


        lrs_save_searched_string:Searches for an occurrence of strings in a static or received buffer and saves a portion of the buffer, relative to the string occurrence, to a parameter.
        lrs_save_param:Saves data from a static or received buffer to a parameter.

        lrs_save_param_ex :Saves data from a static, received, or user buffer to a parameter.The lrs_save_searched_string function saves a portion of a buffer to a parameter. This function is used for correlating or linking statements within a script. This function extends the functionality of lrs_save_param. 

        原文:概念就不解释了,主要看下3个函数的区别。请注意除了:lrs_save_param_ex保存user buffer以外,其他两个都保存的是静态或者received buffer数据。这就是说当使用其他两个时是取不到每次变化的值的。获取的都是我们data.ws文件中的数据。

                 纠正:因为自己理解肤浅,在原文中进行了如上错误的描述。如果前面有已经阅读了的读者,再次致以歉意。这3个函数其实都可以动态获取运行中收到的数据包中的数据,只要跟在要获取的收取数据包脚本后面即可。其中:lrs_save_searched_string和lrs_save_param如果buf_desc指明buf名称,则从我们录制的data.ws中获取数据,所以每次这个值都是固定值,不会改变的;比如订单提交的确认信息等;而如果:lrs_save_searched_string和lrs_save_param参数buf_desc设置为:NULL,则从脚本中每次返回的数据包中获取数据,这个数据也随着每次脚本的动态运行而变化,比如某个不断递增的ID号等。而:lrs_save_param_ex 的buf_desc有3个参数,其中static指的是从我们在脚本中定义的一个静态变量中取值,而received指的是从收到的数据包取值;而user指从data.ws文件中取值。这个一定要搞清楚。关于这个函数,这里再次提供下最原始的说明:


The type of buffer data to save into the parameter. Possible values: 

user        - save the user data,
static        - save the static buffer that was originally recorded,
received        - save the buffer(s) received by the last call to lrs_receive.  


Depends on the type of buffer data specified in the type parameter. 
For user               the pointer to the user buffer,
For static       -               the descriptor of the buffer in the data file,
For received       the buff parameter is ignored.  
char *ParamBuf = "(size=\x05)" 
lrs_save_param_ex("socket0", "user", ParamBuf, 0, strlen(ParamBuf),"ascii", "size_param"); 
lrs_save_param_ex("socket0", "user", "buf1", 0, 23,"ascii", "param"); 
lrs_save_param_ex("socket0", NULL, "buf1", 0, 23,"ascii", "param"); 


        //输出结果: "wtbh = 10000013" 。原始数据为:"0|普通指令下达成功|10000031|"。那就是在以左边界和右边界第2次出现的地方,


        //输出结果:"wtbh = 普通指令下达成功"原始数据为:"0|普通指令下达成功|10000031|"。那就是在以左边界和右边界第1次出现的地方,


        //输出结果:"wtbh = 指令下达成功"原始数据为:"0|普通指令下达成功|10000031|"。那就是在以左边界和右边界第1次出现的地方,

        lrs_save_param("socket0","buf1","wtbh", 34, 8);
        char * ReceivedBuffer;
        int iLen = 0;
        int iFor = 2;
        lrs_get_last_received_buffer("socket0", &ReceivedBuffer, &iLen);
        lrs_save_param_ex("socket0", "user", ReceivedBuffer, 0, 43, "ascii", "test_para");

        strZhwth = lr_eval_string("<test_para>");
        strZhwth = (char *)strtok(strZhwth,"|");
        while(iFor > 0)
            iFor = iFor - 1;
            strZhwth = (char *)strtok(NULL,"|");//获取下一个token
        lrs_save_param_ex("socket0", "user", strZhwth, 0, 8, "ascii", "Zhwth");
        说明:Returns a token from a string delimited by specified characters.
        定义:char *strtok ( char *string, const char *delimiters );
        参数:string: The string to scan.  delimiters: The string consisting of the character or characters that delimit tokens in the first string.
       extern char * strtok(char * string, const char * delimiters ); // Explicit declaration
       char path[] = "c:\\mercury\\lrun\\bin\\wlrun.exe";
       char separators[] = ".\\";
       char * token;
       token = (char *)strtok(path, separators); // Get the first token
       if (!token) {
              lr_output_message ("No tokens found in string!");
              return( -1 );
       while (token != NULL ) { // While valid tokens are returned
              lr_output_message ("%s", token );
              token = (char *)strtok(NULL, separators); // Get the next token
        Action.c(18): c:
        Action.c(18): mercury
        Action.c(18): lrun
        Action.c(18): bin
        Action.c(18): wlrun
        Action.c(18): exe
        说明:Returns the first occurrence of one string in another.
        定义:char *strstr ( const char *string1, const char *string2 );
        参数:string1:The string that is searched.  string2:The string that is searched for in the first string.  
        lrs_save_param_ex("socket0", "user", ReceivedBuffer_cjhb, 0, iLenCj, "ascii", "cjhb");
        if(strstr(lr_eval_string("<cjhb>"), "已成交") != NULL)
        return 0;
        After strstr returns the address, position, the code then calculates the word's place in str by subtracting the address of the start of the string from position. This is the offset of the word "dog", in bytes.

       int offset;
       char * position;
       char * str = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";
       char * search_str = "dog";
       position = (char *)strstr(str, search_str);

       // strstr has returned the address. Now calculate * the offset from the beginning of str
       offset = (int)(position - str + 1);
       lr_output_message ("The string \"%s\" was found at position %d", search_str, offset);
        Action.c(14): The string "dog" was found at position 17

        说明:Compares string1 and string2 to determine the alphabetic order.
        定义:int  ( const char *string1, const char *string2 );
        参数:string1  The first string that is compared.  string2  The second string that is compared.strcmp compares string1 and string2 to determine the alphabetic order.   
        The following example compares two strings, string1 and string2, which are identical except for the word "quick" which is lowercase in string1 and uppercase in string2. strcmp, which is case-sensitive, returns an unequal comparison.
       int result;
       char tmp[20];
       char string1[] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";
       char string2[] = "The QUICK brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";
       result = strcmp( string1, string2); // Case-sensitive comparison
       if(result > 0)
              strcpy(tmp, "greater than");
       else if(result < 0)
              strcpy(tmp, "less than");
              strcpy(tmp, "equal to");
       lr_output_message ("strcmp: String 1 is %s string 2", tmp);
       result = stricmp(string1, string2 ); // Case-insensitive comparison
       if( result > 0 )
              strcpy( tmp, "greater than" );
       else if( result < 0 )
              strcpy( tmp, "less than" );
              strcpy( tmp, "equal to" );
       lr_output_message( "stricmp: String 1 is %s string 2", tmp );
        Action.c(17): strcmp: String 1 is greater than string 2
        Action.c(28): stricmp: String 1 is equal to string 2

        单词:descriptor identifying :标识符描述

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