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原创 Display line number in emacs

1. download linum.el form http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/line-num.el copy to ~/library/elisp 2. start emacs and add content    C-x C-f ~/.emacs ; display line number(add-to-list load-

2010-03-05 16:08:00 1336

原创 2008GCT, 过了

很久都没有发blog了, 这期间也干了些事情,可惜好像热情不大,没把自己看的东西写写?  我去考了2008年的GCT,应该明年会去上工程硕士。应为没看书,本来不准备去考的。结果在百度知道里面搜“GTC 简单”, 发现有人不复习也能过。所以就去考了。今天查了结果,过了,还288分。鼓励一下不复习后来者,去试试。 明天去复式了,本来准备用网上的电子教材复习的,结果发现那本电子

2008-12-05 22:44:00 307

原创 std::tr1在visual c++ 实现中使用的宏

也许是我不适应的原因,在visual c++中std::tr1的代码比stl明显难读了很多。 对于可接受多个参数的function,用错之后,那个错误信息看得是云里雾里。原因是这份代码中使用了大量的宏来辅助多个参数的实现。晚上花了不少时间弄清楚宏的问题。以std::tr1::mem_fn为例,对于每一个可接受多参数的function, 都有类似实现:     #define _INCL

2008-04-21 02:03:00 877 1

原创 Fibonacci

#include templateT fib1(unsigned int n){    T first = 0;    T second = n > 0 ? 1 : 0;    T tmp = 0;    for (unsigned int i = 1; i         tmp = first + second;        first = second;        second =

2008-04-05 23:08:00 356 1

原创 why enable_shared_from_this

为什么会有 tr1::enable_shared_from_this 这个类,一直不解,直到看了Stephan T. Lavavej给出的关于shared_ptr 的PPT。 Stephan T. Lavavej是Visual C++ Libraries Developer。他给的例子是:struct Ansible {    shared_ptr get_shared() {    

2008-02-28 23:34:00 2017

原创 Find Function in exports

// skip the fucking head "顶"// ""Find Function In Exports/* 0*/    #include /* 1*/    #include /* 2*/    #include /* 3*/    #include /* 4*/    #include /* 5*/    #include /* 6*/    /* 7*/ 

2008-01-22 00:49:00 436 2

原创 __stdcall,__cdecl,__fastcall,__thiscall

从msdn上摘录,__*call的解释__stdcallreturn-type __stdcall function-name[(argument-list)] Element Implementation

2008-01-10 23:17:00 1345

原创 MVC

MVC MVC中,View 只是显示Model,而不直接改变Model。它是通过Controller来响应鼠标、键盘的输入消息,把输入转化为service,然后把service送给View或Model。用户只通过Controller与系统交互。 在MFC下,View是直接拿到windows消息的。 一般情况下, 我们会在View中处理消息,然后直接通知View或Model怎样改

2007-12-07 22:20:00 288

原创 C++ Performance

最近看了个文档 TR18015 C++ Performance.pdf, 又唤起了对性能问题的注意。这个文档可以从The C++ Standards Committee 得到:ISO/IEC TR 18015:2006 C++ Performance - draft TR 。虽然标称为draft,但好似完成了。其实还有另外两个文档也不错:1。Techniques for Scientifi

2007-10-28 20:28:00 431

原创 我的软件--兔子睡觉

为什么没有人下载我的兔子睡觉?http://download.csdn.net/source/245188为了防止把它丢失,把代码贴在这里了,算是备份吧。文件的最后修改时间是 2005-7-22 14:39(估计是上班的时候悄悄改的)图标的最后修改时间是 2005-7-12 1:16 (工程就是那天创建的,都画图标了)原来这个东西是自己工作了一年写的。#include #i

2007-09-13 20:32:00 534 1


看看BOOST_FOREACH的实现吧,你真的会为了少敲几个字母,为了代码界面上的简单而使用BOOST_FOREACH吗?///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOST_FOREACH////   For iterating over collections. Col

2007-07-06 20:50:00 3571 5

原创 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Third Edition

发布了一本牛书,对OOAD很有帮助。 http://download.csdn.net/source/203093Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Third EditionAuthors:Grady BoochRobert A. MaksimchukMichael W. EngleBobbi J. Youn

2007-07-02 08:27:00 961

原创 visual c++ -- 使用symbol文件

在visual studio 2005 中,可以配置 symbol 文件的搜索路径。在 Tools -- Options -- Debugging -- Symbols 下。这对于调试没有源码的第三方函数库有些帮助(如果他们提供了发布版的symbol文件的话)。 微软为自己的SDK都提供的symbol文件供下载。里面的内容有删节,不过在堆栈信息里能看到完整的函数名了。微软还提供了一个symbo

2007-05-27 22:30:00 764

原创 3D math

图形学中的几何体表示都是基于点和向量的。因为与学校中学习的表示法不同,导致在理解上不是那么直观。我尝试着从几何上解释这些表示,方便自己和读这篇文章的人。Linedefine Vector n, Point p, double c.n dot_product p = c这个公式定义了一条直线。对于一条直线,n和c是常量,变量是点p,这条直线就是p的集合。可以把n和p都想象成从原点出发

