Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta6 released

Posted by Yoann Rodière | Apr 1, 2020 Hibernate Search Lucene Elasticsearch Releases

We just published Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta6.

Aside from several bugfixes, this release mainly introduces schema management configuration and API at the mapper level, sorts on multi-valued fields, simpler and configurable indexing queues, implicit nested predicates, and offline startup for Elasticsearch. It also includes upgrades to Lucene 8.5, Elasticsearch 7.6.1 and Hibernate ORM 5.4.13.Final.
Getting started with Hibernate Search 6

If you want to dive right into the new, shiny Hibernate Search 6, a good starting point is the getting started guide included in the reference documentation.

Hibernate Search 6 APIs differ significantly from Search 5.

For more information about migration and what we intend to do to help you, see the migration guide.
What’s new
Schema management configuration and API

In HSEARCH-3759 and HSEARCH-3751, schema management was revamped in order to address more use cases.

The simpler approach of managing indexes/schemas implicitly, on startup, through a pre-configured strategy, is now configured at the mapper level through the configuration property hibernate.search.schema_management.strategy. Several strategies are available: none, create, validate, create-or-validate, …​ See automatic schema management for more information.

The default strategy for automatic schema management is now create-or-validate. It will create missing indexes and validate pre-existing ones, instead of the previous default that would ignore pre-existing ones and sometimes lead to oversights, some users forgetting to update the schema after changing the Hibernate Search mapping.

A new approach is to manage indexes/schemas explicitly, whenever you want after startup. It involves getting a SearchSchemaManager from Hibernate Search, then calling its methods to create, validate, or even drop the schema on-demand:

SearchSchemaManager manager = Search.mapping( sessionFactory )
.scope( MyEntity.class ) // Use Object.class to target all indexed entity types
// Starting here, the freshly created indexes can be used

See manual schema management for more information.

Finally, indexes and schema can simply be dropped and re-created when reindexing, by setting the new dropAndCreateSchemaOnStart(boolean) option on the MassIndexer. See MassIndexer parameters for more information.
Offline startup for the Elasticsearch backend

Thanks to the efforts of Alexis Cucumel (HSEARCH-3841), it is now possible to start Hibernate Search in fully offline mode.

To that end:

Configure the expected version of the Elasticsearch cluster using the property hibernate.search.backends.<backend name>.version, and disable version checks on startup using the property hibernate.search.backends.<backend name>.version_check.enabled.

Disable automatic schema management on startup by setting the property hibernate.search.schema_management.strategy to none.

If necessary, add explicit schema management code to your application that you will trigger when you know the Elasticsearch cluster is up and running.

Sorts on multi-valued fields

As of HSEARCH-3103, Hibernate Search is now capable of sorting on multi-valued fields. By default, the minimum value of each document will be picked for ascending sorts, and the maximum value for descending sorts.

A new mode(SortMode) method in the sort DSL can be used to tell Hibernate Search how to pick the value to sort on:

List hits = searchSession.search( Author.class )
.where( f -> f.matchAll() )
.sort( f -> f.field( “books.pageCount” ).mode( SortMode.AVG ) )
.fetchHits( 20 );

See this section of the documentation for more information.

Thanks to Waldemar Kłaczyński for contributing the implementation.
Implicit nested predicates

Up until now, using the “nested” storage for object fields meant that you had to wrap every predicate accessing one if its sub-fields with a nested predicate, even when there was just one predicate.

As of HSEARCH-3752, Hibernate Search does that for you: nested predicates are now added implicitly when not mentioned explicitly.

This means that this query:

List hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
.where( f -> f.nested().objectField( “authors” )
.nest( f.match().field( “authors.lastName” )
.matching( “asimov” ) )
.fetchHits( 20 );

… can now be simply written like this (which previously wouldn’t have matched anything):

List hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
.where( f -> f.match().field( “authors.lastName” )
.matching( “asimov” ) )
.fetchHits( 20 );

If you actually need a condition with more than one predicate on the same nested object, you still need to wrap the predicates in a nested predicate. So this search query will not change:

List hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
.where( f -> f.nested().objectField( “authors” )
.nest( f.bool()
.must( f.match().field( “authors.firstName” )
.matching( “isaac” ) )
.must( f.match().field( “authors.lastName” )
.matching( “asimov” ) )
) )
.fetchHits( 20 );

Flags in simple query strings

Thanks to the efforts of Waldemar Kłaczyński (HSEARCH-3847), the simple query string predicate can now be configured to enable or disable syntax features as needed:

List hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
.where( f -> f.simpleQueryString().field( “title” )
.matching( “I want a robot” )
.flags( SimpleQueryFlag.AND, SimpleQueryFlag.OR, SimpleQueryFlag.NOT ) )
.fetchHits( 20 );

Simpler, configurable indexing queues

Indexing in Hibernate Search involves pushing operations to queues, and executing these operations in background threads.

In HSEARCH-3575, several new configuration options were introduced regarding the background threads (Lucene, Elasticsearch) and the queues (Lucene, Elasticsearch).

In HSEARCH-3822 and HSEARCH-3872, we implemented several improvements to the orchestration of indexing operations, enabling parallel indexing for a single index in particular, and generally simplifying the code.

Finally, in order to make the most of parallel indexing, in HSEARCH-3871 we switched the default configuration of commits in the Lucene backend: commits are now performed every second when mass indexing, instead of the previous behavior of committing every ~1000 documents.
Version upgrades

HSEARCH-3867: Upgrade to Lucene 8.5.0

HSEARCH-3870: Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.6.1

HSEARCH-3873: Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.13.Final

Hibernate Search 6 requires ORM 5.4.4.Final or later to work correctly. Earlier 5.4.x versions will not work correctly.
Backward-incompatible changes

The internal docvalues format for sortable fields in the Lucene backend has changed. Re-indexing will be necessary if your index contains sortable fields.

Configuration properties relative to Elasticsearch index lifecycle management have changed:

    The configuration property lifecycle.strategy was removed and will trigger an exception on startup if used. For automatic schema management on startup, see the new schema_management options at the mapper level.

    The configuration property lifecycle.minimal_required_status was renamed to schema_management.minimal_required_status.

    The configuration property lifecycle.minimal_required_status_wait_timeout was renamed to schema_management.minimal_required_status_wait_timeout.


A few more features in the Sort DSL are now documented:

Sort order

Behavior on missing values

Other improvements and bug fixes

HSEARCH-3796: @IndexedEmbedded can now be applied multiple times to the same getter/field. You will simply need a different prefix.

HSEARCH-3850: A new tool is available to build property keys when configuring Hibernate Search programmatically. See this section of the documentation for more information.

HSEARCH-3844: Using the simple query string predicate on non-analyzed, non-normalized fields in the Lucene backend no longer triggers a NullPointerException. Thanks to Waldemar Kłaczyński for reporting this.

HSEARCH-3845: Prefix queries generated by the simple query string predicate in the Lucene backend no longer skip normalization of the input text. Thanks to Waldemar Kłaczyński for reporting and fixing this.

HSEARCH-3851/HSEARCH-3852: Multiple problems related to reporting of indexing failures have been solved.

HSEARCH-3857: A ConcurrentModificationException used to be thrown in very specific scenarios when indexing multiple entities with @IndexEmbedded dependencies; this was fixed. Thanks to Alexis Cucumel for reporting and fixing this.

HSEARCH-3859: .desc().missing().last() / .asc().missing().first() on double/float-based fields in the Lucene backend no longer place documents around 0, but place them last/first as was originally intended.

HSEARCH-3861: Elasticsearch search queries no longer needlessly fetch the whole document source when no explicit projection is defined.

HSEARCH-3869: Failure in Elasticsearch bulk works no longer lead to a IndexOutOfBoundsException.

HSEARCH-3874: Applying @IdClass on an entity (even not @Indexed), no longer leads to a NullPointerException when bootstrapping Hibernate Search.

And more. For a full list of changes since the previous releases, please see the release notes.
How to get this release

All details are available and up to date on the dedicated page on hibernate.org.
Feedback, issues, ideas?

To get in touch, use the following channels:

hibernate-search tag on Stackoverflow (usage questions)

User forum (usage questions, general feedback)

Issue tracker (bug reports, feature requests)

Mailing list (development-related discussions)




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