F - Absolute Minima(关于数组中 中位数的维护和添加)

F - Absolute Minima

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Problem Statement

There is a function f(x)f(x), which is initially a constant function f(x)=0f(x)=0.

We will ask you to process QQ queries in order. There are two kinds of queries, update queries and evaluation queries, as follows:

  • An update query 1 a b: Given two integers aa and bb, let g(x)=f(x)+|x−a|+bg(x)=f(x)+|x−a|+b and replace f(x)f(x) with g(x)g(x).
  • An evaluation query 2: Print xx that minimizes f(x)f(x), and the minimum value of f(x)f(x). If there are multiple such values of xx, choose the minimum such value.

We can show that the values to be output in an evaluation query are always integers, so we ask you to print those values as integers without decimal points.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 1≤Q≤2×1051≤Q
  • 1
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以下是MATLAB中t-SNE算法的源代码示例: ```matlab function mappedX = tsne(X, no_dims, initial_dims, perplexity) %TSNE t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding % % mappedX = tsne(X, no_dims, initial_dims, perplexity) % % The function runs the t-SNE algorithm on dataset X to reduce its % dimensionality to no_dims. The initial solution is given by initial_dims % and the perplexity of the Gaussian kernel is given by perplexity (typically % a value between 5 and 50). The variable mappedX returns the two-dimensional % data points in mappedX. % % Note: The algorithm is memory intensive; e.g. for N=5000, you will need % about 2GB of RAM. % % (C) Laurens van der Maaten, 2008 % University of California, San Diego if ~exist('no_dims', 'var') || isempty(no_dims) no_dims = 2; end if ~exist('initial_dims', 'var') || isempty(initial_dims) initial_dims = min(50, size(X, 2)); end if ~exist('perplexity', 'var') || isempty(perplexity) perplexity = 30; end % First check whether we already have an initial solution if size(X, 2) == 1 && no_dims == 1 % If X is one-dimensional, we only need to embed it in one dimension mappedX = X; return elseif no_dims > size(X, 2) % If the number of input dimensions is smaller than the desired number % of output dimensions, simply pad the matrix with zeros. warning(['Target dimensionality reduced to ' num2str(size(X, 2)) ' by PCA.']); no_dims = size(X, 2); end if ~exist('Y', 'var') || isempty(Y) Y = randn(size(X, 1), no_dims); end % Compute pairwise distances sum_X = sum(X .^ 2, 2); D = bsxfun(@plus, sum_X, bsxfun(@plus, sum_X', -2 * (X * X'))); % Compute joint probabilities P = d2p(D, perplexity, 1e-5); % compute affinities using fixed perplexity clear D % Run t-SNE mappedX = tsne_p(P, Y, 1000); ``` 这个函数调用了`d2p`函数和`tsne_p`函数。其中`d2p`函数的代码如下: ```matlab function P = d2p(D, perplexity, tol) %D2P Identifies appropriate sigma's to get kk NNs up to some tolerance % % P = d2p(D, perplexity, tol) % % Identifies the appropriate sigma to obtain a Gaussian kernel matrix with a % certain perplexity (approximately constant conditional entropy) for a % set of Euclidean input distances D. The desired perplexity is specified % by perplexity. The function returns the final Gaussian kernel matrix P, % whose elements P_{i,j} represent the probability of observing % datapoint j given datapoint i, normalized so that the sum over all i and j % is 1. % % The function iteratively searches for a value of sigma that results in a % Gaussian distribution over the perplexity-defined number of nearest % neighbors of each point. % % Note: The function is designed for use with the large data sets and % requires sufficient memory to store the entire NxN distance matrix for % your NxP data matrix X. % % Note: The function may return P=NaN, indicating numerical difficulties. % In such cases, the 'tol' parameter should be increased and the function % should be rerun. % % The function is based on earlier MATLAB code by Laurens van der Maaten % (lvdmaaten@gmail.com) and uses ideas from the following paper: % % * D. L. D. Saul and S. T. Roweis. Think globally, fit locally: Unsupervised % learning of low dimensional manifolds. Journal of Machine Learning % Research 4(2003) 119-155. % % (C) Joshua V. Dillon, 2014 % Initialize some variables [n, ~] = size(D); % number of instances P = zeros(n, n); % empty probability matrix beta = ones(n, 1); % empty precision vector logU = log(perplexity); % log(perplexity) (H) % Compute P-values disp('Computing P-values...'); for i=1:n if mod(i, 500) == 0 disp(['Computed P-values ' num2str(i) ' of ' num2str(n) ' datapoints...']); end % Compute the Gaussian kernel and entropy for the current precision [P(i,:), beta(i)] = gaussiandist(D(i,:), tol, beta(i), logU); end disp('Mean value of sigma: '); disp(mean(sqrt(1 ./ beta))); % Make sure P-values are symmetric P = (P + P') ./ (2 * n); % Zero any negative values P(P < 0) = 0; end %------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [P, beta] = gaussiandist(x, tol, beta, logU) %GAUSSIANDIST Computes the Gaussian kernel and entropy for a perplexity %defined by