2007-04-11 21:53:00 448

原创 收藏夹 for programme

我的收藏夹里的网站(programme),截至4/1/2007,just for fun.AMD的开发社区,和intel一样,都有CPU的白皮书手册下载。    http://developer.amd.com/home.jspATI的开发社区    http://ati.de/developer/ 软件架构的资源,作者还没写好,等着    http://www.booch

2007-04-01 11:55:00 360

原创 multi-thread driver for Direct 3d

多核还有64位确实已经开始普及了,我却还沉浸在win32下,也该朝“新技术”看看了。之所以加引号,是因为这些提法也确实不新了,都好几年前的事了。自己跟踪技术的反应怎么就那么慢呢?不过看看有些人还沉浸在vc6的开发环境中,真是无限感慨,忠贞之士啊。看到ATI的一个PPT:Direct3D Multithreading。概述多线程的Direct3d driver的。也不知ATI实现了没有,至少这个

2007-03-30 23:57:00 649

原创 Multithreaded programs Resource

Multi-Threaded Programming With POSIX Threads   Programming with POSIX Threads        已经绝版了,不过可以找到电子版。ed2k://|file|Addison%20Wesley%20-%20Programming%20with%20Posix%20Threads.zip|10022244|

2007-03-29 23:35:00 390

原创 Boost.Thread

Resource:         可以在http://www.boost.org/得到boost,最新的release是1_33。RC_1_34_0也值得看看,它是boost的一个子集,仅包含对Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions的实现。现在还处在alpha阶段(就是基本不能用阶段 :))。        一篇文章The Boost.Thr

2007-03-24 22:24:00 771

原创 图形编程 - reading list

Graphics:Computer Graphics Using OpenGL,Second Edition计算机图形学(OpenGL版)F.S.Hill,JR.http://www.china-pub.com/computers/common/info.asp?id=15845        书很厚,有很多例子代码和练习,都是使用OpenGL实现。每章最后有case st

2007-03-10 20:00:00 1023

原创 使用 std::unique

<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:宋体; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1; mso-font-alt:SimSun; mso-font-charset:134; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-

2006-10-21 13:46:00 5271 2

Working Effectively with Legacy Code.chm

书名:修改代码的艺术 作者:Michael Feathers Is your code easy to change? Can you get nearly instantaneous feedback when you do change it? Do you understand it? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have legacy code, and it is draining time and money away from your development efforts. In this book, Michael Feathers offers start-to-finish strategies for working more effectively with large, untested legacy code bases. This book draws on material Michael created for his renowned Object Mentor seminars: techniques Michael has used in mentoring to help hundreds of developers, technical managers, and testers bring their legacy systems under control.


Advances in Geometric Modeling.djvu

Geometric Modeling (GM) plays a significant role in the construction, design and manufacture of various objects. In addition to its critical importance in the traditional fields of automo- bile and aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, and general product design, GM methods have also proven to be indispensable in a variety of modern industries, including computer vision, robotics, medical imaging, visualization, textile, designing, painting, and other media. This book aims to provide a valuable resource, which focuses on interdisciplinary methods and affiliate research in the area. It aims to provide the user community with a variety of advanced geometric modeling techniques and the applications necessary for various real life problems. It also aims to collect and disseminate information in various disciplines including: Computer Graphics Computer Vision Computer Aided Geometric Design Geometric Algorithms Visualization Shape Abstraction and Modeling Computational Geometry Solid Modeling Shape Analysis and Description Reverse Engineering Multiresolution and Diffusion Texture Mapping CAD/CAM Industrial Applications


Geometric and solid modeling.pdf

Today, our imagination is limited by the computer systems we have built. The demand for sophisticated tools has grown faster than the corresponding<br>developments of the supporting science base. Written by one of the leading experts in the Meld of solid-modeling systems, Geometric and Solid Modeling: An Introduction provides the start of a scientimc basis to support the coming revolution in computer-aided design. It deals with the concepts and tools needed to design and implement solidmodeling systems, and makes this information accessible to the novice, as well as to the experienced designer.


Curves and Surfaces for Computer-Aided Geometric Design

In the late 1950s, hardware became available that allowed the machining of 3D shapes out of blocks of wood or steel.1 These shapes could then be used as stamps and dies for products such as the hood of a car. The bottleneck in this production method was soon found to be the lack of adequate software. In order to machine a shape using a computer, it became necessary to produce a computer-compatible description of that shape. The most promising description method was soon identified to be in terms of parametric surfaces. An example of this approach is provided by Plates I and III: Plate I shows the actual hood of a car; Plate III shows how it is represented internally as a collection of parametric surfaces.


兔子睡觉 -



GPU Gems 2.part2.rar

djvu 格式<br><br>NVIDIA Corporation<br><br>This sort of rapid change makes a “gems”-style book a natural fit for assembling the state of the art and disseminating it to the developer community. Featuring chapters written by acknowledged experts, GPU Gems 2 provides broad coverage of the most exciting new ideas in the field.


GPU Gems 2.part1.rar

djvu 格式<br><br>NVIDIA Corporation<br><br>This sort of rapid change makes a “gems”-style book a natural fit for assembling the state of the art and disseminating it to the developer community. Featuring chapters written by acknowledged experts, GPU Gems 2 provides broad coverage of the most exciting new ideas in the field.


