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原创 python 写入.xlsx 数据


2023-09-12 05:07:12 151

原创 【杂谈】聊聊热设计岗位

干了半年热设计工程师,辞职了,还是放不下读博的梦想,最近准备出发去读phd了。趁这个机会聊聊对于热设计这个行业一点粗浅的认识。需要懂什么属于一个上下限都不高的行业。简单的热设计,本科流体力学传热学知识就完全够用,甚至软件都可以到公司从0开始上手,ansys, comsol上手难度都不大,一个月足够把cfd商软的基本功能玩转。流体力学属于玄学,如果真想把流体仿真这块玩转,需要的知识有: 数值方法 有限元 高等线性代数 cfd BVP,自己推过湍流模型,最好还耍过openform。......

2022-08-19 22:03:32 1089 1

原创 Control COMSOL simulation with MATLAB code using LiveLink

代码】Controlling COMSOL using MATLAB code using LiveLink。

2022-08-19 04:57:34 241 1

原创 How to code Gaussian Elimination within 3 lines 三行写完高斯消元法


2022-07-25 23:37:13 116

原创 Purdue, Mathematics Area Examination 学习笔记(3 )

Fourier Transform (analogous to fourier series)Definition:f^(ξ)=F(f)(ξ)=∫−∞∞f(x)e−iξxdx\hat f(\xi)=F(f)(\xi) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x) e^{-i \xi x} dxf^​(ξ)=F(f)(ξ)=∫−∞∞​f(x)e−iξxdxInverse Fourier Transform:f(x)=F−1(f^)(x)=12π∫−∞∞f^(ξ)eiξxdξf(x) =

2021-12-29 20:12:10 521

原创 Purdue, Mathematics Area Examination 学习笔记(2)

Euler equationt2x¨(t)+atx˙(t)+bx(t)=0t^2 \ddot x(t) + a t \dot x(t)+bx(t) = 0t2x¨(t)+atx˙(t)+bx(t)=0let x(t)=tλx(t) = t^\lambdax(t)=tλλ(λ−1)+aλ+b=0\lambda(\lambda-1) + a \lambda + b = 0λ(λ−1)+aλ+b=0λ=λ1,λ2\lambda = \lambda_1,\lambda_2λ=λ1​,λ2​if λ1

2021-12-28 09:29:22 475

原创 Purdue, Mathematics Area Examination 学习笔记(1)

工作辞了,最近在准备博资考,顺便分享一下有关的学习笔记,Purdue的apply math考试涉及范围极广,包括了从本科到研究生至少7到8门课程。虽然大部分在以后的研究中是并不会涉及的,但是我认为具备完整的应用数学知识体系依然是必要的。以后开坑聊聊对热设计这个行业的看法。MA520Fourier series & Fourier transforminner product, orthogonalityconnection to eigenvalue & eigenvectors

2021-12-24 22:05:31 296

原创 python的几种非线性回归

前一阵子有人和我吐槽过matlab内置的几个线性数据拟合工具满足不了需求,今天正好看到了一个关于使用scipy进行非线性回归的工具使用方法,写下来备忘。TheoryGiven pairs:{(ti,yi),i=1,...,n}\{(t_i,y_i), i=1,...,n\}{(ti​,yi​),i=1,...,n} estimate parameters x defining a nonlinear function ϕ(t;x)\phi(t;x)ϕ(t;x) estimate parameters x

2021-11-15 17:23:51 4017

原创 Calculate Rank and Nullspace of a Matrix

Calculate Rank and Nullspace of a MatrixTheoryConsider a matrix A with rank k, conduct SVD to the matrix:A=USVT A = USV^T A=USVTColumn space: the first kkk left singular vectors, the column of U:{u1,u2,..,uk}\{u_1,u_2,..,u_k\}{u1​,u2​,..,uk​} provide a

2021-11-10 17:56:44 4517

原创 Numerical solution of the Blasius Boundary Layer solution for flat plat

Numerically obtain the Blasius Boundary Layer solution for laminar flow over a flat, isothermal plate of length unity.AssumptionsAssuming Uinf=1m/sU_{inf} = 1m/sUinf​=1m/s, plate length h=10mh = 10mh=10m, water flow over an Isothermal Plate. μ=1\mu= 1μ=1

2021-05-11 16:20:35 208 2

原创 深度神经网络(DNN)入门教程

IntroThis is a Gentle introduction to neural networks and deep learning. In this article I will use jupyter notebook with python and Keras.Click here to have a idea on How to Install and Import Keras in Anaconda/Jupyter Notebooks.There also exists Pyth

2021-04-28 15:04:21 710 1

原创 Analytical solution of a Laplace equation with fixed temperature Boundary Condition

clear allx = linspace(0,2,200);y = linspace(0,1,100);u = zeros(length(x),length(y));for i=1:length(x) for j = 1:length(y) for n =1:30 u(i,j) = u(i,j)+ (200/(n*pi)*(1-cos(n*pi))*exp(n*pi*y(j)/2)/(exp(pi*n/2)-exp(-pi*n/2))+......

