

From: http://chl033.woku.com/article/2893317.html

1. 首先一定要注意杂志的发表范围, 超出范围的千万别投,要不就是浪费时间;另外,每个杂志都有他们的具体格式要求,一定要按照他们的要求把论文写好,免得浪费时间,前些时候,我的一个同事向一个著名的英文杂志投稿,由于格式问题,人家过两个星期就退回来了,而且说了很多难听的话,说投稿前首先就应该看清楚他们的格式要求;
2. 论文写作一定要言简意赅,特别是摘要,引言和结论部分,特别是摘要和结论不能重复,发现有很多论文这两部分没有差别, 个人认为, 摘要是引人入胜的"药引子",要留悬念;而结论是你论文得出的有证据的东西,要简单明了(很多人写了一大堆,把推测的结果都写上,这种论文质量很差); 另外,很多人认为数据越多, 发表的可能性越大,但经过读一些论文, 发现很多人的论文很烂, 感觉就是数据的简单堆积,所以,论文的重点应该在观点上,保证一篇论文一个新观点,已经足够了.
3. 投稿时,一定要找和你做研究内容相近领域的专家作评阅人,最好是国外的,不是说国内的不好,但就怕有人和你(或你老板)有过节,而且国内的很多所谓专家水平一般,且小心眼;
4. cover letter要简单介绍你的工作的创新性,这样便于论文的快速发表, 当然也应该客气几句,让编辑感到心里舒服,主要是夸杂志好之类的话; 有人写coverletter,就是写上题目、然后说很荣幸投稿之类地话,也有人干脆把摘要全写上,这样个人认为不好,一定用两到三句话说明你论文“新”在哪,这个非常重要。
5. 前些时候看到论坛上很多人说不能写信催编辑,个人认为没关系,必要催信能够让人重视你的论文,一定要让人感到,你的论文在这发不了,好多地方在等着发呢(但很多牛杂志,可不吃这套哟,人家不缺稿,嘿嘿). 当然写信的时候要客气,说一些快速发表对于学术讨论和促进工作等方面的重要性之类的话;
6. 能写英文,就不投中文稿, 特别是不投中文杂志英文版, 好不容易憋了篇英文,还投到低水平的杂志,很不甘心; 最重要的是国内杂志要钱,而国外很多不要。自从国内某杂志告诉我他们之所以收我很高的版面费是为了他们的生存时,我发誓包括以后我的学生就不再投中文杂志了(如果要投,对做材料的人,个人认为金属学报不错,目前收费低);
7. 坚持就是胜利, 按照审稿人的建议好好改你的论文, 只要坚持投稿, 就一定能够被接收的, 如果论文被某杂志拒稿, 但不提倡降低杂志质量再投(应该根据审稿人意见修改后找合适的杂志);有人认为低影响因子的杂志一定中的几率高, 我也这么认为,但一般低影响因子的杂志论文出稿比较慢!
8. 英语不好没关系,是人都知道我们英语没英国和美国人地道,但只要能表达清楚你要表达的意思就好了,而且等审稿人提出来时,一定要从头到尾改一遍,你会发现,这样多次发论文后,你的英语写作水平在一天天提高,拿两年前的论文过来,自己都感觉写得很烂。哈哈。(有好几次,一些审稿人总说我英语不好,这肯定是母语为英语的审稿人,但回信中,我只能说俺英语不好,地球人都知道,但个人认为英语在科技论文里主要是能让人懂我们的思想就够了,而且我也没有太多的钱去让某些改论文的公司帮我做这些事)。

Dear Prof. Dr. Editor ***
I submitted our latest work to your journal *** last November. I want to know the review process. If there are some reponses from the reviewers. Would you please tell me the results so that I can deal with it as early as possible? Please understand me that fast publication of our work is important for me.
I appreciate your contribution to the publication of the high quality papers.
Kind thanks to you for your care.

Best Regards
Yours sincerely

第二封, 很不客气了,他们刚开始说他们的审稿周期很短,但近四个月了,也没消息,所以打算投别的地方.

Dear Dr. Prof. ***

I am sorry to make you in trouble. It takes too long for reviewing my manuscript (***) which was submitted to Journal "***". Generally, only about two months are necessary for the reviewing process on my usual submissions to other Journals. Hence, I decide to withdraw this submission.

I am sorry to make this decision. Please understand my condition because the rapid publication of my work is important for me and our group.

I hope that I have chance to get a rapid publication in this Journal in future.

Thank you for your attention and kind help.

Best Regards
Yours sincerely



1. 对于影响因子。有的影响因子(IF)很高,50/60.比《Science》和《Nature》的还要高。可能有一下原因:

2. 如何选择期刊。是不是只看影响因子高的?

3. 一般美国的杂志对语言要求最低,文风很自由.,你只要没有什么太大的语法错误,一般审稿人都不会说什么.对语言要求最苛刻的就是英国德国

4. 很多好杂志是不要版面费的,就算要版面费,好像学校有规定可以报销,所以大家可以放心大胆的投。不要因为版面费的问题而顾虑。并不说要版面费的都是差的杂志,但有的可以申请减免。

5. 一定要选对杂志!每个杂志都要他的侧重点和内容要求。比如:有的相似的两种杂志,有的侧重“理论”像美国的《PHYTOPATHOLOGY》,而有的侧重于“应用”和其他方面。如《PLANT DIS》.

6.  一些误区:



7 大胆投稿的好处

8 如何安排写论文的时间。
9 参考文献。

    『注意』:a 参考文献最好有1/3甚至1/2以上是近5年内的文献,这样的论文会让人感觉有水平些。b 其次,最好找一手的文献,不要那种二手的文献。


1.           2.
Q:......    Q:......
A:......    A:......



11. 对于选杂志
  首先:你可以看看发表的论文从接收到正式出版要多少时间。  其次:那就是问问投过那些杂志的人。可以问下和你做相似实验,并且投过你感兴趣的那些杂志的师兄师姐们。也可以在网上求助和搜集信息。  总之,选择杂志是很很复杂的事情,要综合考虑。

12. 写论文时,首先:不要一味的贬低别人的论文的价值,不要动不动就拿自己的“优点”与他人的“缺点”比。要对别人的工作做“客观的评价”。


4、美国电子电气工程计算机学会出版社(IEEE CS):99%EI收录
7、法国Atlantis Press:70%

2、ICMA2007确实是2007年唯一在中国由IEEE发起的会议。另外,它不是由IEEE CS出版,而是由IEEE出版,区别于其他会议有三点(1)会议常规注费费高500美元,因IEEE要占大头。(2)设有IEEE会员注册费,这是IEEE会员的权利,因为他们每年交纳500-1000元的会费。(3)EI收录快,两个月全部搞定,这是组织方与IEEE的约定。
5、上面只是我的经验,当然你们无法考证,我发表的5篇斯普林格出版社全部EI、ISTP收录,其中3篇SCI收录。发表在IEEE CS上的6篇全部EI、ISTP收录,发表在IEEE上的5篇中全部ISTP收录,4篇EI收录,一篇没被EI收录是2003年的ICNNSP。发表在IET上的两篇全部EI、ISTP收录。发表在ASCE上的两篇全部EI、ISTP收录。我同学发表在ASME上的3篇全部EI、ISTP收录。



① 搜索引擎的高级功能


(2)文件类型检索:文件类型主要是.pdf和.doc文档,国外文献大部分以pdf格式发布,使用格式限制可以排除很多不必要的检索结果,如输入:停车 filetype:pdf,当然其它google识别的格式都可使用;

(3)指定网址检索:如果发现某个网站有需要的文献,则可以直接指定到该网站检索,以获得需要的资料,如输入:停车 site:www.parknride.com。

② 关键词的使用
检索结果如何,和关键词的使用直接相关,所以,首先要弄清楚在英文中关键词有哪几种表达方式,分别进行检索,而对于文献综述类,可以使用:review、overview、literature review、history、development、trend等和关键词一起检索。


③ 参考文献的使用

④ 网站回溯

⑤ 通过bbs资源查找相关资料和资源

⑥ 使用代理


1.? SCI/EI/ISTP/一级期刊的基本知识;
2.? 如何利用数据库和查找文献;
3.? 如何寻找领域前沿;
4.? 如何撰写高水平论文和投稿;
5.? 把握数量和质量的平衡。

1.1 SCI
1.1.1  SCI索引
    SCI(科学引文索引,英文全称Science Citation Index)是美国科学情报研究所(Institute for Scientific Information,简称ISI)拥有的世界著名的期刊文献检索工具。
SCI是SCI的光盘核心库;而SCI-Expanded (简称SCIE)是SCI的扩展库。国内高校在统计论文索引情况时一般对SCI和SCIE都认可为SCI索引。

1.1.2 ISTP会议录索引
    ISI Proceedings (ISTP - Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings),ISTP科学技术会议录索引是美国ISI编辑出版的查阅各种会议录的网络数据库。目前国内很多高校也在统计ISTP索引的数量。
? 一般而言SCI索引的会议必然会被ISTP同时索引,但是反之不然。