GPU Gems 1.part2.rar

djvu 格式<br><br>NVIDIA Corporation<br><br>This book is an extensive and practical collection of articles about real-time computer graphics, accumulating the knowledge and experience of experts in both industry and academia. Building, in the same style, upon the wealth of the great “Gems” books already available, GPU Gems is a collection of short chapters. However, a number of keycharacteristics make this book unique and valuable to today’s developers as they attempt to harness the ever-increasing power of the graphics processing unit (GPU).


GPU Gems 1.part1.rar

djvu 格式<br><br>NVIDIA Corporation<br><br>This book is an extensive and practical collection of articles about real-time computer graphics, accumulating the knowledge and experience of experts in both industry and academia. Building, in the same style, upon the wealth of the great “Gems” books already available, GPU Gems is a collection of short chapters. However, a number of keycharacteristics make this book unique and valuable to today’s developers as they attempt to harness the ever-increasing power of the graphics processing unit (GPU).


Object Oriented Analysis And Design With Applications 3Rd Edition.pdf

Object-Oriented<br/>Analysis and Design with Applications Third Edition<br/><br/>Authors:<br/><br/>Grady Booch<br/>Robert A. Maksimchuk<br/>Michael W. Engle<br/>Bobbi J. Young, Ph.D.<br/>Jim Conallen<br/>Kelli A. Houston<br/><br/><br/>About the Authors:<br/><br/>Grady Booch is recognized internationally for his innovative work on software architecture, software engineering, and modeling. He has been with IBM Rational as its Chief Scientist since Rational’s founding in 1981. Grady was named an IBM Fellow in March 2003.<br/>Grady is one of the original developers of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and was also one of the original developers of several of Rational’s products. Grady has served as architect and architectural mentor for numerous complex software-intensive projects around the world.<br/>Grady is the author of six best-selling books, including the UML Users Guide and the seminal Object-Oriented Analysis with Applications. Grady has published several hundred technical articles on software engineering, including papers published in the early 1980s that originated the term and practice of object-oriented design. He has lectured and consulted worldwide.<br/>Grady is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR). He is an IBM Fellow, an ACM Fellow, a World Technology Network Fellow, and a Software Development Forum Visionary.<br/>Grady was a founding board member of the Agile Alliance, the Hillside Group, and the Worldwide Institute of Software Architects. He also serves on the advisory board of Northface University.<br/>Grady received his bachelor of science from the United States Air Force Academy in 1977 and his master of science in electrical engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1979.<br/>Grady lives with his wife and cats in Colorado. His interests include reading, traveling, singing, and playing the harp.<br/>


Pro C# with .NET 3.0 Special Edition.part2

Pro C# with .NET 3.0, Special Edition is logically divided into six distinct parts, each of which contains<br/>some number of chapters that somehow “belong together.” If you’ve read the third edition of<br/>this text (Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform), you will notice that the first 25 chapters of this<br/>special edition are identical (beyond a number of errata integrations) to those. However, Part 6 of<br/>this book (which is devoted to building .NET 3.0/C# 3.0 and LINQ applications) is indeed entirely<br/>new. This being said, here is a part-by-part and chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the text.


Pro C# with .NET 3.0 Special Edition.part1

Pro C# with .NET 3.0, Special Edition is logically divided into six distinct parts, each of which contains<br/>some number of chapters that somehow “belong together.” If you’ve read the third edition of<br/>this text (Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform), you will notice that the first 25 chapters of this<br/>special edition are identical (beyond a number of errata integrations) to those. However, Part 6 of<br/>this book (which is devoted to building .NET 3.0/C# 3.0 and LINQ applications) is indeed entirely<br/>new. This being said, here is a part-by-part and chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the text.


ShaderX 3.-.Advanced Rendering.part3.rar

ShaderX 3.-.Advanced Rendering


ShaderX 3.-.Advanced Rendering.part2.rar

ShaderX 3.-.Advanced Rendering


ShaderX 3.-.Advanced Rendering.part1.rar

ShaderX 3.-.Advanced Rendering


ShaderX 2.-.Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.part2.rar

After the tremendous success of Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips<br/>and Tricks, I planned to do another book with an entirely new set of innovative<br/>ideas, techniques, and algorithms. The call for authors led to many proposals from<br/>nearly 80 people who wanted to contribute to the book. Some of these proposals<br/>featured introductory material and others featured much more advanced themes.<br/>Because of the large amount of material, I decided to split the articles into introductory<br/>pieces that are much longer but explain a lot of groundwork and articles<br/>that assume a certain degree of knowledge. This idea led to two books:<br/>ShaderX2: Introductions & Tutorials with DirectX 9<br/>ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips & Tricks with DirectX 9<br/>The first book helps the reader get started with shader programming, whereas<br/>the second book (this one) features tips and tricks that an experienced shader<br/>programmer will benefit from.<br/>As with Direct3D ShaderX, Javier Izquierdo Villagrán (nurbs1@jazzfree.com)<br/>prepared the drafts for the cover design of both books with in-game screen shots<br/>from Aquanox 2, which were contributed by Ingo Frick, the technical director of<br/>Massive Development.


