
Definition of 'Full Recourse Debt'
A guarantee that no matter what happens, the borrower will repay the debt. Typically with a full recourse loan no occurrence, such as loss of job or sickness, can get the borrower out of the debt obligation. In this situation, if there is no collateral for the loan, the lender can go after the borrowers personal assets to collect if the loan is defaulted.  Investopedia explains 'Full Recourse Debt'
In contrast, a limited recourse loan would only allow the lender to take assets that are listed as collateral in the signed loan agreement. Also, a non-recourse loan would have no collateral and the lender would only be able to take the asset that is being financed, such as a home in a non-recourse mortgage. 

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/full-recourse.asp#ixzz2IC13NHuw


 Definition of 'Non-Recourse Debt'
A type of loan that is secured by collateral, which is usually property. If the borrower defaults, the issuer can seize the collateral, but cannot seek out the borrower for any further compensation, even if the collateral does not cover the full value of the defaulted amount. This is one instance where the borrower does not have personal liability for the loan.  Investopedia explains 'Non-Recourse Debt'
These types of projects are characterized by high capital expenditures, long loan periods and uncertain revenue streams. Analyzing them requires a sound knowledge of the underlying technical domain as well as financial modeling skills.

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nonrecoursedebt.asp#ixzz2IC15rqwY


Definition of 'Limited Recourse Debt'
A debt in which the creditor has limited claims on the loan in the event of default. Limited recourse debt sits in between secured bonds and unsecured bonds in terms of the backing behind the loan. Often a limited recourse debt contract is structured so that the debt transitions to unsecured, or "non-recourse", debt pending the completion of a specific event. That event may be the completion of a project or the establishment of a specific revenue stream for which the debt was issued.  Investopedia explains 'Limited Recourse Debt'
For example, terms for limited recourse debt for a large project such as a power plant could mean that a creditor is guaranteed to receive 25% of the principal in the event of a default up until completion of the power plant.

Limited recourse debt will typically pay a lower rate than standard issue unsecured bonds because of its relative safety. Claims on limited recourse debt sit above both stockholders and unsecured bondholders in terms of payout hierarchy. 

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/limitedrecoursedebt.asp#ixzz2IC1VuJrj


在票据流通过程中,持有到期票据者,在向应付款者索要票款、兑现票据时,如果付款人拒绝付款,即可向付款人所在地的法院(或其他法定出证人)申请出具付款人拒绝付款的证书,然后凭证书向票据 背书人索要票款,金额为票据金额加利息加作 拒绝证书费用。被追索人付清款项后可以向他的 前手再追索,直至追索到出票人。票据背书人如要避免承担这种责任,可在背书时注明不受追索。
追索权,是指持票人在 汇票到期未获付款,到期前未获承兑或其他法定原因发生时,在采取保全权利行为之后,能够请求前手或其他票据债务人偿还票据金额以及相关损失的 票据权利,是法律上为补充付款请求权而设定的第二次请求权。






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