




  • 顺序表是用一段物理地址连续的存储单元依次存储数据元素的线性结构,一般情况下采用数组存储。在数组上完成数据的增删查改。

  • 顺序表一般为可动态增长的数组,要求数据是连续存储的。



  • sequentialListInit():顺序表初始化。
  • sequentialListInsert():插入数据。
  • sequentialListDelete():删除数据。
  • locateElement():已知数据求位置。
  • getElement():已知位置求数据。
  • outputList():打印顺序表数据。
  • outputMemory():打印顺序表地址。


// Created by Caka on 2023/3/25.
#include <malloc.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int LIST_MAX_LENGTH = 10;
 * SequentialList data structure definition
typedef struct SequentialList {
    int actualLength;
    int data[LIST_MAX_LENGTH]; //The maximum length is fixed.
} *SequentialListPtr;
 * Initialize a sequential list. No error checking for this function.
SequentialListPtr sequentialListInit(int paraData[], int paraLength) {
    SequentialListPtr resultPtr = (SequentialListPtr) malloc(sizeof(struct SequentialList));
    for (int i = 0; i < paraLength; i++) {
        resultPtr->data[i] = paraData[i];
    }// Of for i
    resultPtr->actualLength = paraLength;
    return resultPtr;
}//Of sequentialListInit
 * Insert an element into a sequential list.
void sequentialListInsert(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
    // Step 1. Space check.
    if (paraListPtr->actualLength >= LIST_MAX_LENGTH) {
        cout << "Cannot insert element: because the list is full." << endl;
    }//Of if
    // Step 2. Position check.
    if (paraPosition < 0) {
        cout << "Cannot insert element: negative position unsupported." << endl;
    }//Of if
    if (paraPosition > paraListPtr->actualLength) {
        cout << "Cannot insert element: the position " << paraPosition << " is bigger than the list length "
             << paraListPtr->actualLength << endl;
    }//Of if
    // Step 3. Move the remaining part.
    for (int i = paraListPtr->actualLength; i > paraPosition; i--) {
        paraListPtr->data[i] = paraListPtr->data[i - 1];
    }//Of for i
    // Step 4. Insert.
    paraListPtr->data[paraPosition] = paraValue;
    // Step 5. Update the length.
}// Of sequentialListInsert
 * Delete an element from a sequential linear list.
int sequentialListDelete(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraPosition) {
    // Step 1. Position check.
    if (paraListPtr->actualLength == 0) {
        cout << "Cannot delete element: because the list is empty." << endl;
        return -1;
    // Step 2. Position check.
    if (paraPosition < 0) {
        cout << "Invalid position: " << paraPosition << endl;
        return -1;
    }//Of if
    if (paraPosition >= paraListPtr->actualLength) {
        cout << "Cannot delete element: the position " << paraPosition << " is beyond the list length "
             << paraListPtr->actualLength << endl;
        return -1;
    }//Of if
    // Step 3. Move the remaining part.
    int resultValue = paraListPtr->data[paraPosition];
    for (int i = paraPosition; i < paraListPtr->actualLength; i++) {
        paraListPtr->data[i] = paraListPtr->data[i + 1];
    }//Of for i
    // Step 4. Update the length.
    // Step 5. Return the value.
    return resultValue;
}// Of sequentialListDelete
 * Output the list.
void outputList(SequentialListPtr paraList) {
    for (int i = 0; i < paraList->actualLength; i++) {
        cout << paraList->data[i] << " ";
    }// Of for i
    cout << endl;
}// Of outputList
 * Output the memory for the list.
void outputMemory(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr) {
    cout << "The address of the structure: " << paraListPtr << endl;
    cout << "The address of actualLength: " << &paraListPtr->actualLength << endl;
    cout << "The address of data: " << &paraListPtr->data << endl;
    cout << "The address of actual data: " << &paraListPtr->data[0] << endl;
    cout << "The address of second data: " << &paraListPtr->data[1] << endl;