1.1.3  影响因子IF
? 期刊引用报告JCR(Jorunal Citation Reports)是ISI对其SCI索引的期刊进行的参数化评价,影响因子IF(Impact Factor) 是其中一项最有代表性的参数。
? IF是当年其它SCI论文引用该刊此前2年所发表文章次数除以该刊前2中发表的文章数目,其值越大,说明该期刊越重要。
? 需要强调单篇文章的引用次数问题,自引与他引的问题。

1.1.4  SCI收录期刊分区

1.1.5  会议是否SCI索引
? 最直接的方法是看会议主页上的说明。如果说明中没有明确肯定,则可以写信给会议的组织方咨询,一般老外答复都是比较含蓄的(例如我师兄的ICCS经历),而国内的答复就会非常直接(其实国内会议如果是SCI的都会在主页上隆重注明的)。
? 另外还可以直接查询看这个会议前几年是否都是SCI索引,但是有的会议会隔年索引,所以这个办法不是非常可靠。使用这个办法还要注意SCI索引中会议的缩写格式,以免漏查。

1.1.6  LNCS会议被SCI收录
? 目前计算机领域的LNCS系列会议基本会被SCI收录。



1.2 EI索引
1.2.1? 美国《工程索引》 EI(Engineering Index),由美国工程信息公司(Engineering Information Inc.)创办,主要收录工程技术期刊文献和会议文献的大型检索系统。

1.2.2 EI-Compendex和Page One
? Ei Compendex标引文摘收录论文的题录、摘要、主题词和分类号,进行深加工;有没有主题词和分类号是判断论文是否被Ei正式收录的唯一标志。
? 据说2006年起EI取消光盘版,只有EI Village2,即 Compendex和Page One合并。
Ei PageOne
? Ei PageOne题录不列入文摘,没有主题词和分类号,不进行深加工。有的PageOne也带有摘要,但没有主题词和分类号。所以带有文摘不一定算做正式进入Ei。
? 请注意学校里面说的EI一般是指前者!在数据库中检索时,要主要看清楚检索结果中的检索序列号是否11位,并且数据库源是否Compendex。

1.2.3 SCI和EI会议
? 目前学校更认可SCI索引,虽然很多很高级别的会议也只被EI收而不被SCI收。从这一点来说,其实文章最好先投SCI的会议,以免“浪费”。
? 对期刊而言,SCI有一个评价标准例如影响因子等,而EI则不然,所以这对EI也是一个不太好的因素。
? 对会议来说,SCI的索引周期前面说过一般是三个月左右,而EI就没有固定规律,从一两个月到将近一年的都曾经碰到过。

1.2.4 确定会议是否EI索引
? 对一个会议来说,是否确定EI收很难,即使是会议的主办方,一般也不可能百分百确定本届全部几册都会被索引(依据:我师兄投CE2004时电话咨询的过程)。但是一般来说,如果一个会连续几届都被EI全收,那么这届就不会有问题。另外,有些会议会在海报上注明自己是会被EI收的,这种也是可以投的。

? 德国Springer出版社的LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)和荷兰的Brill Academic出版社的LSCCS (Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences)都确定被SCI全收。
? 注意:同一个出版社的其他会议论文集系列不一定会被SCI收!例如Springer的Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence。
? 周围同学和一些老师公认的评价原则(重要性依次递减):针对性、届数、录用篇数、录用率、特邀嘉宾的影响力。
? 网络上大家公认新加坡南洋理工的一个帖子,网址如下:
? 请注意这些会议级别和SCI、EI并无直接关系,也就是说,顶级不见得SCI或者EI。
? Rank 1的文章1篇,胜过普通会议10篇。
AREA: System Technology
SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps
INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm Soc
SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles
SOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and Implementation
CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications Security
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
MOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and Networking
USENIX Conf on Internet Tech and Sys
ICNP: Intl Conf on Network Protocols
以上都是本人关注的网络、系统和安全的顶级会议,许多论文后来都被推荐到IEEE 或ACM Transactions系列。
? 如果只是认准SCI的话,推荐,相关的会议列表可在其主页上下载,一般比较完整详细,但也有计划外指标(这几年国内主办了不少)。
? 如果感觉你自己的文章很有感觉,或者觉得你的idea过于新奇,不妨投投顶级会议看看最权威的评价,对于你的研究将会有莫大的帮助。
? 按照前几届师兄的提法,不要投业内知名的垃圾会议如ICMLC和SMC,LNCS也有此倾向。

? 一级与A类,一级要比A类的范围小些。一级其实是校人事处定的,估计最初是定给学校的教职员工的;而A类是明确定给研究生教育的,所以从两者的选取原则上有一定差别。
? 请注意,这里列出的一级是某高校的一级,各个学校和单位的目录可能会有所差别
? 原有的:计算机科学与技术学报(英文版)、电子学报(中、英文版)、计算机学报(中、英文版)、软件学报、计算机研究与发展、自动化学报、系统工程理论与实践(中、英文版)、模式识别与人工智能、计算机辅助设计与图形学学报、中国图象图形学报。
? 去年学校新增加的:计算机集成制造系统、控制与决策。
? 科学通报(中、英文版)、中国科学(A-E辑)(中、英文版)、制理论与应用、通信学报、电子与信息学报等。具体目录可参考学校人事处文件。

2 如何使用文献数据库
? IEL:即IEE和IEEE,最具知名度和影响力;
? Elsevier Science Direct On Site (SDOS):荷兰的一个出版集团,也极其影响力;
? ACM Digital Library:ACM的所有文献;
? Lecture Notes in Computer Science:即Springer公司的LNCS系列会议,虽是SCI但水平不高,作为文献价值不大。
? CNKI:清华的中国期刊网,能全文检索。

? ISI Web of Knowledge:即SCI检索库;
? 熟练使用SCI数据库非常有用,请务必掌握;
? 除查找被收录的文献外,还可以使用JCR;

? Journal Citation Report,包括各类期刊的影响因子。
? 建议找到一个学科,按影响因子IF排序,一般来说,IF高的难度大,低的难度小,不过太低的,如<0.1比较危险,可能被淘汰。
? 注意IF可以通过计算得到,国内有些期刊如《计算机学报》、《计算机研究与发展》等得出自己的IF,但我们所谈论的是SCI期刊间的引用,不可同日而语。

? 其实,从某种意义上讲,GOOGLE也很有效。直接输入全部或部分文献名,作者名等均可;
? 我来浙大前,在自己这个方向搜集了大约200篇文献,95%从因特网上获取;
? 无法从因特网上直接获取的文献,往往被引用率也不高,因为别人难以得到。
? 建议至少读500篇外文文献,其中100篇精读。

3.1 如何寻找领域前沿
  确定方向,读一些国内一级或IEEE Magazine的综述;
  熟悉本领域最具影响的国际期刊(IEEE Transactions)和顶级会议(Rank 1);

