Windows Mobile Emulator:Failed to open the VPC Network Driver.

Failed to open the VPC Network Driver. Verify that the driver is installed, or install the driver from the Web download location at


Windows 7 (as of RC1) now supports apretty spiffy new feature known asVirtual Windows XP orWindows XPMode based on what article you read.  At its core, it is a new versionof theVirtual PC product, now named WindowsVirtual PC, installed closer to the OS, combined with a Windows XP hard diskimage which allow you to run legacy applications under Windows XP on yourWindows 7 machine in a pretty seamless way.

If you install theWindows Virtual PC add-on to Windows 7, you must first uninstall Virtual PC2007.  By doing that, you remove the special network driver that is alsorequired to use the Microsoft Device Emulator on the network.  The deviceemulator is typically used for Smart Device development.

So the puzzle: The Device Emulator doesn’t work with the new Windows Virtual PC driver, andyou can’t install the old version of Virtual PC 2007 and expect the new WindowsVirtual PC to keep working.  What to do?

The answer is toextract the Virtual PC 2007 network service drivers out of the MSI package andmanually install them in Windows 7.  So far this has provided the expectedresult for me:  Windows Virtual PC runs happily, and the Device Emulatornow connects to the network.  So how do we do this?  Thanks forasking.  Here is a step-by-step guide to make this go.  Note thatthis is very much a “works on my machine” experience.  If it burns yourhouse down, don’t hold me responsible.  Note that you should have a validand complete backup before attempting this on your machine just in case…

  • Download the Virtual PC 2007 SP1 installer executable
  • Rename the installer from setup.exe to something else, such asvpc.exe
  • Open a cmd prompt, navigate to the setup executable, and run (assuming you renamed the file to vpc.exe):
    • vpc.exe /c
  • This will extract the executable to an MSI file at located in the %temp% directory
  • Change to the temp directory by running:
    • cd %temp%
  • In this directory, extract the MSI by running:
    • msiexec /a Virtual_PC_2007_Install.msi /qb TARGETDIR=c:\vpc
    • Of course, feel free to replace that directory with one of your choosing
  • This will extract the MSI file to c:\vpc (or the one you entered)
  • Open the Network and Sharing Center and select Change adapter settings

  • Right-click the network adapter you have connected to the internet and selectProperties
  • Click the Install… button

  • Make sure Service is selected and click Add…

  • Click Have Disk…
  • For x86 machines, navigate to:
    • C:\vpc\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual PC\Utility\VMNetSrv\
  • For x64 machines, navigate to:
    • C:\vpc\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual PC\Utility\VMNetSrv\x64
  • Select Virtual Machine Network Services and click OK

At this point the driverwill be installed and attached to that network adapter.  If you have theneed to attach this to multiple adapters, simply repeat the steps above toinstall the service on each adapter required.

Once the driver isinstalled, you can then link the Device Emulator to the chosen adapter andconnect to the network as always, as well as connect to the network in the newversion of Virtual PC.

Let me know how itworks for you!






### 回答1: emulator:error|failed to open 的意思是模拟器出错,无法打开。可能是由于模拟器本身出现问题,或者是由于计算机系统环境不兼容导致的。需要检查模拟器的设置和配置,或者尝试重新安装模拟器。同时,也可以尝试更新计算机系统或者更换更适合的模拟器。 ### 回答2: “emulator:error|failed to open”错误通常在Android模拟器上出现,是指在运行模拟器时遇到的错误。这个错误可能是由多种原因引起的,以下是可能的解决方法: 1. 检查文件路径:如果模拟器无法打开预期的文件,请检查文件路径是否正确。确保文件的路径与模拟器的设置相匹配。 2. 检查模拟器配置:如果文件路径正确,则可能是模拟器配置的问题。请检查模拟器的配置文件或设置以确保它们正确,并且与您的计算机或操作系统相兼容。 3. 检查系统环境变量:模拟器需要一些系统环境变量才能正确运行。检查操作系统中的PATH变量是否正确设置,并且包含模拟器所需的所有文件和路径。 4. 检查文件权限:将文件或目录拖到终端并使用chmod命令更改其权限,以允许读取和写入。 5. 升级并重新安装模拟器:如果以上解决方法都无效,则需要升级模拟器或重新安装它。最新版本的模拟器应该能够解决这个错误。 总之,如果在模拟器上出现“emulator:error|failed to open”错误,您可以按照上述解决方法来解决它。根据错误的具体原因,您可能需要尝试多种解决方法,以找出最佳解决方案。一次性实现可能并不适用于每个用例。 ### 回答3: Emulator是一款模拟器工具,通常用于在电脑上模拟移动设备操作系统,以便在开发和测试过程中更轻松地进行移动应用程序的工作。在使用Emulator时,有时会遇到"error|failed to open"的错误信息,这通常是由以下几个原因导致的。 第一种可能的原因是模拟器本身的问题,这可能是由于模拟器文件损坏、版本不兼容或其他类似问题导致的。在这种情况下,解决方案是重新下载和安装模拟器,确保使用的是最新版本的Emulator,并检查下载文件的完整性和准确性。 第二种可能的原因是显卡驱动程序的问题。模拟器需要强大的显卡支持才能运行,如果显卡驱动程序不兼容或过时,就可能会导致"error|failed to open"错误。在这种情况下,更新显卡驱动程序或更换显卡可能有助于解决该问题。 第三种可能的原因是系统环境的问题。如果操作系统版本过旧或系统文件损坏,也可能会影响模拟器的运行。在这种情况下,更新操作系统版本或修复系统文件可能有助于解决问题。 总之,如果遇到"error|failed to open"错误,需要首先确定错误的具体原因,然后采取相应的措施进行解决。在这个过程中,可以在网络上寻找相关用户的经验和解决方案,以便更好地解决问题。




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