RPM guide




RPM Guide

Edition 0

Eric Foster-Johnson

Stuart Ellis

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This book is a guide for using the RPM Package Manager. It is a work in progress to update Eric Foster-Johnson's original work.

Introducing Package Management
1. Installing, Removing, and Upgrading Applications 2. Overcoming the Installation Obstacles
2.1. Application-level utilities 2.2. Built-in system utilities
3. Linux Software Management Tools: Packages 4. Summary
1. Introduction to RPM
1.1. The Need for Linux Package Management Systems 1.2. RPM Design Goals
1.2.1. Ease of use 1.2.2. Package-oriented focus 1.2.3. Package upgradability 1.2.4. Package interdependencies 1.2.5. Query capabilities 1.2.6. Package verification 1.2.7. Multiple architectures 1.2.8. Pristine sources
1.3. RPM Terminology 1.4. Summary
2. RPM Overview
2.1. Understanding the Package File
2.1.1. RPM file format 2.1.2. Binary RPMs and Source RPMs 2.1.3. Source RPMs
2.2. Querying the RPM Database 2.3. Running RPM Commands
2.3.1. Working with the rpm command 2.3.2. Other RPM commands
2.4. Summary
3. Using RPM
3.1. The rpm Command 3.2. Upgrading and Installing Software
3.2.1. Upgrading with the rpm command 3.2.2. Upgrading packages 3.2.3. Freshening up 3.2.4. Installing Packages 3.2.5. Installing Over the Internet 3.2.6. Installing source RPMs
3.3. Removing Software
3.3.1. Checking that the package has been removed 3.3.2. Removing multiple packages at a time 3.3.3. Options when removing packages
3.4. Other rpm Command Options 3.5. Summary
4. Using the RPM Database
4.1. Querying the RPM Database
4.1.1. Querying packages 4.1.2. Querying everything 4.1.3. Refining the query 4.1.4. Finding which packages own files
4.2. Getting Information on Packages
4.2.1. Describing packages 4.2.2. Package groups 4.2.3. Listing the files in a package 4.2.4. Listing the configuration files for a package 4.2.5. Listing the documentation files for a package 4.2.6. Listing the state of the files in a package 4.2.7. Listing the scripts in a package 4.2.8. Listing what has changed 4.2.9. Combining queries 4.2.10. Creating custom queries 4.2.11. Working With Query Format Tags 4.2.12. Querying for Package Information 4.2.13. Formatting Arrays 4.2.14. Special Formatting 4.2.15. Querying for Package Dependencies 4.2.16. Querying for File Information 4.2.17. Other Query Format Tags
4.3. Other queries 4.4. Getting Information on Package Files
4.4.1. Querying Package Files Remotely 4.4.2. Verifying Installed RPM Packages 4.4.3. Working With the RPM Database 4.4.4. Summary
5. Package Dependencies
5.1. Understanding the Dependency Concept
5.1.1. Capabilities 5.1.2. Version dependencies 5.1.3. Conflicts 5.1.4. Obsoletes
5.2. Checking for Dependencies
5.2.1. Determining the capabilities a package requires 5.2.2. Determining the capabilities a package provides 5.2.3. Checking for conflicts 5.2.4. Determining which packages require a certain capability 5.2.5. Determining which package provides a certain capability
5.3. Triggers 5.4. Summary
6. Transactions
6.1. Understanding Transactions
6.1.1. When do you need transactions? 6.1.2. Backing out of transactions
6.2. Transactions with the rpm Command
6.2.1. Transaction IDs 6.2.2. Rolling Back Transactions
6.3. Saving Old Packages 6.4. Summary
7. RPM Management Software
7.1. Locating RPMs
7.1.1. rpmfind and rpm2html 7.1.2. RPM Sites On the Internet
7.2. Graphical RPM Management
7.2.1. Nautilus 7.2.2. Red Hat Package Management 7.2.3. KPackage 7.2.4. Gnome-RPM
7.3. Extending RPM Management
7.3.1. AutoRPM 7.3.2. AutoUpdate 7.3.3. The Red Hat Network and up2date 7.3.4. Current 7.3.5. urpmi and RpmDrake 7.3.6. apt-rpm 7.3.7. The poldek
7.4. Summary
8. Creating RPMs: An Overview
8.1. Preparing to Build RPMs
8.1.1. Planning what you want to build 8.1.2. Gathering the software to package 8.1.3. Creating a reproducible build of the software 8.1.4. Planning for Upgrades 8.1.5. Outlining Any Dependencies
8.2. Building RPMs
8.2.1. Setting up the directory structure 8.2.2. Placing your sources into the directory structure 8.2.3. Creating the spec file 8.2.4. Building RPMs with the rpmbuild command
8.3. Verifying Your RPMS 8.4. Summary
9. Working with Spec Files
9.1. Reading Spec Files 9.2. Writing Spec Files
9.2.1. Comments 9.2.2. Storing spec files on disk
9.3. Defining Package Information
9.3.1. Describing the package 9.3.2. Setting build locations 9.3.3. Naming source files 9.3.4. Naming patches
9.4. Controlling the Build