ShaderX 2.-.Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.part1.rar

After the tremendous success of Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips<br/>and Tricks, I planned to do another book with an entirely new set of innovative<br/>ideas, techniques, and algorithms. The call for authors led to many proposals from<br/>nearly 80 people who wanted to contribute to the book. Some of these proposals<br/>featured introductory material and others featured much more advanced themes.<br/>Because of the large amount of material, I decided to split the articles into introductory<br/>pieces that are much longer but explain a lot of groundwork and articles<br/>that assume a certain degree of knowledge. This idea led to two books:<br/>ShaderX2: Introductions & Tutorials with DirectX 9<br/>ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips & Tricks with DirectX 9<br/>The first book helps the reader get started with shader programming, whereas<br/>the second book (this one) features tips and tricks that an experienced shader<br/>programmer will benefit from.<br/>As with Direct3D ShaderX, Javier Izquierdo Villagrán (nurbs1@jazzfree.com)<br/>prepared the drafts for the cover design of both books with in-game screen shots<br/>from Aquanox 2, which were contributed by Ingo Frick, the technical director of<br/>Massive Development.


ShaderX 2.-.Introductions and Tutorials with DirectX 9.0.pdf

After the tremendous success of Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel<br/>Shader Tips and Tricks, I planned to do another book with an entirely<br/>new set of innovative ideas, techniques, and algorithms. The call for<br/>authors led to many proposals from nearly 80 people who wanted to<br/>contribute to the book. Some of these proposals featured introductory<br/>material and others featured much more advanced themes.<br/>Because of the large amount of material, I decided to split the articles<br/>into introductory pieces that are much longer but explain a lot of<br/>groundwork and articles that assume a certain degree of knowledge.<br/>This idea led to two books:<br/>ShaderX2: Introductions & Tutorials with DirectX 9<br/>ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips & Tricks with DirectX 9<br/>The first book (this one) helps the reader get started with shader<br/>programming, whereas the second book features tips and tricks that<br/>an experienced shader programmer will benefit from.


ShaderX 1.-.Vertex.and.Pixel.Shader.Tips.and.Tricks

With the advent of Microsoft® DirectX® version 8.0, the revolution of programmable graphics<br/>had arrived. With vertex shaders for the programmable geometry pipeline and pixel shaders for<br/>the programmable pixel pipeline, the control over geometry and pixels was handed back to the<br/>developer. This unprecedented level of control in the graphics pipeline means graphics developers,<br/>once they have mastered the basics of shaders, now have the tools to generate new, as<br/>yet unheard-of, effects. Wolfgang and his contributors have selected shader topics that they<br/>believe will help to open wide the doors of illumination on shaders and the programmable<br/>pipeline. Read on, be illuminated, and learn how to create your own effects using the programmable<br/>graphics pipeline.



Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment: Second Edition By W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago ............................................... Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: June 17, 2005 ISBN: 0201433079 Pages: 960


Unix™ Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency, and Threads

This completely updated classic (originally titled Practical UNIX Programming) demonstrates how to design complex software to get the most from the UNIX operating system. UNIX Systems Programming provides a clear and easy-to-understand introduction tothe essentials of UNIX programming. Starting with short code snippetsthat illustrate how to use system calls, Robbins and Robbins movequickly to hands-on projects that help readers expand their skill levels. This practical guide thoroughly explores communication, concurrency,and multithreading. Known for its comprehensive and lucid explanations of complicated topics such as signals and concurrency, the book features practical examples, exercises, reusable code, and simplified libraries for use in network communication applications. A self-contained reference that relies on the latest UNIX standards,UNIX Systems Programming provides thorough coverage of files, signals,semaphores, POSIX threads, and client-server communication. Thisedition features all-new chapters on the Web, UDP, and server performance. The sample material has been tested extensively in theclassroom.



Introduction This book presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using Direct3D 10. It teaches the fundamentals of Direct3D and shader programming, after which the reader will be prepared to go on and learn more advanced techniques. The book is divided into three main parts. Part I explains the mathematical tools that will be used throughout this book. Part II shows how to implement fundamental tasks in Direct3D, such as initialization, defining 3D geometry, setting up cameras, creating vertex, pixel, and geometry shaders, lighting, texturing, blending, and stenciling. Part III is largely about applying Direct3D to implement a variety of interesting techniques and special effects, such as working with meshes, terrain rendering, picking, particle systems, environment mapping, normal mapping, shadows, and rendering to textures. For the beginner, this book is best read front to back. The chapters have been organized so that the difficulty increases progressively with each chapter. In this way, there are no sudden jumps in complexity that leave the reader lost. In general, for a particular chapter, we will use the techniques and concepts previously developed. Therefore, it is important that you have mastered the material of a chapter before continuing. Experienced programmers can pick the chapters of interest. Finally, you may be wondering what kinds of games you can create after reading this book. The answer to that question is best obtained by skimming through this book and seeing the types of applications that are developed. From that you should be able to visualize the types of games that can be developed based on the techniques taught in this book and some of your own ingenuity. Intended Audience This book was designed with the following three audiences in mind: Intermediate level C++ programmers who would like an introduction to 3D programming using the latest iteration of Direct3D. 3D programmers experienced with an API other than DirectX (e.g., OpenGL) who would like an introduction to Direct3D 10. Experienced Direct3D 9 programmers wishing to learn the latest iteration of Direct3D.