}// Of outputMemory
 * Locate an element in the list.
int locateElement(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraValue) {
    for (int i = 0; i < paraListPtr->actualLength; i++) {
        if (paraListPtr->data[i] == paraValue) {
            return i;
        }// Of if
    }//Of for i
    return -1;
}// Of locateElement
 * Get an element in the list.
int getElement(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraPosition) {
    // Step 1. Position check.
    if (paraPosition < 0) {
        cout << "Invalid position: " << paraPosition << endl;
        return -1;
    }//Of if
    if (paraPosition >= paraListPtr->actualLength) {
        cout << "Cannot get element: the position " << paraPosition << "is beyond the list length "
             << paraListPtr->actualLength << endl;
        return -1;
    }//Of if
    return paraListPtr->data[paraPosition];
}// Of locateElement
 * Clear elements in the list.
void clearList(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr) {
    paraListPtr->actualLength = 0;
    cout << "This list has been cleared" << endl;
}// Of clearList
 The Main function.
int main() {
    int i;
    int ArrayList[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    cout << "---- sequentialListTest begins. ---- " << endl;
    // Initialize.
    SequentialListPtr tempList = sequentialListInit(ArrayList, 5);
    cout << "After initialization, the list is: " << endl;
    // Insert to the first.
    cout << "Now insert to the first, the list is: " << endl;
    sequentialListInsert(tempList, 0, 0);
    // Insert to the last.
    cout << "Now insert to the last, the list is: " << endl;
    sequentialListInsert(tempList, 6, 6);
    // Insert beyond the tail.
    cout << "Now insert beyond the tail." << endl;
    sequentialListInsert(tempList, 8, 7);
    cout << "The list is: " << endl;
    // Insert to position 3.
    int position = tempList->actualLength;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        cout << "After inserting " << (i + 7) << " " << "The list is :" << endl;
        sequentialListInsert(tempList, position, (i + 7));
        position += 1;
        if (position <= LIST_MAX_LENGTH) {
    }//Of for i
    position = tempList->actualLength - 1;
    cout << endl;
    // Test the locateElement Function
    cout << "The number 1' position is: " << locateElement(tempList, 1) << endl;
    // Test the getElement Function
    cout << "The position 1' number is: " << getElement(tempList, 1) << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Test the outMemory Function
    cout << endl;
    // Delete the first.
    cout << "Now delete the first, the list is: " << endl;
    if (sequentialListDelete(tempList, 0) != -1) {
        position -= 1;
    // Delete to the last.
    cout << "Now delete the last, the list is: " << endl;
    if (sequentialListDelete(tempList, position) != -1) {
        position -= 1;
    // Delete the second.
    cout << "Now delete the second, the list is: " << endl;
    if (sequentialListDelete(tempList, 1) != -1) {
        position -= 1;
    // Delete the second.
    cout << "Now delete the 5th, the list is: " << endl;
    if (sequentialListDelete(tempList, 4) != -1) {
        position -= 1;
    // Delete the second.
    cout << "Now delete the (-6)th, the list is: " << endl;
    if (sequentialListDelete(tempList, -6) != -1) {
        position -= 1;
    for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
        cout << "After deleting " << "the first number" << " The list is :" << endl;
        sequentialListDelete(tempList, 0);
        if (position <= LIST_MAX_LENGTH) {
    }//Of for i
    // Test the clearList Function
    cout << "---- sequentialListTest ends. ---- " << endl;
    return 0;
}// Of main


