Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta2 released

Posted by Yoann Rodière | Oct 28, 2019 Hibernate Search Lucene Elasticsearch Releases

We just published Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta2. This release mainly introduces search analyzers, improves background failure handling and upgrades to Elasticsearch 7.4 and Hibernate ORM 5.4.7.Final.

Getting started with Hibernate Search 6

If you want to dive right into the new, shiny Hibernate Search 6, a good starting point is the getting started guide included in the reference documentation.

Hibernate Search 6 APIs differ significantly from Search 5.

For more information about migration and what we intend to do to help you, see the migration guide.
What’s new
Search analyzer

Since HSEARCH-3042, it is now possible to define a “search analyzer” for each field, so that one analyzer is used when indexing, and another one when querying. This is particularly useful when implementing autocomplete (“search-as-you-type”) with an edge-ngram token filter.

For example:

public class Book {

    private Long id;

                    name = "title_autocomplete",
                    analyzer = "autocomplete", (1)
                    searchAnalyzer = "autocomplete_query" (2)
    private String title;

    // ... getters and setters ...


1 Apply the autocomplete analyzer (defined elsewhere) when indexing, which will normalize text, then generate edge n-grams.
2 Apply the autocomplete-query analyzer (defined elsewhere) when querying, which will normalize text but will not generate edge n-grams.

In the example above:

when indexing, the indexed text QuicK FOX will generate the tokens q, qu, qui, quic, quick, f, fo, fox, and the indexed text quid pro quo will generate the tokens q, qu, qui, quid, p, pr, pro, q, qu, quo.

when querying, the query string quic will only generate the token quic.

As a result, the query string quic will match a document containing QuicK FOX, but not a document containing only quid pro quo.

Without the search analyzer, the query string quic would have been analyzed using the autocomplete analyzer, which would have generated the tokens q, qu, qui, quic. Thus the query would have matched quid pro quo (it has the tokens q, qu and qui in common with the query), which is obviously not the intended behavior.

See this paragraph of the documentation for more information about search analyzers, and the “analysis” section for more information about analysis in general.
Background failure handling

Support for background failure handling similar to Hibernate Search 5 has been restored with significant improvements.

Like in Hibernate Search 5:

Failures happening in background threads that cannot propagate the exception to a user thread (e.g. failures in a Lucene merge thread). will be logged.

You can plug in a custom component to report the exceptions differently: the FailureHandler, similar to Search 5’s ErrorHandler. See the dedicated section in the documentation for more information.

However, compared to Hibernate Search 5, a lot more failures will be propagated to the user thread (Hibernate Search will throw an exception with details about the failure). In particular:

indexing failures during automatic indexing when using the committed or searchable synchronization strategy (see that section of the documentation for details).

failures of explicit indexing operations.

failure of a purge, optimize or flush operation during mass indexing. In this case, failures will also be reported to the failure handler.

entity indexing failure during mass indexing. In this case, failures will also be reported to the failure handler.

In Hibernate Search 5, mass indexing didn’t stop just because indexing one entity failed.

Likewise, in the event of an entity indexing failure during mass indexing, Hibernate Search 6 will still attempt to reindex every relevant entity. The difference is that it will throw an exception when mass indexing finishes, with a count of failed entities and details about the very first failure. Details about other failures are still pushed to the failure handler.
Version upgrades

HSEARCH-3742: Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.7.Final

HSEARCH-3723: Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.4.0

HSEARCH-3724: Upgrade to Jackson 2.9.10.

Hibernate Search 6 requires ORM 5.4.4.Final or later to work correctly. Earlier 5.4.x versions will not work correctly.
Backward-incompatible API changes

HSEARCH-3720: The hibernate-search-mapper-pojo module has a new artifact ID: hibernate-search-mapper-pojo-base. This should affect very few applications, since this module is generally pulled as a transitive dependency.

HSEARCH-3721: All deprecated methods that were already present in 6.0.0.Beta1 were removed.

    Search session:

        Search.getSearchSession(…​): use Search.session(…​) instead.

        createIndexer(…​): use massIndexer(…​) instead.

    When fetching query results:

        fetch() (without any parameter): consider passing a limit (e.g. fetch(20)). If you really want to fetch all hits, use fetchAll().

        fetchHits() (without any parameter): consider passing a limit (e.g. fetchHits(20)). If you really want to fetch all hits, use fetchAllHits().

    In the predicate DSL:

        onField(String)/onFields(String…​)/orField(String)/orFields(String…​)/onObjectField(String)/: use field(String)/fields(String…​)/objectField(String) instead.

        boostedTo(float): use boost(float) instead.

        withConstantScore(): use constantScore() instead.

        withSlop(int): use slop(int) instead.

        from(…​)/above(…​)/below(…​) for the range predicate: use between(…​)/atLeast(…​)/atMost(…​)/greaterThan(…​)/lessThan(…​) instead, or range(…​) for the more complex use cases.

        withAndAsDefaultOperator(): use defaultOperator(BooleanOperator.AND) instead.

    In the sort DSL:

        by*() methods, e.g. byField(…​), byDistance(…​), etc.: use the version without a by prefix instead, e.g. field(…​), distance(…​).

        onMissingValue()/sortLast()/sortFirst(): use missing()/last()/first() instead.

    In the Elasticsearch analysis definition DSL: withTokenizer, withTokenFilters, withCharFilters. Use the methods without the with prefix instead.

AutomaticIndexingSynchronizationStrategy, which could theoretically be implemented by users for advanced use cases, was overhauled to allow for improvements related to background failure handling. See the javadoc for more information about this interface and how to implement it.

Other improvements and bug fixes

HSEARCH-1108: programmatic API doesn’t work correctly for entities with @MappedSuperclass parent

HSEARCH-3084: Initialize and close index managers / backends in parallel

HSEARCH-3684: @IndexedEmbedded.includePaths includes fields one level too deep in some cases

HSEARCH-3694: Single-valued distance sorts on fields within nested fields now work correctly.

HSEARCH-3193: Descending distance sorts now work correctly with the Lucene backend.

HSEARCH-3640: Expose backends/indexes through the ORM mapper APIs

And more. For a full list of changes since the previous releases, please see the release notes.
How to get this release

All details are available and up to date on the dedicated page on hibernate.org.
Feedback, issues, ideas?

To get in touch, use the following channels:

hibernate-search tag on Stackoverflow (usage questions)

User forum (usage questions, general feedback)

Issue tracker (bug reports, feature requests)

Mailing list (development-related discussions)




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