3.2 如何寻找领域前沿
4.1 如何撰写高水平论文

4.2 如何投稿


CORE Computer Science Conference Rankings

AcronymStandard NameRank
AAAINational Conference of the American Association for Artificial IntelligenceA+
AAMASInternational Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsA+
ACLAssociation of Computational LinguisticsA+
ACMMMACM Multimedia ConferenceA+
ASPLOSArchitectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsA+
CAVComputer Aided VerificationA+
CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications SecurityA+
CHIInternational Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsA+
COLTAnnual Conference on Computational Learning TheoryA+
CRYPTOAdvances in CryptologyA+
CSCLComputer Supported Collaborative LearningA+
DCCIEEE Data Compression ConferenceA+
DSNInternational Conference on Dependable SystemsA+
EuroCryptInternational Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic TechniquesA+
FOCSIEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceA+
FOGAFoundations of Genetic AlgorithmsA+
HPCAIEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer ArchitectureA+
I3DGACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsA+
ICAPSInternational Conference on Automated Planning and SchedulingA+
ICCVIEEE International Conference on Computer VisionA+
ICDEIEEE International Conference on Data EngineeringA+
ICDMIEEE International Conference on Data MiningA+
ICFPInternational Conference on Functional ProgrammingA+
ICISInternational Conference on Information SystemsA+
ICMLInternational Conference on Machine LearningA+
ICSEInternational Conference on Software EngineeringA+
IJCAIInternational Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA+
IJCARInternational Joint Conference on Automated ReasoningA+
INFOCOMJoint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications SocietiesA+
InfoVisIEEE Information Visualization ConferenceA+
IPSNInformation Processing in Sensor NetworksA+
ISCAACM International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureA+
ISMARIEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityA+
ISSACInternational. Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationA+
ISWCIEEE International Symposium on Wearable ComputingA+
IWQoSIFIP International Workshop on QoSA+
JCDLACM Conference on Digital LibrariesA+
KRInternational Conference on Principles of KR & ReasoningA+
LICSIEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer ScienceA+
MOBICOMACM International Conferencem on Mobile Computing and NetworkingA+
NIPSAdvances in Neural Information Processing SystemsA+
OOPSLAACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and ApplicationsA+
OSDIUsenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and ImplementationA+
PERCOMIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsA+
PERVASIVEInternational Conference on Pervasive ComputingA+
PLDIACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design & ImplementationA+
PODCACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed ComputingA+
PODSACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Conferenceon Principles of Database SystemsA+
POPLACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Prog LangsA+
RSSRobotics: Systems and ScienceA+
RTSSReal Time Systems SympA+
SENSYSACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsA+
SIGCOMMACM Conference on Applications, Technologies,Architectures, and Protocols for Computer CommunicationA+
SIGGRAPHACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive TechniquesA+
SIGIRACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information RetrievalA+
SIGKDDACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningA+
SIGMETRICSACM SIG on computer and communications metrics and performanceA+
SIGMODACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data ConferenceA+
SODAACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete AlgorithmsA+
SOSPACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems PrinciplesA+
STOCACM Symposium on Theory of ComputingA+
UAIConference in Uncertainty in Artifical IntelligenceA+
UbiCompUniquitous ComputingA+
VLDBInternational Conference on Very Large DatabasesA+
WWWInternational World Wide Web ConferenceA+
ACM-HTACM Hypertext ConfA
AHInternational Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based SystemsA
AIDInternational Conference on AI in DesignA
AIEDInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in EducationA
AIIMArtificial Intelligence in MedicineA
AIMEArtificial Intelligence in Medicine in EuropeA
AiMLAdvances in Modal LogicA
ALENEXWorkshop on Algorithm Engineering and ExperimentsA
ALIFEInternational Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living SystemsA
AMAIArtificial Intelligence and MathsA
AMIAAmerican Medical Informatics Annual Fall SymposiumA
AOSDAspect-Oriented Software DevelopmentA
APPROXInternational Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsA
ASAPInternational Conference on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsA
ASEAutomated Software Engineering ConferenceA
ASIACRYPTInternational Conference on the Theory and Applications of CryptologyA
ASIS&TAnnual conference of American Society for Information Science and TechnologyA
ATVAInternational Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisA
AVSSAdvanced Video and Signal Based SurveillanceA
BMVCBritish Machine Vision ConferenceA
BPMInternational Conference in Business Process ManagementA
CADEInternational Conference on Automated DeductionA
CAIPInternational Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and PatternsA
CaiSEInternational Conference on Advanced Information Systems EngineeringA
CANIMComputer AnimationA
CASESInternational Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded SystemsA
CBSEInternational Symposium Component-Based Software EngineeringA
CCInternational Conference on Compiler ConstructionA
CCCIEEE Symposium on Computational ComplexityA
CCGRIDIEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the GridA
CDCIEEE Conference on Decision and ControlA
CGIComputer Graphics InternationalA
CGOCode Generation and OptimizationA
CIDRConference on Innovative Data Systems ResearchA
CIKMACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge ManagementA
CLUSTERCluster Computing ConferenceA
COCOONInternational Conference on Computing and CombinatoricsA
CogSciAnnual Conference of the Cognitive Science SocietyA
COLINGInternational Conference on Computational LiguisticsA
CONCURInternational Conference on Concurrency TheoryA
CoNLLConference on Natural Language LearningA
CoopISInternational Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsA
CoordinationInternational Conference on Coordination Models and LanuguagesA
CPInternational Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgrammingA
CPAIORInternational Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsA
CSBIEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics ConferenceA
CSCWACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkA
CSFWIEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopA
CSSACCognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceA
CVPRIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionA
DACDesign Automation ConfA
DASInternational Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsA
DASFAADatabase Systems for Advanced ApplicationsA
DATEIEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceA
DEXAInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems ApplicationsA
DIGRADigital Games Research ConferenceA
DISDesigning Interactive SystemsA
DISCInternational Symposium on Distributed Computing (ex WDAG)A
DocEngACM Symposium on Document EngineeringA
DOODDeductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesA
DUXDesign for User ExperienceA
EAAIEngineering Applications of Artifical IntelligenceA
EACLEuropean Association of Computational LinguisticsA
EASEInternational Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software EngineeringA
ECACM Conference on Electronic CommerceA
ECAIEuropean Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA
ECCVEuropean Conference on Computer VisionA
ECDLEuropean Conference on Digital LibrariesA
ECISEuropean Conference on Information SystemsA
ECMLEuropean Conference on Machine LearningA
ECOOPEuropean Conference on object-oriented programmingA
ECRTSEuromicro Conference on Real-Time SystemsA
ECSCWEuropean Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkA
ECWebInternational Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web TechnologyA
EDBTExtending Database TechnologyA
EKAWInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge ManagementA
EMMSADExploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and DesignA
EMNLPEmpirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingA
EMSOFTACM Conference on Embedded SoftwareA
ESAEuropean Symposium on AlgorithmsA
e-scienceIEEE International Conference on e-science and Grid ComputingA
ESEMInternation Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and MeasurementA
ESOPEuropean Symposium on ProgrammingA
ESORICSEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityA
ESQARUInternational Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical ReasoningA
ESWCEuropean Semantic Web ConferenceA
EuroCOLTEuropean Conference on Computational Learning TheoryA
EUROGRAPHEuropean Graphics ConferenceA
EuroParInternational Conference on Parallel ProcessingA
EuroPVM/MPIEuopean PVM/MPI Uswers' Group ConferenceA
EuroSpeechEuropean Conference on Speech Communication and TechnologyA
EuroSPIEuropean SPIA
EuroSysEurosys ConferenceA
EWSNEuropean conference on Wireless Sensor NetworksA
FCCMIEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesA
FLOPSInternational Symposium on Functional and Logic ProgrammingA
FMEFormal Methods EuropeA
FODOInternational Conference on Foundation on Data OrganizationA
FORTEIFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And VerificationA
FPSACFormal Power Series and Algebraic CombinatoricsA
FSEACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc ESEC-FSE when held joInternationaly [sic])A
FSRInternational Conference on Field and Service RoboticsA
FST&TCSFoundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer ScienceA
FUZZ-IEEEIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy SystemsA
GDGraph DrawingA
GridInternational Conference on Grid ComputingA
GroupACM Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (was SIGGRoup)A
HiPCInternational Conference on High Performance ComputingA
HOTCHIPS (HCS)Symposium on High Performance ChipsA
HOTNETSACM Workshop on Hot Topics in NetworksA
HotOSUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating SystemsA
HPDCIEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed ComputingA
HypertextACM Conference on Hypertext and HypermediaA
IC3NInternational Conference on Computer Communication and NetworksA
ICADLInternational Conference of Asian Digital LibrariesA
ICALPInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and ProgrammingA
ICALTIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning TechnologiesA
ICARCVInternational Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and VisionA
ICCIEEE International Conference on CommunicationsA
ICCADInternational Conference on Computer-Aided DesignA
ICCLIEEE International Conference on Computer LanguagesA
ICCSInternational Conference on Computational ScienceA
ICCSInternational Conference on Conceptual StructuresA
ICDARIEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and RecognitionA
ICDCSIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing SystemsA
ICDTInternational Conference on Database TheoryA
ICECCSIEEE International Conference on Engineering and Complex Computer SystemsA
ICERInternational Computing Education Research WorkshopA
ICGGInternational Conference on Grid ComputingA
ICIAPInternational Conference on Image Analysis and ProcessingA
ICIPIEEE International Conference on Image ProcessingA
ICLPInternational conference on Logic ProgrammingA
ICMASInternational Conference on Multi Agent SystemsA
ICNNIEEE International Conference on Neural NetworksA
ICNPInternational Conference on Network ProtocolsA
ICONIPInternational Conference on Neural Information ProcessingA
ICPPInternational Conference on Parallel ProcessingA
ICPRInternational Conference on Pattern RecognitionA