9.4.1. Preparing for the build 9.4.2. Building the software 9.4.3. Installing the software 9.4.4. Cleaning up after the build 9.4.5. Defining installation scripts
9.5. Filling the List of Files
9.5.1. Using wildcards 9.5.2. Naming directories of files 9.5.3. Marking files as documentation or configuration files 9.5.4. Setting file attributes 9.5.5. Verifying the %files section 9.5.6. Filling the list of files automatically 9.5.7. Handling RPM build errors for unpackaged files
9.6. Adding Change Log Entries 9.7. Defining Spec File Macros
9.7.1. Built-in macros 9.7.2. Spec file-specific macros 9.7.3. Defining new macros 9.7.4. Specifying parameters to macros
9.8. Creating XML Spec Files 9.9. Summary
10. Advanced RPM Packaging
10.1. Defining Package Dependencies
10.1.1. Naming dependencies 10.1.2. Setting prerequisites 10.1.3. Naming build dependencies 10.1.4. Generating dependencies automatically
10.2. Setting Triggers 10.3. Writing Verification Scripts 10.4. Creating Subpackages
10.4.1. Providing information for subpackages 10.4.2. Defining scripts for subpackages 10.4.3. Building subpackages
10.5. Creating Relocatable Packages
10.5.1. Setting up the prefixes 10.5.2. Define the files section 10.5.3. Problems creating relocatable packages
10.6. Defining Conditional Builds
10.6.1. Defining conditional macros 10.6.2. Using conditional blocks 10.6.3. Using architecture-based conditionals
10.7. Summary
11. Controlling the Build with rpmbuild
11.1. Building RPMs with the rpmbuild Command
11.1.1. Customizing the build 11.1.2. Testing the build 11.1.3. Debugging the build 11.1.4. Cleaning up 11.1.5. Building for other platforms
11.2. Building RPMs Without an External Spec File
11.2.1. Options for working with tar archives 11.2.2. The expected archive structure
11.3. Working with Source RPMs
11.3.1. Rebuilding binary RPMS from source RPMs 11.3.2. Recompiling binaries from source RPMs 11.3.3. SRPMS? Finding source RPMs
11.4. Signing Built RPMs
11.4.1. Checking that the GPG software is installed 11.4.2. Configuring a signature 11.4.3. Signing with the rpmbuild command 11.4.4. Signing with the rpm command 11.4.5. Verifying signatures 11.4.6. Importing public keys 11.4.7. Getting the Red Hat public key
11.5. Summary
12. Supplemental Packaging Software
12.1. Packaging Aids
12.1.1. Using VIM spec plugins to improve spec file editing 12.1.2. Adding functions with emacs rpm-spec-mode 12.1.3. Validating and debugging spec files with rpmlint 12.1.4. Generating the %files section with RUST 12.1.5. setup.sh and MakeRPM.pl 12.1.6. Manipulating Package Files with rpm2cpio
12.2. Summary
13. Packaging Guidelines
13.1. Avoiding Common Problems
13.1.1. Scan the mailing lists 13.1.2. Use rpmbuild 13.1.3. Don’t try to defeat the system 13.1.4. Turn off automatic dependency generation 13.1.5. Don't list directories in %files 13.1.6. Handling circular dependencies
13.2. Following Good Practices
13.2.1. Preparation 13.2.2. Building
13.3. Summary
14. Automating RPM with Scripts
14.1. Scripting 14.2. Distinguishing Scripting Languages from Programming Languages 14.3. Deciding When to Program and When to Script 14.4. Shell Scripting Basics
14.4.1. Writing a script 14.4.2. Running a script 14.4.3. Problems running scripts 14.4.4. Turning a script into a command 14.4.5. Passing command-line options to your script
14.5. Examining RPM Files 14.6. Querying the RPM Database
14.6.1. Querying for all packages installed at the same time 14.6.2. Reading HTML documentation for a package
14.7. Where to Go From Here 14.8. Summary
15. Programming RPM with C
15.1. Programming with the C Library
15.1.1. Setting Up a C Programming Environment 15.1.2. Setting Up the RPM Programming Environment 15.1.3. Using the RPM Library 15.1.4. Compiling and Linking RPM Programs 15.1.5. Getting information on your RPM environment
15.2. The Power of popt
15.2.1. Popt aliases 15.2.2. Programming with popt 15.2.3. Handling Errors 15.2.4. Running a popt example 15.2.5. Handling rpm command-line options
15.3. Working with RPM Files
15.3.1. Opening RPM files 15.3.2. Reading the RPM lead and signature 15.3.3. Reading header information 15.3.4. A shortcut to header information 15.3.5. Closing RPM files
15.4. Programming with the RPM Database
15.4.1. Database iterators 15.4.2. Dependency Sets
15.5. Comparing an RPM File to an Installed Package 15.6. Where to Go from Here 15.7. Summary
16. Programming RPM with Python
16.1. Setting Up a Python Development Environment
16.1.1. Installing the base Python packages 16.1.2. Using Python for graphics
16.2. The Python API Hierarchy 16.3. Programming with the RPM Database