---- sequentialListTest begins. ----
After initialization, the list is:
1 2 3 4 5
Now insert to the first, the list is:
0 1 2 3 4 5
Now insert to the last, the list is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Now insert beyond the tail.
Cannot insert element: the position 8 is bigger than the list length 7
The list is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
After inserting 7 The list is :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
After inserting 8 The list is :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
After inserting 9 The list is :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
After inserting 10 The list is :
Cannot insert element: because the list is full.
After inserting 11 The list is :
Cannot insert element: because the list is full.
The number 1' position is: 1
The position 1' number is: 1
The address of the structure: 0xe61650
The address of actualLength: 0xe61650
The address of data: 0xe61654
The address of actual data: 0xe61654
The address of second data: 0xe61658
Now delete the first, the list is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Now delete the last, the list is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Now delete the second, the list is:
1 3 4 5 6 7 8
Now delete the 5th, the list is:
1 3 4 5 7 8
Now delete the (-6)th, the list is:
Invalid position: -6
After deleting the first number The list is :
3 4 5 7 8
After deleting the first number The list is :
4 5 7 8
After deleting the first number The list is :
5 7 8
After deleting the first number The list is :
7 8
After deleting the first number The list is :
After deleting the first number The list is :
After deleting the first number The list is :
Cannot delete element: because the list is empty.
This list has been cleared
---- sequentialListTest ends. ----



