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原创 Visual Studio Code连接远程MS Azure服务器的方法

点击VS Code的正上方居中位置的"Search"方框,选择"Show and Run Commands",输入"ssh",选择"Rmote SSH: Add New SSH Host", 输入"ssh Your_Azure_Username@Your_Azure_IP_Address", 成功通过VS Code连接远程Azure虚拟机。登录MS Azure账号,https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/get-started/azure-portal。

2024-02-15 10:36:07 684

原创 Git 代码协同的使用方法 for Azure DevOps

登陆Azure DevOps网页,点击"Clone"按钮,获取Https URL,并点击 “Generate Git Credentials” 获取YourAzurePassword,如下,Ubuntu下,通过Git Clone Azure DevOps的项目,命令如下,登陆Azure Cloud的Ubuntu环境后,配置Git账户信息,如下,增加代码到GitTester者一个repository中,如下,检验查看当前用户的Git账户信息配置,如下,

2024-02-08 10:16:48 498

原创 Dockerfile运行容器不立即退出

运行容器结束,docker container立即退出。在dockerfile中,添加如下命令,

2023-11-14 10:27:13 390

原创 Ubuntu上传源代码到自己的远程Github账户 (即Git Push)

本文回答的问题是:Ubuntu环境下,如何通过Git命令将源代码上传到远程Github服务器?, 新版的Github需要用Token(口令) 替代 Password(密码))步骤一:当前目录下,克隆目标Github项目 (备注:可能需要成功设置。步骤二:修改Github XXX项目。步骤三:commit相关修改。步骤四:push相关修改。

2022-11-10 12:29:39 952 1

原创 [9th of series ABE] Programming Attribute Based Encryption

Previously, from the Advanced Crypto Software Collection tool, we ran several high-level ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) examples.This blog is going to introduce how to implement CP-ABE using a low-level Python library named Charm.Ana

2022-10-04 16:44:02 802

原创 [8th of series ABE] Charm

【代码】[8th of series ABE] Charm。

2022-10-04 16:41:27 588

原创 [7th of series ABE] CP-ABE Usage

This blog is going to make use of the CP-ABE toolkit.This part is going to create a test project.First, we create a new folder for the test project.**Second, **we run the “cpabe-setup” command to set up the public key and master keys.**Third, **we are go

2022-10-04 16:37:48 1109

原创 [6th of series ABE] Coding Attribute-Based Encryption

This blog is going to do code the attribute-based encryption.This part is going to install the Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Toolkit.First, we go to the official website, download the source code “cpabe-0.11.tar.gz” and unzip the source code

2022-10-04 16:30:34 181

原创 [5th of series ABE] Generator in Cyclic Group

给定有限域GF(x, q),有限域的阶为2^q有限域中的元素分别从0到(2^q)-1有限域中GF(x, q)的生成元可能有多个。

2022-10-03 12:01:19 607

原创 [4th of series ABE] Finite Field Operations

This blog is going to install pyfinite in order to support finite field operations. We will also have a comparison with Python finite field operation with Matlab.First, install pyfinite.2. Finite FieldA valid finite field satisfies the fol

2022-10-03 11:58:33 265

原创 [3th of series ABE] Shamir‘s Secret Sharing

This blog is going to discuss Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme.给定n个不同的节点,问经过所有点的最高阶的多项式函数的形式如何获得?平面上任意两个不同的点(x1, y1)和(x2, y2),能唯一地确定一个关于x的一次多项式, i.e., y=ax+b.平面上任意三个不同的点(x1, y2), (x2, y2), 和(x3, y3),能唯一地确定一个关于x的二次多项式,i.e., y=ax²+bx+c以此类推,平面上任意n个不同的点,能唯一地确定一个

2022-10-03 11:56:04 343

原创 [2nd of series ABE] Installation of “GoFE“ and Usage of ABE

This blog is going to install the Golang encryption library named “GoFE”.First, download and build the library by running the following command,**Second, **to make sure the library works as expected, we have a double-check,2. Usage of “GoFE”Our project