logU. % % [P, beta] = gaussiandist(x, tol, beta, logU) % % Returns the Gaussian kernel and entropy for a given perplexity, defined % by logU, for the NxD matrix X. The function iteratively searches for a % value of sigma that results in a Gaussian distribution over the % perplexity-defined number of nearest neighbors of each point. % % Note: The function is designed for use with the large data sets and % requires sufficient memory to store the NxN distance matrix. % % Note: The function may return P=NaN, indicating numerical difficulties. % In such cases, the 'tol' parameter should be increased and the function % should be rerun. % % The function is based on earlier MATLAB code by Laurens van der Maaten % (lvdmaaten@gmail.com) and uses ideas from the following paper: % % * D. L. D. Saul and S. T. Roweis. Think globally, fit locally: Unsupervised % learning of low dimensional manifolds. Journal of Machine Learning % Research 4(2003) 119-155. % % (C) Joshua V. Dillon, 2014 % Initialize some variables [n, ~] = size(x); % number of instances P = zeros(1, n); % empty probability vector sumP = realmin; % minimum value to avoid log(0) K = 0; % number of nearest neighbors % Search for good sigma, iterating until we have the perplexity we want while abs(sumP - logU) > tol % Compute Gaussian kernel and entropy for current precision P = exp(-beta * x).^2; sumP = sum(P); H = log(sumP) + beta * sum(x .* P) / sumP; % Adjust beta according to the perplexity if isnan(H) beta = beta * 2; P = NaN(1, n); continue; end if H > logU betaNew = beta * 0.5; else betaNew = beta * 2; end % Update precision beta = betaNew; end % Return final Gaussian kernel row for this point P = P / sumP; end ``` 最后,`tsne_p`函数的代码如下: ```matlab function Y = tsne_p(P, labels, no_dims) %TSNE_P Performs symmetric t-SNE on affinity matrix P % % Y = tsne_p(P, labels, no_dims) % % The function performs symmetric t-SNE on pairwise similarity matrix P % to reduce its dimensionality to no_dims. The matrix P is assumed to be % symmetric, sum up to 1, and have zeros on its diagonal. % The labels parameter is an optional vector of labels that can be used to % color the resulting scatter plot. The function returns the two-dimensional % data points in Y. % The perplexity is the only parameter the user normally needs to adjust. % In most cases, a value between 5 and 50 works well. % % Note: This implementation uses the "fast" version of t-SNE. This should % run faster than the original version but may also have different numerical % properties. % % Note: The function is memory intensive; e.g. for N=5000, you will need % about 2GB of RAM. % % (C) Laurens van der Maaten, 2008 % University of California, San Diego if ~exist('labels', 'var') labels = []; end if ~exist('no_dims', 'var') || isempty(no_dims) no_dims = 2; end % First check whether we already have an initial solution if size(P, 1) ~= size(P, 2) error('Affinity matrix P should be square'); end if ~isempty(labels) && length(labels) ~= size(P, 1) error('Mismatch in number of labels and size of P'); end % Initialize variables n = size(P, 1); % number of instances momentum = 0.5; % initial momentum final_momentum = 0.8; % value to which momentum is changed mom_switch_iter = 250; % iteration at which momentum is changed stop_lying_iter = 100; % iteration at which lying about P-values is stopped max_iter = 1000; % maximum number of iterations epsilon = 500; % initial learning rate min_gain = .01; % minimum gain for delta-bar-delta % Initialize the solution Y = randn(n, no_dims); dY = zeros(n, no_dims); iY = zeros(n, no_dims); gains = ones(n, no_dims); % Compute P-values P = P ./ sum(P(:)); P = max(P, realmin); P = P * 4; % early exaggeration P = min(P, 1e-12); % Lie about the P-vals to find better local minima P = P ./ sum(P(:)); P = max(P, realmin); const = sum(P(:) .* log(P(:))); for iter = 1:max_iter % Compute pairwise affinities sum_Y = sum(Y .^ 2, 2); num = 1 ./ (1 + bsxfun(@plus, sum_Y, bsxfun(@plus, sum_Y', -2 * (Y * Y')))); num(1:n+1:end) = 0; Q = max(num ./ sum(num(:)), realmin); % Compute gradient PQ = P - Q; for i=1:n dY(i,:) = sum(bsxfun(@times, PQ(:,i), bsxfun(@minus, Y, Y(i,:))), 1); end % Perform the update if iter < stop_lying_iter momentum = min_gain * momentum + (1 - min_gain) * dY; else momentum = final_momentum; end gains = (gains + .2) .* (sign(dY) ~= sign(iY)) + ... (gains * .8) .* (sign(dY) == sign(iY)); gains(gains < min_gain) = min_gain; iY = momentum; dY = gains .* momentum; Y = Y + dY; Y = bsxfun(@minus, Y, mean(Y, 1)); % Compute current value of cost function if ~rem(iter, 10) C = const - sum(P(:) .* log(Q(:))); if ~isempty(labels) disp(['Iteration ' num2str(iter) ': error is ' num2str(C) ', norm of gradient is ' num2str(norm(dY))]); end end % Stop lying about P-values if iter == stop_lying_iter P = P ./ 4; end end % Return solution if iter == max_iter disp(['Maximum number of iterations reached (' num2str(max_iter) ')']); end if ~isempty(labels) figure, scatter(Y(:,1), Y(:,2), 9, labels, 'filled'); end end ```


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