以Windows CE fundamentals和MSDN WinCE5.0 Product Documentation为主线,结合source code和technical articles,争取在3个月内基本掌握WinCE/WinMobile各方面的知识。
"Usually, BSP development is the most labor-intensive part of building a device. BSP development requires that the developer know the hardware architecture as well as the operating system architecture. All interaction between the operating system and the device is implemented in the BSP. Therefore, the quality of the BSP determines the resulting quality of the device."
Issue: Eboot.nb0 has no corresponding source code, so can't debug.
Fix: 1. sysgen, build the app project, buildrel and makeimg.
2. change #define NFTL_DEBUG_MSG printf to NULL. Otherwise there will be error at runtime.
3. open cmd, go to NFTL src dir. set WINCEDEBUG=debug, then build -c, then makeimg.
4. set breakpoint and download the image to begin debugging.
BKM: When starting cetk client side program, type this "s ClientSide /n machinename /p port" in the CE cmd line. "port" is usually 5555. How do we know "machinename"? - All these infos are in wcetk.txt in %_FLATRELEASEDIR%.