单链表是线性表的链式存取结构,用一组地址任意的存储单元存放线性表中的数据元素。链表中的数据是以结点来表示的,每个结点的构成:元素(数据元素的映象) + 指针(指示后继元素存储位置),元素就是存储数据的存储单元指针就是连接每个结点的地址数据








  • initLinkList():初始化链表。
  • printList(NodePtr paraHeader):打印链表。
  • appendElement(NodePtr paraHeader, char paraChar):添加元素。
  • insertElement(NodePtr paraHeader, char paraChar, int paraPosition):指定位置添加。
  • deleteElement(NodePtr paraHeader, char paraChar):删除元素。
  • 新增outMemory(NodePtr paraHeader):打印地址。 


// Created by A on 2023/3/28.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
 * Linked list of characters. The key is data.
typedef struct LinkNode {
    char data;
    struct LinkNode *next;
} LNode, *LinkList, *NodePtr;
 * Initialize the list with a header.
 * @return The pointer to the header.
LinkList initLinkList() {
    NodePtr tempHeader = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(LNode));
    tempHeader->data = '\0';
    tempHeader->next = NULL;
    return tempHeader;
}// Of initLinkList
 * Print the list.
 * @param paraHeader The header of the list.
void printList(NodePtr paraHeader) {
    NodePtr p = paraHeader->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        cout << p->data;
        p = p->next;
    }// Of while
    cout << endl;
}// Of printList
 * Add an element to the tail.
 * @param paraHeader The header of the list.
 * @param paraChar The given char.
void appendElement(NodePtr paraHeader, char paraChar) {
    NodePtr p, q;
    // Step 1. Construct a new node.
    q = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(LNode));
    q->data = paraChar;
    q->next = NULL;
    // Step 2. Search to the tail.
    p = paraHeader;
    while (p->next != NULL) {
        p = p->next;
    }// Of while
    // Step 3. Now add/link.
    p->next = q;
}// Of appendElement
 * Insert an element to the given position.
 * @param paraHeader The header of the list.
 * @param paraChar The given char.
 * @param paraPosition The given position.
void insertElement(NodePtr paraHeader, char paraChar, int paraPosition) {
    NodePtr p, q;
    // Step 1. Search to the position.
    p = paraHeader;
    for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
        p = p->next;
        if (p == NULL) {
            cout << "The position " << paraPosition << " is beyond the scope of the list.";
        }// Of if
    } // Of for i
    // Step 2. Construct a new node.
    q = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(LNode));
    q->data = paraChar;
    // Step 3. Now link.
    cout << "linking " << paraChar << " in position " << paraPosition << endl;
    q->next = p->next;
    p->next = q;
}// Of insertElement
 * Delete an element from the list.
 * @param paraHeader The header of the list.
 * @param paraChar The given char.
void deleteElement(NodePtr paraHeader, char paraChar) {
    NodePtr p, q;
    p = paraHeader;
    while ((p->next != NULL) && (p->next->data != paraChar)) {
        p = p->next;
    }// Of while
    if (p->next == NULL) {
        cout << "Cannot delete " << paraChar << endl;
    }// Of if
    q = p->next;
    p->next = p->next->next;
}// Of deleteElement
 * Output the memory for the list.
void outMemory(NodePtr paraHeader) {
    NodePtr p = paraHeader->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        cout << "The value is " << p->data << ",the address is " << p << endl;
        p = p->next;
    }// Of while
    cout << endl;
}// Of basicAddressTest
 * The entrance.
int main() {
    cout << "---- LinkListTest begins. ---- " << endl;
    // Step 1. Initialize an empty list.
    LinkList tempList = initLinkList();
    // Step 2. Add some characters.
    appendElement(tempList, 'H');
    appendElement(tempList, 'e');
    appendElement(tempList, 'l');
    appendElement(tempList, 'l');
    appendElement(tempList, 'o');
    appendElement(tempList, '!');
    // Step 3. Delete some characters (the first occurrence).
    deleteElement(tempList, 'e');
    deleteElement(tempList, 'a');
    deleteElement(tempList, 'o');
    // Step 4. Insert to a given position.
    insertElement(tempList, 'o', 1);
    cout << "---- LinkListTest ends. ---- " << endl;
}// Of main