2022-10-03 11:50:21 384

原创 [1st of series ABE] Installation of “libopenabe-1.0.0“

This blog is going to install “libopenabe-1.0.0”.First, we download and unzip the installation package.Second, to compile OpenABE on Ubuntu Linux-based distro, first run deps/install_pkgs.sh script from the source directory to install the OpenABE system-s

2022-10-03 11:45:11 414

原创 [19th of series6] Step12: Handle Bitcoin Transaction Types

This blog is going to analyze Bitcoin transaction types, transaction fees, and transaction sizes.We going to use Python-Bitcoinlib to analyze transaction types.First, we handle all transactions of a given block and group them into different types according

2022-10-03 11:36:02 1005

原创 [18th of series6] Step11: Get the Daily Block Rewards (of a Given Day)

This blog is going to get the daily block rewards.This part is going to calculate the daily block rewards of a given day. In particular, we are going to calculate the daily block rewards on May 12, 2020, and May 13, 2020, as well.First, we implemented a Py

2022-10-03 11:31:07 482

原创 [17th of series6] Step10: Transaction Selection Policy of the Bitcoin Network

This blog is going to explore the transaction selection policy of the Bitcoin network.This part is going to calculate the transaction selection policy for top mining pools, i.e., AntPool, F2Pool, BTC.com, and ViaBTC.First, we implemented a Python data hand

2022-10-03 11:24:11 847

原创 [16th of series6] Step9: Transaction Delays of the Bitcoin Network

This blog is going to explore the transaction delays of the bitcoin network.This part is going to calculate transaction delays.First, because calculating the transaction delays for all blocks is costly. To make it more efficient, we only focus on the targe

2022-10-03 11:20:57 303

原创 [15th of series6] Step8: Throughput of the Bitcoin Network

This blog will calculate the throughput of the bitcoin network.This part is going to calculate the number of transactions per block. The input file is standard_timestamp_output.csv . The output files are standard_lentxs_antpool.csv , standard_lentxs_f2pool

2022-10-03 11:13:45 262

原创 [14th of series6] Step7: Timestamps when Data Server Received Blocks

Because the timestamp of blocks could be inconsistent since miners may have different system clock, to solve this problem, we introduced the timestamps when data servers first received new blocks.This part is going to implement a Python crawler to collect

2022-10-02 22:48:34 291

原创 [13th of series6] Step6: Blocksize and Empty Blocks of Top Mining Pools

This blog is going to get block size and empty blocks of the top mining pools: AntPool, F2Pool, BTC.com, and ViaBTC.This part is going to handle transaction types and Bitcoin SegWit protocol for top mining pools.First, we implement a Python tool to handle

2022-10-02 22:45:56 236

原创 [12th of series6] Step5: Mining Revenues of Top Mining Pools

This blog is going to get mining revenues of the top mining pools: AntPool, F2Pool, BTC.com, and ViaBTC.First, we get mining revenues of top mining pools from the all_ver9.csv . The mining revenues of top mining pools can be calculated via: mining revenue

2022-10-02 22:43:12 451

原创 [11th of series6] Step4: Bitcoin Market Info

This blog is going to get some Bitcoin market information of an overall Bitcoin network.We are going to explore the Bitcoin market price in the unit of USD.First, we get the Bitcoin price from https://www.coindesk.com/price/bitcoin.https://finance.yahoo.co

2022-10-02 22:35:20 426

原创 [10th of series6] Step3: Hash Rate of Top Bitcoin Mining Pools

This blog is going to depict the hash rate of top Bitcoin mining pools: AntPool, F2Pool, BTC.com, and ViaBTC.The hash rate of the Bitcoin network is approximately equivalent to the ratio of mining difficulty to block time. We get the hash rate data from th

2022-10-02 22:19:11 621

原创 [9th of series6] Step2: Dominating Computing Power of the Bitcoin Network

This blog is going to analyze the dominating computing power of the Bitcoin network over a period of time.This part is going to get the timestamp of each block. We implemented a python tool to interact with bitcoin.RPC. The input of the python tool is mini

