5.5. Hash (Associative Array) Functions
5.5.1. The keys Function
The keys function returns, in random order, an array whose elements are the keys of a hash (see "The values Function" and "The each Function").
Example 5.53.
(In Script)
# The keys function returns the keys of a hash
1 %weekday= (
2 foreach $key ( keys(%weekday) ){print "$key ";}
print "\n";
3 foreach $key ( sort keys(%weekday) ){print $key ;}
print "\n";
2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The hash %weekday is assigned keys and values.
For each value in %weekday, call the keys function to get the key. Assign the key value to the scalar $key and print it in random order.
Now the keys are sorted and printed.