---- LinkListTest begins. ----
Cannot delete a
linking o in position 1
The value is H,the address is 0x7d1670
The value is o,the address is 0x7d16f0
The value is l,the address is 0x7d16b0
The value is l,the address is 0x7d16d0
The value is !,the address is 0x7d1710
---- LinkListTest ends. ----






  • initLinkedList() :初始化静态链表。
  • printList():打印静态链表数据。
  • insertElement():向静态链表指定位置插入数据。
  • deleteElement():删除静态链表中的数据。
  • 新增outputMemory():打印链表结点的数据和地址。


// Created by Caka on 2023/4/5.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int DEFAULT_SIZE = 6;
typedef struct StaticLinkedNode {
    char data;
    int next;
} *NodePtr;
typedef struct StaticLinkedList {
    NodePtr nodes;
    int *used;
} *ListPtr;
 * Initialize the list with a header.
 * @return The pointer to the header.
ListPtr initLinkedList() {
    // The pointer to the whole list space.
    ListPtr tempPtr = (ListPtr) malloc(sizeof(struct StaticLinkedList));
    // Allocate total space.
    tempPtr->nodes = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(struct StaticLinkedNode) * DEFAULT_SIZE);
    tempPtr->used = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * DEFAULT_SIZE);
    // The first node is the header.
    tempPtr->nodes[0].data = '\0';
    tempPtr->nodes[0].next = -1;
    // Only the first node is used.
    tempPtr->used[0] = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < DEFAULT_SIZE; i++) {
        tempPtr->used[i] = 0;
    }// Of for i
    return tempPtr;
}// Of initLinkedList
 * Print the list.
 * @param paraListPtr The pointer to the list.
void printList(ListPtr paraListPtr) {
    int p = 0;
    while (p != -1) {
        cout << paraListPtr->nodes[p].data;
        p = paraListPtr->nodes[p].next;
    }// Of while
    cout << endl;
}// Of printList
 * Print the address of the list.
 * @param paraListPtr The pointer to the list.
void outputMemory(ListPtr paraListPtr) {
    int p = 0;
    while (p != -1) {
        cout << "The position " << p << "'node'value is " << paraListPtr->nodes[p].data << ",the position " << p
             << "'node'address is " << &paraListPtr->nodes[p] << endl;
        p = paraListPtr->nodes[p].next;
    }// Of while
    cout << endl;
}// Of printList
 * Insert an element to the given position.
 * @param paraListPtr The position of the list.
 * @param paraChar The given char.
 * @param paraPosition The given position.
void insertElement(ListPtr paraListPtr, char paraChar, int paraPosition) {
    int p, q, i;
    // Step 1. Search to the position.
    p = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
        p = paraListPtr->nodes[p].next;
        if (p == -1) {
            cout << "The position " << paraPosition << "is beyond the scope of the list." << endl;
        }// Of if
    } // Of for i
    // Step 2. Construct a new node.
    for (i = 1; i < DEFAULT_SIZE; i++) {
        if (paraListPtr->used[i] == 0) {
            // This is identical to malloc.
            cout << "Space at " << i << " allocated..." << endl;
            paraListPtr->used[i] = 1;
            q = i;
        }// Of if
    }// Of for i
    if (i == DEFAULT_SIZE) {
        cout << "No space." << endl;
    }// Of if
    paraListPtr->nodes[q].data = paraChar;
    // Step 3. Now link.
    cout << "linking " << paraChar << "..." << endl;
    paraListPtr->nodes[q].next = paraListPtr->nodes[p].next;
    paraListPtr->nodes[p].next = q;
}// Of insertElement
 * Delete an element from the list.
 * @param paraHeader The header of the list.
 * @param paraChar The given char.
void deleteElement(ListPtr paraListPtr, char paraChar) {
    int p, q;
    p = 0;
    while ((paraListPtr->nodes[p].next != -1) && (paraListPtr->nodes[paraListPtr->nodes[p].next].data != paraChar)) {
        p = paraListPtr->nodes[p].next;
    }// Of while
    if (paraListPtr->nodes[p].next == -1) {
        cout << "Cannot delete " << paraChar << endl;
    }// Of if
    q = paraListPtr->nodes[p].next;
    paraListPtr->nodes[p].next = paraListPtr->nodes[paraListPtr->nodes[p].next].next;
    // This statement is identical to free(q)
    paraListPtr->used[q] = 0;
}// Of deleteElement
 * The entrance.
int main() {
    cout << "---- StaticLinkedListTest begins. ---- " << endl;
    // Step 1. Initialize an empty list.
    ListPtr tempList = initLinkedList();
    // Step 2. Add some characters.
    insertElement(tempList, 'H', 0);
    insertElement(tempList, 'e', 1);
    insertElement(tempList, 'l', 2);
    insertElement(tempList, 'l', 3);
    insertElement(tempList, 'o', 4);
    insertElement(tempList, '!', 5);
    // Step 3. Delete some characters (the first occurrence).
    cout << "Deleting 'e'." << endl;
    deleteElement(tempList, 'e');
    cout << "Deleting 'a'." << endl;
    deleteElement(tempList, 'a');
    cout << "Deleting 'o'." << endl;
    deleteElement(tempList, 'o');
    insertElement(tempList, 'x', 1);
    cout << "---- StaticLinkedListTest begins. ---- " << endl;
    return 0;
}// Of main


---- StaticLinkedListTest begins. ----
The position 0'node'value is  ,the position 0'node'address is 0x6a1670
Space at 1 allocated...
linking H...
Space at 2 allocated...
linking e...
Space at 3 allocated...
linking l...
Space at 4 allocated...
linking l...
Space at 5 allocated...
linking o...
No space.
The position 0'node'value is  ,the position 0'node'address is 0x6a1670
The position 1'node'value is H,the position 1'node'address is 0x6a1678
The position 2'node'value is e,the position 2'node'address is 0x6a1680
The position 3'node'value is l,the position 3'node'address is 0x6a1688
The position 4'node'value is l,the position 4'node'address is 0x6a1690
The position 5'node'value is o,the position 5'node'address is 0x6a1698
Deleting 'e'.
Deleting 'a'.
Cannot delete a
Deleting 'o'.
The position 0'node'value is  ,the position 0'node'address is 0x6a1670
The position 1'node'value is H,the position 1'node'address is 0x6a1678
The position 3'node'value is l,the position 3'node'address is 0x6a1688
The position 4'node'value is l,the position 4'node'address is 0x6a1690
Space at 2 allocated...
linking x...
The position 0'node'value is  ,the position 0'node'address is 0x6a1670
The position 1'node'value is H,the position 1'node'address is 0x6a1678
The position 2'node'value is x,the position 2'node'address is 0x6a1680
The position 3'node'value is l,the position 3'node'address is 0x6a1688
The position 4'node'value is l,the position 4'node'address is 0x6a1690
---- StaticLinkedListTest begins. ----





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