2022-10-02 22:10:24 357

原创 [8th of series6] Step1: Label Each Block’s Mining Pool

This blog is going to label each block’s mining pool via Python crawler.We are going to implement a Python crawler to crawl each block’s mining pool. There are two inputs: start_blockid and end_blockid . In this case, start_blockid=615527 and end_blockid=6

2022-10-02 22:03:52 280

原创 Medium博客转成Markdown文件

Windows环境下,将Medium博客转成Markdown文件的一个方法如下,下载安装Nodejs安装插件’mediumexporter’进入CMD,执行Dos commands如下,使用插件’mediumexporter’,导出目标Markdown文件,

2022-10-02 21:44:10 154

原创 ubuntu新建用户


2022-10-02 21:31:13 3533 1

原创 2022-7-5 随机过程之条件期望及其性质 (三)

Problem: Suppose that we are to be presented with nnn distinct prizes in sequence. After being presented with a prize, we must immediately decide whether to accept it or reject it and consider the next prize. The only information we are given when deciding

2022-07-05 16:11:26 195

原创 2022-6-30 随机过程之条件期望及其性质 (二)

Problem: Suppose that the number of people who visit a yoga studio each day is a Poisson random variable with mean λ\lambdaλ. Suppose further that each person who visits is independently, female with probability ppp or male with probability 1−p1-p1−p. Find

2022-06-30 21:32:01 216

原创 2022-6-30 随机过程之条件期望及其性质 (一)

Let an conditional expectation beE[X∣Y]\mathbb{E}\left [ X|Y \right ]E[X∣Y]where the function of random variable YYY whose value at Y=yY=yY=y is E[X∣Y=y]\mathbb{E}\left [ X|Y=y \right ]E[X∣Y=y]. Note that E[X∣Y=y]\mathbb{E}\left [ X|Y=y \right ]E[X∣Y=y] is

2022-06-30 21:00:18 309

原创 2022-6-10 随机过程之矩生成函数 (五) 利用矩生成函数证明中心极限定理

假设X1X_1X1​, X2X_2X2​, X3X_3X3​, ⋯\cdots⋯, XnX_nXn​ 是独立同分布的随机变量。每个随机变量的期望值是μ\muμ, 方差是σ2\sigma^2σ2。当样本数nnn增大时,这nnn个样本服从正态分布如下,lim⁡n→∞X1+X2+X3+⋯+Xnn∼N(μ,σ2n)\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{X_1+X_2+X_3+\cdots+X_n}{n}\sim N(\mu, \frac{\sigma^2}{n})limn→∞​nX1​+X2​+X3​

2022-06-10 16:47:33 189 1

原创 2022-6-9 随机过程之矩生成函数 (四) 标准正态分布的矩生成函数及其高斯积分的计算


2022-06-09 14:51:29 785

原创 2022-6-8 随机过程之矩生成函数 (三)

If XXX and YYY are independent binomial random variables with parameters (n,p)(n, p)(n,p) and (m,p)(m, p)(m,p), respectively, then what is the distribution of X+YX+YX+Y.ϕX+Y(t)=ϕX(t)ϕY(t)\phi_{X+Y}(t)=\phi_X(t) \phi_Y(t)ϕX+Y​(t)=ϕX​(t)ϕY​(t)=(pet+1−p)n(pe

2022-06-08 10:45:19 158

原创 2022-6-7 随机过程之矩生成函数 (二)

给定随机变量XXX服从二项分布,X∼B(n,p)X\sim B\left ( n,p \right )X∼B(n,p),求二项分布的矩生成函数。二项分布的概率质量函数为,p(i)=(ni)pi(1−p)n−ip(i)=\binom{n}{i}p^i(1-p)^{n-i}p(i)=(in​)pi(1−p)n−i, i=0,1,2,⋯ ,ni=0, 1, 2, \cdots, ni=0,1,2,⋯,n.令矩生成函数ϕ(t)\phi(t)ϕ(t),有,ϕ(t)=E[etX]\phi(t)=\mathbb{E}[e