Effective Concurrency

Herb Sutter is a leading authority on software development. He is the best selling author of Exceptional C++ as well as three other books and hundreds of technical papers and articles, including the widely-cited essay "The Free Lunch Is Over" which coined the term "concurrency revolution" to describe the software sea change now in progress to exploit increasingly parallel hardware. He served for over a decade as secretary and chair of the ISO C++ standards committee during the development of the second C++ standard, C++0x, and as lead architect of C++/CLI at Microsoft. Herb is currently the designer of the Prism memory model for Microsoft platforms and the Concur extensions to Visual C++ for parallel programming. His next book, Effective Concurrency, will be published by Addison-Wesley. This is Effective Concurrency article, 1 to 25


Xunit Test Patterns Refactoring Test Code.pdf

xUnit Test Patterns Refactoring Test Code Gerard Meszaros


Real-Time Rendering.3rd.djvu

Real-Time Renderin Third Edition Tomas Akenine-Moller Eric Haines Naty Hoffman


Pragmatic Programming Erlang Jul 2007.pdf

书是讲述下一代编程语言Erlang 的权威著作,主要涵盖顺序型编程、异常处理、编译和运行代码、并发编程、并发编程中的错误处理、分布式编程、多核编程等内容。本书将帮助读者在消息传递的基础上构建分布式的并发系统,免去锁与互斥技术的羁绊,使程序在多核CPU 上高效运行。本书讲述的各种设计方法和行为将成为设计容错与分布式系统中的利器。. 在多核、并发、分布为王的时代,谁将成为下一个主流编程语言?来自全世界的众多专家都认为,Erlang最有可能在竞争中胜出。 Erlang开源语言系出名门,通信巨头爱立信公司用它开发出了可靠性惊人的交换机系统AXD301。它天生就是面向并发、分布和高容错的,兼有函数式语言和脚本语言的各种优点,而且已经用于商业开发多年,具有稳定性极高的虚拟机和平台库。有了这些天时地利,无怪乎Erlang能够迅速成为热门的开发语言,除了广泛应用于通信行业之外,它已经进入了各个领域:Facebook用它实现了聊天系统,Yahoo用它重写了Delicious,Amazon用它开发了云计算数据服务SimpleDB,还有多人游戏、测试工具、电子支付、数据采集与监控、企业消息、电子邮件、空中交通管制…….. 本书由Erlang之父Joe Armstrong编写,是毋庸置疑的经典著作。书中兼顾了顺序编程、并发编程和分布式编程,较深入地讨论了开发Erlang应用中至关重要的文件和网络编程、OTP、MNesia、Ets和Dets等主题,更为精彩的是,大师亲自操刀,构建了MapReduce实例和多人聊天实例,一定让你大呼过瘾。...


OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL(R), Version 2.1

OpenGL® Programming Guide, Sixth Edition OpenGL is a powerful software interface used to produce high-quality, computergenerated images and interactive applications using 2D and 3D objects, bitmaps, and color images. The OpenGL® Programming Guide, Sixth Edition, provides definitive and comprehensive information on OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Library. The previous edition covered OpenGL through Version 2.0. This sixth edition of the best-selling "red book" describes the latest features of OpenGL Version 2.1. You will find clear explanations of OpenGL functionality and many basic computer graphics techniques, such as building and rendering 3D models; interactively viewing objects from different perspective points; and using shading, lighting, and texturing effects for greater realism. In addition, this book provides in-depth coverage of advanced techniques, including texture mapping, antialiasing, fog and atmospheric effects, NURBS, image processing, and more. The text also explores other key topics such as enhancing performance, OpenGL extensions, and cross-platform techniques. This sixth edition has been updated to include the newest features of OpenGL Version 2.1, including: Using server-side pixel buffer objects for fast pixel rectangle download and retrieval Discussion of the sRGB texture format Expanded discussion of the OpenGL Shading Language This edition continues the discussion of the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and explains the mechanics of using this language to create complex graphics effects and boost the computational power of OpenGL. The OpenGL Technical Library provides tutorial and reference books for OpenGL. The Library enables programmers to gain a practical understanding of OpenGL and shows them how to unlock its full potential. Originally developed by SGI, the Library continues to evolve under the auspices of the OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB) Steering Group (now part of the Khronos Group), an industry consortium responsible for guiding the evolution of OpenGL and related technologies. About the Author Dave Shreiner, a computer graphics specialist at ARM, Inc., was a longtime member of the core OpenGL team at SGI. He authored the first commercial OpenGL training course, and has been developing computer graphics applications for more than two decades. Dave regularly presents at SIGGRAPH and other conferences worldwide, and is coauthor of the OpenGL® Reference Manual (Addison-Wesley).



