ASP Class(类) 之 使用内建组件 cdo.message 发送邮件 By shawl.qiu
前两天也写了一篇相关的文章: ASP CDO.Message 发送邮件完整实例 By shawl.qiu
URL: http://blog.csdn.net/btbtd/archive/2006/09/11/1210050.aspx
不过我发觉还没写过类, 所以呗, 就试了一下, 其实 ASP 的类挻简单的, 喏, 这不今天看相关信息, 现在就出产文章啦 :)
其实吧, 我觉得 ASP类 和普通函数过程可以比喻为:
类是一个箱子, 函数和过程是箱子里的东西.
使用类可以简化调用函数的操作, 用 get 实现.
用 let 在类外边给参数赋值, 至于 set, 目前还没用过.
类名: cCdoMessage
作用: 使用 ASP 的内建组件 CDO.Message 发送电子邮件
附注: 不支持附件.
1. cCdoMessage 类内容
2. 调用 cCdoMessage 类
3. 预览
1. cCdoMessage 类内容
- linenum
- <% class cCdoMessage
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' ASP Class(类) 之 使用内建组件 cdo.message 发送邮件 By shawl.qiu
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' sample call:
- '''''''''''
- ' dim objCdo
- ' set objCdo= new cCdoMessage
- ' with objCdo
- ' .header ' 头部信息, 非必须
- ' .rQs=request.queryString("id") '查询 ID, 必选项
- ' set .rForm=request.form '提交表单集合, 必选项
- ' .pgCdoSendMail
- ' set .rForm=nothing
- '
- ' .mAction="?id=cdo" '提交表单 URL, 必选项
- ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' ' start 表单域默认内容, 非必须
- ' .mFrom="shawlqiu@21cn.com"
- ' .mTo="shawl.qiu@gmail.com,btbtd@msn.com"
- ' .mCc="btbtd@yahoo.com.cn"
- ' .mBcc="shawl.qiu+2@gmail.com"
- ' .mSubject="mail subject"
- ' .mBody="test mail body"&chr(13)&"中文"&chr(13)&"<h2>html format</h2>"
- ' .mSmtp="smtp.21cn.com"
- ' .mPort=25
- ' .mTimeout=60
- ' .mUser="shawlqiu"
- ' .mPwd="不告诉你"
- ' ' end 表单域默认内容, 非必须
- ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' .pgCdoform ' 发送邮件表单, 必选项
- '
- ' .info ' 作者信息, 非必须
- ' end with
- ' set objCdo=nothing
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- public sub info()
- response.write "<br/>Subject: ASP Class(类) 之 使用内建组件 cdo.message 发送邮件 By shawl.qiu<br/>"
- response.write "Author: shawl.qiu<br/>"
- response.write "Version: 1.0<br/>"
- response.write "Date: 2006-09-12<br/>"
- response.write "Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/btbtd<br/>"
- response.write "E-Mail: shawl.qiu@gmail.com<br/>"
- end sub
- public rQs, rForm
- public mAction, mFrom, mTo, mCc, mBcc, mSubject, mBody, mSmtp, mPort, mTimeout, mUser, mPwd
- public function header()
- response.write "<h1 style=""text-align:center!important;color:red!important; "">ASP Class(类) 之 使用内建组件 cdo.message 发送邮件 By shawl.qiu</h1>"
- response.write "<h2 style=""float:right!important;margin:0px;padding:0px; ""><a href="" http://blog.csdn.net/btbtd"">shawl.qiu</a> code</h2>"
- end function
- public property get pgCdoform
- pgCdoform=fCdoForm(mAction,mFrom, mTo, mCc, mBcc, mSubject, mBody, mSmtp, mPort, mTimeout, mUser, mPwd)
- end property
- public property get pgCdoSendMail
- pgCdoSendMail=fCdoSendMail(rQs,rForm)
- end property
- private property get goBack
- goBack=fPmt("邮件已发送, 3 秒后返回.",3,request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- end property
- private property get goBackErr
- goBackErr="<a href="""&request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")&""" style=""text-align:center!important; display:table; width:100%;"">返回</a>"
- end property
- private function fPmt(promptWord,second,url)
- response.write "<div class=""absltMid""><meta http-equiv=""refresh"" content="""
- response.write second
- response.write ";URL="
- response.write url
- response.write """>"
- response.write promptWord
- response.write "</div>"
- end function
- private function fCdoSendMail(rQs,rForm)
- if rQs="" or rQs<>"cdo" then exit function
- if isObject(rForm)=false then exit function
- dim temp
- for each temp in rForm
- select case temp
- case "mTextBody"
- case "mHtmlBody"
- case "mFile"
- case "mSsl"
- case else
- execute "dim "&temp&":"&temp&"=request.form(temp)"
- end select
- next
- dim mSsl, mTextBody, mHtmlBody
- mSsl=request.form("mSsl")
- mTextBody=request.form("mTextBody")
- mHtmlBody=request.form("mHtmlBody")
- mBody="<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=gb2312"" />"&chr(13)&mBody
- if mSsl="" then mSsl=false else mSsl=true
- dim cdo
- set cdo=createObject("cdo.message")
- 'configuration information for the remote SMTP Server
- with cdo.configuration.fields
- .Item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = mSend
- .item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver")= mSmtp 'SMTP 服务器地址