ICSACM International Conference on SupercomputingA
ICSC2International Computer Symposium ConferenceA
ICSMInternational. Conferenceon Software MaintenanceA
ICSOCInternational Conference on Service Oriented ComputingA
ICSPInternational Conference on Software ProcessA
ICSPCInternational Conference on Security in Pervasive ComputingA
ICSRIEEE International Conference on Software ReuseA
ICTLInternational Coference on Temporal LogicA
IDAIntelligent Data AnalysisA
IEEE-AlifeIEEE International Symposium on Artificial LifeA
IEEE-CECCongress on Evolutionary ComputationA
IEEE-MMIEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and SystemsA
IEEETKDEIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringA
IFIP_WG 11.3IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (was IFIP-DBSEC)A
IJCNLPInternational Joint Conference on Natural Language ProcessingA
IJCNNIEEE International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksA
ILPSInternational Logic Programming SymposiumA
IMIFIP/IEEE Integrated Management (odd years sharing with NOMS)A
IMCInternet Measurement ConferenceA
INTERACTIFIP International Conference on Human-Computer InteractionA
IPCOMPS Conference on integer programming & combinatorial optimizationA
IPDPSIEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP)A
ISAACInternational Symposium on Algorithms and ComputationA
ISDInternational Conference on Information Systems DevelopmentA
ISESEInternational Symposium on Empirical Software EngineeringA
ISMBIntelligent Systems in Molecular BiologyA
ISRInternational Symposium on RoboticsA
ISSCCIEEE International Solid-State Circuits ConferenceA
ISSRInternational Symposium on Robotics ResearchA
ISSREInternational Symposium on Software Reliability EngineeringA
ISSTAInternation Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisA
ISTAInternational Conference on Information Systems Technology and its ApplicationA
ISTCSIsrael Symposium on Theory of Computing and SystemsA
ISWCInternational Semantic Web ConferenceA
ITiCSEAnnual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science EducationA
ITSInternational Conference on Intelligent Tutoring SystemsA
IUIIntelligent User InterfacesA
IVCNZImage and Vision Computing ConferenceA
JELIALogics in Artificial Intelligence, European ConferenceA
JICSLP/ICLP/ILPSInternational Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming (Joint)A
K-CAPKnowledge captureA
LCNIEEE Conference on Local Computer NetworksA
LCTESACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Tools, and Compilers for Embedded SystemsA
LPARLogic Programming and Automated ReasoningA
LPNMRInternational Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic ReasoningA
MASCOTSSymposium Model Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommunications SystemsA
MASSIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor SystemsA
MassParSymposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel ProcessingA
MICROInternational Symposium on MicroarchitectureA
MiddlewareACM/IFIP/USENIX th International Middleware ConferenceA
MIRACM SIGMM International Woekshop on Multimedia Information RetrievalA
MMCNACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingA
MMSPInternational Workshop on Multimedia Signal ProcessingA
MOBIHOCACM Symposium of mobile and ad hoc computingA
MobileHCIInternational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and ServicesA
MobiquitousInternational Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and ServicesA
MobisysACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on mobile systems, applications and servicesA
MODELSInternational Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (formerly UML)A
MSWIMACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsA
NAACLNorth American Association for Computational LinguisticsA
NDSSUsenix Networked and Distributed System Security SymposiumA
Net Object DaysIncludings [sic] MATES, ENASE etc.A
NetStoreNetwork Storage SymposiumA
Networking 200XIFIP Networking 200XA
NOSSDAVNetwork and OS Support for Digital A/VA
NSDISymposium on Networked Systems, Design and ImplementationA
OPENARCHIEEE Conference on Open Architecture and Network ProgrammingA
P2PIEEE International Conference on Peer-toPeer ComputingA
PACTInternational Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation TechniquesA
PADLPractical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesA
PADSACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed SimulationA
PAKDDPacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningA
PDCParticipatory Design ConferenceA
PEPMACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evalutation and Program ManipulationA
PERFORMANCEIFIP International Symposium on Computing Performance, Modelling, Measurement and EvaluationA
PGPacific GraphicsA
PKDDEuropean Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesA
PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingA
PPSNParallel Problem Solving from NatureA
PRO-VEIFIP Working Conferences on Virtual EnterprisesA
PTPerformance Tools - International Conference on Model Techniques & Tools for CPEA
QoSAConference on the Quality of Software ArchitecturesA
QSICInternational Quality Software ConferenceA
RAIDSymposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion DetectionA
RANDOMInternational Workshop on Randomization and ComputationA
REIEEE Requirements EngineeringA
RECOMBAnnual International Conferenceon Comp Molecular BiologyA
RoboCupRobot Soccer World CupA
RSTInternational Conference on Reliable Software TechnologiesA
RTAInternational Conference on Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsA
RTASIEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications SymposiumA
S&PIEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyA
SARASymposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and ApproximationA
SASStatic Analysis SymposiumA
SATInternational Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability TestingA
SCAACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer AnimationA
SCCIEEE International Conference on Services ComputingA
SCGACM Symposium on Computational GeometryA
SCOPESInternational Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded SystemsA
SDMSIAM International Conference on Data MiningA
SDSDIUnix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and ImplementationA
SIGCSEACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education ConferenceA
SMSIEEE International Symposium on Software MetricsA
SPAASymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and ArchitecturesA
SPICESoftware Process Improvement and Capability DeterminationA
SRDSSymposium on Reliable Distributed SystemsA
SSDBMInternational Conference on Scientific and Statistical Data Base ManagementA
SSPRStructural and Statistical pattern recognitionA
SSRACM Symposium on Software ReusabilityA
SSTDInternational Symposium on Spatial DatabasesA
STACSSymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceA
SUPERACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceA
SWATScandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryA
TABLEAUXInternational Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related MethodsA
TACASTools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of SystemsA
TARKTheoretical Aspects of Rationality and KnowledgeA
TIMEInternational Symposium on Temporal Representation and ReasoningA
TRECText Retrieval ConferenceA
UISTACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyA
UMInternational Conference on User ModellingA
USENIXUSENIX Annual Technical ConferenceA
USENIX-SecurityUsenix SecurityA
USITSUnix Symposium on Internet TechnologiesA
VCIPSPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image ProcessingA
VISIEEE VisualizationA
VL/HCCIEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL)A
VLSIIEEE Symposium VLSI CircuitsA
VMCAIVerification, Model Checking and Abstract InterpretationA
WACVIEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionA
WADSWorkshop on Algorithms and Data StructuresA
WICSAEEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software ArchitectureA
WISEInternational Conference on Web Information Systems EngineeringA
WoWMoMIEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia NetworksA
WPHOLInternational Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order LogicsA
AAAAECCInternational Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting CodesB
AAIMConference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and ManagementB
ACALAustralian Conference on Artificial LifeB
ACCVAsian Conference on Computer VisionB
ACEAustralasian Conference on Computer Science EducationB
ACISAustralasian Conference on Information SystemsB
ACISPAustralasian Conference on Information Security and PrivacyB
ACIVSAdvanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision SystemsB
ACOSMAustralian Conference on Software MetricsB
ACRAAustralian Conference on Robotics and AutomationB
ACSAustralian Supercomputing ConfB
ACSACAustralasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference (now Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference)B
ACSCAustralasian Computer Science ConferenceB
ACSDApplication of Concurrency to System DesignB
ADBISSymposium on Advances in DB and Information SystemsB
ADCAustralasian Database ConferenceB
ADCSAustralasian Document Computing SymposiumB
ADHOC-NOWInternational Conference on AD-HOC Networks & WirelessB
ADTIInternational Symposium on Advanced DB Technologies and IntegrationB
AI*IACongress of the Italian Assoc for AIB
AINAInternational Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (was ICOIN)B
AISPAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyB
ALEXAlgorithms and ExperimentsB
ALGENGG Workshop on Algorithm EngineeringB
ALPInternational Conference on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingB
ALTAWAustralasian Language Techology Association WorkshopB
AMCISAmericas Conference on Information SystemsB
AMOCAsian International Mobile Computing ConferrenceB
ANALCOWorkshop on Analytic Algorithms and CombinatoricsB
ANNIEArtificial Neural Networks in Engineering ConferenceB
ANTSInternational Workshop on Ant ColonyB
ANZIISAustralian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems ConferenceB
AofAConference on Analysis of AlgorithmsB
AOIRInternet ResearchB
AOISAgent-Oriented Information Systems WorkshopB
AOSEAgent-Oriented Software Engineering WorkshopB
APAMIAsia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics ConferenceB
APBCAsia-Pacific Bioinformatics ConferenceB
APCCIEEE Asia Pacific Conference on CommunicationsB
APCHIAsia-Pacific Conference on Computer Human InteractionB
APLASASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsB
APNOMSAsia-Pacific Network Operations and Management SymposiumB
APSECAsia-Pacific Software Engineering ConferenceB
APWEBAsia Pacific Web ConferenceB
ARANational Conference of the Australian Robot AssociationB
ARESInternational Conference on Availability, Reliability and SecurityB
ASADMChicago ASA Data Mining Conference- A Hard Look at DMB
ASIANAsian Computing Science ConferenceB
ASSIEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumB
ASWECAustralian Software Engineering ConferenceB
ASWECAustralian Software Engineering ConferenceB
AUICAustralasian User Interface ConferenceB
AusAIAustralian Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceB
AusDMAustralian Data Mining ConferenceB
AusWITAustralian Women in IT ConferenceB
AWOCAAustralasian Workshop on Combinatorial AlgorithmsB
AWREAustralian Workshop on Requirements EngineeringB
AWTIArgentine Workshop on Theoretical InformaticsB
BASYSIEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation SystemsB
BNCODBritish National Conference on DatabasesB
BroadnetsInternational Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and SystemsB
CAAICanadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceB
CAANWorkshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of NetworkingB
CACSDIEEE/IFAC Joint Symposium on Intelligent ControlB
CAIAConference on Artificial Intelligence for ApplicationsB
CATSComputing: The Australasian Theory SymposiumB
CCAIEEE International Conference on Control ApplicationsB
CCCGCanadian Conferenceon Computational GeometryB
CCWIEEE Computer Communications WorkshopB
CDIFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component DeploymentB
CEASInternational Conference on Email and Anti-SpamB
CEC/EEEIEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology and Enterprise Computing, e_Commerce and e-ServicesB
CGAWorkshop on Computational Geometry and ApplicationsB
CHESCryptographic Hardware and Embedded SystemsB
CIAAInternational Conference on Implementation and Application of AutomataB
CIACItalian Conference on Algorithms and ComplexityB
CICLINGConference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational LinguisticsB
CISTMConference on Information Science, Technology and ManagementB
CITBComplexity and information-theoretic approaches to biologyB
COCOAConference on Combinatorial Optimization and ApplicationsB
COMADInternational Conference on Management of DataB
COMMONSENSESymposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense ReasoningB
CompLifeInternational Symposium on Computational Life ScienceB
COMPSACInternational Computer Software and Applications ConferenceB
CONPARInternational Conference on Vector and Parallel ProcessingB
CPMCombinatorial Pattern MatchingB
CSL,2 th Annual Conference on Computer Science LogicB
DACDigital Arts and CultureB
DAFXDigital Audio Effects ConferenceB
DAISIFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Inoperable SystemsB
DaWaKData Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryB
DB&ISInternational Baltic Conference on Databases and Information SystemsB
DCOSSIEEE Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor SystemsB
DICTAAustralian Pattern Recognition Society ConferenceB
DISRAIEEE International Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Simululation and Real-Time ApplicationsB
DITWInternationale Tagung WirtschaftsinformatikB
DLTDevelopments in Language TheoryB
DMTCSInternational Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceB
DNAMeeting on DNA Based ComputersB
DSOMIFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems Operations and ManagementB
DS-RTDistributed Simulation and Real-time ApplicationsB
DSSDistributed Simulation SymposiumB
DYSPANIEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access NetworksB
ECAIMEuropean Conference on AI in MedicineB
ECALEuropean Conferene on Artificial LifeB
ECBSAnnual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based SystemsB
ECCBEuropean Conference on Computational BiologyB
ECEGEurpopean Conference on e-GovernmentB
ECIMEEuropean Conference on Information Management and EvaluationB
ECIREuropean Conference on Information RetrievalB
ED-MEDIAWorld Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and TelecommunicationsB
EDOCThe Enterprise Computing ConferenceB
EEEIEEE e-technology, e-service and e-commerce conferenceB
EGCEuropean Grid ConferenceB
EmnetsIEEE Embedded Sensor Networks WorskhopB
EPIAPortuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceB
ERInternational Conference on Conceptual ModelingB
ERCIM/CSCLPERCIMAnnual Workshop on Constraint Solving and Contraint Logic ProgrammingB
ESEAEuromicro International Conference on software engineering and applicationsB
ESECEuropean Software Engineering ConferenceB
ESMEuropean Simulation MulticonferenceB
ESSEuropean Simulation SymposiumB
EuAdaAda-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software TechnologiesB
EUROGPEuropean Conference on Genetic ProgrammingB
EuroPDPEUROMICRO Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based processingB
EUSIPCOEuropean Signal Processing ConferenceB
EWLREuropean Workshop on Learning RobotsB
FASEFundamental Approaches to Software EngineeringB
FCKAMLFrench Conference on Knowledge Acquisition & Machine LearningB
FCTFundamentals of Computation TheoryB
FEMInternational Conference on Formal Engineering MethodsB
FEWFDBFar East Workshop on Future DB SystemsB
FIEFrontiers in EducationB
FINCRYFinancial CryptographyB
FOSSACSFoundations of Software Science and Computational StructuresB
FSENCRYFast Software EncryptionB
FTPInternational Workshops on First-Order Theorem ProvingB
FTRTFTFormal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant SystemsB
FUNConference on fun with algorithmsB
GECCOGenetic and Evolutionary ComputationsB
GLOBECOMIEEE Global Telecommunications ConferenceB
GMPGeometry Modeling and ProcessingB
GPCEInternational Conference on Generative Programming and Component EngineeringB
HASEIEEE International Symposiumon High Assurance Systems EngineeringB
HICSSHawaii International Conference on System SciencesB
HLTHuman Language TechnologiesB
HPCNInternational Conference on High Performance Computing and NetworkingB
HPSRIEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and RoutingB
IAAIInnovative Applications in AIB
ICA3PPIEEE International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel ProcessingB
ICAILInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawB
ICANNInternational Conference on Artificial Neural NetworksB
ICASSPIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal ProcessingB
ICATPNInternational Conference on the Application and Theory of Petri NetsB
ICCBInternational Conference on Case-Based ReasoningB
ICCBSSIEEE International Conference on COTS-Based Software SystemsB
ICCEInternational Conference on Computers in EducationB
ICCIInternational Conference on Computing and InformationB
ICDCNIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and NetworkingB
ICEBEIEEE Conference on e-Business EngineeringB
ICEIMTInternational Confernce on Enterprise Integration and Modelling TechnologyB
ICEISInternational Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsB
ICGAInternational Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsB
ICGTInternational Conference on Graph TransformationsB
ICICSecInternational Conference on Information and Communications SecurityB
ICMEIEEE International Conference on Multimedia & ExpoB
ICMSInternational Conference on Multiagent SystemsB
ICONIEEE International Conference on NetworksB
ICPADSIEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed SystemsB
ICRAIEEE International Conference on Robotics and AutomationB
ICSCInternational Computer Science ConferenceB
ICSEAInternational Conference on Software Engineering AdvancesB
ICSECInternational Conferenceon Information and Communications SecurityB
IC-SoftInternational Conference on Software and Data TechnologiesB
ICTACInternational Colloquium on Theoretical Ascpects of ComputingB
ICTAIIEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial IntelligenceB
ICWSIEEE International Conference on Web ServicesB
IDEASInternational Database Engineering and Applications SymposiumB
IEInteractive EntertainmentB
IEAAIInternational Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert SystemsB
IEEE RFIDIEEE International Conference on Remote Frequency IdentificationB
IEEE-IVIntelligent Vehicles ConferenceB
IFMIntegrated Formal MethodsB
IFSAIFSA World CongressB
IJCNLP2International Joint Conference on Computational LinguisticsB
ILPInductive Logic ProgrammingB
INIEEE Intell Network WorkshopB
INBSIEEE International Symposium on Intelleligence in Neural & Biological SystemsB
INETInternet Society ConferenceB
INFHWorkshop on Information HidingB
InSITEInforming Science and IT Education ConferenceB
IPCCCIEEE International Performance Computing and Communications ConferenceB
IRISInformation Systems Research Seminar in ScandinaviaB
IRMAInformation Resources Management Association International ConferenceB
IROSIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and SystemsB
ISCCIEEE Symposium on Computers & CommunicationsB
ISCISInternational Symposium on Computer and Information SciencesB
ISEATIntegration of Software Engineering and Agent TechnologyB
ISICIEEE International Symposium on Intelligent ControlB
ISMMInternational Symposium on Memory ManagementB
ITCIEEE International Test ConferenceB
IWANNInternational Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural NetworksB
IWCASEInternational Workshop on Cumpter-Aided Software EngB
IWCMCACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing ConferenceB
IWPECInternational Workshop on Parameterized and Exact ComputationB
JCSCJournal of Computing Science in Colleges (conference proceedings)B
JMLCJoint Modular Languages ConferenceB
KESInternational Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering SystemsB
KIGerman AI conferenceB
KoliCalling Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education ResearchB
LATINInternational Symposium on Latin American Theoretical InformaticsB
LDTALanguage Descriptions, Tools and ApplicationsB
LENLSLogic & Engineering of Natural Language SemanticsB
LFCSLogical Foundations of Computer ScienceB
LOPSTRInternational Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and TransformationB
LPMAInternational Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-AgentsB
M2VIPMechatronics and Machine Vision in PracticeB
MATESGerman conference on Multi-Agent system TechnologiesB
MCUUniversal Machines and ComputationsB
MDMInternational Conference on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)B
MEDINFOWorld Congeress on Medical InformaticsB
MEGAMethods Effectives en Geometrie AlgebriqueB
MFCSMathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceB
MLMIJoint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learnig AlgorithmsB
MMMMultimedia ModellingB
MPCMathematics of Program ConstructionB
MPCSInternational Conference on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsB
MPPOIMassively Parallel Processing Using Optional InterconnectionsB
NCCNational Conference CommunicationsB
NGDBInternational Symposium on Next Generation Data Base Systems and ApplicationsB
NOMSIEEE Network Operations and Management SymposiumB
NORDCHINorwegian Computer Human InteractionB
ODPIFIP International Conference on Open Distributed ProcessingB
OPODISInternational Conference on Principles of Distributed SystemsB
OZCHIAustralian Computer Human Interaction ConferenceB
PACESPacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsB
PACISPacific Asia Conference on Information SystemsB
PACLICPacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationB
PACLINGConference of the Pacific Association for Computational LinguisticsB
PAMPassive and Active Measurement ConferenceB
PASTEACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and EngineeringB
PATATPractice and Theory of Automated TimetablingB
PDCATInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and TechnologiesB
PIMRCIEEE International Symposium on Personal and Indoor Mobile Radio ConferenceB
PKAWPacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition WorkshopB
PKCPublic Key CryptosystemsB
PLILPSymposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic ProgrammingB
PPDPInternational Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingB
PPIGAnnual PPIG WorkshopB
PRICAIPacific Rim International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceB
PRIMAPacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-AgentsB
PROFESProduct Focused Software Process ImprovementB
PROSimInternational Workshop on Software Process Simulation and ModelingB
PSIErshov conferenceB
QsineInternational Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless NetworksB
QualITInternational Conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative ResearchB
REFSQInternational Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software QualityB
RIDEInternational Workshop on Research Issues in Data EngineeringB
RSARSA Conference (a security conference)B
RTCSAInternational Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and ApplicationsB
SACACM Symposium on Applied ComputingB
SAFECOMPInternational Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityB
SAFEProcessIFAC Symposioum on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical ProcessesB
SAGASymposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations, and ApplicationsB
SBBDBrazilian Symposium on DatabasesB
SCAIScandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceB
SCRAASmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceB
SCSCSummer Computer Simulation ConferenceB
SEALAsia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution & LearningB
SECIFIP International Information Security ConferenceB
SECONIEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and NetworksB
