Cloud Foundry integrated into developer tools

Charles Lee
November 10, 2009

Thanks to the efforts of a number of other SpringSource project teams, we are excited to have integrations of three developer tools with Cloud Foundry, namely SpringSource Tool Suite, Grails, and Roo. The result of this is that you can create and develop your Spring or Grails applications, and run them in the cloud without having to leave your favorite IDE or command-line interface. These tools utilize the Cloud Foundry client web services API (to be published soon) and leverage additional intelligence and SpringSource artifact repositories in the cloud for optimized, efficient uploads of Java web applications to Cloud Foundry. This means that you can go from “code to cloud” in just minutes.

For those of you who attended SpringOne 2GX in New Orleans this year, now is the perfect time to take Cloud Foundry for a spin using the free trial account that we provided you.

As a developer, if your application will ultimately be deployed on Cloud Foundry or Amazon EC2 for production, using Cloud Foundry during development gives you a fast, convenient way to verify code changes in an environment that is configured exactly the same way as the production environment. However, even if you are not using EC2 for production, there are still many benefits to having Cloud Foundry in your toolbox.

Immediate access to a web stack in a sandbox environment without having to go through the pain of setting up and configuring a web server, application server, and database on your development machine

Easily configure a multi-instance environment so that you can expose infrastructure architecture issues early in development

Functional/load testing

Giving access to others to your application under development

Given all these benefits, the integration with the following development tools makes incorporating Cloud Foundry into your development process simply seamless and effective.
SpringSource Tool Suite (STS)

Starting with SpringSourceTool Suite version 2.2.0, you’ll get the Cloud Foundry service integrated into the IDE as a new Server type. This supports drag & drop of web application projects onto the Cloud Foundry server, as well as the ability to deploy and control your applications in Cloud Foundry. With the built-in browser, you can view your application and Cloud Foundry web user-interface without having to leave the IDE. Check out this screencast to see it in action and download STS to get started. Thanks to Christian Dupuis and the STS team who contributed this stellar integration effort.

The Cloud Foundry Grails plugin was released just this week, and already we have heard from users about their experiences. Graeme Rocher authored the plugin and has made the source code available through subversion:
svn co

With minimal setup, deploying to Cloud Foundry using the Grails command-line is a snap with a few simple commands. Check out this screencast to see it in action and go to the plugin page to get the details on how to install and use the plugin.

Last, but not least, is the new Roo add-on, which requires 1.0.0.RC3 or later. Ben Alex’s Roo session at SpringOne 2GX was one of the highest attended sessions and was standing room only. We’re ecstatic that Ben saw the increase in productivity achieved through Cloud Foundry and made it the first third-party add-on for Roo. Go to this post to get the directions on how to install the add-on in Roo and use tab completion to find out what all you can do with “cloud foundry”. The source code is also available through subversion:

svn co

We will put together a Roo/Cloud Foundry screencast and make it available very soon at
Cloud Foundry Ready

Along with these projects, we are introducing a Cloud Foundry Ready program. The following image will appear on websites or user-interface of applications wherever a tool or service integrates with Cloud Foundry for enhanced user experience.

We look forward to having you try out Cloud Foundry with these developer tools. Cloud Foundry’s driving goal is to boost your productivity as a developer. Please send us any feedback that you have through the forums.

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由于许多其他SpringSource项目团队的努力,我们很高兴能够将三个开发工具与Cloud Foundry集成,即SpringSource Tool Suite、Grails和Roo。这样做的结果是,您可以创建和开发Spring或Grails应用程序,并在云中运行它们,而不必离开您喜欢的IDE或命令行界面。这些工具利用Cloud Foundry客户端web服务API(即将发布),并利用云中的额外智能和SpringSource工件库来优化、高效地将javaweb应用程序上传到Cloud Foundry。这意味着您可以在几分钟内从“代码到云”。
对于今年在新奥尔良参加SpringOne 2GX的用户来说,现在是使用我们提供给您的免费试用帐户进行Cloud Foundry测试的最佳时机。
作为一名开发人员,如果您的应用程序最终将部署在Cloud Foundry或Amazon EC2上进行生产,那么在开发过程中使用Cloud Foundry将为您提供一种快速、方便的方法来验证与生产环境完全相同的环境中的代码更改。然而,即使您没有使用EC2进行生产,在您的工具箱中使用Cloud Foundry仍然有许多好处。

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