Basket Credit Default Swap(Correlation)

  1. A basket credit default swap is a credit derivative contract that pays off when any of the multiple reference entities default.

    The swap contract defines the number of defaults after which the payoff is generated.

    Classifications of basket CDS's include: first-to-default CDS, second-to-default CDS or more generally nth-to-default CDS.


Quant analytics: Default correlation in CDO or basket CDS

Default correlation on basket CDO or basket credit default swap.

An example:

A reference portfolio  of 10 bonds with the same probability 1% chance of default.

Correlation 0.0 1.0

iid (%) perfect

Senior P(All default) 0 1

CDO or Basket CDS 10th 1 1

9th 1 1

8 1 1

7 1 1

6 1 1

5 1 1

4 1 1

3 1 1

2nd 1 1

1st 1 1

P[no default] 90.4% 99%

Junior P[>1 default] 9.6% 1.0%

P is probability.

The 1st is the junior tranche and the 10th would the senior tranche. The 1st could be the 1st to default tranche and the 10th would be the 10th level level to default tranche. Under iid, it would the reference portfolio. You could have a low corelation scenario above (iid) which independent. The other scenario is going to other extreme where is the perfect default correlation or 1.0. As correlation increases (moving from one scenario to the other perfect correlation), the junior tranches will less expensive or a lower spread. The senior tranche will be more expensive or have a higer spread. The middle tranches will be ambigious where there will be no definitive result.

P[no default] is the probability of no defaults. This is (1-1stTracnhe)^10=(1-.01)^10=.99^10. This represents the total will not default.

Junior P[>1 default] is probability of one or more defaults among the 10 bonds. Or the prbabikity of triggering the first or junior tranche. Under iid or independence, it is 9.96%.

The perfect is easier is easier as they all default or survive. That is 99% or 1% will default.

So as correlation increases, the probability of first to default goes down. The junior tranches are less expensive and have a lower spread.

As you look at the senior tranche, the probability of triggering default on the 10th tranche.

Senior P[all default] = 10th tranche ^ 10 = 1%^10=0% or all tranches to default

This is also calculated where 1%*1%*1%*1%*1%*1%*1%*1%*1%*1%=1%^10

The chances for perfect is 1%. As correlation increases from 0 to 1%, the senior tranche becomes more expensive. it has a higher spread because the probability of default increases.

Refer to 6:10 of the video for a simple diagram of this relationship.





    Definition of 'Correlation'

    In the world of finance, a statistical measure of how two securities move in relation to each other. Correlations are used in advanced portfolio management.

    Investopedia explains 'Correlation'

    Correlation is computed into what is known as the correlation coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1. Perfect positive correlation (a correlation co-efficient of +1) implies that as one security moves, either up or down, the other security will move in lockstep, in the same direction. Alternatively, perfect negative correlation means that if one security moves in either direction the security that is perfectly negatively correlated will move in the opposite direction. If the correlation is 0, the movements of the securities are said to have no correlation; they are completely random.

    In real life, perfectly correlated securities are rare, rather you will find securities with some degree of correlation.






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