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About the only thing you can't do is ignore him.

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2014-06-01 03:32:11 3198

原创 Shared-memory Based Ring Buffer

This post explains how to implement a ring buffer that can be shared between multiple processes. For the simplicity and efficiency, shared memory is used to store the ring buffer. A read/write lock

2016-07-28 13:19:21 2411

原创 Coredump Decode

This is a summary of decoding Linux userspace process corefiles using GDB.PreparationDecodeExamplesExample 1 - Buffer overflowExample 2 - Busybox crashExample 3 - String race conditionPr

2016-07-17 00:14:01 3575

原创 Retrieve Last Log After Crash

In Linux, there are two kinds of crashes - kernel panic/oom and user space core dump. For kernel panic, the standard config is rebooting the system. Unfortunately, the panic log can only be printed 

2015-05-29 04:44:47 1918

原创 Linux System Log

Overviewprintkklogdsyslogdmesgsyslog-ngConvert Timestamp1. OverviewLinux adopts a ring buffer in kernel with a size of __LOG_BUF_LEN bytes to store system logs, where __LOG_BUF_LEN equals (1

2015-01-13 07:52:08 2970

原创 Click Notes II - Click Script Language

The Click programming language was developed to configure Click routers, but nowadays you also can use it to write test cases for Click elements.Basic SyntaxElement GroupCompound ElementScriptTe

2015-01-09 01:12:37 2383

原创 Click Notes I - Overview

Click is a modular router toolkit written mainly in C++, which can be run in both user space and OS kernel space. Since its invention in late 1990s by Eddie Kohler, Click is has gained great success

2014-12-24 06:01:28 2296

原创 Building Remote+Local *nix Develop Environment(II)

This is the second article(collection) on how to build a *nix development environment by integrating remote servers and local Linux/Mac clients. For the previous article on this topic, please re

2014-12-20 11:44:06 2094

原创 pthread_exit() in main()

Most threads call pthread_exit() implicitly on return from the thread start routine. Besides, pthread_exit() also can be used to terminate the initial process thread in main(), leaving other threa

2014-11-21 14:13:44 2389

原创 Building Remote+Local *nix Develop Environment

1. .bashrc vs .bash_profile2. sshfs3. vim/gvim/mvim4. ctags+vim+Tagbar5. vnc

2014-10-22 14:00:51 1812

原创 Binary Tree Operations(IV) - Determine if a Binary Tree is a Binary Search Tree

This is the fourth article on binary tree operations. For other topics on binary tree, please refer to:Binary Tree Operations(I)Binary Tree Operations(II)Binary Tree Operations(III) - Conver

2014-10-11 02:08:05 1782

原创 Find The Shortest Path In Triangle Numbers

ProblemAn example of triangle of numbers is: 1 / \ 2 5 / \ / \ 9 4 33 / \ / \/ \ 11 6 99 0In each row (except for the last), the numbers are adjacent to two numbers

2014-09-16 23:48:09 1763

原创 String Permutation

The string permutation problem aims to find all the permutations of a string(re-arrangement of characters in this string). A string of length n has n! permutations. - See more at: http://bo-yang.git

2014-09-16 23:47:20 1974

原创 Retrieve String From Sampled Slices

Given a string, such as 01001010101001101011, we can randomly sliced multiple substrings. Assume that during the slicing, due to some unexpected noises, some characters may flip(0->1 or 1->0). For exa

2014-09-16 23:47:12 1764

原创 Merge K Sorted Lists

Merge K Sorted Lists: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/21/merge-k-sorted-lists

2014-09-14 21:37:00 2156

原创 Insertion Sort List

Insertion Sort List: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/14/insertion-sort-list

2014-09-14 21:35:52 1596

原创 Word Search Problem - Non-recursive Solution

Word Search Problem - Non-recursive Solution: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/28/word-search

2014-09-14 21:35:45 1811

原创 Linked List Cycle Problems

Linked List Cycle Problems: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/13/linked-list-cycle

2014-09-14 21:35:16 1819

原创 Sort List

Sort List:

2014-09-14 21:32:39 1622

原创 Subset Sum Problem

Subset Sum Problem: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/07/subset-sum

2014-09-14 21:32:34 1751

原创 Find Top Source IP Addresses in Distributed Systems

Find Top Source IP Addresses in Distributed Systems: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/07/determine-top-common-ip-addresses

2014-09-14 21:31:53 1744

原创 The First Occurrence of Needle In Haystack

The First Occurrence of Needle In Haystack: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/01/strstr

2014-09-14 21:30:24 1115

原创 Longest Palindromic Substring

Longest Palindromic Substring: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/06/longest-palindromic-substring

2014-09-14 21:29:17 891

原创 Longest Consecutive Sequence

Longest Consecutive Sequence:  http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/07/01/longest-consecutive-sequence

2014-09-14 21:26:36 593

原创 Spell Checker

Spell Checker:

2014-09-13 23:57:34 857

原创 N-Queens Problem

N-Queens Problem: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/06/27/nqueens

2014-09-13 13:06:05 830

原创 Top N Numbers

Top N Numbers : http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/06/29/top-n-numbers

2014-09-13 13:04:52 696

原创 Combination Sum Problem - A Non-recursive Method

Combination Sum Problem - A Non-recursive Method: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/06/25/combination-sum

2014-09-13 13:02:53 621

原创 Coin Change Problem

Coin Change Problem: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/06/20/coin-change

2014-09-13 12:54:56 702

原创 Text Justification

Text Justification:

2014-09-13 12:52:39 488

原创 Sort Colors

Sort Colors: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/06/17/sort-colors

2014-09-13 12:28:08 531

原创 Check Soduku Solution

Check Soduku Solution: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/06/14/soduku

2014-09-13 12:21:41 705

原创 Least Recently Used(LRU) Cache

Least Recently Used(LRU) Cache:

2014-09-13 12:19:59 909

原创 Binary Tree Operations(III) - Convert a Binary Tree to Down-Right Representation


2014-09-13 10:31:10 464

原创 Binary Tree Operations(II) - Path Sum and Cycle Detection


2014-09-13 10:28:24 450

原创 Binary Tree Operations(I)


2014-09-13 10:26:53 510

原创 Action Recognition with DTF + Fisher Vectors

Action Recognition with Dense Trajectories and Fisher Vectors: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/04/30/fisher-vector-in-action-recognition

2014-09-13 10:26:24 973

原创 Implementing Inclusion Property with SimpleScalar

Implementing Inclusion Property with SimpleScalar: http://bo-yang.github.io/2014/04/18/inclusion-property

2014-09-13 10:25:16 609

原创 How To Install Jekyll in Mac OSX Mavericks?

Procedure of installing Jekyll in Mac OS XInstall Xcode Command line tools:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9329243/xcode-4-4-and-later-install-command-line-toolsClang error during insta

2014-03-30 10:50:43 741

原创 C++ Code to Print Pascal Triangle

Printing Pascal Triangle seems like an easy problem, however, it is not that easy to print a good-looking Pascal Triangle. To print the Pascal Triangle, for each line, first print spaces to the left

2014-03-27 00:46:57 820


压缩文件中包括一个包含宏代码的Excel文件Sheet Macros.xls以及其他四个测试文件工作表 1~4。 宏的功能为(1)选中Excel表格中的某些行或列,运行某个Macro,自动根据选中的cells创建新的worksheets,worksheets的名字就是选中的cells的名字。(2)创建新的worksheet的同时,要把某指定目录下与新的worksheet同名的Excel文件的内容copy到新的worksheet中去。


Network Programming with Perl



Exploring Expect(英文完全版)

Exploring Expect by Don Libes Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Pub Date: December 1, 1994 Print ISBN-10: 1-565-92090-2 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-565-92090-3 Pages: 608


Sun云计算平台-Sun Cloud Computing

本文(Sun Cloud Computing)详细介绍了Sun的云计算平台,对于云计算平台的学习非常有帮助。






利用VC调用Matlab C语言接口,实现VC和Matlab的混合编程。



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