SecureCommIEEE/CreateNet International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication NetworksB
SECURITYUsenix Security SymposiumB
SEEPInternational Conference on Software Engineering: Education and PracticeB
SEFMInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Formal MethodsB
SEKEInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringB
SEQAPPInternational Conference on Sequences and their ApplicationsB
SIGCHI-NZInternational NZ Conference on Computer-Human InteractionB
SIROCCOColloquium on Structural Information and Communication ComplexityB
SMCIEEE Conference on Systems, Man and CyberneticsB
SOFTCOMMConferenceon Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksB
SoMeTInternational Conference on Software Methods and ToolsB
SPECWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceB
SPICISSingapore International Conferenceon Intelligent SystemB
SPIREInternational Symposium on String Processing and Information RetrievalB
SSTAustralasian Speech Science & TechnologyB
STEPSoftware Technology and Engineering Practice ConferenceB
SWDCInternational Conference on Software DevelopmentB
TOOLSTechnology of object-oriented languages and systemsB
UKAISUK Academy of Information Systems conferenceB
UKSSUnited Kingdom Systems SocietyB
UMCUnconventional Models of ComputationB
UMLUnified Modelling LanguageB
VAPPVector and Parallel ProcessingB
VDBVisual Database SystemsB
VEEInternational Conference on Virtual Execution EnvironmentsB
VTCIEEE Vehicular Technology ConferenceB
WABIWorkshop on Algorithms in BioinformaticsB
WAEWorkshop on Algorithm EngineeringB
WAISInternational Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and StatisticsB
WCESWorld Congress on Expert SystemsB
WCNCIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceB
WCNNWorld Congress on Neural NetworksB
WCREIEEE Working Conference on Reverse EngineeringB
WCSSWorld Congress on Systems SimulationB
WCWWeb Caching WorkshopB
WDAGWorkshop on Distributed Algorithms (DISC since 1998)B
WGWorkshop on Graph TheoryB
WIIEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web IntelligenceB
WiOptInternational. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless NetworksB
WoLLICWorkshop on Logic, Language, Information and ComputationB
WORDSInternational Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable SystemsB
WSCWinter Simulation ConferenceB
AdComInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and CommunicationsC
AENIASTED International Conferenceon AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksC
AIIASTED International Conference on Applied InformaticsC
AIAArtificial Intelligence and Applications ConferenceC
AILInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawC
AISAdvances in Intelligent SystemsC
AIS SIGED:IAIMInternational Academy for Information Management) International Conference on Informatics Education & ResearchC
AISATInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and TechnologyC
AMASTAlgebraic Methodology and Software TechnologyC
ANNESConference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systemsC
APCOMinApplication of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals IndustriesC
APORSConference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research SocietiesC
APPIA/GULP/PRODEJoint Conference on Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODEC
AQSDTSymposium on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsC
ARTDBActive and Real-Time Database SystemsC
ARVLSIAdvanced Research in VLSIC
ASCIASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft ComputingC
ASMIASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and ModellingC
BCIFIP International Conference on Broadband CommunicationsC
BECCBled Electronic Commerce ConferenceC
BIBEIEEE Bioinformatics and BioengineeringC
CAADRIAConference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in AsiaC
CAINEISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and EngineeringC
CATAInternational Conference on Computers and their ApplicationsC
CATEIASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in EducationC
CCRTSInternational Command and Control Research and Technology SymposiumC
CCTAFIntelligent Multimedia, Computing and Communications Technologies and Applications of the FutureC
CDBConstraint Databases and ApplicationsC
CHPCInternational Conference on High Performance ComputingC
CIBCBIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyC
CIEAEMConference of the Commission Internationale pour l'Etude et l'Amelioration de l'Enseignement des MathematiquesC
CIMCAInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and AutomationC
CIRSYSInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsC
CISSTInternational Conference Image Science, Systems and TechnologyC
CODASInternational Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsC
CollECTeRCollaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and ResearchC
COMPDESInternational Symposium on Computer DesignC
COMSWAREte-Net/ICST International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaREC
CPDConstraint Programming DayC
CryPACCryptography Policy and Algorithms ConferenceC
CSEEConference on Software Engineering EducationC
CSICCInternational CSI Computer ConferenceC
CTACComputational Techniques and Applications ConferenceC
CxSInternational Conference on Complex SystemsC
DASDSymposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed SystemsC
DASWISData Semantics in Web Information SystemsC
DBPLDatabases and Programming LanguageC
DcwDistributed Communities on the Web WorkshopC
DMDWDesign and Management of Data WarehousesC
DMKDWorkshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryC
DOLAPInternational Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAPC
DSAAInternational Conference on Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsC
DSIAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences InstituteC
DSLSEDomain - Specific Languages for Software EngineeringC
DSTKMInternational Conference on Decision Support Through Knowledge ManagementC
DTVEWorkshop on Database Technology for Virtual EnterprisesC
DVATInformation Systems &Technologies /SPIE Conference on Digital Video Compression Algorithms & TechniquesC
EFIS/EFDBSEngineering Federated Information (Database) SystemsC
EFTF/IFCSJoint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers InC
EICAREuropean Institute for Computer Anti-Virus ResearchEICAR ConferenceC
EKMEuropean Conference on Knowledge ManagementC
EMBCThe Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyC
EMCISEuropean Mediterranean Info SystemsC
EPAnnual Conference on Evolutionary ProgrammingC
ESCAPESymposium On Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental MethodologiesC
ETHICOMPInternational Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication TechnologiesC
EUFITEuropean Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft ComputingC
EuroBotEuropean Workshop on Advanced Mobile RobotsC
EWCGEuropean Workshop on Computational GeometryC
FATESA Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of SoftwareC
FIRAFIRA Robot World CongressC
FMICSInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsC
FMOODInternational Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed SystemsC
FMPFormal Methods PacificC
FMSEDSFormal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems WorkshopC
FOOLInternational Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented LanguagesC
FQASFlexible Query-Answering SystemsC
FTJPWorkshop on Formal Techniques for Java ProgramsC
FUSIONInternational Conference on Information FusionC
GeoCompInternational Conference on GeoComputationC
GORConference on Operations ResearchC
HASKELLHaskell WorkshopC
HCIInternational Conference on Human-Computer InteractionC
HealthComInternational Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Health Care IndustryC
HICHealth Informatics ConferenceC
HLPPInternational workshop on High-level parallel programming and applicationsC
HPCInternational Conference and Exhibition on High Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific RegionC
IADIS ACIADIS International Conference Applied ComputingC
IAIFInternational Workshop on Image Analysis and Information FusionC
IAIMAnnual Conference of the International Academy for Information ManagementC
IASIEEE Industry Applications Society Annual ConferenceC
IATACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyC
IAWTICInternational Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies, and Internet CommerceC
IBIMAInternational Business Information ManagementC
ICInternational Conference on Internet ComputingC
ICAIFAC Conference on AutomationC
IC-AIInternational Conference on Artificial IntelligenceC
ICANNGAInternational Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic AlgorithmsC
ICAPRDTInternational Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital TechniquesC
ICCIMAInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia ApplicationsC
ICCITInternational Conference on Computer and Information TechnologyC
ICCSAInternational Conference on Communication Systems and ApplicationsC
ICEBInternational Conference on e-BusinessC
ICECIEEE International Conference on Evolutionary ComputationC
ICECommInternational Conference on Electronic CommerceC
ICEEInternational Conference on Engineering EducationC
ICILInternational Conference on Intelligent SystemsC
ICITAInternational Conference on Information Technology and ApplicationsC
ICMSOInternational Conference on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationC
ICOTAInternational Conference on Optimization: Techniques And ApplicationsC
ICSRICInternational Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and CyberneticsC
ICSSEAInternational Conference "Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications"C
ICTTInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in TourismC
ICVSInternational Conference on Virtual StorytellingC
IDCIEEE Conference on Information, Decision and ControlC
IDEALInternational Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated LearningC
iEMSsIntenational Environmental Modelling and Software SocietyC
IFACInternational Federation of Automatic Control World CongressC
IGARSSIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumC
IICISAInternational ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and ApplicationsC
IICSInnovative Internet Computer SystemsC
IIWASInformation Integration and Web-based Applications and ServicesC
IMSAIASTED International Conference on Internet, Multimedia Systems and ApplicationsC
INAPInternational Conference on Applications of PrologC
IPMUInternational Conference on Information Processing and Management of UncertaintyC
IPSIEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing SystemsC
IPythCInternational Python ConferenceC
IRITAInternational Information Technology in Regional Areas ConferenceC
ISAS-SCIWorld Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and InformaticsC
ISAVIIAInternational Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent ApplicationsC
ISCIASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and ControlC
ISDSSConference of the International Society for Decision Support SystemsC
ISECONInformation Systems Education ConferenceC
ISFSTInternational Symposium on Future Software TechnologyC
ISIMPInternational Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech ProcessingC
ISITAIEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its ApplicationsC
ISORCIEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed ComputingC
I-SPANInternational Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and NetworksC
ISSAInternational Symposium on Static AnalysisC
ISSDIInternational Symposium on Spatial Data InfrastructuresC
ISSDQInternational Symposium on Spatial Data QualityC
ISSSInternational Symposium on System SynthesisC
ISWInformation Security WorkshopC
ITHETInternational Conference on IT Based Higher Education and TrainingC
ITiRAInformation Technology in Regional Areas ConferenceC
ITISSymposium on Information Technology and Information SystemsC
ITWIEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and ImagingC
IWCInternational Web conferenceC
IWCCIEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing and the GridC