- .item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport")= mPort '端口 25
- .item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername")= mUser '用户名
- .item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword")= mPwd '用户密码
- .item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate")= mAuth 'NONE, Basic (Base64 encoded), NTLM
- .item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout")= mTimeout '超时设置, 以秒为单位
- .Item(" http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = mSsl '是否使用套接字 true/false
- .Update
- end with
- with cdo
- .from=mFrom
- .to=mTo
- if mCc<>"" then .cc=mCc
- if mBcc<>"" then .bcc=mBcc
- .subject=mSubject
- if mTextBody<>"" then .textbody=mBody
- if mHtmlBody<>"" then .htmlbody=mBody
- 'if len(mFile)>0 then .Addattachment mFile
- '// CDO 发附件规则: 当前目录的文件可用变量, 不是当前的目录不能用变量
- On Error Resume Next
- .send
- if err.number<>0 then response.write "邮件发送失败, 错误编号: "&_
- err.number&"<br/>错误描述: "&err.description&goBackErr else goBack
- end with 'shawl.qiu code'
- set cdo=nothing
- end function
- private function fCdoForm(mAction,mFrom, mTo, mCc, mBcc, mSubject, mBody, mSmtp, mPort, mTimeout, mUser, mPwd)
- if mAction="" then exit function %>
- <form action="<% response.write mAction %>" method="post" name="mCdo" id="mCdo">
- <p>From:
- <input name="mFrom" type="text" value="<% response.write mFrom %>" size="50%"/><br />
- To: <input name="mTo" type="text" value="<% response.write mTo %>" size="50%" />
- <br />
- Cc: <input name="mCc" type="text" value="<% response.write mCc %>" size="50%" /><br />
- Bcc: <input name="mBcc" type="text" id="mBcc" value="<% response.write mBcc %>" size="50%" /> <br />
- Subject: <input name="mSubject" type="text" value="<% response.write mSubject %>" size="50%" /> <br />
- Email Format:
- text: <input type="checkbox" name="mTextBody" value="yes" checked="checked" />
- html: <input type="checkbox" name="mHtmlBody" value="yes" /><br />
- Text:<br /> <textarea name="mBody" cols="77" rows="10"><% response.write mBody %></textarea> <br />
- Remote SMTP: <input name="mSmtp" type="text" value="<% response.write mSmtp %>" />
- Port: <input name="mPort" type="text" value="<% response.write mPort %>" size="5" />
- Timeout: <input name="mTimeout" type="text" value="<% response.write mTimeout %>" size="5" />
- Sec SSL: <input type="checkbox" name="mSsl" value="ture" /> <br />
- Username: <input name="mUser" type="text" value="<% response.write mUser %>" /> <br />
- Password: <input name="mPwd" type="password" value="<% response.write mPwd %>" /> <br />
- SMTP验证选项:
- <select name="mAuth">
- <option value="0">匿名验证</option>
- <option value="1" selected="selected">普通验证</option>
- <option value="2">NTLM 验证</option>
- </select>
- 邮件发送选项:
- <select name="mSend">
- <option value="1">Send Using Pickup</option>
- <option value="2" selected="selected">Send Using Port</option>
- </select>
- <br />
- <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" />
- </p>
- </form><!-- shawl.qiu code -->
- <% end function
- end class %>
2. 调用 cCdoMessage 类
- linenum
- <%
- dim objCdo
- set objCdo= new cCdoMessage
- with objCdo
- .header ' 头部信息, 非必须
- .rQs=request.queryString("id") '查询 ID, 必选项
- set .rForm=request.form '提交表单集合, 必选项
- .pgCdoSendMail
- set .rForm=nothing
- .mAction="?id=cdo" '提交表单 URL, 必选项
- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' start 表单域默认内容, 非必须
- .mFrom="shawlqiu@21cn.com"
- .mTo="shawl.qiu@gmail.com,btbtd@msn.com"
- .mCc="btbtd@yahoo.com.cn"
- .mBcc="shawl.qiu+2@gmail.com"
- .mSubject="mail subject"
- .mBody="test mail body"&chr(13)&"中文"&chr(13)&"<h2>html format</h2>"
- .mSmtp="smtp.21cn.com"
- .mPort=25
- .mTimeout=60
- .mUser="shawlqiu"
- .mPwd="不告诉你"
- ' end 表单域默认内容, 非必须
- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- .pgCdoform ' 发送邮件表单, 必选项
- .info ' 作者信息, 非必须
- end with
- set objCdo=nothing
- %>
3. 预览
ASP Class(类) 之 使用内建组件 cdo.message 发送邮件 By shawl.qiu
shawl.qiu code
Subject: ASP Class(类) 之 使用内建组件 cdo.message 发送邮件 By shawl.qiu
Author: shawl.qiu
Version: 1.0
Date: 2006-09-12
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/btbtd
E-Mail: shawl.qiu@gmail.com
ASP Class(类) 之 使用内建组件 cdo.message 发送邮件 By shawl.qiu
最新推荐文章于 2023-03-14 18:18:27 发布