16.3.1. Accessing the RPM database 16.3.2. Querying the RPM database 16.3.3. Examining the package header 16.3.4. Querying for specific packages 16.3.5. Printing information on packages 16.3.6. Refining queries
16.4. Reading Package Files
16.4.1. Reading headers from package files 16.4.2. Setting the verification flags
16.5. Dependency Comparisons 16.6. Installing and Upgrading Packages
16.6.1. Building up the transaction set 16.6.2. Transaction elements 16.6.3. Checking and reordering the transaction elements 16.6.4. Running the transaction
16.7. Where to Go from Here 16.8. Summary
17. Programming RPM with Perl
17.1. Getting and Using the Perl RPM Modules 17.2. Working with RPM Files
17.2.1. Opening package files 17.2.2. Listing tags from the package 17.2.3. Convenience methods 17.2.4. Listing the name and version 17.2.5. Checking whether the package is a source package
17.3. Programming with the RPM Database
17.3.1. Opening the database 17.3.2. Finding packages 17.3.3. Iterating over packages 17.3.4. Additional query subroutines 17.3.5. Getting information on packages 17.3.6. Comparing versions 17.3.7. Closing the database
17.4. Where to Go from Here 17.5. Summary
18. Using RPM on Non-Red Hat Linuxes
18.1. Troubleshooting RPM Installation Issues
18.1.1. Dealing with RPM versions 18.1.2. Dealing with divisions of software into packages 18.1.3. Dealing with dependency issues 18.1.4. Dealing with install locations 18.1.5. When all else fails, rebuild from the source package
18.2. Handling Problems Building RPMs
18.2.1. Writing distribution-specific packages 18.2.2. Dealing with automatic dependency generation 18.2.3. Dealing with different macros 18.2.4. Making relocatable packages 18.2.5. Creating an RPM build environment
18.3. Dealing with Non-RPM-Based Linux Versions
18.3.1. Handling non-RPM packages with alien
18.4. Standardizing RPMs
18.4.1. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 18.4.2. RPM adoption
18.5. Summary
19. RPM on Other Operating Systems
19.1. Running RPM on Other Operating Systems
19.1.1. Getting RPM for your system 19.1.2. Running RPM on Windows
19.2. Bootstrapping RPM On Other Operating Systems
19.2.1. Downloading the RPM software 19.2.2. Extracting the software 19.2.3. Reading the INSTALL file 19.2.4. Libraries required by RPM 19.2.5. Tools for building RPM 19.2.6. Compiling RPM 19.2.7. Handling problems
19.3. Setting Up the RPM System
19.3.1. Setting up the RPM database 19.3.2. Creating the RPM environment
19.4. Creating Non-Linux RPMS
19.4.1. Setting up a build environment 19.4.2. Cross-building packages
19.5. Summary
20. Customizing RPM Behavior
20.1. Customizing with RPM Macros
20.1.1. Defining macros 20.1.2. Customizing Macros
20.2. Configuring RPM Settings
20.2.1. Viewing the current settings 20.2.2. Locating the rpmrc files 20.2.3. Changing settings
20.3. Adding Popt Aliases
20.3.1. Defining aliases 20.3.2. Customizing popt aliases
20.4. Summary
21. RPM Command Reference
21.1. The rpm Command
21.1.1. Upgrade, freshen, and install options 21.1.2. Erase options 21.1.3. Signature options 21.1.4. Verify options 21.1.5. Database options 21.1.6. Miscellaneous options
21.2. The rpmbuild Command
21.2.1. Building from a spec file 21.2.2. Building from a compressed tar archive 21.2.3. Rebuilding RPMs from source RPMs 21.2.4. Customizing the build
22. Spec File Syntax
22.1. Package Information Tags
22.1.1. Comments 22.1.2. Build settings 22.1.3. Dependency tags 22.1.4. Source files
22.2. Macros
22.2.1. Variable definition macros 22.2.2. Conditional macros 22.2.3. Built-in macros
22.3. Build Sections
22.3.1. Build preparation 22.3.2. Build 22.3.3. Installation 22.3.4. Clean up 22.3.5. Install and uninstall scripts
22.4. File Tags
22.4.1. Making relocatable packages
22.5. The Change Log
23. RPM Feature Evolution 24. RPM Package File Structure
24.1. The Package File
24.1.1. The file identifier 24.1.2. The signature 24.1.3. The header 24.1.4. The payload
25. RPM Resources
25.1. Finding RPM Sites
25.1.1. The main rpm.org site 25.1.2. RPM locator sites 25.1.3. RPM tools sites 25.1.4. Programming sites 25.1.5. Sites related to RPM
25.2. Accessing RPM Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
26. Linux Text Editors and Development Tools
26.1. General Text Editors 26.2. Programming Text Editors 26.3. Integrated Development Environments for C Programming 26.4. Integrated Development Environments for Python Programming
27. Licensing RPM
27.1. The GNU General Public License
A. Revision History Index






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