IWDOMInternational Workshop on Distributed Object ManagementC
IW-MMDBMSInt. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management SystemsC
JCISJoint Conference on Information SciencesC
JECGIJoint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical InformationC
JFPLCInternational French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingC
JHPCWorkshop On Java For High-Performance ComputingC
JURIXInternational Conference on Legal Knowledge-based SystemsC
KAWKnowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management WorkshopC
KDDMBDKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases MeetingC
KDEEWIEEE Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopC
KDEXKnowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopC
KRDBKnowledge Representation Meets DatabasesC
L&LWorkshop on Logic and LearningC
LARCNASA LaRC Formal Methods WorkshopC
LawTechIASTED International conference Law and TechnologyC
LCCSInternational Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceC
LILaw via the InternetC
LOCALGOSWorkshop on Localized Alg. and Protocols for WirelessC
LRECLanguage Resources and Evaluatin ConferenceC
MDDSMobility in Databases and Distributed SystemsC
MDSRIAInternational Workshop on Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and ApplicationsC
METRICS(several conferences of these name - can't rank)C
MEWSMining for Enhanced Web SearchC
MICIASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and ControlC
MMEIEEE International Conference on Multimedia in EducationC
MobiDEWorkshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile AccessC
MODSIMInternational Congress on Modelling and SimulationC
MODSSMultiple Objective Decision Support System ConferenceC
MPOOLWorkshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO LanguagesC
MSIASTED International Conference on Modelling and SimulationC
MSOIASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and OptimizationC
MTNSInternational Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and SystemsC
MVSPIntelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing SymposiumC
NAFIPSNorth American Fuzzy Information Processing Society ConferenceC
NAISONAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent SystemC
NCCISNational Conference on Computer and Information SystemsC
NDBNational Database Conference (China)C
NeMLaPJoint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language LearningC
NFMThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsC
NHICNational Health Informatics ConferenceC
NLDBApplications of Natural Language to Data BasesC
NNSPIEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingC
NPDPAnnual IASTED International Conference on Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing and ApplicationsC
NPSCInternational Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific ComputationsC
NRDMWorkshop on Network-Related Data ManagementC
OASISOrganisations and Society in Information Systems WorkshopC
OODBSWorkshop on Object-Oriented Database SystemsC
OOISInternational Conference on Object Oriented Information SystemsC
ORPAConference on Operational Research Practice in AfricaC
OTAOptimization: Techniques And ApplicationsC
PAAMPractical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology ConferenceC
PADOSymposium on Programs as Data ObjectsC
PAP/PACTPractical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechnologyC
PARCOParallel ComputingC
PAWECPacific-Asia Workshop on Electronic CommerceC
PCNSSPIE - Conference on Performance and Control of Network SystemsC
PCSInternational Picture Coding SymposiumC
PCWInternational Parallel Computing WorkshopC
PDCNIASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and NetworksC
PDCSIASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and SystemsC
PDISParallel and Distributed Information SystemsC
PDPInternational Parallel and Distributed Processing SymposiumC
PDPTAInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and ApplicationsC
PHYSDESInternational Symposium on Physical DesignC
PMIPIEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on MultimediaC
PPCISPan Pacific Conference on Information SystemsC
PSBPacific Symposium on BiocomputingC
PSORInternational Conference on Probability, Statistics and Operational ResearchC
PTPCInternational Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public-Key CryptographyC
QuantComInternational Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum ComputationC
RFFInternational Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the FutureC
RMIASTED International Conference on Robotics and ManufacturingC
ROVPIAInternational Conference on RoboticsC
RSAnnual Convention for Survey, Mapping and Remote SensingC
RTDBWorkshop on Real-Time DatabasesC
SARCInternational Symposium on Automation and Robotics in ConstructionC
SCWIEEE Workshop on Speech CodingC
SEIASTED International Conference on Software EngineeringC
SEAIASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and ApplicationsC
SECRYPTInternational Conference on Information Security and CryptologyC
SEETSoftware Engineering Education and Training ConferenceC
SELCRYPAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyC
Sensor NetworksSensor NetworksC
SFPScottish Functional Programming WorkshopC
SimTecTSimulation Technology and Training ConferenceC
SInTIEEE International Symposium on Information TheoryC
SIPIASTED International Conference on Signal and Image ProcessingC
SIRCSpatial Information Research Centre ColloquiumC
SISTSpatial Information Science and Technology ConferenceC
SITESociety for Information Technology and Teacher Education ConferenceC
SPDSACM Symposium on Principles of Database SystemsC
SQCSoftware Quality ConferenceC
SQMInternational Conference on Software Quality ManagementC
SREISSymposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecurityC
SRIG-ETSoftware Education ConferenceC
SSCIFAC Conference on System Structure and ControlC
SSGRRInternational Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the InternetC
SSSSymposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed SystemsC
STMInternational Conference on Systems Thinking in ManagementC
SYSSYNInternational Symposium on System SynthesisC
TAKMATheory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagementC
TEInternational Conference on Technology EducationC
TENCONIEEE Region Ten ConferenceC
TIDSETechnology for Interactive Digital StorytellingC
VDbSIFIP Working Conference on Visual Database SystemsC
VDEASPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and AnalysisC
VIIPIASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image ProcessingC
VIPPan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information ProcessingC
VISUALInternational Conference on Visual Information SystemsC
VLFMVisual Languages and Formal MethodsC
VLSIDInternational Conference on VLSI DesignC
VSMMInternational Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMediaC
W2GISInternational Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information SystemsC
WAIMInterational Conference on Web Age Information ManagementC
WALCOMWorkshop on Algorithms and ComputationC
WAWWorkshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-GraphC
WCCWorld Computer CongressC
WCCEWorld Conference on Computers in EducationC
WDSIWestern Decision Sciences Institute ConferenceC
WebDBInternational Workshop on the Web and DatabasesC
WEBISTInternational conference on Web Information Systems and TechnologiesC
WebNetWorld Conference on the WWW and InternetC
WECInternational Workshop on Entertainment ComputingC
WFLPInternational Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic ProgrammingC
WHISWorkshop on Hybrid Intelligent SystemsC
WICSInternational Computer Symposium WorkshopC
WIDMACM Workshop on Web Information and Data MangementC
WMSCIWorld Multiconfs on Systems, Cybernetics & InformaticsC
WoPPIEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing WorkshopsC
WORLDCOMPWorld Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied ComputingC
WTASAWorkshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor and Ad-hoc NetworksC
WWCAInternational Conference on Worldwide Computing and Its ApplicationsC
ZBInternational Conference of Z and B UsersC
ZUMInternational Conference of Z UsersC
ZUSERInternational Conference of Z UsersC
 Informatics in Education (journal, congress, symposium, etc all under this name - can't rank)C
ACACAustralasian Computer Architecture ConferenceL
ACCMCCAustralasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial ComputingL
ACECAustralasian Computers in Education ConferenceL
ACIDAlgorithms and Complexity in DurhamL
ACKMIDSAustralian Conference for Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision SupportL
ACMAAustralasian Computer Music ConferenceL
ACNNAustralian Conference on Neural NetworksL
ACSSCAsilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and ComputingL
AFETEAsia-Pacific Forum on Engineering and Technology EducationL
AICEAustralian Institute of Computer Ethics ConferenceL
AJWIESAustralia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary SystemsL
AKAWAustralian Knowledge Acquisition WorkshopL
ANZMODSThe Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand MeetingL
APCHDLAsia Pacific Conference on Hardware Description LanguagesL
APDSIAsia Pacific Decision Science Institute ConferenceL
APRTSAustralasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time SystemsL
APSEC/ICSCAsia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference and International Computer Science ConferenceL
ARSCAustralasian Remote Sensing ConferenceL
ASCILITEAnnual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary EducationL
ASDACAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceL
ASIVAustralian Symposium on Information VisualisationL
ASORNational Conference of The Australian Society for Operations ResearchL
ATNACAustralian Telecommunication Networks and Applications ConferenceL
AUCADCApple University Consortium Academic & Developers ConferenceL
AuCSSAustralasian Cognitive Science Society ConferenceL
AURISAAustralasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association ConferenceL
AuRWAustralasian Refinement WorkshopL
AusWebAustralian World Wide Web ConferenceL
AUUGAustralian UNIX Users Group National ConferenceL
AUUG/APWEBJoint Australian Unix Users' Group and Asia Pacific World Wide Web ConferenceL
AWOCAAustralasian Workshop on Combinatorial AlgorithmsL
AWSAAustralian Workshop on Software ArchitectureL
BCS-FMWBritish Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science Specialist Group WorkshopL
CanaDAMCanadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics ConferenceL
CEGComputing in Education Group of Victoria ConferenceL
COMPUMODAustralasian Compumod Users' ConferenceL
CSRComputer Science Symposium in RussiaL
DITAMDoing IT at MelbourneL
DIVCJoint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision ComputingL
FlAIRSFlorida Artificial Intelligence Research Society ConferenceL
GCCCEGlobal Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationL
ICCCInternational Conference on Chinese ComputingL
ICTCSItalian Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceL
IDC(W)International Database Conference (HK CS)L
IDEAWIntegrated Data Environments Australia WorkshopL
INDOCRYPTInternational Conference on Cryptology in IndiaL
MADYMOAustralian MADYMO Users MeetingL
MATLABAustralian MATLAB ConferenceL
MCDAAustralian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and ApplicationsL
MCSpoAustralian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in SportL
MICC/ISPACSJoint IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications and IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication SystemsL
NACCQNational Advisory Committee on Computing QualificationsL
NORDSECNordic Workshop on Secure IT SystemsL
ODLAOpen and Distance Learning Association of Australia Bienniel ForumL
PACCSPost-Graduate ADFA Conference on Computer ScienceL
SCSSAustralian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and SoftwareL
UWACSUniversity of Western Australia Computer Science Research ConferenceL
WarSecAustralian Information Warfare & Security ConferenceL
WAWISRWestern Australian Workshop on Information Systems ResearchL
WICAustralasian Women in Computing WorkshopL








ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps




IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference on Computer Communications




IEEE International conference on communications




IEEE Globecom: Global Telecommunications Conference




IEEE ITC: International Test Conference




IEEE The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks




ACM MobiCom: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking




ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems




MOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing




IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems




IMC: Internet Measurement Conference




ICCV: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision




CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition




ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision




DCC: Data Compression Conference




ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning




NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems




ACM MM: ACM Multimedia Conference




IEEE ICIP: International conference on Image Processing




IEEE ICME: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo




IEEE VR:IEEE Virtual Reality




ACM VRST:ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology




CGI:Computer Graphics International




ACL: The Association for Computational Linguistics




COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics




IEEE ICASSP: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing




IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing




IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference




IEEE VLSI Test Symposium




IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe




IEEE Asian Test Symposium




Ubicomp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing




PerCom: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications




EUC: The IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing




ICPS: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services




SenSys,ACM Conference on Embedded NEtworked Sensor Systems

ACM主办传感器网络最有影响力的会议,由SIGCOMM, SIGMOBILE, SIGARCH, SIGOPS, SIGMETRICS, SIGBED等ACM的Special Interest Groups提供学术资助。从2003年开始,已经连续举办4届:03年收录24篇;04年收录21篇;05收录21篇文章;06年24篇收录文章。目前只能查到2004年的录用率,为14.5%。



SECON, IEEE Communication Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc COmmunications and Networks,

由IEEE发起的会议,基本每年举行一次。近三年的录取率(04,05,06)分别为18.1% 27.2%和25.9%



MASS, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems

由IEEE、DARPA、 NSF和Army Research Office 发起的国际会议,基本每年举行一次。2006年录用率24%



The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communication

每年11月举行(始于1989年), Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing , http://www.sc-conference.org/



CLUSTER 4, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Cluster Computing,




HPDC-, th IEEE Int’l Symp. on High-Performance Distributed Computing, Honolulu.




 NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST4),




SuperComputing:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications

 高性能计算机方向公认的高水平会议之一,第一届会议是1988年,每年11月举行,4、5月份投稿。会议内容包括technical and education programs,workshops,tutorials以及展览的一系列活动供与会者参加。SuperComputing“is the one place that attendees can see tomorrow's technology being used to solve world-class challenge problems today”。官方网站为http://www.sc-conference.org



IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cluster Computing

 该会议一般会以Cluster+年份作为会议名称,比如Cluster 2005。该会议主要讨论商业集群相关技术,包括“To achieve higher performance, scalability, and usability, research and development challenges remain in virtually all areas of cluster computing, including middleware, networking, algorithms and applications, resource management, platform deployment and maintenance, and integration with grid computing”。每年9月份举行,4、5月份投稿。



[ICDCS] International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems

 由IEEE主办,开始于1979年,从84年起每年举办一次。这是分布式计算系统领域中历史最悠久的会议。ICDCS provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present and discuss their latest research findings on a broad array of topics in distributed computing.



[HPDC] IEEE Int'l Symp. On High Performance Distributed Computing

 This conference is “a forum for presenting the latest research findings on the design and use of highly networked systems for computing, collaboration, data analysis, and other innovative tasks”. 每年6、7月份举行,2月份截稿,3月底确定



International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications (IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference)




ACM International Conference on Supercomputing




IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

IEEE 和ACM SIGARCH发起的并行处理国际会议。每年一次



IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing




IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing




ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems.

Performance presents papers on the development and application of state of the art, broadly applicable analytic, simulation, and measurement-based performance evaluation techniques. We are interested in techniques whose aim is to evaluate a system's dependability, security, correctness, or power consumption as well as more traditional performance metrics. Of particular interest is work that furthers the state of the art in performance evaluation methods, or that creatively applies previously developed methods to gain important insights into key design trade-offs in complex computer and communication systems.



IEEE Annual Workshops on Workload Characterization.

The meeting that began as Workshop on Workload Characterization (WWC) in 1998 is becoming a Symposium. New computer applications and programming paradigms are constantly emerging to complement new and improving technology. The design of next generation microprocessors and computer systems should be based on an understanding of today's emerging workloads.



International Symposium on Computer Architecture(ISCA)

ISCA is the premier forum for computer architecture research



International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA)




International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)

The annual MICRO conference (co-sponsored by SIGMICRO) has been a key forum for presenting major breakthroughs in computing architecture, and has established itself as the premier conference on instruction level parallelism.



 FAST: USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies,




NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST4),




 SNAPI’4: International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os, Antibes Juan-les-spins, French,




 IEEE SC: SC-High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage Conference




IEEE International Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and Storages(IWNAS)




 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing(ICAC)




 Proceedings of the International Conference on Measurements and Modeling of Computer Systems




 International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA)




 [HPDC] IEEE Int'l Symp. On High Performance Distributed Computing




 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cluster Computing




 USENIX Annual Technical Conference




 IEEE/ACM Int'l Symp. on Cluster Computing & the Grid




 International Symposium on Computer Architecture(ISCA )




 International Symposium on Microarchitecture(MICRO)




HPCC:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications




 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing




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计算机SCI投稿经验是一个值得分享的话题。SCI(Science Citation Index)是一种计算机领域的国际学术期刊索引。在进行SCI投稿时,了解一些经验和技巧可以帮助提高稿件的质量和被接受的几率。 首先,选择合适的期刊非常重要。根据自己的研究方向和内容,找到与之匹配的SCI期刊。可以通过查找相关文献和学术会议的论文集来了解最近发布的研究成果,选择最具影响力和相关性的期刊。 其次,准备一份高质量的投稿材料是关键。在写作过程中,要保证论文结构清晰,逻辑连贯,并遵循所选期刊的投稿要求和格式。合理组织材料,并清晰描述实验设计、方法、数据分析和结果呈现等。 然后,审稿人的意见和建议通常是不可忽视的。接受审稿人意见的合理改进可以提高稿件质量和被接受的几率。尽可能合理回应审稿人提出的问题和修改要求,详细解释和完善研究方法和结果。同时,遵守期刊的修改规范和时限。 最后,在投稿过程中要时刻关注最新的研究趋势和技术发展。持续关注计算机领域的热点话题和前沿技术,不断提升自己的研究水平和创新能力。参加相关学术会议和研讨会,与同行交流和合作,积极扩展自己的学术网络。 总结而言,计算机SCI投稿需要选择合适的期刊、准备高质量的投稿材料、积极回应审稿意见并时刻关注最新研究趋势。通过积极参与学术交流和持续学习,我们可以提高SCI投稿的成功率,并为学术界做出更大的贡献。


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