
Welcome to CSAC2022

The 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Applications (CSAC 2022), a special session within GCRAIT2022 (http://www.raitconf.info), will be held during July 30-31, 2022 in Shanghai, China. The aim objective of CSAC is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Computer Science and Application. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.

Homepage: http://www.apcsac.org


All accepted papers of the 3rd CSAC2022 will be published by the IEEE CPS(Conference Publishing Services) and included in IEEE Xplore. Conference publication of IEEE CPS is submitted to EI Compendex, CPCI-S, Scopus, and INSPEC for indexing. The excellent papers will be recommended to the SCI journal.

CSAC2022最终录用的论文将由IEEE出版,并提交至Ei检索。 目前IEEE出版的论文集Ei检索非常稳定,刊出文章均已100%完成Ei检索

第一届CSAC2014 | 已被EI检索 和 知网检索
第二届CSAC2017 | 已被知网检索 


We will send you Acceptance Notification and Registration Instruction as soon as your paper was accepted. And then you could register according to the Registration Instruction.For more information please contact: apcsac@foxmail.com.

 Authors' registration fee includes:
Technical Sessions
Coffee breaks
Lunch on July 31, 2022
Conference program guide
Conference bag and conference giftNote: One registration invite only one author to come to the conference, if more than one author will come, please inform the conference secretary via email: apcsac@foxmail.com, at least 15 days before the conference.

Listeners' registration fee includes:
Technical Sessions
Coffee breaks
Lunch on July 31, 2022
Conference program guide
Conference bag and conference gift

Organizing Committee

General Conference Chair
Prof. Yu Huang, Huazhong Agricultural University, China

Program Committee Chairs
Prof. Lijiang Chen, Beihang University, China
Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Technological Committees

Dr. Walid Tawfik Mohamed, King Saud University
Dr. Muhammad Zubair Iqbal, NIMTE
Dr. Fabian Ezema, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Dr. Maysoon Alias, University of Baghdad,College of Scie-Physics department
Dr. Mohsen Ahmadipour, University of Sains Malaysia
Dr. Hong Jin Kim, Globalfoundries
Dr. Vishal Bharti, Research scholar at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi
Dr. Kurian Vaidyan, University of Kerala
Dr. Velin Nikolov, IGIC-BAS
Dr. Dongxing Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology
Dr. Mohd Ayub Ansari, Department of chemistry, bipin bihari college
Dr. Azizollah Shafiekhani, Institute for research in fundamental sciences
Dr. Lichong Xu, Penn State University College of Medicine
Dr. Yingzi Zhang, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science
Dr. Dr.Zioda K. Karieva, tajik technik university
Dr. Xiaobin Hu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dr. Oguzhan Gunduz, Marmara University
Dr. Riadh Marzouki, Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
Dr. Zizi Abdeen, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute
Dr. Adnan Khan, KAAU
Dr. Ali I.Mosawi, Free Consultation
Dr. Khalid Omar, University of Nizwa
Dr. Dr.Yuqing Lin, University of Central Florida
Dr. Guanghui Yue, Xiamen University
Dr. Shanker Ram, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Prof. Huaizhi Su, Hohai University, China
Prof. Detlef Lzsch, Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Polymer Research
Prof. Nazaret Hidalgo Cuadrado, Complutense University of Madrid
Prof. Aibin Li, Harbin Institute of Technology
Prof. Pawan Kumar Sapra, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab , India
Prof. Mona Abd El-Latif, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications
Prof. Md. Abdul Gafur, PP&PDC, BCSIR
Prof. Malgorzata Perek-Nowak, AGH University of Science and Technology
Prof. HADJAB HADDA, University of Science Technology Houri Boumediene (USTHB)
Prof. Noe Cheung, University of Campinas
Prof. Andrew Rusinko, Obuda University
Prof. Mohammad Amin Hariri-Ardebili, University of Colorado
Prof. Mohammed BELBACHIR, University of Oran A.Ben Bella
Prof. Hojjat Toiserkani, Hormozgan University
Prof. El-Sayed El-Sayed, Ain Shams Un. Cairo Egypt
Prof. Liu Dongyan, Institute of Metal Research(IMR)

Contact Us

Email: apcsac@foxmail.com
Tel: +86-13310186519
WeChat: 13310186519
QQ: 3079616102
Secretary: Mr. Zhao  

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