2022-06-07 21:27:57 453

原创 2022-6-6 随机过程之矩生成函数 (一)

The moment generating function (MGF) of the random variable X

2022-06-06 21:30:20 197

原创 2022-5-27 随机过程之二项,泊松随机变量及其关系

1. The Binomial Random Variable1.1. DefinitionSuppose that nnn independent trails, each of which results in a success with probability ppp and a fail with probability 1−p1-p1−p. If XXX represents the number of successes that occur in the nnn trails, then

2022-05-27 20:59:29 173

原创 2022-5-27 随机过程之条件概率和贝叶斯概率

1. Conditional Probability1.1. DefinitionP(E∣F)P(E|F)P(E∣F): If we let EEE and FFF denote, the event that the sum of the dice is six and the event that the first die is a four, respectively, then the probability just obtained is called the conditional pr

2022-05-27 16:22:48 142

原创 2022-3-9 随机过程之两种随机过程等价转换(离散型)

1. 到达过程 (Arrival Process)1.1. 第一种随机变量令S0=0S_0=0S0​=0,初始位置没有用户到达,S1S_1S1​为用户1的到达时刻,S2S_2S2​为用户2的到达时刻,依此类推,Bala bala1.2. 意义S1S_1S1​, S2S_2S2​, S3S_3S3​, …, SnS_nSn​每一个都是一个随机变量,这一串随机变量的集合称为一个随机过程。特别地,这里SnS_nSn​表示的是到达时刻,我们把这一个随机过程称为到达过程。分别表示第一个用户的到达时刻.

2022-03-09 10:49:19 207

原创 2022-3-5 随机过程之随机向量之间的Transformation Part 4(二维可逆映射下两个随机向量的概率密度例子)

1. 举例Random vectors UUU, VVV have the joint pdf:fUV(u,v)={u+v,0≤u,v≤10,elsef_{UV}(u,v)=\left\{\begin{matrix}u+v,0\leq u,v \leq 1\\ 0, else\end{matrix}\right.fUV​(u,v)={u+v,0≤u,v≤10,else​Let X=U2X=U^2X=U2 and Y=U(1+V)Y=U(1+V)Y=U(1+V).Try to find the

2022-03-05 10:54:42 230

原创 2022-3-4 随机过程之随机向量之间的Transformation Part 3(二维可逆映射下两个随机向量的概率密度分析)

Part 1 & 2已经告诉我们:二维条件下,映射前后的单位面积不同,并且其比值为雅各比行列式的倒数。Part 3将告诉我们:二维条件下,映射前后单位面积的不同将导致概率密度函数的不同,并且我们将利用映射前后概率相同的原理计算出概率密度函数的这个“不同”。1. Transformation and JacobianConsider the sample space is defined on R2\mathbb{R}^2R2. UUU and VVV are two random varia

2022-03-04 11:14:39 291




LibreOffice Draw 之网络图示模板 VRTnetworkequipment_1.2.0-lo

开源软件LibreOffice Draw的网络示意图示模板VRTnetworkequipment_1.2.0-lo,适用于Windows和Linux系统平台





Socket programming in C

Socket编程 之标准C实现代码











GeoIP Databases of Country and City

The GeoIP databases (i.e. both country and city) are tools which normally used to determine an Internet visitor's country or city based on their IP address. For more information, users can visit the official website https://dev.maxmind.com/.


Performance analysis of the Blockchain

This is a report about the performance issues of Blockchian, trying to discuss the problems deeply and propose corresponding methods to solve them. Hope it will be useful to all of you, Blockchain lovers. Contact me freely via my email if any questions. Good luck!


An introduction to Blockchain that is a supporting technology of Bitcoin.

This is an introduction to Blockchain, a supporting technology of Bitcoin.


Linux Kervel Version 1.0 (open source)

The attachment is Linux kernel of Version 1.0, an open source. For more information, you may refer to https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/












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