2021-03-23 16:27:56 149

原创 Matlab二维坐标下极坐标向直角坐标的转换


2021-03-12 20:16:39 5562

原创 实验RK-4算法解算SIRD 模型预测COVID-19增长速率

Note: 这是一个理想化的简化模型,实际状况要复杂得多的多的多,仅用于交流学习。向每一位医务工作者致敬。The outbreak and spread of diseases has been studied for a number of years, but it became particularly popular in April 2020, due to the spread of COVID-19. The Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) mo

2020-09-22 17:22:03 886

原创 Derivation of matrix‘s eigenvalue and inverse matrix

Given matrixA(t)A(t)A(t) change with time (t), find A−1(t)A^{-1}(t)A−1(t)B−1−A−1=B−1(A−B)A−1B^{-1} - A^{-1} = B{-1}(A-B)A^{-1}B−1−A−1=B−1(A−B)A−1replace B with A+ΔAA+\Delta AA+ΔAΔA−1/Δt=(A+ΔA)−1−ΔA/ΔtA−1)\Delta A^{-1}/\Delta t = (A+\Delta A)^{-1} -\D.

2020-08-14 15:17:59 205 1

原创 Methods of Matrix decomposition

Five methods of Matrix decomposition1. LU decomposition[a11a12a13a21a22a23a31a32a33]=[l1100l21l220l31l32l33][u11u12u130u22u2300u33]\begin{bmatrix}a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}\\a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}\\a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}\\\e

2020-08-13 09:27:25 140

原创 Comparation of liquid film drains down insideand outside the straw

问题描述A liquid film drains down the outside of a rod of radius a at flow rate Q as shown in the sketch. At some distance down the rod, the gravitational forces balance the shear forces and the flow becomes fully developed, i.e. the thickness of the film no

2020-06-22 09:55:14 196

原创 Dirichlet kernel and Fejer Kernel and their convergency

Considering square functionConsidered the convergence of Fourier series (or more precisely, the N-th sum SNf) of f (under some differentiability assumptions on f, essentially we need the existence of f0). This problem shows how to improve this convergence

2020-06-09 05:49:04 490

原创 Analytical and Numerical solution of a Boundary Value Problem

Introduction to the problemt2x′′(t)+3tx′(t)+x(t)=t(t>1)t^2x{''}(t)+3tx{'}(t)+x(t) = t \qquad (t>1)t2x′′(t)+3tx′(t)+x(t)=t(t>1)Initial condition: x(1)=0,x′(1)=1x(1) = 0,x{'}(1) = 1x(1)=0,x′(1)=1Analytical conditionNumerical solutionThis pro

2020-05-31 09:33:37 344 1

原创 Poisson Equation on a Square Domain, Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

Introduction to the problemConsider the boundary-value problem∂2u∂x2+∂2u∂y2=x+y\frac{{\partial}^{2}u}{{\partial}x^{2}}+\frac{{\partial}^{2}u}{{\partial}y^{2}}=x+y ∂x2∂2u​+∂y2∂2u​=x+yBoundary condition:u(0,y)=0u(1,y)=1u(x,0)=0u(x,1)=1 u(0,y)=0\\u(1,y)=1

2020-05-30 07:36:28 235

原创 Heat kernel and its properties

Heat kernel什么是heat kernel呢?结果令人震惊! Hi,大家好,这里是给阿姨倒一杯卡布奇诺。今天,我们来说一下在1-D 2nd order Convection-Diffusion equation中analytical solution里面用到的heat kernel。heat kernel是怎么回事呢?heat kernel相信大家都很熟悉, 但是heat kernel究竟是怎么来的呢?可能有人不理解, 为什么会用到heat kernel呢?所以,下面就让小编带大家一起了解吧。回

2020-05-23 08:54:58 2572

原创 Analytical and Numerical solution of 2D Heat equation

Introduction to the problemut=cΔu u_t =c \Delta uut​=cΔu∂u∂t=c(∂2u∂x2+∂2u∂y2)\frac {\partial u}{\partial t} = c (\frac {\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} +\frac {\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2})∂t∂u​=c(∂x2∂2u​+∂y2∂2u​)∂u∂t=c(∂2u∂x2+∂2u∂y2)\frac {\partial u}{\part

2020-05-21 09:38:33 353

原创 1-D 2nd order Convection-Diffusion equation

Introduction to the problem1-D 2nd order Convection-Diffusion equation∂u∂t+u∂u∂x=υ∂2u∂x2 \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = \upsilon \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} ∂t∂u​+u∂x∂u​=υ∂x2∂2u​Three parts namely: transient t

2020-05-20 08:22:39 796

原创 Comparation of numerical and analytical solution of 1-D Heat Equation

Introduction1-d Linear heat Equation:∂u∂t+c∂2u∂x2=0 \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + c \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} = 0 ∂t∂u​+c∂x2∂2u​=0Initial Condition:f(x)={00<x<0.510.5<x<101<x<2f(x)=\begin{cases}0& \text{0<x<0.5}

2020-05-19 09:56:07 351



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