attempt to provide you with as much port information as possible on UDP Port 123.

UDP Port 123 may use a defined protocol to communicate depending on the application. A protocol is a set of formalized rules that explains how data is communicated over a network. Think of it as the language spoken between computers to help them communicate more efficiently.

Protocol HTTP for example defines the format for communication between internet browsers and web sites. Another example is the IMAP protocol that defines the communication between IMAP email servers and clients or finally, the SSL protocol which states the format to use for encrypted communications.

UDP Port 123

Here is what we know about protocol UDP Port 123. If you have information on UDP port 123 that is not reflected on this page, simply leave a comment and we’ll update our information.

PORT 123 – Information

  • Port Number: 123
  • TCP / UDP: UDP
  • Delivery: No
  • Protocol / Name: ntp
  • Port Description: Network Time Protocol. Provides time synch between computers and network systems. Assists in database mgmt, auth schemes, and audit/logging accuracy. Security Concerns: It provides both info and an avenue of attack for intruders. Info gathered can include: system uptime, time since reset, time server pkt, I/O, & memory statistics, and ntp peer list. Further, if a host is susceptible to time altering via ntp, an attacker can: 1) Run replay attacks, using captured OTP and Kerberos tickets before they expire. 2) Stop security-related cron jobs from running or cause them to run at incorrect times. 3) Make system and audit logs unreliable, since time is alterable.
  • Virus / Trojan: No

    Tip! Use our free Digital Footprint and Firewall Test to help verify you are not infected.

Side note: UDP port 123 uses the Datagram Protocol, a communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer. This protocol when used over PORT 123 makes possible the transmission of a datagram message from one computer to an application running in another computer. Like TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP is used with IP (the Internet Protocol) but unlike TCP on Port 123, UDP Port 123 is connectionless and does not guarantee reliable communication; it’s up to the application that received the message on Port 123 to process any errors and verify correct delivery.

Because protocol UDP port 123 was flagged as a virus (colored red) does not mean that a virus is using port 123, but that a Trojan or Virus has used this port in the past to communicate.

UDP 123 – Disclaimer

We do our best to provide you with accurate information on PORT 123 and work hard to keep our database up to date. This is a free service and accuracy is not guaranteed. We do our best to correct any errors and welcome feedback!


  1. Dave  says:

    no. it means that your firewall is blocking the windows time service. it means that your time wont sync with the NTP servers.

    if youre confident in the clock on your PC, theres no reason to have port 123 open. just close it.

    then if you want to stop the firewall errors, just stop the windows time service.

  2. georgy paul  says:

    my defensewall firewall tells

    Attempt to set value Desktop within the key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\
    Attempt to post message 412 into the window of the process D:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe.
    Attempt of connect to the UDP port 123
    Attempt to set value Common AppData within the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\
    what does it mean is it hacked

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esp-idf是一个开源的实时操作系统(RTOS)和开发框架,专门为ESP32和ESP32-S2芯片设计。它提供了丰富的软件库和驱动程序,使开发者能够轻松地编写高效的应用程序。 UDP是用户数据报协议(User Datagram Protocol)的简称。它是一种无连接的传输协议,用于在网络上发送数据报,具有简单、快速、无状态的特点。UDP通常用于那些对数据可靠性要求不高的应用,例如即时通信、视频流传输等。 esp-idf中提供了使用UDP协议进行网络通信的相关函数和接口,使开发者能够轻松地在ESP32或ESP32-S2上实现UDP通信功能。通过esp-idf,开发者可以创建UDP套接字(socket),设置监听端口、绑定IP地址等。然后,可以使用相关函数发送和接收UDP数据报。 在使用esp-idf的UDP功能时,需要注意以下几点: 1. 首先,需要在项目配置文件中启用与UDP相关的组件(component)。 2. 然后,可以使用esp-idf提供的接口函数进行UDP通信,例如socket、bind、sendto、recvfrom等函数。 3. 开发者可以根据需要设置UDP套接字的属性,例如超时时间、重试次数等。 4. 在使用UDP通信时,需要注意网络环境和网络拓扑,例如IP地址、端口配置等。 5. 开发者还可以使用Wi-Fi或以太网功能与UDP协议结合,实现无线或有线网络的UDP通信。 总之,esp-idf提供了丰富的UDP网络通信功能,使开发者能够轻松地在ESP32或ESP32-S2上实现UDP通信。无论是即时通信、视频传输还是其他数据传输应用,都可以通过esp-idf进行开发和调试。


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