Python是一种理想的独立程序和脚本程序语言,具有可移植、强大和易用的特点。无论您是初学程序设计还是初学Python,都能通过本书快速而高效地掌握Python核心语言的基础。通读本书,您可以获得足够多的知识,能够学习将Python用于您所选择的任何应用领域。.<br>《学习Python(第三版)》基于作者Mark Lutz在过去10年间讲授培训课程所使用的资料。除了大量的注解插图和每章总结外,作者还为每章加入了独特的一节,通过实际练习和复习提问的方式,让您在学习过程中练习新的技能,测验对概念的理解程度。<br>本书内容包括:<br>类型和运算——深入Python内置对象类型:数值、列表、字典及其他。<br>语句和语法——用来创建和处理对象的Python代码以及Python通用语法模型。<br>函数——Python的基本结构化和代码重用工具。..<br>模块——将语句、函数和其他工具组织为更大的组件。<br>类和面向对象编程——可选的Python面向对象程序设计工具,用于定制和重用结构化代码。<br>异常和工具——处理语句和模块异常,并介绍编写较大型程序所使用的开发工具。<br>有关即将发布的Python 3.0的一些讨论。<br>《学习Python 第三版》为您理解Python语言提供了完整而又深入的介绍,帮助您领会在以后的工作中会遇到的应用级Python实例。如果您准备好探索Google和YouTube究竟从Python中发现了什么,那么本书就是一个最好的开始。...


Object Design Roles,Responsibilities,and Collaborations.chm

Object Design: Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaborations <br>By Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Alan McKean <br> <br>Publisher : Addison Wesley <br>Pub Date : November 08, 2002 <br>ISBN : 0-201-37943-0 <br>Pages : 416 <br><br><br><br><br>Noted object technologists Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Alan McKean present a modern, thoughtful treatment on the design of object software.<br><br>Introduces Responsibility-Driven Design, the expert authors' proven method to building better software.<br><br>Practical strategies for increasing software's reliability and flexibility.<br><br>Helps reader discriminate important design choices from mundane ones, and to acquire a fundamental set of techniques that can be intelligently practiced<br><br>After more than ten years, object technology pioneer Rebecca Wirfs-Brock teams with expert Alan McKean to present a thoroughly updated, modern, and proven method for the design of software. The book is packed with practical design techniques that enable the practitioner to get the job done. Like many human endeavors, design is part art, part engineering, part guesswork, and part experimentation. Discipline, hard work, inspiration, and sound technique all play their part as well. For any given problem, there are many reasonable, but only a few very good solutions. The authors' goal is to help readers learn to make those very good design decisions on their own. The book explores challenges that software developers will face as they build their design, and shows how design patterns can be used to solve design problems. Long awaited and eagerly anticipated, this book represents the first great software design book of the century. A FUTURE CLASSIC!<br><br>Rebecca Wirfs-Brock is the founder of Wirfs-Brock Associates where she consults with clients on development practices and methods. Formerly, she was Chief Methodologist and Director of the Object Development Center of Excellence at Parc-Place Digitalk. She was the lead author of Designing Object-Oreinted Software, Prentice-Hall, 1990. Alan McKean is the co-founder of Wirfs-Brock Associates. He was formerly Object Methodologist at Parc-Place Digitalk. An experienced speaker and software developer, he has developed socre curricula in object-oriented design, programming, and distributed object systems.<br><br>



Real-Time Rendering (2nd Edition)<br>by Tomas Moller (Author), Eric Haines (Author), Tomas Akenine-Moller (Author)<br><br>Hardcover: 900 pages <br>Publisher: AK Peters, Ltd.; 2 edition (July 2002) <br>Language: English <br>ISBN-10: 1568811829 <br>ISBN-13: 978-1568811826 <br>Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.3 x 1.6 inches



GPU Gems 3 <br>by Hubert Nguyen <br><br>Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional <br>Pub Date: August 02, 2007 <br>Print ISBN-10: 0-321-51526-9 <br>Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-51526-1 <br>eText ISBN-10: 0-321-54542-7 <br>eText ISBN-13: 978-0-321-54542-8 <br><br>Overview<br>"The GPU Gems series features a collection of the most essential algorithms required by Next-Generation 3D Engines."<br>—Martin Mittring, Lead Graphics Programmer, Crytek <br><br>This third volume of the best-selling GPU Gems series provides a snapshot of today's latest Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) programming techniques. The programmability of modern GPUs allows developers to not only distinguish themselves from one another but also to use this awesome processing power for non-graphics applications, such as physics simulation, financial analysis, and even virus detection—particularly with the CUDA architecture. Graphics remains the leading application for GPUs, and readers will find that the latest algorithms create ultra-realistic characters, better lighting, and post-rendering compositing effects.<br><br>Major topics include<br><br>Geometry<br><br>Light and Shadows<br><br>Rendering<br><br>Image Effects<br><br>Physics Simulation<br><br>GPU Computing<br><br>Contributors are from the following corporations and universities:<br><br>3Dfacto<br>Adobe Systems<br>Apple<br>Budapest University of Technology and Economics<br>CGGVeritas<br>The Chinese University of Hong Kong<br>Cornell University<br>Crytek<br>Czech Technical University in Prague<br>Dartmouth College<br>Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment<br>Eindhoven University of Technology<br>Electronic Arts<br>Havok<br>Helsinki University of Technology<br>Imperial College London<br>Infinity Ward<br>Juniper Networks<br>LaBRI–INRIA, University of Bordeaux<br>mental images<br>Microsoft Research<br>Move Interactive<br>NCsoft Corporation<br>NVIDIA Corporation<br>Perpetual Entertainment<br>Playlogic Game Factory<br>Polytime<br>Rainbow Studios<br>SEGA Corporation<br>UFRGS (Brazil)<br>Ulm University<br>University of California, Davis<br>University of Central Florida<br>University of Copenhagen<br>University of Girona<br>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign<br>University of North Carolina Chapel Hill<br>University of Tokyo<br>University of Waterloo<br><br><br>Section Editors include NVIDIA engineers: Cyril Zeller, Evan Hart, Ignacio Casta?o, Kevin Bjorke, Kevin Myers, and Nolan Goodnight.<br><br>Pages: 1008 <br>



GPU Gems 3 <br>by Hubert Nguyen <br><br>Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional <br>Pub Date: August 02, 2007 <br>Print ISBN-10: 0-321-51526-9 <br>Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-51526-1 <br>eText ISBN-10: 0-321-54542-7 <br>eText ISBN-13: 978-0-321-54542-8 <br><br>Overview<br>"The GPU Gems series features a collection of the most essential algorithms required by Next-Generation 3D Engines."<br>—Martin Mittring, Lead Graphics Programmer, Crytek <br><br>This third volume of the best-selling GPU Gems series provides a snapshot of today's latest Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) programming techniques. The programmability of modern GPUs allows developers to not only distinguish themselves from one another but also to use this awesome processing power for non-graphics applications, such as physics simulation, financial analysis, and even virus detection—particularly with the CUDA architecture. Graphics remains the leading application for GPUs, and readers will find that the latest algorithms create ultra-realistic characters, better lighting, and post-rendering compositing effects.<br><br>Major topics include<br><br>Geometry<br><br>Light and Shadows<br><br>Rendering<br><br>Image Effects<br><br>Physics Simulation<br><br>GPU Computing<br><br>Contributors are from the following corporations and universities:<br><br>3Dfacto<br>Adobe Systems<br>Apple<br>Budapest University of Technology and Economics<br>CGGVeritas<br>The Chinese University of Hong Kong<br>Cornell University<br>Crytek<br>Czech Technical University in Prague<br>Dartmouth College<br>Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment<br>Eindhoven University of Technology<br>Electronic Arts<br>Havok<br>Helsinki University of Technology<br>Imperial College London<br>Infinity Ward<br>Juniper Networks<br>LaBRI–INRIA, University of Bordeaux<br>mental images<br>Microsoft Research<br>Move Interactive<br>NCsoft Corporation<br>NVIDIA Corporation<br>Perpetual Entertainment<br>Playlogic Game Factory<br>Polytime<br>Rainbow Studios<br>SEGA Corporation<br>UFRGS (Brazil)<br>Ulm University<br>University of California, Davis<br>University of Central Florida<br>University of Copenhagen<br>University of Girona<br>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign<br>University of North Carolina Chapel Hill<br>University of Tokyo<br>University of Waterloo<br><br><br>Section Editors include NVIDIA engineers: Cyril Zeller, Evan Hart, Ignacio Castaño, Kevin Bjorke, Kevin Myers, and Nolan Goodnight.<br><br>Pages: 1008 <br>


Advanced Windows Debugging

Advanced Windows Debugging (The Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series) (Paperback)<br>by Mario Hewardt (Author), Daniel Pravat (Author) <br><br>Paperback: 840 pages <br>Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (November 8, 2007) <br>Language: English <br>ISBN-10: 0321374460 <br>ISBN-13: 978-0321374462 <br>Product Dimensions: 9 x 7 x 1.2 inches <br>Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) <br><br>Whether you’re a system-level or application developer, Advanced Windows Debugging delivers the deep understanding of debugging that could save you weeks on your very next project.<br><br>Part I Overview <br><br>Chapter 1 Introduction to the Tools<br><br>Chapter 2 Introduction to the Debuggers<br><br>Chapter 3 Debugger Uncovered<br><br>Chapter 4 Managing Symbol and Source Files<br><br>Part II Applied Debugging<br><br>Chapter 5 Memory Corruptions Part I — Stacks<br><br>Chapter 6 Memory Corruptions Part I — Heaps<br><br>Chapter 7 Security<br><br>Chapter 8 Inter-process Communication<br><br>Chapter 9 Resource Leaks<br><br>Chapter 10 Synchronization<br><br>Part III Advanced Topics<br><br>Chapter 11 Writing Custom Debugger Extensions<br><br>Chapter 12 64-bit Debugging<br><br>Chapter 13 Postmortem Debugging<br><br>Chapter 14 Power Tools<br><br>Chapter 15 Windows Vista Fundamentals<br><br>Appendix A Application Verifier Test Settings<br><br><br><br>About the Author<br><br>Mario Hewardt is a senior design engineer with Microsoft, and has worked extensively in the Windows system level development area for the last nine years. He is currently involved with designing and implementing the next generation management protocol for Windows Longhorn. <br><br> <br><br>Daniel Pravat is a senior design engineer with Microsoft and has worked in the Windows division, primarily within the Windows management area. He is currently leading a development team that has the responsibility of shipping the most reliable management platform for Windows Longhorn. <br><br>


Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (2007).rar

【原 书 名】 Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed <br>【原出版社】 Sams <br>【作 者】Adam Nathan [同作者作品] <br>【丛 书 名】 英文原版系列图书 <br>【出 版 社】 Sams<br>【书 号】 0672328917 <br>【出版日期】 2006 年12月 <br>【开 本】 16开 <br>【页 码】 656 <br>【版 次】1-1 <br>Book Description<br><br> <br><br>Printed entirely in color, with helpful figures and syntax coloring to make code samples appear as they do in Visual Studio.<br><br> <br><br>Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a key component of the .NET Framework 3.0, giving you the power to create richer and more compelling applications than you dreamed possible. Whether you want to develop traditional user interfaces or integrate 3D graphics, audio/video, animation, dynamic skinning, rich document support, speech recognition, or more, WPF enables you to do so in a seamless, resolution-independent manner. Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed is the authoritative book that covers it all, in a practical and approachable fashion, authored by .NET guru and Microsoft developer Adam Nathan.<br><br> <br><br>· Covers everything you need to know about Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) <br><br>· Examines the WPF feature areas in incredible depth: controls, layout, resources, data binding, styling, graphics, animation, and more <br><br>· Features a chapter on 3D graphics by Daniel Lehenbauer, lead developer responsible for WPF 3D <br><br>· Delves into non-mainstream topics: speech, audio/video, documents, bitmap effects, and more <br><br>· Shows how to create popular UI elements, such as features introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office System: Galleries, ScreenTips, custom control layouts, and more <br><br>· Demonstrates how to create sophisticated UI mechanisms, such as Visual Studio-like collapsible/dockable panes <br><br>· Explains how to develop and deploy all types of applications, including navigation-based applications, applications hosted in a Web browser, and applications with great-looking non-rectangular windows <br><br>· Explains how to create first-class custom controls for WPF <br><br>· Demonstrates how to create hybrid WPF software that leverages Windows Forms, ActiveX, or other non-WPF technologies <br><br>· Explains how to exploit new Windows Vista features in WPF applications<br><br> <br><br><br><br>About the Author<br>Adam Nathan is a senior software development engineer in Microsoft’s Developer Division. He is the author of the acclaimed .NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide (SAMS, 2002), a coauthor of ASP.NET: Tips, Tutorials, and Code (SAMS, 2001), and a contributor to books such as .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference, Vol. 2 (Addison-Wesley, 2005) and Windows Developer Power Tools (O’Reilly, 2006). Adam regularly speaks at development conferences and to groups within Microsoft about a variety of .NET Framework topics. Having started his career on Microsoft’s Common Language Runtime team in 1999, Adam has been at the core of .NET technologies since the very beginning. Adam is also the creator of popular tools and websites for .NET developers, such as PINVOKE.NET, CLR SPY (and its Visual Studio add-in), and XAMLshare.com. You can find him online at www.adamnathan.net. <br><br> <br><br>Daniel Lehenbauer is the lead software design engineer responsible for the 3D features in Windows Presentation Foundation. Prior to WPF, he worked on multiple graphics and UI technologies, including mobile controls for ASP.NET and Windows Forms. Daniel is active in the WPF community and blogs about 3D graphics using WPF at www.viewport3D.com.<br><br>


Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Fourth Edition

Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Fourth Edition <br><br>Hardcover: 1370 pages <br>Publisher: Apress; 4 edition (November 12, 2007) <br>Language: English <br>ISBN-10: 1590598849 <br>ISBN-13: 978-1590598849 <br>Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 7.3 x 2.5 inches <br>Shipping Weight: 4.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) <br><br>“Over the years that I’ve spent working with the common language runtime (CLR), I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the .NET platform and the subtleties of the C# programming language. I’m happy to say that this fourth edition of Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 platform is as close to a ‘final release’ as I’ve come yet!”<br><br>Whether you’re moving to .NET for the first time or you’re already writing applications on .NET 2.0 or .NET 3.0, Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Fourth Edition will provide you with a solid grounding in this new technology and serve as a comprehensive reference throughout your coding career:<br><br>Explore five new chapters of content—including the grammar of the common intermediate language (CIL), .NET generics, and object serialization services. <br>Discover all the new .NET 3.5 features—nullable types, delegate covariance, ASP.NET 2.0 master pages, the new Windows Forms &lquo;Strip” controls, and much more. <br>Get a professional foothold—targeted to appeal to experienced software professionals and/or graduate students of computer science (so don’t expect three chapters on iteration or decision constructs!). <br>Gain a rock-solid foundation in programming using C#. <br>Get comfortable with all the core aspects of the .NET platform—including assemblies, remoting, Windows Forms, Web Forms, ADO.NET, XML web services, and much more. <br>Once you’ve digested the information contained in the 25 chapters of this 1000+ page book, you'll be ready to apply this knowledge to your specific programming assignments and well equipped to explore the .NET universe on your own.


Applications = Code + Markup: A Guide to the Microsoft® Windows Presentation Foundation

Applications = Code + Markup: A Guide to the Microsoft® Windows® Presentation Foundation By Charles Petzold ............................................... Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub Date: August 16, 2006 Print ISBN-10: 0-7356-1957-3 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-7356-1957-9 Pages: 1024 This book is the definitive guide to Microsoft's latest programming interface for client applications. Get expert guidance for using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and C# to create interfaces for Microsoft Windows Vista™ applications.


Mastering Regular Expressions, 3rd Edition

Regular expressions are an extremely powerful tool for manipulating text and data. They are now standard features in a wide range of languages and popular tools, including Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, VB.NET and C# (and any language using the .NET Framework), PHP, and MySQL. <br><br><br>



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